Presentation topics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Presentation topics


Presentation topics Overview of Office of Proposal Development Generic competitive proposal writing strategies Identifying external funding Analyzing the funding agency – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Presentation topics

Presentation topics
  • Overview of Office of Proposal Development
  • Generic competitive proposal writing strategies
  • Identifying external funding
  • Analyzing the funding agency
  • Reading the proposal solicitation
  • Understanding the review process
  • Craft of Proposal Writing

Office of proposal development
  • A unit of the Office of Vice President for
    Research at Texas AM University, partnered with
  • Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and
    Federal Relations,
  • Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and
    Student Affairs, and the
  • Health Science Center

Office of proposal development
  • Supports faculty in the development and writing
    of large and small research grants to federal
    agencies and foundations.
  • Focuses on support of center-level initiatives,
    multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research
    teams, research affinity groups, new and junior
    faculty research, diversity in the research
    enterprise, and long-term proposal planning.
  • Helps develop partnership initiatives at Texas
    AM, across the AM System universities, and HSC.
  • Supports proposal development activities and
    training programs to help new faculty write more
    competitive proposals.

Office of proposal development
  • Jean Ann Bowman, Research Scientist
  • B.S., Journalism B.S. and Ph.D., Hydrology and
    Physical Geography
  • Focuses on proposals dealing with earth,
    ecological, and environmental sciences, as well
    as those dealing with agriculture.
  • Libby Childress, Administrative Assistant
  • Handles scheduling, resources, and project
  • Mike Cronan, Director
  • B.S., Civil Engineering (Structures) B.A.,
    Political Science M.A., English
  • Registered Professional Engineer, Texas (063512)
  • Helps develop partnerships. Leads center- and
    program-level proposals. Establishes new
    initiatives and sets the direction of the office.
  • Lucy Deckard, Associate Director
  • B.S. and M.S., Materials Science and Engineering
  • Leads the new faculty initiatives. Focuses on
    proposals dealing with the physical sciences,
    interdisciplinary materials group, and equipment
    and instrumentation. Also leads training
    seminars on graduate and postdoctoral
    fellowships, undergraduate research, and CAREER

Office of proposal development
  • Susan Maier, Research Development Officer
  • B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Psychology
  • Focuses on the Health Science Centers NIH
    biomedical science initiatives, as well as on the
    HSCs University partnership initiatives. Leads
    training seminars on NIH.
  • Phyllis McBride, Assistant Director
  • B.A., Journalism and English M.A. and Ph.D.,
  • Leads the one-day Craft of Grant Writing Seminars
    and the fifteen-week Craft of Grant Writing
    Workshops. Focuses on DHS and NIH initiatives,
    and provides editing and rewriting.
  • Robyn Pearson, Research Development Officer
  • B.A. and M.A., Anthropology
  • Focuses on proposals dealing with the humanities,
    liberal arts, and social and behavioral sciences,
    and education. Provides support for the
    development of interdisciplinary research groups
    and provides editing and rewriting.

Identifying external funding
  • Self-directed searches of funding agency web
    sites combined with the use of Google, Yahoo or
    other search tools are highly effective and
    efficient ways of identifying research and
    educational funding opportunities for the
    university researcher.
  • Individual researchers have the most substantive
    and nuanced understanding of their research
    interests, directions, and capacities, and
    therefore it is most productive if the searches
    for research opportunities are primarily filtered
    through their own perspectives.

Funding opportunities search criteria
  • Define disciplinary domain of interest (e.g.,
    science, social sciences, humanities, education,
    health and biomedical sciences, engineering)
  • Characterize the nature of the research (basic,
    applied, applications)
  • Identify a subset of funding agencies whose
    mission, strategic plan, and investment
    priorities are aligned with these specific
    research interests.

Refining the funding search
  • Identify research opportunities with regular
    grant cycles within a particular agency (e.g.,
    NIH and NSF have regular grant cycles of specific
    research programs that remain open for many
  • Identify new research opportunities and
    investment directions at funding agencies
  • Expand the base of potential research funding

Google is your best friend!
  • Google and Yahoo searches offer a robust
    complement to known web sites containing funding
    opportunities information.
  • A modified question used as the search text
    string will identify sites helpful in the search
    for funding opportunities, help narrow the focus
    of the search, and in many cases identify funding
    sources perhaps unknown to the researcher.
  • The search text may be as simple as funding
    undergraduate research, funding graduate
    fellowships, or research funding alerts.

