Title: The Universe Cries Out for the Creator
1The Universe Cries Out for the Creator
- Christopher Chui, PhD
- Acknowledgment I am indebted to numerous sources
in the Internet, NASA photos, and several books,
especially John Hartnetts book Starlight, Time
and the New Physics, and Jason Lisles book
Taking Back Astronomy. - http//ChristCenterGospel.org
2Biblical References
- The Heavens declare the glory of God and the
firmament shows His handiwork. Ps. 191 - When the morning stars sing together, and all
the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 387 - He alone spreads out the heavens, and treads on
the waves of the sea, Job 98 - Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,
who stretch out the heavens like a curtain. Ps.
1042 - Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can
you set their dominion over the earth? Job 3833 - For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so
are My ways higher than your ways, and My
thoughts than your thoughts. Is. 559
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
3The Universe Confirms the Bible
- The Earth is round. Is. 4022 circle of the
earth. - Job 2610 He drew a circular horizon on the face
of the waters, at the boundary of light and
darkness. - The Earth floats in space. Job 267b He hangs
the earth on nothing. - The Universe expands. Is. 4022 He stretches out
the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out
like a tent to dwell in. - Conservation of matter-energy. Gen. 22b He
rested on the seventh day from all His work which
He had done. - Stars are not countable. Gen. 3212b make your
descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot
be numbered for multitudes. - The Universe obeys physical laws. Jer. 3325 the
ordinances of heaven and earth.
4Some evidences for young universe
- Recession of the moon The earth rotates faster
than the moon orbits, the tidal bulges are always
ahead of the moon, which causes the moon to gain
energy and spiral outward. It moves 1.5 farther
away from the earth yearly. 6000 years ago, the
moon would have been 800 ft closer to the earth.
1.5 billion years ago, the moon would have
touched the earth! - Magnetic field of the earth The earth decays as
a dipole magnet 5 per century. In 6000 yrs, the
field would have been 3 times as today. - Magnetic fields of the planets Humphreys
predicted the strengths of the magnetic fields of
the planets several years before their discovery.
Dynamo theories dont work.
5More evidences for young universe
- Spiral galaxies Galaxies rotate in
differentially. They become more twisted up and
the spirals become tighter. After a few hundred
million years, the spirals wound up so tightly
that spirals would no longer be recognizable - Comets Comets orbit round the sun in eccentric
orbits. They vaporize their ice content as they
orbit. The average lifetime is 100,000 yrs.
There is no evidence of Oort cloud. - Absence of anti-matter Anti-matter is very rare
and short-lived. Our universe contains only
matter! - Our universe cries out for the Creator!
6Solar System Formation
- Theories abound but none works.
- We have seen over 400 planetary systems but none
is habitable. - Star formation crisis spin problems, magnetic
field problems. Gas pressure, angular momentum,
and magnetic fields work against a condensing
star - The earth is unique! It is no accident! Mercury
is very hot. Venus is even hotter 900oF with no
seasons. Mars is cold and no air. All other outer
planets are too cold. Plutos average temp 370oF - Our solar system cries out for the Creator!
