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Diapositiva 1


Clase 2: Conceptos B sicos de B squeda, Ascenso de Colina Gabriela Ochoa http://www.ldc.usb.ve/~gabro/ – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

Clase 2 Conceptos Básicos de Búsqueda, Ascenso
de Colina
Gabriela Ochoa http//www.ldc.usb.ve/gabro/
  • Repaso Optimización y Búsqueda
  • Fitness Landscape
  • Conceptos Básicos
  • Casos de Estudio SAT, TSP y NLP
  • Vecindad y Busqueda Local
  • Ascenso de Colina (Hillclimbing)

  • Objetivo encontrar el óptimo (o los óptimos)
    globales de cualquier problema
  • No essential difference between maximizing and
  • Theres no one single optimization approach that
    is good for all types of optimization problems
    (see NFL theorems)
  • better to classify based on special features of

Problemas de Optimización
  • Optimización Numérica
  • Variables de decisión son números reales
  • Función objetivo tiene expresión algebraica
    (varias variables)
  • Optimización Combinatoria
  • Variables de decisión son discretas
  • Soluciones suelen presentarse en la forma de
  • Función objetivo expresión mas compleja
    sumatorias, productorias, etc.
  • Problemas de grafos, agente viajero,

Fitness Landscape (2 traits)
Basic Concepts
  • Representation Encodes alternative candidate
    solutions for manipulation
  • Objective describes the purpose to be fulfilled
  • Evaluation Function returns a specific value
    that indicates the quality of any particular
    solution given the representation

Search Problem
  • Definition Given a search space S and its
    feasible part F in S, find x ? F such that
  • eval(x) eval(y), for all y ? F (minimization)
  • The point x that satisfies the above condition is
    called global solution
  • The terms search problem and optimization
    problem are considered synonymous. The search
    for the best solution is the optimization problem

Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT)
  • An instance of the problem is defined by a
    Boolean expression written using only AND, OR,
    NOT, variables, and parentheses.
  • The question is given the expression, is there
    some assignment of TRUE and FALSE values to the
    variables that will make the entire expression
  • SAT is of central importance in various areas of
    computer science, including theoretical computer
    science, algorithmics, artificial intelligence,
    hardware design and verification.

Computational Complexity of SAT
  • SAT is NP-complete. In fact, it was the first
    known NP-complete problem, as proved by Stephen
    Cook in 1971
  • The problem remains NP-complete even if all
    expressions are written in conjunctive normal
    form with 3 variables per clause (3-CNF)
  • (x11 OR x12 OR x13) AND
  • (x21 OR x22 OR x23) AND
  • (x31 OR x32 OR x33) AND ...
  • where each x is a variable, with or without a NOT
    in front of it, and each variable can appear
    multiple times in the expression.

Problem Formulation (SAT)
  • Let us consider a problem of size 30 (i.e. 30
  • Representation
  • 1 True, 0 False, Binary String of length 30
  • Search Space
  • 2 choices for each variable, taken over 30
    variables, generates 230 possibilities
  • Objective
  • To find the vector of bits such that the compound
    Boolean statement is satisfied (made true)
  • Evaluation Function?
  • Not enough information to take the objective

Travelling salesman problem (TSP)
  • Given a number of cities and the costs of
    travelling from one to the other, what is the
    cheapest roundtrip route that visits each city
    and then returns to the starting city?
  • An equivalent formulation in terms of graph
    theory is Find the Hamiltonian cycle with the
    least weight in a weighted graph.

Problem Formulation (TSP)
  • Let us consider a problem of size 30 (i.e. 30
  • Representation Permutation of natural numbers
    1, ,30 where each number corresponds to a city
    to be visited in sequence
  • Search Space Permutations of all cities.
    Symmetric TSP, circuit the same regardless the
    starting city (n-1)!/2
  • Objective Minimize the total distance traversed,
    visiting each city once, and returning to the
    starting city. Min Sum(dist(x,y))
  • Evaluation Function Map each tour to its
    corresponding total distance

Neighbourhoods and local Optima
  • Region of the search space that is near to some
    particular point in that space

