Title: Diapositiva 1
1Theoretical Comparison of CCD Video
Processors Dr. Simon Tulloch University of
2Reset and clock-feedtrough noise
Reset (or Reference) pedestal
The video processor measures this step size
Reset event
Charge dump
Reset event
Signal pedestal
3Correlated double sampler, Method 1 Dual Slope
Integrator (differential averager)
Reset switch
Inverting Amplifier
Computer Bus
ADC (1 sample Per pixel)
Input Switch
Polarity Switch
3 switches minimum 3 op-amps minimum (in practice
another switch is needed to vary gain of pre-amp
if more than one pixel speed is required)
time between reference and signal
measurement windows
width of measurement windows (in general
40 of pixel time)
4Correlated double sampler, Method 2 Clamp and
Bandwidth- Limiting (f3dB 2 x
fpix) Pre-Amplifier
Hi-impedance buffer
Computer Bus
ADC (1 sample Per pixel)
Sample/Hold switch
Clamp switch
2 switches minimum 3 op-amps minimum (in practice
another switch is needed to vary 3dB point of
input pre-amp if more than one pixel speed is
time between release of Clamp and activation
of Hold
For the CCD231 the values are
Gaussian white noise 15nV Hz-0.5
flicker noise corner 150kHz
6The CDS is effectively a filter to maximise the
signal and minimise the noise
7In this study Tgap 5 of Tpix (pixel time)
Tclock20 of Tpix Ts 35 of Tpix
8At high pixel rates we are dominated by Gaussian
white noise
At low pixel rates we are dominated by flicker
9Correlated double sampler Digital version (DCDS)
Bandwidth- limiting Pre-Amplifier f3dB
fADC 2.0 x f3dB
Computer Bus
ADC (Multiple samples Per pixel)
All other CDS methods can then be digitally
10Digital Synthesis some examples
Dual Slope integrator ( Differential Averager)
Reset pedestal weights 1 Signal pedestal
weights -1
11Clamp Sample
Two ways to do this.
12Note that if prefilter is too narrow the Point
Spread Function can suffer
d pixel
Trailing pixel
Note read noise switched off to make effect
Infinite bandwidth
-ve signal leakage
Upper 3dB too low
Lower 3dB too high
ve signal leakage
13If the previous pixel waveforms are CDS processed
using the ClampSample technique we get
Infinite bandwidth Perfect pixel delta function.
At bias
Upper 3dB too low Following pixel is below bias
Below bias
Lower 3dB too high Following pixel is above bias
Above bias
14Example of excessively-low analogue bandwidth
Each photo-electron in an EMCCD produces a
delta function in the video waveform so they are
particularly useful for highlighting video
processor limitations.
Analogue CDS processed EMCCD image histogram
EMCCD image
These pixels are below bias upper-3dB point too
Vik Dhillon
15So with CDS how high do we need to set the
pre-filter 3dB point to preserve PSF? (With
DCDS this in turn will tell us how high we need
to set the ADC frequency)
16Bandwidth required, purely from PSF
Dual Slope should have analogue bandwidth gt6 Fpix
ClampSample should have analogue bandwidth gt2.6
17Also to consider In digital CDS the weights on
the samples immediately following the charge dump
could 1. We need to be sure the signal pedestal
has properly settled before the first signal
Signal pedestal NOT stable
For 90 settling in 5 of Tpix requires F3dB gt
5.5 Fpix
In conclusion
If F3dB 6 Fpix we preserve PSF and also have
a well settled signal pedestal within 5 of
Signal pedestal stable
It follows from Nyquist sampling considerations
FADC 12 Fpix
18Various digital CDS techniques now compared
using a novel time-domain model.
