Still Lost in Space - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Still Lost in Space


Still Lost in Space Assignment 6 Model answer to Assignment Five plus the new data you ve been asking for. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Still Lost in Space

Still Lost in Space
  • Assignment 6
  • Model answer to Assignment Five plus the new data
    youve been asking for.

Conclusions from the first Data Release
  • What could you conclude from the first set of
  • This universe looks superficially like our own,
    but on closer examination is actually quite
  • Perhaps the biggest surprise was the enormous
    parallaxes of the stars.
  • Taken at face value, this would imply that they
    are only a few AU away! A few are almost as close
    to us as the Sun is to the Earth.

Really Close?
  • If they really were this close, they could not
    possibly be stars. As they appear as bright as
    stars but are 104 times closer, by the inverse
    square law, they would have to be 108 times
    fainter. No such stars exist in our universe
  • Also any star that was so close (down to 1.5 AU)
    would be clearly visible as a disk, even with the
    naked eye, let alone a telescope.

Two Possibilities
  • So we are left with two possibilities
  • 1 They are not stars, but some different and
    weird type of object.
  • 2 They are stars, but the universe has a
    strongly saddle-shaped geometry that warps the
    angles and causes our parallax measurements to
    give spuriously high values.
  • Which is true?

If they are stars?
  • If they are stars (and the universe is very
    curved), then they should have stellar spectra.
    They do not.
  • Also, only a few of them should pulse, and any
    pulsations should take hours to months.
  • Instead they all pulse, some with periods as
    short as a quarter of a second! No stars do this.
  • Could the pulsation be due to something orbiting
    each of them very quickly? Even if the orbiting
    thing was travelling at the speed of light (very
    unlikely) it could only travel less than 75,000
    km in 0.25 seconds, which means the radius of its
    orbit must be less than (probably MUCH less than)
    12,000 km - which is smaller than virtually any
    type of star.

Oscillating Universe?
  • Is there any way to save the star hypothesis?
  • The pulsations could be caused by an extremely
    rapidly oscillating universe.
  • But then all stars should have the same period,
    which they do not.
  • Perhaps different bits of the universe are
    pulsing at different rates?
  • General Relativity says this could only happen if
    the mass distribution is also pulsing by vast
    amounts on comparable timescales, which seems
  • And anyway, this wouldnt explain the weird

Not Stars
  • So the simplest conclusion is that these things
    are not stars, or at least not stars as we know
  • They are something strange and different.
  • We thus no longer need the saddle shaped
    universe hypothesis. Which is not to say that it
    isnt true - just that we have no evidence for
  • Lets tentatively assume (as a starting point)
    that the geometry of space is not radically
  • Then these stars really are far fainter than
    real stars, and really are only a few AU away
    from us.

What are these Stars?
  • What then can we learn about these stars that
    arent stars.
  • They must be pretty small, otherwise wed see
    disks, given their close distance. Much smaller
    even than planets (Mars and Jupiter are both
    further from the Earth than many of these things,
    but easily show disks with even small
  • The data show some striking patterns.
  • The pulse period, wavelength and pulse amplitude
    are all strongly correlated.

All the same?
  • Could all these stars be basically the same
    type of object, only lying at different
  • Perhaps they are extremely compact emission-line
    nebulae. Normally any nebula would emit multiple
    lines, but perhaps these nebulae contain only one
    element, and very unusual excitation mechanisms,
    so that only one line is produced?
  • In this case, the different wavelengths would be
    explained by an expanding or contracting
    universe. The expansion or contraction rate would
    have to be enormous to give such big
    red/blueshifts for objects so close.
  • Unfortunately there is no correlation between
    wavelength and distance.

Lumpy Matter
  • It is, I suppose, just possible that different
    bits of the universe are expanding and
    contracting, and thus explaining different
    redshifts for stars at the same distance.
  • But even that would not explain why the amplitude
    of the pulsations correlates with the wavelength.
  • And it would require a very strange distribution
    of vast moving quantities of dark matter on very
    small length scales (remember, the metric isnt
    arbitrary - it is controlled by the distribution
    of matter).

Doppler Effect?
  • Could the different wavelengths be caused by the
    Doppler effect - different objects moving at
    different speeds?
  • That wouldt explain the correlation between
    pulse amplitude and wavelength.
  • And the necessary speeds would be a good fraction
    of the speed of light.
  • Given that the objects are only a few AU away, we
    should easily see them moving at these huge
    speeds, and we do not.