Google is your best friend!
  • http//
  • http//
  • Search for research opportunities
  • Find funded programs, abstracts
  • Find workshops, conferences, seminars
  • Find reports, publications, project documents

Six major funders for TAMU-System
Funding Agency URL Hotlink to Funding Opportunities
National Science Foundation http//
Health Human Services NIH Grants Funding http// http//
NASA Research Opportunities http//
Environmental Protection Agency http//
Department of Defense DARPA Army Research Office Naval Research Office Air Force Research Office http// http// http// http//
  • One of the best portals to funding opportunities
  • Tabular listing current funding opportunities and
    URLs for 45 research funding agencies (see
    following slide)
  • FedGrants
  • http//
  • FedGrants Grants Synopsis Search
  • http//
  • FedGrants Notification Service
  • http//

Federal Grants Notification Service
(No Transcript)
  • Home page http//
  • To receive automated funding alerts tailored to
    your research interests, visit http//www.grants.g
  • Select one of four automated funding alert
    options Selected Notices Based on Funding
    Opportunity Number, Selected Agencies and
    Categories of Funding Activities, Selected
    Interest and Eligibility Groups, or All Grants
  • Click on the link for the option that best suits
    your needs, enter the required information, and
    click on the Submit to Mailing List button.

Electronic Funding Alert Services/ Email
  • NSF, National Science Foundation
  • http//
  • MyNSF, formerly the Custom News Service, allows
    you to receive notifications about new content
    posted on the NSF website.
  • Notification can be received via email or RSS.

(No Transcript)
Electronic Funding Alert Services/ Email
  • NIH National Institutes of Health Listserv
  • http//
  • Each week (usually on Friday afternoon), the NIH
    transmits an e-mail with Table of Contents (TOC)
    information for that week's issue of the NIH
    Guide, via the NIH LISTSERV.
  • The TOC includes a link to the Current NIH Guide
    Weekly Publication as well as links to each NIH
    Guide RFA, PA and Notice published for that week.

(No Transcript)
Electronic Funding Alert Services/ Email
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • http//
  • Once you are registered for this service you can
    receive email notification of the release of
    research announcements pertaining to any or all
    of NASA offices.
  • National Center for Environmental Research,
    Environmental Protection Agency
  • http//
  • Use this page to subscribe or unsubscribe to the
    NCER e-mail mailing list. NCER periodically sends
    out emails to our subscribers announcing new
    grant and/or funding opportunities or highlight
    new documents in specific subject areas.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCER E-mail Lists
Electronic Funding Alert Services/ Email
  • U.S. Dept. of Education, EDINFO
  • http//
  • Information from about the U.S. Department of
    Education publications, funding opportunities
  • NEH Connect, National Endowment for the
  • http//
  • Stay connected to the humanities with NEH
    Connect! Each month NEH Connect! delivers the
    latest news, projects, upcoming events, and grant
    deadlines from NEH.

EDInfo Archives
(No Transcript)
NEH Connect!
Centers for Disease Control Prevention
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    (CDC) allows users to subscribe to several
    mailing lists via the CDC World Wide Web site.
  • To subscribe, go to http//
    tml and fill out the on-line form.

Subscribe to a CDC Mailing List
  • Department of Energy. DOE Pulse, a bimonthy
    newsletter, highlights work being done at the
    Department of Energy's national laboratories.
    Each issue will include research highlights,
    updates on collaborations among laboratories, and
    profiles of individual researchers. To subscribe,
    go to http//
  • Department of Justice. JUST INFO, sponsored by
    the U.S. Department of Justice National Criminal
    Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), is a biweekly
    e-mail newsletter that reports on a wide variety
    of criminal justice topics. To subscribe, send a
    message to . In the body of
    the message, type subscribe JUSTINFO ltyour full

Here's What's New at the National Labs
National Institute for Standards and Technology
  • NIST Update is a bimonthly report that highlights
    research, activities and services at National
    Institute for Standards and Technology.
  • To begin receiving e-mail copies, sign up at

National Institute of Standards Technology
  • Transit Cooperative Research Program and the
    National Cooperative Highway Research Program
  • To register to receive e-mail notification that
    Requests for Proposals have been published on the
    NCHRP and TCRP Homepage, just complete the form
    on web at http//

National Cooperative Highway Research Program
(No Transcript)
Leveraging the internet in funding search
  • VPR/Office of Proposal Development
  • VPR/OPD Funding Opportunities Table
  • http//
  • Monthly compilation of upcoming funding
    opportunities in all academic disciplines
    distributed System-wide by email
  • Subscribe

Leveraging the internet in funding search
  • Duke University Funding Alert Newsletter
  • http//
  • Arts Humanities Community Development
    Curriculum Development
  • Environmental Life Sciences Funding News
    Graduate Funding
  • Health Sciences International Opportunities
  • Physical Sciences Engineering Postdoctoral
    Funding Social Sciences

Duke University Research Support
Leveraging the internet in funding search
  • University of Iowa, Funding Opportunities
  • http//
  • Arts and Humanities Biological Sciences
    International Multidisciplinary Physical
    Mathematical Sciences Social Sciences
  • Iowa State Opportunities by Due Date
  • http//
  • http//
  • Michigan State U. Graduate Fellowship Listings
  • http//
  • Michigan State University provides links to
    fellowship funding lists in over 40 different
    academic disciplines.

