Title: WCO and Efficient Information Flows
1WCO andEfficient Information Flows
- Takashi Matsumoto
- March 2005
2Structure of the Presentation
- WCO in brief
- WCO work in this field
- WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB)
3WCO in brief
- Customs Co-operation Council (CCC),
- Established in 1952,
- Headquarters Brussels
- Since 1994 World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Independent intergovernmental organization
- 164 Members (Customs administrations ) covering
99 of world trade
4What is the WCO doing?
Rule and Standard Setting
Efficient and Effective Customs
5Efficient and Effective Customs
- is prerequisite
- to further facilitate trade and
- to further enhance security
- Efficient information flow is a key to enhance
efficiency and effectiveness of Customs
6Parties involved for Customs procedure
Foreign Customs
Foreign Customs
Port Authority
Customs Broker
Food sanitation
Shipping Company
Import License
Shipping Agent
Container Yard
7Related work of the WCO
Single Window
Integrated Supply Chain Mgt.
Unique Consignment Reference
WCO Data Model, Business Partnerships, Standard
Risk Assessment
Revised Kyoto Convention, Mutual Administrative
Assistance, etc.
8Revised Kyoto Convention
- International Convention on the Simplification
and Harmonization of Customs Procedures, 1973 - Revised in 1999, waiting for the entry into force
(expected very near future) - Core principles are binding commitments
- Consistent with and complementary to the WTO/GATT
Articles -
9Core principles
- Higher transparency and predictability
- Standardized and simplified documents
- Minimum requests and intervention
- Divorce of release from clearance
- Use of risk management
- Specially simplified procedures for authorized
traders - Maximum use of information technology
- Co-operation with other agencies and foreign
counterparts - Partnership with the trade
10WCO Customs Data ModelKyoto Customs Data
- Common data sets and uniform electronic messages
for cargo report, import, and export declarations
for the clearance of ordinary goods - Maximum data requirements for the routine
exchange of information between Customs and the
trader - Countries to require as little information as
necessary for Customs control purposes - Release on minimum information
11WCO Customs Data Model
- Harmonized maximum data sets for import, export
and transit - Common electronic messages based on EDIFACT XML
to follow - International code standards (WCO, ISO, UN,
others) - Version 1 (2002) G7 Initiative
- Version 1.1 (2003) G7 Security
- Version 2.0 (June 2005) WCO OGA
G8 countries and APEC economies agreed to
implement Data Model by 2005, where possible
12Unique Consignment Reference Number (UCR)
- Reported to Customs at any point during a Customs
Procedure - Applied to all international goods movements for
which Customs control is required - Used only as an access key for audit, consignment
tracking and information reconciliation purposes - Unique at both national and international level
- Applied at consignment level
- Issued as early as possible in the international
13Integrated Supply Chain Management (ISCM)
- Mandatory advance information
- Based on revised Kyoto Convention
- Using WCO Data Model UCR
- Enhance Customs-to-Customs co-operation
(bilaterally, multilaterally) - Mutual recognition
- Single window
- Partnership with trade
- Authorized Supply Chain
14What is ROCB?
- WCO Asia Pacific Regional Office for Capacity
Building (ROCB) - Established July 2004 and formally opened
September 2004 in Bangkok (Thai Customs
Department) - Support Capacity Building activities of AP Member
Customs Administration
15(No Transcript)
16Missions of Customs and CB
17Missions of ROCB
18Diagnosis Activities
- To hold two WCO Diagnostic Framework workshop in
Asia Pacific Region (Thailand and India) to
foster Diagnosis experts. - To dispatch diagnosis experts to requesting
countries in collaboration with WCO to identify
capacity building areas and suggest possible
solutions. - Whole administration
- Particular areas e.g. IT, IPR, Import/Export,
19Technical Assistance
- (Regional Seminar)
- TF and Revised Kyoto (India) (Jan. 31-Feb. 4)
- Non-preferential ROO (Sri Lanka) (Feb. 21-25)
- HS Multipurpose (Japan) (February 21-25)
- Diagnosis Framework Facilitators (India)( Mar.
14-18) - Framework of Standard on Secure and Facilitate
Global Trade (Hong Kong) (Mar. 22-24) - Synthetic Drugs and its Precursor Chemicals
(Philippines) (Apr. 18-22, 2005) - WTO Valuation Agreement (Malaysia)
- (National Seminar)
- HS Multipurpose (China) (Feb. 21-25)
- Updating of HS 2002 (Bhutan) (Apr. 4-8)
- WTO Valuation Agreement (Bhutan) (June), etc.
20Partnership with Donors
- The World Bank Modernization of Customs
- E.g. Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia,
etc. - ADB Development Programs including Customs
modernization - e.g. GMS, Central Asia, Afghanistan and
neighboring - Cooperation fund for security issues (ADB, APEC)
- WTO Trade Facilitation Seminars
- Donor Countries Bilateral Technical Assistance
21Thank you
Takashi Matsumoto rocbap_at_asianet.co.th