Title: Nocturnal: Automated Messenger-based Information Sharing and Collaboration
1Nocturnal Automated Messenger-based Information
Sharing and Collaboration
- Coby Fernandess
- (Intern) the Hebrew University
- Dahlia Malkhi, Udi Wieder, Lidong Zhou
- MSR, Silicon Valley
4. Personalized, collaborative search
- A collaborative personalized search tool
- Messenger-based sharing of URL-ratings
1. Exchange URL Ratings
2. Store in local DB
3. Web search results compared with local DB
Collaborative Personalized Search Results
5. Feed back satisfaction rating to local DB
4. Personalized, collaborative search
- A collaborative personalized search tool
- Messenger-based sharing of URL-rating
1. Exchange URL Ratings
2. Store in local DB
3. Web search results compared with local DB
Collaborative Personalized Search Results
5. Feed back satisfaction rating to local DB
4Nocturnal Vision
- Messenger as a Social Infrastructure for
Communities. - Decentralized social information sharing.
- Data propagates to 1-hop a users
contacts2-hop contacts contacts3-hop
contacts contacts contactsand so on - Collaborative and personalized web search.
- Each user stores information locally in a
5Messenger as a Social Infrastructure for
- Social communities are a powerful tool but social
connections are hard to elicit from users. - MSN messenger is an existing large social network
- Solves the bootstrapping problem.
- Yields effective communities (see poster).
6Decentralized social information sharing.
- No central repository P2P paradigm
- Personalization Each user has distinct data
- Privacy User information propagates only to
trusted peers - Trust Information is pulled only from trusted
7Collaborative and personalized web search.
- Things you can do with Nocturnal
- Share URL ratings among Messenger peers
- Collaborative web spam filtering
- Exchange reviews and recommendations
- A browser enhanced with our toolbar uses the
local database to filter search results and to
give peer-recommended URLs higher importance.
8Research Challenges
- Properties of Messenger-Based Communities and
Implications on Information Sharing and
Dissemination. - Trust and Reputation on a Social Network.
- Collaborative and Personalized Search
information gathering, filtering, aggregation and