University Iowa Grant Bulletin
Weekly Funding Opportunities
Leveraging the internet in funding search
  • Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley
  • http//
  • This is excellent listing of national
    Postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities
    organized in a table of URLs.
  • The University of California at Berkeley
  • http//
  • Links to table of programs, profiles, and URLs
    for researchers seeking funding in the following
    areas Faculty Individual Prizes and Awards,
    Equipment Grants, New and Young Faculty Grants,
    Travel Grants, Women and Minorities Grants, and
    Postdoctoral Funding in the Biosciences.

Leveraging the internet in funding search
  • U. Massachusetts New Faculty Research Funding
  • This site offers an excellent, comprehensive
    compilation of federal agency and foundation
    research awards targeting tenure track faculty in
    the following areas Agriculture Food Science,
    Arts Humanities, Cancer, Chemical Sciences,
    Computer Information Science, Education,
    Engineering, Environmental Science, Health
    Medical, History, Mathematics, Neuroscience,
    Nursing, Physical Life Sciences, Religion,
    Social Behavioral Sciences, Science Education
  • http//

Leveraging the internet in funding search
  • Funding for New Faculty Junior Investigators
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • Above URLs at various universities offer a fairly
    exhaustive compilation of funding opportunities
    for new and junior faculty and career awards in
    most academic disciplines.

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Analyzing the mission, strategic plan, investment
    priorities, and culture of a funding agency
    provides information key to enhancing proposal
  • Competitiveness depends on a series of
    well-informed decision points made throughout the
    writing of a proposal related to arguing the
    merit of the research and culminating in a
    well-integrated document that convinces the
    reviewers to recommend funding.

Analyzing the funding agency mission
  • Funding agencies have a clearly defined agenda
    and mission.
  • Funded grants are those that best meet that
    agenda and advance the mission of the funding
    agency. If a proposal does not meet an agency's
    mission, it will not be funded. This is perhaps
    the most difficult adjustment to be made in
    proposal development and writing.
  • Having a "good idea" by itself is not enough.
    Good ideas have to be clearly connected and
    integrated with a funding agencys mission and
  • The proposal must fit the mission and strategic
    plans of the funding agency.

Analyzing the funding agency mission
  • Funding agencies are not passive funders of
    programs, but see themselves as leaders in a
    national dialogue on scientific issues, and as
    part of the community defining the national
  • A strong proposal allows the funding agency to
    form a partnership with the submitting
    institution that will carry out the agency's
    vision and mission.
  • The applicant must understand the nature of this
    partnership and the expectations of the funding
    agency, both during proposal development and
    throughout a funded project.

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Knowledge about a funding agency helps the
    applicant make good decisions throughout the
    entire proposal development and writing process
    by better understanding the relationship of the
    research to the broader context of the funding
    agencys mission, strategic plan, and research
    investment priorities.

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Who is the audience (e.g., agency, program
    officers, and reviewers) and what is the best way
    to address them?
  • What is a fundable idea and how is it best
    characterized within the context of the agency
    research investment priorities?
  • How are claims of research uniqueness and
    innovation best supported in the proposal text
    and reflective of agency strategic research
  • How does the applicant best communicate his or
    her passion, excitement, commitment, and capacity
    to perform the proposed research to review panels?

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Mission
  • Culture
  • Language
  • Investment priorities
  • Strategic plan
  • Organizational chart
  • Management
  • Program officers
  • Reports, publications
  • Leadership speeches
  • Public testimony
  • Review criteria
  • Review process
  • Review panels
  • Project abstracts
  • Current funded projects
  • Funded researchers

Analyzing the funding agency
  • It is important to differentiate between and
    among various funding agencies by mission,
    strategic plan, investment priorities, culture,
  • For example, researchers in the social and
    behavioral sciences and the physical,
    computational, and biological sciences may have
    relevant research opportunities at two or more
    agencies, e.g., NIH, NSF, DOD, EPA, but these
    agencies are very dissimilar in many wayssee
    following slide

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Research focus within disciplines
  • Research that is basic, applied, or applications
  • Research scope and performance time horizon
  • Exploratory, open-ended research, or targeted to
    technology development
  • Multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary
  • Classified, non-classified
  • Proprietary, non-proprietary
  • Independent research, or dependent linkages to
    the agency mission, e.g., health care, education,
    economic development, defense

