Title: The Earth in Perspective
1The Earth in Perspective
- Organized by Joe Naumann, UMSL
2We occupy a place somewhere on the Earth
3Now, THIS is really fascinating
- It's rather dazzling to see it presented this
4Planetary Comparison
5This certainly is enlightening.
6Beyond our sun ...................................
..... It's a big universe.
Jupiter is about 1 pixel in size. Earth is
invisible at this scale.
7Beyond our sun ...................................
..... It's a big universe. Antares is the 15th
brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000
light years away.
8Now TRY to wrap your mind around this ... This
is a Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Infrared
View of countless 'ENTIRE' Galaxies Billions of
Light-Years Away.
9This is a close up of one of the darkest regions
of the previous photo.
10(No Transcript)
11Humbling, isn't it?
- Now How Big Are You?
- And how big are the things that upset you today?
- Keep life in perspective
- Choose to be happy,
- and don't sweat the small stuff!!!!!