Title: Eyelid disorders
2Eye lid diseas
- The eye lid is made up of 4 layersg
- 1-skin - it is thin and characterized by
absence of fat. - 2-muscle layer
- a-orbiclaris oculi consist of horizontal
concentric fibres. It is supplied by the facial
nerve. - b-levator palpebral superioris.
- c-Mullers muscle supplied by the sympathetic
3. 3-Tarsus Consists of dense fibers -the
meibomian glands. 4-Mucous layer formed by the
palpebral conjuctiva.
4- Glands of the eye lids
- 1-Meibomian glands They are embedded in the
tarsus and are modified sebaceous glands. - They secret an oily secretion.They open thrugh
vertically arranged ducts into the lid margin. - 2-Glands of zies They are sebaceous glands.They
are situated at the margin. - 3-Glands of moll These are modified sweat glands.
5- The lid margin
- 1-Eye lashes-arranged in 2-3 rows anteriorly.
- 2-Opening of the ducts of the meibomian gland
posteriorly. - 3-Glands of zies and moll.
- Oedema of lids-this is common and owing to
lossencess of the tissue may be so great as to
close the eye. - Causes
- a-Inflammatory oedema
- 1Inflammation of the lids allergic dermatitis
due to atropine,cosmetics,insect bite. - 2-Acute conguctivitis
- 3-Acute dacryocystitis
- 4-Acute iridocyclitis
- 5-panophthalmaitis
- 6-Obital cellulites
- b-Passive oedema due to circulatory obstruction.
- 1-Nephrotic syndrome
- 2-cardiac failure
- 3-Cavernous sinus thrombosis
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- It is a chronic inflammation of the margin of the
lid. The lid margin becomes thickened and red. - VARIETIES AND ETIOLOGY
- Squamous blepharitis There is encrustration of
lid margin by white scales. It is of 2 types
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11- -Ulcerativeblepharitis
- They is encrustation of the lid margin by yellow
scales with underliing ulceration.The ulcers
bleed on removing the scales.is an infective
condition caused by staphylococci.
12- -Angular blepharitis
- The inflammation of the lid margin is associated
with angular conguctivitis-foamy discharge .It is
caused by Morax-AXenfeld bacillius
13- Symptoms
- Itching.
- Soreness.
- Lacrimation,
- photophobia.
14- Complications
- Occur especially in ulcerative blepharitis
- 1-Chronic conguctivitis
- 2-Marginal corneal ulcer
- 3-stye
- 4-Madarosis loss of lashes
- 5- Tylosis There is hypertrophy of lid border.
- 6-Trichiasis
- 7-Entropin
- 8-Ectrpion
15- Treatment
- Antibiotics such as chlormycetin, erythromycin,
oxytetracycline ointment.
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- 1-External hordeolum or stye
- Acute inflammation at the edge of the lid,caused
by staphylococcal infection of the glands of
zies,usually ending in suppuration. - Symptoms and signs
- Red swelling appears in the lash line of the
margin of the lid,pain,tendernessand oedemaof the
lids,very soon a yellowish summit will be seen
indicating suppuration. - Treatment
- 1-Hot fomentation to hasten suppuration,the pus
should be evacuated by a horizontal incision. - 2-Antibiotics
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20- 2-Hordeolum internum
- This is an acute suppurative inflammation of a
miebomian gland due to staphylococcus. - Symptoms and sings
- Symptoms are more violent than those of stye,very
soon pus points on the palpebral conjuctiva. - Treatment is the same as fore stye,the pus should
be evacuated by a vertical incision.
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22- Chalazion
- This is achronic granulomatous enlargement of one
of the meibomian glands - Etiology,Pathology
- The meibomian duct becomes obstructed through
proliferation of its epithelium and consequently
the gland enlarges.The fatty secretion escapes
into the surrounding tissue and exites a forign
body reaction. - Symptoms
- 1-Cosmetic disfigurement-lid swelling
- 2-conjuctival irritation
- Sings
- A circumscribed swelling which feel hard
- Treatment
- 1-Antibiotics
- 2-operation
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25- Blepharospasm
- It is a condation in which there are involuntary
and forcible eye lid closure - 1-Reflex sensory stimulation through branches of
5th cranial nerve commonest. - a-phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis
- b-foreign body on cornea
- c-Membranous and pseudomembranous conjunctivitis
- d-Acute iridocyclitis
- 2-Excessive stimulation of retina
- a-Bright light on sensitive eye
- b-Dilated pupil
- c- Albinism
- 3-Essential blepharospasm whithout any cause
- 4-Hysteria
26- Disorder of lashes
- Trichiasis
- an inversion of a varying number of eye lashes so
that they rub against the conjuctiva or cornea - Etiology same as entropion, secondry to
chronic blepharitis, - Sings and symptoms
- The misdirectionlashes cause mechanical
irritation and injury to cornea with ulceration-
pain, lacrimation, photophobia-blepharospasm,vascu
larisation and opacities of cornea - Treatment
- 1-Epilation
- 2-Electrolysis
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28 - Distichiasis
- Congenital and acquired
- -variabal number of lashes which originate from
meibomian gland orifices. - Madarosis
- Is a decrease in number or complete loss of
lashes - Causes
- 1-local
- -chronic anterior lid margin diseas
- -infiltrating tumours
- -burns
- -radiotherapy or cryotherapy of lid tumours
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31- Entropion
- Is a rolling in of the margin of the lid and
with the lashes. - Etiology and varieties
- a-Old case of trachoma
- b-Blepharitis
- c-Burns
- d-Operation upon the lids
- e-Atrophy or absence of eye ball
- f-Old persons
- g-Blepharosbasm.
- Symptoms and sings
- same as for trichiasis
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35- Ectropion
- It is a rolling out of the margin of the lid.
- Etiolgy and varieties
- 1-Cicatrical due to cicatrical changes
in the skin of the lid- - 2-Senile
- 3-Paralytic -it occurs as a result of weakness
of the orbicularis muscle due to facial nerve
paralysis. - Symptoms- Epiphora/Tearing due to eversion of
lacrimal puncta.
36Complications 1-Xerosis of conjuctiva 2-Chronic
conjunctivitis and exposure keratitis.
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38SYMBLEPHARON Is the attachment between the
conjuctiva of the lid and the eye ball. It may
affect both lids, but usually the lower,sometimes
it includes part of the cornea ETIOLOGY 1-injurie
s especially burns from lime,acide,and molten
metal 2-operation 3-trachoma
39Lagophthalmos This is the incomplete closure of
the palpebral aperture when an attempt is made to
shut the eyes. Causes Exophthalmos as in Graves
disease ,proptosis due to orbital tumour. 1- 2-
Facial nerve paralysis 3-Cicatrical ectropion of
upper lid 4-Symblepharon Complications 1-Xerosis
of conjuctiva. 2-Chronic conjunctivitis and
exposure keratitis
40 Ptosis Is a drooping of the upper
lid. Etiology Classification 1-Congenital
ptosis 2-Acquired ptosis a- Neurogenic due to
lesion of 3rd nerve nucleus b-Myogenic Myasthenia
gravis c-Mechanical -due to increase weight of
lid tuomor d-Traumatic
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43TUMOURS OF THE EYE LID 1-Benign tumours of the
lids a- Papilloma b-Molluscum contagiosum-is a
small umbilicated,nodular swelling,generally
multiple due to a large pox virus. c-Naevus d-Xant
helasma This is a raised yellow
plaque e-Haemangioma Malignant tumours a- rodent
ulcer or basal cell carcinoma b-Squamous cell
carcinoma It start as a small nodule which
ulcerates. c-Meibomian gland carcinoma
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