Analyzing the funding agency
  • It is important for the applicant to
    differentiate between basic research agencies
    (e.g., NSF, NIH) and mission-focused agencies
    (e.g. DOD, NASA, USDA), as well as to
    differentiate between hypothesis-driven research
    and need- or applications driven research at the
  • Agencies funding basic research would likely
    share the following characteristics

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Independent agency and management
  • Independent research vision, mission, and
  • Award criteria based on intellectual and
    scientific excellence
  • Peer panel reviewed, ranked, and awarded by merit
  • Focus on fundamental or basic research at the
    frontiers of science, innovation, and creation
    of new knowledge
  • Open ended, exploratory, long investment horizon
  • Non-classified, non-proprietary

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Alternatively, an analysis of mission-oriented
    agencies (e.g., DOD, DOE, ED, USDA) would show
    characteristics related to research and
    development that will serve the agencys
    immediate goals and objectives, as seen on
    following slide

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Scope of work tightly defines research
  • Predominately applied research for meeting
    near-term objectives, technology development and
    transfer, policy goals
  • Predominately internal review by program officers
  • Awards based on merit, but also on geographic
    distribution, political distribution, long term
    relationship with agency, Legislative, and
    Executive branch policies
  • Classified and non-classified research

Analyzing the funding agency
  • Learn to echo the language and usage of the
    funding agency is another factor that may enhance
    the overall competitiveness of a proposal.
  • Funding agencies, like most institutions, often
    develop a unique phraseology to define and
    describe common, recurrent components of their
    mission and research agenda, e.g., broader
    impacts or research and education integration
    at NSF.
  • Learning the language of the funding agency is
    important for writing the narrative section of a
    proposal, and helps in framing arguments more
    clearly and in better communicating them to
    program managers and reviewers.

Reading the proposal solicitation
  • The Request for Proposals (RFP) also called the
    Program Announcement (PA), Request for
    Applications (RFA), or Broad Agency Announcement
    (BAA) is one common starting point of the
    proposal writing process.
  • Other starting points to the proposal process
    include investigator-initiated (unsolicited)
    proposals, or white papers and quad charts common
    to the defense agencies.

Reading the proposal solicitation
  • The generic program solicitation or RFP
    represents an invitation by a funding agency for
    applicants to submit requests for funding in
    research areas of interest to the agency.
  • It is used continuously throughout proposal
    development and writing as a reference point to
    ensure that an evolving proposal narrative fully
    addresses and accurately reflects the goals and
    objectives of the funding agency, including
    review criteria listed in the document.

Reading the proposal solicitation
  • The RFP contains most of the essential
    information the researcher needs in order to
    develop and write a competitive proposal that is
    fully responsive to the agencys funding
    objectives and review criteria.
  • The RFP is not a menu or smorgasbord offering the
    applicant a choice of addressing some research
    topics but not others, depending on interest, or
    some review criteria but not others.
  • The RFP is a non-negotiable listing of
    performance expectations reflecting the stated
    goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the

Identifying the Contents of the RFP
  • Agency research goals, objectives, and
    performance expectations
  • Statement and scope of work
  • Proposal topics to be addressed by the applicant
  • Deliverables or other outcomes
  • Review criteria and process
  • Research plan
  • Key personnel, evaluation, management
  • Eligibility, due dates, available funding,
    funding limits, anticipated number of awards,
    performance period, proposal formatting
    requirements, budget and other process
    requirements, and reference documents.

Reviewing the RFP
  • The RFP is not a document to skim quickly, read
    lightly, or read only once.
  • The RFP defines a very detailed set of research
    expectations the applicant must meet in order to
    be competitive for funding.
  • It needs to be read and re-read and fully
    understood, both in very discrete detail and as
    an integrated whole.
  • The RFP sets the direction and defines the
    performance parameters of every aspect of
    proposal development and writing.
  • Read it word by word sentence by sentence
    paragraph by paragraph and page by page.

Reviewing the RFP
  • Clarify any ambiguity by repeated readings of the
  • If these ambiguities cannot be resolved, call the
    funding agency and ask for clarification from a
    program officer.
  • As much as possible, all ambiguity needs to be
    resolved prior to the proposal writing process so
    that ideas and arguments are clearly and tightly
    aligned with the scope and intent of the funding

Reviewing the RFP
  • A well-written RFP clearly states the funding
    agencys research objectives in a concise and
    comprehensive fashion, devoid of wordiness,
    repetition, and vaguely contradictory re-phasing
    of program requirements.
  • However, not all RFPs are clearly written. In
    some cases, the funding agency itself is unclear
    about specific research objectives, particularly
    in more cutting-edge or exploratory research
  • Therefore, never be timid about calling a program
    officer for clarification. Timidity is never
    rewarded in the competitive grant process.
  • Where there is ambiguity, keep asking questions
    in order to converge on clarity.

