Title: Literacy Information Night for Parents:
1Literacy Information Night for Parents
Edgeworth Public School
2- Tonight will be aimed at providing parents/carers
with information and free resources to help
improve their childs understanding of literacy. - Information will be presented by Craig Atkins,
Jessica Garvey, Jackie Howard and Tebani Weibler.
Please help yourself to tea, coffee and
refreshments, toilets are in the office to your
3ES1- Jessica GarveyS1- Jackie HowardS2-
Tebani WeiblerS3- Craig Atkins
All stages from K-6 will be covered
4Three Strands of English
- Talking and Listening
- Reading
- Writing
- http//k6.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/files/english/
5All students come to school with unique interests
and talents
- Any questions you have can be written on the post
it notes and placed on the whiteboard. Throughout
the evening we will answer each question.
7Strategies for developing reading skills in
Kindergarten children
- Sounds
- Phonics
- Phonemic awareness
- Sight Words
8Why is reading so important?
- As a parent, you are your child's first and most
important teacher. When you help your child learn
to read, you are opening the door to a world of
books and learning. - http//www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/brochure/ear
9Reading with Kindergarten children
- Tip 2 Make reading fun and exciting
- Tip 3 Read to your child everyday.
- Tip 4 Set an example- Discuss reading- read in
front of your child - Tip 5 Talk about books- talk about the cover,
pictures, why we read etc. - Tip 6 Listen to your child read
- Tip 7 Show that you value your child's efforts
and priase them for reading and having a go.
10Reading is ongoing
- Keep reading to your child even after he or she
has learned to read. By reading stories that will
interest your child but that are above his or her
reading level, you can stretch your child's
understanding and keep alive the magic of
shared reading. -
11Making literacy fun!
- Utilise the computer and internet in an effective
and engaging way!
12Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 Online Games
English Phonics and phonemic awareness. http//www.starfall.com/n/level-k/index/load.htm?f ?
Reading stories and Rhyming words. http//www.starfall.com/n/level-a/learn-to-read/load.htm?f
Reading Songs and stories. http//www.kindersite.org/Directory/DirectoryFrame.htm
Spelling. http//pbskids.org/games/spelling.html
Descriptions. http//pbskids.org/arthur/games/effectivedetective/effectivedetective.html
Reading-stories from different cultures. http//pbskids.org/games/reading.html
Magnetic letters http//www.bigbrownbear.co.uk/magneticletters/index.html
Phonics, writing and rhyming words. http//pbskids.org/games/literacy.html
Vocabulary. http//pbskids.org/games/vocabulary.html
Upper and lower case letters http//www.abcya.com/alphabet_match_K1_1.htm
Comprehension, phonics and spelling. http//funschool.kaboose.com/arcade/language/index.html
Story writing and recounts. http//www.seussville.com/games_hb/storymaker/story_maker.html
Reading and Writing http//www.crickweb.co.uk/ks1literacy.html
Letters and words http//www.earobics.com/gamegoo/games/alien/ashlo.html
Stories- A-Z http//www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories/atoz/a
Guided Reading http//www.roythezebra.com/guided-reading-story.html
All literacy strands http//www.roythezebra.com/reading-games-word-level.html
Alphabet http//www.teacherled.com/resources/alphabet/alphabetbook2load.html
Sounds http//www.bigbrownbear.co.uk/demo/count.htm
Sight words http//www.bigbrownbear.co.uk/demo/phonemeJigsaw.htm
Stories http//pbskids.org/lions/stories/
Punctuation-full stops etc. http//www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/full-stop-beginner-1.html
Phonics- phonemic awareness http//www.childu.com/sample_act/reading1_2/LA1RA01b_phonics.swf
Phonemic awareness http//www.starfall.com/
Nouns and adjectives. http//www.funbrain.com/brain/ReadingBrain/Games/Game.html?GameNameMadLibsAlphabetBrainreadingGameNumber4ColorFFFFFF
Alphabet songs. http//www.mrsjonesroom.com/songs/alphlist.htmlalph
Nursery rhymes and stories. http//www.speakaboos.com/stories/nursery-rhymes
Words and letters. http//www.speakaboos.com/games/word-search
Sight Words. http//www.storyit.com/wgames/wordsearch/sightwords.html
Rhyming words http//www.storyit.com/wgames/oddoutwf.htm
Sight Words. http//www.storyit.com/wgames/wordblocks.htm
Writing- all text types http//www.writingfun.com/writingfun2010.html
All literacy strands http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks1bitesize/literacy/ ?