Different Objects
  • So the most plausible explanation is that the
    objects emitting at different wavelengths really
    are different types of object, and not just the
    same class of object seen at different redshifts.
  • So what are they? Could they all be compact
    nebulae, but each with a different element and
    hence a different wavelength?
  • Youd need a whole lot of elements, it would
    still be puzzling that you only see one line, and
    the correlations with pulse period or amplitude
    would not be explained.

One family
  • It rather seems as if we are looking at one
    family of object, with somewhat variable
  • The more distant ones appear fainter.
  • If you use the inverse square law to compute the
    real luminosities of these objects, they all come
    out roughly the same.
  • Furthermore, this luminosity correlates with the
    frequency - redder objects are brighter.

Like Nothing Weve Seen Before
  • So - these stars are like nothing weve ever
    seen in our own universe.
  • They are extremely small, much fainter than
    stars, and emit all their light at one
  • Their luminosity, wavelength, pulse period and
    pulse amplitude all correlate nicely together,
    suggesting that they are one family of object.
  • So what are they? Nobody has any idea.
    Suggestions being bandied around are white holes,
    worm holes, strange neutron stars and much more.
  • Clearly more data are needed.

More Data
  • You have now been stranded through the wormhole
    for a day.
  • Youve put together some new equipment and made
    lots of new observations, guided by the initial
  • A bigger telescope was built, and pointed at the
    nearest of the stars, only 1.5 AU away, if you
    believe the parallax data.
  • Even with a resolution of 0.03 arcseconds, it
    looked like a dot.
  • Youve been tracking several of the nearer stars,
    looking for signs of motion. No transverse motion
    was seen - the angle to each star from your ship
    remains constant.

  • In an attempt to measure the geometry of space,
    you sent out a second probe, at right-angles to
    you and the first probe.
  • Laser beams were exchanged between both probes
    and you, forming an equilateral triangle, 10,000
    km on a side.
  • The interior angles of this triangle added up to
    179.99996 degrees, with an error estimate of
    ?0.00005 degrees.

Microwave Background
  • No microwave background was detected. Any
    emission warmed than 1K would have been pixed up
    with your equipment.
  • A puzzle - measurements from the probes indicate
    that the vacuum outside the ship is much emptier
    than even typical intergalactic space in our
  • They are picking up no atoms at all that hadnt
    leaked out from the USS Drongo or the probes.
  • Also, no cosmic rays are being detected.

Wider Wavelength Coverage
  • Youve managed to put together a spectrograph
    that can observe UV light in the wavelength range
    10-400nm, and IR light in the range 800-2500 nm.
  • You pointed this spectrograph at dozens of stars
    and saw nothing in any of them. They do not
    appear to emit any radiation in these bands.

Radio Array
  • While youve continued with your observations,
    the sensor division have been rigging up some
    pretty nice equipment.
  • Theyve built a radio array that allows them to
    pinpoint exactly where in the sky the mysterious
    radio bursts are coming from.
  • They then provide you with the coordinates, and
    you then point your big new telescope in that

Imaging the Bursts
  • Remarkably, each burst appears to be coming from
    a star.
  • Most of these stars are much fainter than the
    ones youve been studying so far - thats why you
    needed the bigger telescope.
  • The stars appear quite normal. They have spectra
    much like the other stars, and they too pulse in

Different Colours
  • These radio emitting stars have spectra peaking
    at a wide range of wavelengths, though they
    perhaps are more concentrated at longer
  • Indeed, several were not initially detected at
    optical wavelengths, and were only found when you
    hooked up your infra-red spectrograph to your new

Data Table
  • Once again, Ive provided an Excel file
    containing the data on these sources.
  • It includes both the radio data on the bursts and
    the subsequent optical data.
  • You tried to measure parallaxes for these
    sources, using the small space-probe exactly as

  • The details of this assignment (ie. word limit,
    group work etc, how to submit) are identical to
    the last one.
  • The deadline is 10am on Thursday 12th June.
  • Once again, you should try and deduce as much as
    you can about the strange universe in which you
    find yourselves.
  • Top priority is determining the large scale
    cosmology of this universe, as this is what will
    help you generate a wormhole to get you back home.
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