Role of the RFP in Proposal Organization
  • In addition to presenting information about an
    agencys research agenda and culture, the RFP
    provides key instructions regarding the
    presentation and organizational structure of a
  • The RFP can be used to develop the structure of
    the proposal narrative and as a template for
    developing the sequence and required detail of
    each section.
  • Using the RFP as a proposal template during
    initial proposal outlining helps ensure that
    every RFP item is fully addressed.

Role of the RFP in Proposal Organization
  • Major section headings within an RFP often have
    very detailed descriptive text defining the
    objectives of the program (goals, objectives,
    performance timeline, outcomes, research
    management, evaluation, etc.) that must be
    addressed in the proposal narrative.
  • The detail in each section of the RFP, including
    the review criteria, can be selectively copied
    and pasted into the first draft of the proposal
  • This process provides initial section and
    subsection headings under which the applicant
    drafts out preliminary written responses to every
    requested item in the guidelines, thereby
    ensuring that the first draft of the proposal
    fully mirrors the program solicitation
    requirements in every way.

Role of the RFP in Proposal Organization
  • Reviewers will expect to see the text in the same
    general order as the RFP and the review criteria
    since that ordering conforms to instructions
    given to reviewers by the program officers.
  • Using the RFP as a guide to create a proposal
    outline also has the advantage of making it
    easier for reviewers to compare the proposal to
    the program guidelines and review criteria,
    without having to search around in a long
    narrative to find out if each required topic has
    been addressed.

Addressing the Review Criteria in the RFP
  • The description of review criteria is an
    especially important part of the RFP.
  • A competitive proposal must clearly address each
    review criterion, and the proposal should be
    structured so that these discussions are easy for
    reviewers to find.
  • Subject headings, graphics, bullets, and bolded
    statements using language similar to that used in
    the RFP can all be used to make the reviewers
    jobs easier as they assess how well the proposal
    meets review criteria.

Reading Material Referenced in the RFP
  • If the RFP refers to any publications, reports,
    or workshops, it is important to read those
    materials, analyze how that work has influenced
    the agencys vision of the program, and cite
    those publications in the proposal in a way that
    illustrates that the applicant has read and
    absorbed the ideas behind those publications.

A stepwise process for developing a competitive
research proposal
  • Preparing to write
  • Developing the hypothesis research plan
  • Preliminary data research readiness
  • Writing the proposal
  • Post review process
  • Competitive resubmissions
  • Multidisciplinary research collaborations

Preparing to write the competitive proposal
  • Understanding the program guidelines in planning,
    developing, and writing a competitive proposal.
  • What should be your relationship with program
  • Developing a sound, testable hypothesis.
  • Asking senior faculty to review, advise assess
    competitiveness of ideas and research,
    particularly appropriateness to agency research
  • What do you need to know about funding agency
    culture ( sub-cultures), language, mission,
    strategic plan, research investment priorities?
  • What do you need to know about agency review
    criteria, review process, review panels?

Developing the hypothesis research plan
  • Who is your audience (e.g., agency, program
    officers and reviewers) and how do you best
    address them?
  • What is a fundable idea and how is it best
  • How are claims of research uniqueness and
    innovation best supported in the proposal text?
  • Can research plans be overly ambitious?
  • What are important distinctions to note between
    mission focused agencies (NASA, USDA) and basic
    research agencies (NSF, NIH) in proposing
    research plans?
  • Differentiating between hypothesis driven
    research application driven at basic research
    and mission agencies?
  • How do you best communicate your passion,
    excitement, commitment, and capacity to perform
    your research to review panels?

Preliminary data research readiness
  • What evidence needs to be presented to show that
    the proposed work can be accomplished?
  • What evidence of institutional support for the
    research, e.g., facilities, equipment
    instrumentation, etc., is important to
    demonstrate and address in the proposal?
  • What counts as preliminary data and how much is
  • How do you best map your research directions and
    interests to funding agency research priorities?
  • What do you need to know about research currently
    funded by a particular agency within your
    research domain, e.g., through reports,
    publications, journals?

Writing the proposal
  • Who do you need to impress with your research?
  • How do you tell a good story grounded in good
    science that excites the reviewers and program
  • The successful proposal represents an
    accumulation of marginal advantage accrued at
    decision points over a period of weeks or months
    to ensure the proposal is competitive for
  • What are key decisions points in proposal
  • How do you best plan and schedule proposal
  • How do you use program guidelines as a proposal
  • Importance of good writing, clear arguments, and
    reviewer friendly text, structure, and
    organization in proposals
  • What are other core competitive characteristics
    of a successful proposal needed to complement
    research merit?

