P1 - The Earth in the Universe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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P1 - The Earth in the Universe


P1 - The Earth in the Universe Big Bang 14 thousand million years ago Theory was proposed by the Catholic Priest George Lemaitre The solar system was formed from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: P1 - The Earth in the Universe

P1 - The Earth in the Universe
Big Bang
  • 14 thousand million years ago
  • Theory was proposed by the Catholic Priest George

The solar system was formed from clouds of gases
and dust in space about 5 thousand million years
The Earth must be older than its oldest rocks
which are about 4 thousand million years old
The Sun is a Star
  • The Sun is a star in the Milky Way galaxy
  • All stars have a life cycle
  • There are thousands of millions of galaxies, each
    containing thousands of millions of stars, and
    that all of these make up the Universe

  • Fusion of hydrogen nuclei is the source of the
    Suns energy
  • All chemical elements larger than helium were
    made in earlier stars

Diameters and MotionBiggest gt Smallest
  • Milky Way Galaxy
  • 100 000 light years
  • Spins around a black hole
  • Sun
  • 1.4 million km
  • Centre of Solar system
  • Planet
  • 120 000km
  • Orbits sun
  • Moons
  • 3500km
  • Orbits Planets
  • Asteroids
  • 1000km
  • Orbits Sun (between Mars and Jupiter)
  • Comets
  • 3km
  • Orbits Sun

How we know about the Universe
  • Information about distant stars and galaxies
    comes only from the radiation astronomers can
  • Light pollution interferes with observations of
    the night sky

Speed of Light
  • Light travels at 300 000 km/s
  • The speed of light means distant objects are
    observed as younger than they are now
  • Light-year the distance travelled by light in a

Parallax or Relative Brightness
  • Can be used to measure the distance to stars
  • The difficulty of observations makes the distance
    of stars and galaxies uncertain

Hubbles Law
  • All Galaxies are moving away from us.
  • The further away the galaxy, the quicker it is
  • This suggests that the universe is expanding

Future of the Universe
  • Understand why the ultimate fate of the Universe
    is difficult to predict.

  • Astronomers have detected planets around nearby
  • Even if a small proportion of stars have planets,
    many scientists think that it is likely that life
    exists elsewhere in the Universe
  • No evidence of alien life has so far been

Asteroid Collisions
  • The frequency of a 15km asteroid hitting Earth
    is 1 in every 65 million years.
  • The last one was in Mexico, 65 million years
    ago. Evidence indicates that this led to the
    extinction of the dinosaurs

Structure of the Earth
  • Be able to label the Core, Mantle, Crust

Theory of Continental Drift
  • Proposed by Alfred Wegener
  • The movement of the Earth's continents
  • Evidence for it
  • Geometric fit of continents
  • Matching fossils
  • Matching mountain chains
  • Matching rocks

  • Reasons for the rejection of Wegeners theory by
    geologists of his time
  • Movement of continents not detectable
  • Wegener was an outsider to the community of
  • Too big an idea from limited evidence
  • Simpler explanations of the same evidence

Seafloor Spreading
  • A consequence of movement of the solid mantle
  • Seafloors spread by about 10 cm a year
  • Produces a pattern in the magnetism recorded in
    ocean floors, due to reversals of the Earths
    magnetic field and solidification of molten magma
    at oceanic ridges.

Tectonic Plates
  • The following occur at plate boundaries
  • Volcanoes Plates moving apart
  • Mountains Plates move towards one another. One
    plate dives underneath another
  • Earthquakes Plate slide past one another
  • Rock processes seen today explain past changes
  • Continents would be worn down to sea level, if
    mountains were not being continuously formed.
    Therefore the above are an important part of the
    rock cycle

Rocks provide evidence for changes in the Earth
  • Erosion, sedimentation, fossils, folding,
    radioactive dating, craters.

Actions that Public Authorities can take to
Reduce Damage caused by Geo-Hazards
  1. Enforce building regulations to limit the effect
    of earthquakes
  2. provide education and training
  3. monitor natural hazards in the local area to look
    for early signs of earthquakes or volcanic
  4. take part in international research

  • Data statements tell you facts, and may contain
    measurements. For example, look at these three
  • Asteroids are small objects orbiting the Sun
  • Some asteroids have orbits close to the Earth
  • The dinosaurs died out at about the same time as
    a large crater was made in Mexico

  • Explanations seek to explain the data, and
    formulating an explanation requires imagination
    and creativity.
  • One explanation is that an asteroid collision may
    have killed off the dinosaurs. The asteroid
    impact would have created dust which blocked out
    the Sun.

  • A good explanation will explain data, and link
    together things which were not thought to be
    related. It should also make predictions.
  • Asteroids often contain the rare metal iridium -
  • A huge asteroid impact would send iridium dust
    throughout the world - prediction
  • Sedimentary rocks from the time the dinosaurs
    died out contain iridium - data
  • When the asteroid crashed, the iridium came from
    the dust which blocked out the Sun - explanation

  • Data and predictions can be used to test an
    explanation, but you have to be careful. When an
    observation agrees with the prediction, it makes
    you more confident in the explanation, but it
    does not prove that the explanation is true.
  • The opposite is also correct. When an observation
    disagrees with a prediction, it makes you less
    confident in the explanation, but it does not
    prove that the explanation is wrong. The data may
    be faulty.

Other Theories
  • The asteroid theory is not the only theory about
    the death of the dinosaurs.
  • There were huge volcanic eruptions in India at
    the time the dinosaurs died out (data)
  • Big volcanic eruptions cause dust clouds which
    block out the Sun (data)
  • The big Indian eruptions could have killed out
    the dinosaurs by cooling the Earth (explanation)

Publishing and Peer Review
  • Scientists report their ideas to the scientific
    community, which is made up of all the other
    scientists. They present them at conferences and
    then write them up in journals or books.
  • At conferences, other scientists will listen and
    debate the new ideas. Before journals or books
    are published, other expert scientists read the
    new ideas and decide if they are sensible. This
    is called peer review.

Repeating Experiments
  • Scientists do not usually accept the results of
    experiments until someone else has repeated the
    experiment to get the same results.
  • It is hard to set up experiments in geology and
    astronomy, so new theories here need support from
    different observations

Different Explanations
  • Data often allows more than one possible
    explanation, so different scientists can have
    different explanations for the same observations.
  • Wegeners ideas could certainly explain similar
    fossils in different continents, but other
    geologists thought that there were once land
    bridges between continents, allowing animals to
    travel between them.
  • The different backgrounds of different scientists
    can affect their judgements, so they may have
    quite different explanations for the same data.

New Explanation Become Accepted
  • A scientific explanation is rarely abandoned just
    because some data does not correspond to it. It
    is safer to stick with a theory that has worked
    well in the past.
  • Old geological theory - mountains as wrinkles
    made by the Earth shrinking as it cools down.
  • No clear explanation how continents could move
  • In the 1950s, evidence from magnetism in the
    ocean floor showed that the seafloors were
    spreading by a few centimetres each year. This
    showed movement of large parts of the Earths
    crust, now called tectonic plates.
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