. x
A search space S, a potential solution x, and its
neighbourhood N(x)
Defining Neighbourhoods 1
  • Define a distance function dist on the search
    space S
  • Dist S x S ? R
  • N(x) y ? S dist(x,y) e
  • Examples
  • Euclidean distance, for search spaces defined
    over continuous variables
  • Hamming distance, for search spaces definced over
    binary strings (e.g. SAT)

Defining Neighbourhoods, TSP
  • Use a mapping m, that defines a neighbourhood
    for any point x ? S
  • 2-swap mapping generates a new set of potential
    solutions from a given solution x
  • Solutions are generated by swapping two cities
    from a given tour
  • Every solution has n(n-1)/2 neighbours
  • Example 2 4 5 3 1 ? 2 3 5 4 1,

Defining Neighbourhoods, SAT
  • 1-flip mapping generates a new set of potential
    solutions from a given solution x
  • Solutions are generated by flipping a single bit
    in the given bit string
  • Every solution has n neighbours
  • Example 1 1 0 0 1 ? 0 1 0 0 1 ( 1st bit)

Defining Neighbourhoods, Real Numbers
  • Gaussian Distribution for each variable defines
    a neighbourhood
  • Mean the current point, Std. dev. 1/6 of the
    range of the variable
  • x (x1, , xn), where li xi ui
  • x xi N(0,si), where si (ui - li)/6
  • N(0,si) is an independent random Gaussian number
    with mean zero and std. dev. si

Local Optimum
  • A potential solution x ? S is a local optimum
    with respect to the neighbourhood N, if and only
  • eval(x) eval(y), for all y ? N(x)

Métodos de Ascenso de Colina - 1
  • Usan una técnica de mejoramiento iterativo
  • Comienzan a partir de un punto (punto actual) en
    el espacio de búsqueda
  • En cada iteración, un nuevo punto es seleccionado
    de la vecindad del punto actual
  • Si el nuevo punto es mejor, se transforma en em
    punto actual, sino otro punto vecino es
    seleccionado y evaluado
  • El método termina cuando no hay mejorías, o
    cuando se alcanza un numero predefinido de

Hillclimbing Methods - 2
  • May converge to local optima
  • usually have to start search from various
    starting points
  • Initial starting points may be chosen,
  • randomly
  • according to some regular pattern
  • based on other information (e.g. results of a
    prior search)

Hillclimbing Methods - 3
  • Variations of hillclimbing algorithms differ in
    the way a new string is selected for comparisons
    with the current string
  • One version of simple (iterated) hillclimbing
    method is the steepest ascent hillclimbing

Hillclimbing Methods - 4
  • Example problem
  • The search space is a set of binary strings v of
    length 30
  • The objective function f (to be maximized)
  • f(v)11one(v)-150
  • where one(v) returns the number of ones in v.
  • e.g. v1(110111101111011101101111010101)
  • f(v1) 1122 - 150 92

Hillclimbing Methods - 5
  • procedure iterated hillclimber
  • begin
  • t ? 0
  • repeat
  • local ? FALSE
  • select a curent string vc at random
  • evaluate vc
  • repeat
  • form 30 new strings in the neigborhood of
    vc by
  • flipping single bits of vc
  • select vn from the set of new strings with
  • largest value of the objective function f
  • if f(vc) lt f(vn) then vc ? vn
  • else local ? TRUE
  • until local
  • t ? t1
  • until tMAX
  • end

Hillclimbing Methods - 6
  • success/failure of each iteration depends on
    starting point
  • success defined as returning a local or a global
  • in problems with many local optima a global
    optimum may not be found

Hillclimbing Methods - 7
  • Weaknesses
  • Usually terminate at solutions that are local
  • No information as to how much the discovered
    local optimum deviates from the global (or even
    other local optima)
  • Obtained optimum depends on starting point
  • Usually no upper bound on computation time

Hillclimbing Methods - 8
  • Advantages
  • Very easy to apply (only a representation, the
    evaluation function and a measure that defines
    the neigborhood around a point is needed)

Search Techniques Revisited - 1
  • Effective search techniques provide a mechanism
    to balance exploration and exploitation
  • exploiting the best solutions found so far
  • exploring the search space

Search Techniques Revisited - 2
  • Hillclimbing methods exploit the best available
    solution for possible improvement but neglect
    exploring a large portion of the search space
  • Random search (points in the search space are
    sampled with equal probability) explores the
    search space thoroughly but misses exploiting
    promising regions.
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