Post review process
  • Respecting views of peers
  • Response to reviewer comments
  • Discussion of reviews with program officers
  • Discussion of reviews with senior faculty
  • Reviewing the reviews
  • How do you make an assessment of reviews as a
    reliable guide for the next funding cycle?

Competitive resubmissions
  • How do you best plan and position for a
    competitive resubmission?
  • How do you conduct a reassessment of the
    intellectual merit and excellence of your
    research based on reviews?
  • How to you assess if a research direction should
    be abandoned, or the research submitted to
    another agency?
  • What are strategies for identifying more
    appropriate research directions and funding

Multidisciplinary Collaborative Research
Initiatives Faculty Interdisciplinary Groups
  • Role of centers and institutes in advancing
    faculty research careers and proposal success
  • Role of interdisciplinary faculty research groups
    in advancing faculty research careers and
    proposal success
  • How do you identify your best opportunities for
    research advancement along the continuum from
    single PI, multiple PI, multidisciplinary
    collaboratives, and center level research funding

Understanding the review process
  • When evaluating a grant application, reviewers
    will not only consider the quality of the ideas,
    but also the extent to which the application
    addresses the funding agencys review criteria.
  • Therefore, it is important to identify these
    review criteria, understand exactly how the
    agency defines them, and determine the relative
    weight (if any) that the agency assigns to each
    of them.
  • This information can then be used to develop an
    application that clearly addresses these criteria
    and that is therefore much more competitive.

Identify the review criteria
  • Most agencies publish their standard review
    criteria on their web pages and/or in their
    proposal preparation guides.
  • Some agency programs will have additional review
    criteria that the program will delineate in the
    proposal solicitation therefore, it is
    important to read the list of review criteria
    presented in this document, as well.

Agency review criteria and review process
Center for Scientific Review ? http//
NIH review criteria ? http//
NIH peer review process ? http//
NIH review groups ? http//
NIH study section rosters ? http//
NSF review process, criteria Sec. 3 http//
AFOSR review process, criteria Sec. 2.14 http//
ARO review process, criteria Sec. 3 http//
DARPA review process, criteria ? http//
ONR review process, criteria Sec. 5 http//
NRI review process, criteria ? http//
NASA review process, criteria App. C http//
Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy
DOE review process, criteria ? http//
US Department of Education US Department of Education US Department of Education
ED review process, criteria Sec. 5 http//
Understand the review process
  • The review process varies sometimes
    significantly from one agency to the next
    (following slide).
  • The review process may include a peer review,
    where outside experts from related fields are
    invited to review the proposal an internal
    review, where agency personnel evaluate the
    proposal or a combination of both.
  • However, most agency review processes share some
    common features. At most agencies, for instance,
    an application will first undergo a merit review
    and, depending upon the results, an
    administrative review.

Difference between NSF NIH
  • This is a fundamental difference between NIH's
    and NSF's selection methods--by the end of the
    NIH review, applications are ranked alongside
    other entries according to an overall numerical
    priority score. At NSF however, proposals are not
    given a numerical rating but are classified
    according to written "recommendations."
  • Fred Stollnitz, program director at NSF explains
    further "When panels review, the reviewers put
    each proposal into categories such as
    'outstanding,' 'good and should be funded,' 'not
    ready in its present form,' or 'decline.' "
  • A particularly vocal reviewer could influence the
    final rating of the panel or where the proposal
    should be classified, but because there is no
    absolute score, only opinions are noted in the
    review analysis report--not actual decisions. An
    opinionated NIH reviewer on the other hand could
    affect the scores an application receives and so
    alter its ranking.
  • Source http//

NSF review panelists
  • NSF panelists convey their opinions and
    recommendations in a "panel summary." They
    compose an overall analysis of review for each
    proposal that incorporate factors such as the
    panel summary, subject area, available resources,
    and the potential impact of the research. They
    then make final award decisions with the division
    director. Proposals that receive lower
    classifications by the panel can sometimes be
    funded over "higherrated research proposals
    because their overall assessment by the program
    officer is more favorable.
  • The budgetary consideration also plays a key role
    in the decision-making process. "The program
    officer doesn't just make 'yes' or 'no'
    decisions," explains Stollnitz. "They have to
    balance all those proposals that should be funded
    with the actual funds that are available."
    Sometimes a proposal classified as 'good and
    should be funded' submitted by an investigator
    with minimal existing funds may be given the edge
    over an 'outstanding proposal submitted by an
    established and well-funded candidate.
  • Source http//

NSF proposal process and timelines
NSF example review criterion 1
  • What is the intellectual merit of the proposed
  • How important is the proposed activity to
    advancing knowledge and understanding within its
    own field or across different fields?
  • How well qualified is the proposer (individual or
    team) to conduct the project? (If appropriate,
    the reviewer will comment on the quality of prior
  • To what extent does the proposed activity suggest
    and explore creative and original concepts?
  • How well conceived and organized is the proposed
  • Is there sufficient access to resources?

