Title: Safe Routes to School
- Safe Routes to School
- Reporting and Invoicing Guidelines
2Presentation Objectives
- Explain the responsibilities of Fiduciary,
Principal, and Program Coordinator - Explain how to expedite your contract
- Explain guidelines for reporting expenditures
3Responsibilities of Fiduciary
- Financial aspects
- Spending procedures and payment schedules
- Spend according to the contract
- Pay approved expenses, and pay the SR2S
4Responsibilities of Fiduciary
- Keeping the receipts
- Communicate reporting
- Submit reports, invoices, and receipts (MFF)
- Receive reimbursement
5Responsibilities of Fiduciary
- Champion SR2S activities and projects
- Work with team to solved problems
6Responsibilities of the Principal
- Champion SR2S and facilitate involvement
- Spent on (only) activities and projects awarded
- Approve all awarded SR2S in-school activities in
a timely manner
7Responsibilities of the Principal
- SR2S information and materials, including
end-of-grant parent and student surveys - Provide permission to engage students in
activities, including leadership roles when
possible - Work with the team to solve problems
8Responsibilities of the Program Coordinator
- Plan and implement approved SR2S activities
stated in the award - Obtain skills and knowledge to implement
activities effectively - Obtain permission from Principal to schedule and
conduct the approved activities
9Responsibilities of the Program Coordinator
- Learn and follow fiduciarys rules for the
purchase of approved items - Keep all receipts and give those to the fiduciary
- Learn and follow your fiduciaries rules for
payment of the program coordinator hours
10Responsibilities of the Program Coordinator
- Complete and submit all reports required by the
fiduciary - Cooperate on assessment and evaluation activities
- Work with the principal and fiduciary to solve
problems if they arise
11Frequently Asked Questions
- When can I start spending money?
- As soon as the contract is complete
- How much time will I have to spend?
- All contracts end June 30, 2011
- Complete activities by 2010-2011 school year
12Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Award Summary?
- The document that came from MFF in the letter
announcing your award - When will the contracts be ready?
- It will be different for every school
- It depends on when the fiduciary gives the Award
Summary back to MFF
13How to Expedite Your Contract
- Award Summary Budget descriptions may have been
changed to be approved - The fiduciary and principal must agree on it
- Fiduciary may ask for changes between budget line
itemschanges must be approved by MFF - Difficult for approval not already in budget
- Only the fiduciary can make requests to change
the Award Summary
14Award Summary
- Require post-test based surveys and in-class
tallies for completion by parents and students.
- Final payment when surveys received.
- Post-test results will be provided by MSU.
15Additional Things to Know
- Save original receipts and documentation through
2015 or until MDOTs final audit is complete - Only items identified in award summary may be
requested for reimbursement
16Additional Things to Know
- Reimbursement takes 90 days from receipt of a
complete Reporting/Invoicing Packet to MFF - MFF reviews for accuracy, and will notify upon
needing additional information - Incomplete submissions will not be paid until
corrected. - If corrections are not made, payment will not be
17Reporting Packets Include
- Progress Report
- Invoice
- Personnel Expense Detail
- Non-personnel Expense Detail
- Meeting Summary Form
- Travel Summary Form
- Copies of all receipts for non-personnel expenses
- Final Reporting/Invoicing Packet must include a
Final Progress Summary -
18Reporting on Your Progress
- In order to receive financial reimbursement, you
must report your progress - The fiduciary is responsible for turning in the
progress reports. The coordinator and principal
should be involved in progress reporting - Fiduciaries have a particular form they must use.
They may have the principal/coordinator use the
same form.
19Progress Report
Safe Routes to School Non-infrastructure
Progress Report School Name Fiduciary Name (If
not the School) Date Reporting Period
Activity Description from Award Summary Cumulative of Activity Completed Number of Participants Accomplishments, Challenges, and Solutions
This is what is listed on your Award Summary Under non-infrastructure Budget Item. Each activity in a separate row. These activities and projects will stay the same in all the progress reports through the year. Total Percent Completed Total number involved in accomplish-ment of activity Activities completed. Critical that activities being reported coincide with the expenditures in the accompanying Invoice, Personnel Expense Detail, and Non-personnel Expense Detail
Web Site - saferoutesmichigan.org Resources
Award Recipient Reporting Materials
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22SR2S Non-Personnel Expense Detail
23SR2S Non-Personnel Expense Detail (Sample)
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
31Safe Routes to School Noninfrastructure Invoice (Sample)
32Encouragement Items
- Encouragement Items to Incorporate into your
larger message
- Inexpensive backpacks, string bags
- (reflective or bright colors)
- Reflective crossing guard/safety
- patrol vests
- Certificates
- Books with walk and/or bicycle to
- school safety messages
- Winter hats, gloves, mittens
- Umbrellas
- Wool socks
- Tokens used in tracking
- Reflective/flashing zipper pulls
- Pedometers and step counters
- Reflective/flashing backpack tags
- Rain coats and ponchos
- Reflective tape/stickers
- Pens and pencils
- Reflective/flashing bicycle license plates and
lights - Whistles
- Healthy snacks
- Flashlights
33Ineligible Encouragement Items
Video production At-school walking clubs (during school) In-school physical education activities Nutrition education activities Stray animal removal and vaccination programs Gang violence prevention programs Anti-bullying curriculum Graffiti removal, Clean-up or beautification programs Abandoned building demolition Newsletters and flyers with information from SR2S, T-shirts Gift cards Adult or student raffle items to reward meeting attendance Handbooks and manuals (From MFF) Full meals Crossing guard salaries Powered snow removal equipment Security cameras Salaries or stipends for positions currently funded from another source Salaries or stipends for multi-year positions Equipment rarely must be returned to MDOT Candy, soda, junk food, or unhealthy fast foods
- MDCH SRTS Handout
- www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/SRTS_SMART_Student
s_Handout_2_232465_7.pdf - Michigan Safe Routes to School
- www.saferoutesmichigan.org
- SRTS National Partnership
- www.saferoutespartnership.org
- National Center for SRTS
- www.saferoutesinfo.org
- Federal STTs
- http//fafety.fhwa.dot.gov/saferoutes/
35SR2S MFF Contacts
36MDOT Regions
Superior and University Rosie Stern North
and Metro Linda Patrick Grand and Bay - Alex
Nikoloff Southwest April Morrison-Harke