A Suggestion for SEEA classifications of energy resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Suggestion for SEEA classifications of energy resources


A Suggestion for SEEA classifications of energy resources Ole Gravg rd Pedersen Statistics Denmark Sejr gade 11 DK 2100 +45 3917 3488 ogp_at_dst.dk – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Suggestion for SEEA classifications of energy resources

A Suggestion for SEEA classifications of energy
  • Ole Gravgård Pedersen
  • Statistics Denmark
  • Sejrøgade 11
  • DK 2100 Ø
  • 45 3917 3488
  • ogp_at_dst.dk

  • Two dimensions relevant for SEEA
  • Classification by type of energy ressource Coal,
    oil, gas, etc.
  • SEEA 2003
  • EA.1 Natural resources
  • EA.11 Mineral and energy
    resources EA.111 Fossil fuels
  • EA.112 Metallic minerals
  • EA.113 Non-metallic minerals
  • EA.12 Soil resources
  • EA.13 Water resources
  • EA.14 Biological resources
  • 2) Classification by quality/uncertainty
  • SEEA 2003 Reference to proven, probable
    and possible reserves (McKelvey type

SNA 2008 12.17 sub-soil assets are defined as
those proven subsoil resources that are
economically exploitable, given current
technology and relative prices.
Classification by type of energy ressource
New breakdown of EA.11 Mineral and energy -
focusing on energy
Alignment with the MFA/product classification?
Classification by asset characteristics
New SEEA classification based on /aligned with
the UNFC classification
  • UNFC United Nations Framework Classification for
  • Energy and Mineral Resources
  • Endorsed by the UN Economic Commission for
  • Recommended for worldwide application by the
    United Nations
  • Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
    (Resolution 2004/233)

Economic and commercial viability (E) Reflects
whether or not there are hindrances to extraction
in the social and economic domain.
Field project status and feasibility (F) Ranges
from early exploration and research projects, to
development, production and abandonment projects.
  • Geological knowledge (G)
  • Reflects the uncertainty in the estimates.

Criteria for incorporating UNFC in SEEA
Use the highest level possible, i.e. no more
details than needed
  • Main questions
  • What is the total ressource?
  • How much is recoverable?
  • What is the best estimate of future extraction?

A. Best estimate of reservesThe experts best
bid on what will be extracted in the future (50
per cent probability of extraction ?)B. Other
reserves Still recoverable, but lower
probability of extraction (Based on high bid
10 per cent probability of extraction ?)C.
Other resources
Suggested SEEA classification

Should hypothetical resources (G4) be left out ?
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Mapping of resource classifications
Solid energy resources Solid energy resources Solid energy resources Petroleum Petroleum
A. Best estimate of reserves 111 121 122 Proven probable Part of RAR part of EAR II /Inferred resources (costs lt US 80 / kg U) 111112 Proven probable
B. Other reserves Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 113 Possible
C. Other resources Others, except G4 Others, except Reconnaissance Others, except Speculative resources, SR Others, except G4 Others, except Undiscovered
Non-asset resources (not included in SEEA-E) G4 Reconnaissance G4 Undiscovered
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers CRIRSCO
Committee for Mineral Reserves International
Reporting Standards IAEA/IEA International
Atomic Energy Agency/International Energy
Agency). UNFC United Nations Framework
Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral
Resources RAR Reasonable Assured Resources.
EAR Estimated Additional Resources. The part
included in A. Best estimate of reserves is those
for which suggested extraction costs are lower
than US 80 per Kg U (1 January 2005).
Next steps - Continue cooperation with the UNFC
aiming at complete integration - The UNECE
Group of Experts on Harmonization of Fossil
Energy and Mineral Resources Terminology (AHGE)
is currently working on further harmonizaton of
the terminology and a high level version of the
UNFC that is largely commodity independent.
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