NIH review criteria
  • Significance. Does the study address an important
  • Approach. Are the methods appropriate to the aims
    of the project?
  • Innovation. Does the project employ novel
    concepts or methods?
  • Investigator. Is the investigator well trained to
    do the work?
  • Environment. Does the environment contribute to

Write for the reviewers
  • Reviewers are typically given multiple proposals
    to review, and often tight timelines for
  • While you may be viewing your grant application
    as the magnum opus of your life's ambitions and
    plans--for the next 5 years anyway--a reviewer
    sees it as one of six to 12 other "magnum opii"
    projects to evaluate. (Source
  • The proposal needs to clearly present everything
    the reviewers will need to read, understand, and
    evaluate the proposed research project
  • Synthesize key concepts and articulate the links
    between the overarching goal and the specific
    objectives, between the specific objectives and
    the hypotheses, between the hypotheses and the
    approach, between the approach and the expected
    outcomes, and, finally, between the expected
    outcomes and the significance and broader impacts
    of the project.

Create reviewer-friendly text
  • Divide the proposal into the required sections.
  • Place the sections in the required order.
  • Use parallel structure at both the section and
    sentence levels.
  • Incorporate logical paragraph breaks.
  • Open paragraphs with clear topic sentences.
  • Discuss important items first.
  • Avoid the use of inflated language.
  • Use declarative sentences.
  • Define potentially unfamiliar terms.
  • Spell out acronyms and abbreviations.
  • Employ appropriate style and usage.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Run a spell-check and proofread the application.

Finding information on funded projects
  • NSF Award Search Site
  • http//
  • NIH Award Search Site
  • http//
  • Dept. of Ed. Awards Search
  • http//
  • USDA Awards Search
  • http//
  • NEH Awards Search
  • http//

Craft of writing
  • Good writing lies at the core of the competitive
  • It is the framework upon which the competitive
    applicant crafts and structures the arguments,
    ideas, concepts, goals, performance commitments,
    and the logical, internal connectedness and
    balance of the proposal.

The proposal is the only reality
  • In its final form, a proposal is not unlike a
    novel or a movie. It creates its own,
    self-contained reality.
  • The proposal contains all the funding agency and
    review panel will know about your capabilities
    and your capacity to perform.
  • With few exceptions, an agency bases its decision
    to fund or not fund entirely on the proposal and
    the persuasive reality it creates.

Good writing is more than mechanics
  • Strong, comprehensive, integrated knowledge base
  • Organizational clarity (stepwise
    logic/connections sequencing)
  • Structural clarity (integrative logic logical
  • Argumentative clarity (reasoning ordering
  • Descriptive clarity (who, what, how, when, why,
  • Clear, consistent vision sustained throughout
  • Comprehensive problem definition corresponding
    innovative solutions
  • Confidence in performance must and excitement for
    your ideas must be instilled in reviewers
  • Capacity for synthesis

Internal consistency synthesis
  • A competitive proposal must be internally
    consistent by language, structure, and argument
    all internal ambiguities must be resolved.
  • The competitiveness of a proposal increases
    exponentially with the capacity of the author to
    synthesize information.
  • Synthesis represents the relational framework and
    conceptual balance of the proposal. It is the
    synaptic connections among concepts, ideas,
    arguments, goals, objectives, and performance.

Ideas matter (Slogans are not Ideas)
  • Shaping ideas by language is hard work
  • Do not confuse slogans, effusive exuberance, and
    clichés with substantive ideas
  • Show the reviewers something new by developing
    ideas that are clear, concise, coherent,
    contextually logical, and insightful
  • Capitalize on every opportunity you have to
    define, link, relate, expand, synthesize,
    connect, or illuminate ideas as you write the

Introductory writing tips
  • The abstract, proposal summary, and introduction
    are keythat may be all many reviewers read and
    it is here you must excite and grab the attention
    of the reviewers
  • Reviewers will assume errors in language and
    usage will translate into errors in the science
  • Dont be overly ambitious in what you propose,
    but convey credibility and capacity to perform

Introductory writing tips
  • Sell your proposal to a good scientist but not an
  • Some review panels may not have an expert in your
    field, or panels may be blended for
    multidisciplinary initiatives
  • Agencies reviewers fund compelling, exciting
    science, not just correct science
  • Proposals are not journal articlesproposals must
    be user friendly and offer a narrative that tells
    a story that is memorable to reviewers

Following agency guidelines
  • Read solicitation and/or proposal guide carefully
    for formatting requirements and follow
  • Font and font size
  • Page limits
  • Biosketch formats
  • Citation format
  • Avoids disqualification of your proposal
  • Avoids irritating reviewers