What is the average amount of words we can read
in 1 minute???
14Reading and Spelling
- Literacy and its integration within Human
Society and its Environment.
15Community Text
- Toy catalogues.
- Cartoons from newspapers.
- Food cartons and catalogues.
16Lets Play!
- Spelling Bingo!
- Noughts and Crosses!
17Writing sentences
- Simple sentence- contains a subject and a verb,
and it expresses a complete thought. - Eg. Some students like to exercise in the
mornings. - Compound sentence- contains two independent
clauses joined by a conjunction. - Eg. I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend
tried to speak English.
18Sentences continued
- Complex sentence- Contain an independent clause
that combines with one or more dependent
clauses using a conjunction. - Eg. The students are studying because they have
a test tomorrow. - http//www.eslbee.com/sentences.htm
- Verbs
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Conjunctions
- Copacabana- Website and glossary.
20Sentence building
- Here, Hidden and Head Questions
22(No Transcript)
23Here Questions- The answer is here
24Hidden Questions- answer by using clues in the
text combined with knowledge you already have
25Head Questions- answers can be found in your head
by thinking about them
26(No Transcript)
27Stage 3
Talking and Listening one of the 3 key
components of Literacy and often the importance
of this strand can be left behind. Think about
this you cant actually write anything if you
cant say it or speak about it!!
Activity a good one for your listening
skills and short term memories http//www.123list
28Talking listening cont..
- Ideas strategies
- - making appointments over the phone, initiating
and concluding the conversation, ordering food. - asking question in shops about products,
- preparing mock programs e.g. Weather use of
technical language - mock job interviews.
29Relating literacy to real life
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Magazines that relate to students interests e.g.
Sports, Movies etc.
Ideas Strategies - Sending and receiving
emails, interpreting diagrams, graphs, charts,
photos. - Read texts on a variety of topics
newspaper, magazines and white out words and get
students to predict what words might go in
there. - Read texts you create here, hidden,
head questions and vice versa. - Locating
grammar in articles, books. Locate and
highlight/write in different colours . -
Advertisements identifying the purpose and
audience of that particular advertisement/text?
31Reading cont
- Reading to you, what pace are they reading at?
Are they pausing? Expression? What sort of text
is it? Can you model the reading for them? -
Dictionary and thesaurus use. Example Weekender
puzzle . - Analysing texts, consider events from
each characters point of view e.g. Mind map - Do
you travel a lot? Reading and understanding
signs, assist with spelling strategies to spell
names of places and incorporate mathematics
calculating distance. ACTIVITY Look at the
following image!!!
32(No Transcript)
Activity Read and plan in 5 minutes. http//www.
34Writing cont
Writing Fun http//www.writingfun.com/ - Read a
text, how can it be produced differently? Can you
re-write it differently? - Writing emails to pen
friends, friends, another family member. - Write
the shopping list, read the items on grocery
items. - Select a variety of images (one at a
time) and students write a story about it e.g.
Narrative - Dictate a text to them, get them to
edit before publishing. Publish with a picture,
clipart or a picture from the Internet. -
Recognising the importance of correct punctuation
in text e.g. job application.
35Excellent Resources
- Copacabana Get smart, interactive games and
activities. http//www.copacabanap.schools.nsw.edu
.au/Get_Smart.htm - Edublogs http//sportsman.edu
blogs.org/ - Parents!!!