7Keplers Supernova
8Helix Nebula
9Cassiopeia A
10Orion Nebula
11Rosette Nebula
12The Eagle Nebula
13Supernova Remnant N63A and Centaurus A
14Trifid Nebula M20
15Nebula NGC 3918 and NGC 6543
16Red Rectangle Nebula
17Planetary Nebula NGC 6853
18Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula
19(No Transcript)
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
21Some Hubble Images
22Hubbles Tuning Fork
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
23Typical galaxies
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
24More Distant Galaxies
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
25Darkest Region of Deep Field HST
26Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
27Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-1
- Cosmological Special Relativity line element
- Change coordinates
28Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-2
29Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-3
30Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-4
31Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-5
32Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-6
33Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-7
- Spherically symmetric universe
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
34Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-8
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
35Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-9
- The acceleration can be approximated as
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
36Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-10
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
37Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-11
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
38Math bases for light to travel billions of ly in
a few hours-12
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
39Our Galaxy at the center of concentric spherical
shells of galaxies-1
- Galaxies are riding on the expansion of space
- Astronomers measure the distance and velocity of
galaxies in the expanding universe - Distance is determined from the brightness or
magnitude of the source and velocity from
redshifts - We are observers near the center of the universe
- The exact form of the Hubble Law at high
redshifts depends on the details of the assumed
model - The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey sampled 200,000
galaxies - The SDSS (2003) mapped 200,000 galaxies in 6 of
the sky
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
402dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
41Sloan Digital Sky Survey
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
42Our Galaxy at the center of concentric spherical
shells of galaxies-2
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
43Our Galaxy at the center of concentric spherical
shells of galaxies-3
- The two sky surveys show concentric and circular
structures with our Galaxy as center - The Big Bang Model should expect more galaxies at
greater distances as we look back in time - The sky maps show galaxy density oscillates with
distance, hence circular structure - Galaxies are found at certain discrete distances
resulting in preferential variations with our
Galaxy as the center
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
4420,000 galaxies from the SDSS
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
45Discrete Redshifts
- The spikes seen in the N versus z plots from the
2dFGRS and SDSS data indicate preferred distances
for galaxies where they concentrate - This is indicative of the concentric structures
- Farther galaxies are too dim to be seen
- After subtracting off the polynomial, the density
oscillations are clearly seen - The redshifts can be plotted against peak numbers
- Interval of separation is about 36 Mpc (100
mlys) - We live in a galactocentric universe
46Redshift versus Peaks up to 20
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
4720,000 Quasars from the SDSS data
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
48Quarsars are also concentric around our Galaxy
- The galaxies dominate in low redshifts while the
quasars dominate the high redshifts - Our Galaxy lies at the center of a giant
isotropic distribution of quasars in redshift
parameter space - If our Galaxy is randomly located, we should not
see any particular spacing or peaks at all - Quasars with redshifts greater than 1 are due to
the inflation of space in the early universe, and
not due to expansion of space occurring now - Quasars have intrinsic redshifts not due to speed
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
49Connecting galaxies with quasars
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
50Redshift versus QSO peak number
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
51Redshift-distance modulus
- The brightest galaxies (lowest magnitude value)
form a clear line that closely follow the
distance modulus versus redshift dependence - Using the present epoch matter density Wm0.04
and the Hubble-Carmeli constant h72.17 km.s-1
Mpc-1, the expanding universe does not need dark
matter or dark energy - Take each group of galaxies at a given redshift,
the brightest galaxy would have about the same
intrinsic brightness or absolute magnitude - The higher the redshift, the younger is the
galaxy - More distant galaxies are younger and brighter
52Apparent magnitude vs redshift
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
53High Redshift Galaxy
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
54Redshift, distance, and distribution
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
55Apparent magnitude vs redshift for galaxies and
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
56Apparent magnitude vs redshift for 20,000 quasars
Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher
Chui, PhD
57High redshift quasars, z gt 0.4c
- These redshifts are not results of expansion
- These redshifts are discrete. Some are forbidden
- These redshifts do not obey Hubble Law
- These redshifts are not distance-determining
- These redshifts are dominantly intrinsic due to
youth - These quasars are closer to their creation
- Prevailing redshift equation 1 zc (1 zobs)
/ (1 zi) - High redshift quasars ejected from active galaxy
nuclei - These quasars have very small Doppler
contribution - We live in a galactocentric universe. We are
The Universe Cries Out for the Creator -
Christopher Chui, PhD
58Redshift abundance peak values
59We live in a galactocentric universe
- One solution of Einsteins field equations allows
a finite expanding white hole with our Galaxy at
the center. - Observations from the large galaxy surveys
indicate that we live at the center of concentric
spherical shells of galaxies with a spacing of
about 100 million light-years. - Observations indicate that quasars are
distributed at discrete redshifts. These quasars
are much closer than their redshift distances.
They are also distributed on concentric spherical
shells - The universe was made for a purposewe are here
to observe the Creators glorious creation all
around us.
60Gloria Deo
- For in six days the Lord made the heavens and
the earth, the sea, and all that is in them and
rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord
blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Ex.
2011 - Then God said, Let there be lights in the
firmament of the heavens to divide the day from
the night and let them be for signs and seasons,
and for days and years Gen. 114