Set up a schedule to produce proposal
  • Work back from deadline
  • Allow plenty of time for routing
  • Start budget early

Make your proposal easy to read
  • Reviewers often have 8 or 10 proposals to read
  • Use white space, underlining, bold, bullets,
    figures, flowcharts to make main points easy to
  • Put main idea of sections and paragraphs up front

Must convince reviewers
  • Your proposed project should be funded
  • Its important and supports the agency mission
    and program goals
  • Its exciting
  • It has a good chance of succeeding
  • You are the person who should conduct the
    proposed project
  • Your team is knowledgeable and well-qualified
  • You have the support and resources required

Proposal sections examples
  • Project Summary
  • Goals/Objectives/Specific Aims
  • Introduction/Overview
  • Background and Significance
  • Approach/Methodology
  • Research Plan
  • Preliminary Data
  • Broader Impacts (NSF)
  • Literature Cited

Executive summary
  • May be the only thing the reviewer reads
  • Must grab the reviewer
  • Should communicate concisely
  • Intellectual framework of proposed project
  • The goals and signficance of the proposed project
  • Who will be conducting the project and, briefly,
    their qualifications
  • Project outcomes
  • Must communicate excitement
  • Check for additional requirements
  • E.g., intellectual merit and broader impacts in
    NSF proposals
  • Project name, category, etc.

Goals specific aims
  • State specific, measurable goals of your project
  • Tie to program/agency mission and goals
  • If hypothesis-based research, state your
  • Discuss expected outcomes

The succinct proposal introduction
  • Serves as reviewers road map to the full text
  • Opportunity to make most important points up
  • States vision, concepts, goals, objectives,
    outcomes, and deliverables
  • Briefly tells who you are what you are going to
    do how you are going to do it who is going to
    do it why you are going to do it and
    demonstrates your capacity to perform

Background literature review
  • Spend some time researching this
  • This section should tie closely to your proposed
    research and should tell a story
  • What are the holes in current knowledge that your
    work will fill?
  • How does your research extend and advance
    knowledge in the field?
  • Do not be dismissive of previous research
  • Be thorough in citing important work but be

  • Explain explicitly why proposed research is
  • Tie to agency and program goals
  • Relate to review criteria
  • Make this easy to find

Approach/research plan/methodology
  • Be very clear about how you will accomplish your
    stated goals and objectives
  • Include details
  • What, specifically, will you do when you get the
  • Schedules and milestones may be helpful
  • This is especially important if you are a
    relatively new researcher
  • Address any potential dead ends, roadblocks,
    show-stoppers and how you will deal with them
  • Avoid ambiguous terminology be very specific!

Preliminary data
  • Understand the expectations of the agency and
  • How much preliminary data is expected?
  • Higher risk research will require more
    preliminary data
  • Less experienced researchers will generally need
    more preliminary data
  • Preliminary data should strengthen reviewers
    perception of your chance of success

  • Work on these before you start writing
  • Be clear about roles of collaborators and
  • Establish split of resources
  • Be sure collaborators and partners get something
    out of participating in the project
  • If you need a letter of collaboration, offer to
    write a draft for your collaborator to edit
  • Include specifics on what they will do and
    support they will provide
  • Explain who the collaborator is and their

Institutional support
  • Is cost sharing (matching) required?
  • What type? (Cash, in-kind?)
  • What rules apply?
  • Are other resources required?
  • Work to set these up early
  • Determine supporting documentation needed

Connect narrative text to budget
  • Budget categories are defined by the funding
  • Be sure activities discussed in narrative are
    reflected in budget
  • Connect narrative text to the budget to ensure
    appropriate balance and proportion,
  • If a budget justification section is requested,
    use it to complement and deepen the narrative

Beware of boiler plate dont copy paste
  • Boiler plate refers only to the grant application
    forms required by the funding agency
  • Thinking of proposal narrative as boiler plate
    will result in a mediocre, disjoint proposal
  • Begin each proposal as a new effort, not a copy
  • Be very cautious integrating text inserts
  • Strong proposals clearly reflect a coherent,
    sustained, and integrated argument grounded on
    good ideas

Outcomes or deliverables
  • Develop short, hard-hitting lists off-set by
    bullets or other typographical formats
  • Relate outcomes to goals and objectives
  • Outcomes should be specific and measurable
  • Timelines and schedules with milestones can
    orient reviewers and provide a quick overview of
    how program components fit together

Project assessment and evaluation
  • How will you know if you were successful?
  • Describe what will be measured in order to assess
    how well project met each of its objectives
  • Who will conduct assessment?
  • Discuss logistics
  • Formative assessment conducted throughout
    project and results fed back to improve project
  • Summative assessment final assessment at end of

Craft of grant writing web sites
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
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