Synthetic MOSFET noise waveform Virtual CCD
19Build complex array
Real amplitudes
Imaginary amplitudes
200,000 point FFT takes 6ms on a PC
Real amplitudes
The real part is our MOSFET noise waveform
20Next add Reset noise pedestals. Signal
pedestals. and bandwidth limit Add
AC-coupling Bandwidth limit the pre-amp
21Measuring the noise
30,000 pixels. Fixed signal amplitudeqsig
(expressed in e-)
Step along pixel stream
CDS profile
Fill a results array with CDS-measured pixel
values qpix1.30000
(Note that the result is independant of the
gain of the CDS .)
22The synthetic CCD waveforms were then analysed
using the standard CDS techniques. (floating
point arithmetic with 200 samples per pixel )
Results compared the analytic models and E2V data
23Excellent agreement
24E2V data-sheet values are based on ClampSample
CDS with 0.4Tpix between the two samples and a
pre-filter bandwidth2.fpix
This analytic model suggests that Dual- slope
integration should give read noise as low as
1.3e- RMS (Controller noise not considered here)
25Now that the Virtual Oscilloscope model of the
CCD has been proven we can use it to investigate
non-standard CDS methods.
26Mirrored Gaussian
Mirrored Exponential
Hamming Window (speculative)
1-Hamming Window (speculative)
27Differential Averager (Dual Slope Integrator) is
the best all-round performer.
ClampSample is the poorest performer at
all pixel rates
Mirrored Gaussian and mirrored exponential
methods give tiny advantage at low-signal end
Notes. f3dB8MHz in all cases. Time
resolution of model50ns. AC coupled with lower
3dB point at 30Hz.
28Can we fine tune the Mirrored Exponential and
Mirrored Gaussian for further improvements?
29For sgtgt1 this method is equivalent to
the Dual-Slope method
30For Z0 this method is equivalent to
the Dual-Slope method
31So fine tuning the Mirrored Gaussian weights
gives only a tiny improvement and then only at
very-low pixel rates
32So fine tuning the Mirrored Exponential weights
gives only a tiny improvement and then only at
very-low pixel rates
33Up to now the waveforms have been heavily
oversampled (fADC gt 200fpix) and all arithmetic
has been floating point.
Practical implementation of digital CDS -
Account for more practical (i.e. lower) ADC
frequencies - Account for quantisation
noise. These are now included in the model
34Nyquist tells us That fADC gt 2.f3dB Is there any
advantage to running the ADC even
faster? f3dB analogue bandwidth
35Small improvement can be gained
from oversampling. Diminishing returns for fADC
gt 5.f3dB
oversampling factors
36(No Transcript)
37Same true for mirrored exponential method Again,
diminishing returns for fADC gt 5.f3dB
38Quantisation noise
Analogue CDS processor with a single ADC sample
per pixel will have a quantisation noise of
12-0.50.29 ADU. This adds in quadrature with the
read noise.
39Now we quantise the synthetic CCD waveform and
repeat the noise analysis
Focus in on one pixel frequency and two
oversampling factors.
Note the granularity of the quantised
waveform is proportional to the inverse gain of
the system i.e. the e-/ADU in the image.
40 Pixel rate 50kHz Analogue Bandwidth
(f3dB)500kHz CDS Method Diff. Averager
fADC 20. f3dB
fADC 10. f3dB
The sample averaging will give floating point
results. We can thus get sub-ADU resolution from
our ADC.
41- In conclusion
- DCDS reduces analogue component count and removes
the need - for analogue switches.
- Analogue bandwidth in a DCDS system needs to be
at least 6x pixel rate from - PSF and signal-settling considerations.
- 3) ADC frequency needs to be at least 2x
analogue bandwidth (as Nyquist would suggest). - A small reduction in noise can be
achieved if this is increased to 5x. - Read-noise improvements are minimal if
the ADC frequency is raised further. - 4) Fancy DCDS weighting schemes offer
insignificant improvements. - The differential averager is the best
all-round performer when - implemented either digitally or with analogue
circuitry. - In DCDS quantisation noise is greatly reduced
which gives an effective - improvement to ADC resolution and a
corresponding increase - in dynamic range.
42If manufacturers could reduce corner