ENTROPION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prepared by Khairul Anwar Limat Nazri Ahmad Salaamy Mat Kassim Ophthalmology Department 4th Year Zagazig University Entropion is a medical condition in which the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Prepared by
  • Khairul Anwar Limat
  • Nazri Ahmad
  • Salaamy Mat Kassim
  • Ophthalmology Department
  • 4th Year Zagazig University

What is Entropion?
  • Entropion is a medical condition in which the
    eyelid (usually the lower lid) folds inward. It
    is very uncomfortable, as the eyelashes rub
    against the cornea constantly

Etiology of Entropion
  • Spastic Entropion
  • Cicatricial Entropion
  • Senile Entropion
  • Congenital Entropion
  • Infantile Entropion

  • Redness and pain around the eye
  • Sensitivity to light and wind
  • Sagging skin around the eye
  • Excessive tears
  • Decreased vision, especially if the cornea is

1.Spastic Ectropion
  • Spastic closure of the eyelids allows the
    orbicularis oculi muscle to overwhelm the
    oppositional action of the lower eyelid
    retractors, resulting in an inturning of the
    eyelid margin and further irritation of the
    ocular surface from the inturned eyelashes.
  • Occurs when spasm of Muscle of Riolan (due to
    irritation) and lack of support of lid by the

  • Treatment of spastic entropion may be of
  • Removal of cause of irritation firstly.
  • Canthoplasty
  • Skin and muscle operation by excision of parts of
    skin and orbicularis muscle.
  • Wheelers operation.
  • Ocular lubrication and tear preparations are
    helpful for protecting the ocular surface.
  • Small amounts of botulinum toxin (BOTOX)
    (approximately 5 U) are quite effective for the
    treatment of spastic entropion by weakening the
    pretarsal orbicularis oculi muscle.

2.Cicatricial Entropion
  • Occurs due to cicatrization of palpebral
  • These patients usually will display scar tissue
    of the conjunctiva, usually a result of trauma,
    chemical burns, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, ocular
    cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP), infections, or
    local response to topical medication.
  • Examination of the tarsus and palpebral
    conjunctiva usually will point to the diagnosis
    in these cases.

  • Procedures for the repair of cicatricial
  • Depending on the degree of scarring and
    entropion, the etiology of the cicatricial
    changes, and the status of the tarsal plate.
  • Mild cases can be treated with a transverse
    blepharotomy with marginal rotation (Wies
  • More extensive scarring may require oral mucous
    membrane (eg, buccal mucosa) or cadaveric dermis
    (eg, Alloderm) grafts.

  • Snellens Operation may be done in upper lid
  • Websters operation may be done in lower lid
  • Temporizing Quickert-Rathbun sutures are
    effective for many cases of spastic entropion.
  • Full-thickness eyelid sutures (usually gut
    suture) from the inferior fornix anteriorly
    toward the lashes are used to torque the eyelid
    margin away from the globe. Tissue reaction to
    the gut suture helps to create a cicatrix in the
    eyelid that maintains the eyelid in the everted

  • Cicatricial entropion of upper lid.

  • There is scar tissue involving tarsal conjunctiva.

3.Senile Entropion
  • Also known as involutional entropion.
  • The patient may exhibit horizontal laxity of the
    medial and/or lateral canthal tendons.
  • Vertical lid laxity due to weak lower lid
  • Patients usually have an involution of the
    posterior eyelid retractors, with the eyelid
    inturning in much the same manner as with spastic
  • Involution of the soft tissues of the orbit,
    particularly the orbital fat, may lead to
    involutional enophthalmos, which in turn can lead
    to unstable eyelid position with entropion.

  • Treatment of senile entropion
  • It may require repair of the horizontal laxity
    via medial and/or lateral canthal tightening.
  • Transmarginal rotation(Weis)
  • Plication of lower lid retractors(Jones)
  • Tucking of palpebral ligaments
  • A small amount of the pretarsal orbicularis oculi
    can be resected concurrently to prevent further
    overriding of the tarsus

  • Involutional entropion. Note overriding
    orbicularis oculi muscle, eyelid margin
    entropion, and relative enophthalmos with deep
    superior sulcus.

  • Involutional entropion. Correction of entropion
    with eyelid retractor reattachment and lateral

4. Congenital Entropion
  • The congenital form of entropion is very rare. It
    may arise due to a number of underlying
    developmental abnormalities, usually in the lower
    eyelid. Facial nerve paralysis in the pediatric
    population has been shown to be associated with
    lower lid entropion.
  • Dysgenesis of the lower eyelid retractors may be
    present creating instability in the eyelid with
    consequent entropion, or a paucity of tissue may
    be present vertically in the posterior lamella of
    the eyelid.
  • Occur with microphthalmos.

5.Infantile Entropion
  • Occurs in plump children due to subcutaneous fat.
    It is self limiting.

Differential Diagnosis
  • 1-Trichiasis Presence of more than 4
    mal-directed lashes rubbing against the
  • 2-Distichiasis Congenital Trichiasis
  • 3-Trachoma Infective Keratoconjunctivitis
    caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis.

Medical Care of Entropion
  • Medical therapy may be warranted for patients who
    decline surgery and as a temporizing maneuver in
    patients who may improve spontaneously.
  • Ocular lubrication and tear preparations are
    helpful for protecting the ocular surface.
  • Eyelid hygiene, antibiotics, and corticosteroids
    are useful.
  • Small amounts of botulinum toxin (BOTOX)
    (approximately 5 U) are quite effective for the
    treatment of spastic entropion by weakening the
    pretarsal orbicularis oculi muscle.
  • Patients with cicatricial entropion secondary to
    ocular cicatricial pemphigoid may benefit from
    systemic chemotherapy, usually dapsone.

Follow Up after Surgery
  • Complications
  • Any surgical procedure can have immediate or
    delayed complications.
  • Immediate complications include hemorrhage,
    infection, wound dehiscence, graft failure (donor
    and recipient sites), corneal injury, and
    recurrence of the entropion, as well as
    consecutive ectropion.
  • Hemorrhage is treated with cauterization of the
    bleeding points, and infection is managed with
    antibiotics directed at culture-specific
  • Wound dehiscence may require immediate surgical
    repair if extensive or conservative management if
  • Maintain grafts by stenting the grafted site for
    the purpose of graft immobilization.
  • Graft failure may require debridement with
    delayed re-operation.
  • Donor site complications, particularly bleeding,
    are managed with appropriate packing material.
  • Consecutive ectropion may occur and may respond
    to conservative observation during the healing
    period with late secondary repair.

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