Title: Horticulture Plant ID Study Guide
1Horticulture Plant IDStudy Guide
- Common and scientific names
- Horticulture I
- Instructor Mrs. Wise
2Abelia X grandiflora
- Common - Glossy abelia This plant is a Medium
evergreen shrub with reddish-green 1 inch long
leaves with small clusters of bugle shaped white
3Acer palmatum
- Common - Japanese Maple Characteristics
Maple-like leaves deeply lobed, with 5-9
lance-like, ovate lobes, 2-6" wide.
4Acer rubrum
- Red maple Is a large deciduous tree with red
flowers in early spring. Its leaves are dark
green w/ gray color under the leaves. (3-5 lobes
gray bark)
5Ageratum mexicanum
- Common - Ageratum -low growing annuals, ovate
leaves, 2 inches long and small clusters of
fluffy, lavender-blue, white or pink flowers.
Often used for edging.
6Ajuga reptans
- Common - Ajuga - best planted in partial shade or
even full shade fast growing ground cover.
7Aracaria heterophylla
- Common - Norfolk Island Pine - An Interior
office plant that usually grows about 4 ft tall
and looks similar to a little pine tree.
8Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri
- Common - Sprengeri Fern prefers part sun to
9Acuba japonica
- Common - Japanese Acuba - Thrives in low light
10Begonia X semperflorens-cultorum
- Common - Wax Begonia - drought resistant and sun
11Berberis thumbergii
- Common - Japanese Barberry A medium size
deciduous shrub with 1-inch long leaves, small
spines, and red berries.
12Betula nigra
- Common- River Birch A Medium sized deciduous
tree with thin brown bark peeling and trunks.
13Buxus sempervirens
- Common - Common boxwood- popular shrub used in
many a landscape especially as a hedge, screen or
for a topiary.
14Canna X generalis
- Common - Canna - grown best in full sun with
moderate water in well-drained rich or sandy
15Cercis canadensis
- Common - Eastern Red Bud/Judas Tree- A Small
deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves and brown
bean-type pods in the fall pink-purple colored
16Chlorophytum comosum cv.
- Common - Spider Plant New plants develop from
shoot tips 18 long and ¾ wide leaves green
with yellow line down the middle.
17Chrysanthemum morifolium
- Common - Florist Chrysanthemum - often called
mums or chrysanths. Flower bouquets and
18Chrysanthemum X superbum
- Common - Shasta Daisy - large white flowers with
yellow centers, typical of daisies excellent
19Coleus X hybridus
20Cornus florida
- Flowering Dogwood- A small deciduous tree with
white flowers called bracts with brown color at
the tips, red berries and very crooked growth
21X Cupressocyparis leylandii
- Leyland Cypress- an evergreen, about 5o ft. tall
with scale type leaves and short ½ inch cones.
22Dieffenbachia maculata
- Dumbcane An Interior plant with large
variegated green and cream colored large leaves
on a thick trunk.
23Epipremnum aureum cv.
- Golden Pothos Office Plant
24Euonymus alata
- Winged Euonymus A medium sized deciduous shrub
with dark green leaves 1 2 long that turn a
brilliant red in late fall.
25Euonymus japonica or Variegata
- Evergreen Euonymus Shrub 1 ½ - 3 long
leaves, half as wide as long. Green,
green/golden edged, green white edged
26Euphorbia pulcherrima cv.
- Poinsettia Sold at Christmas, Usually red,
originates from Mexico. Colored bracts or leaves
27Ficus benjamina
- Weeping or benjamin fig drooping branches with
shinny pointed leaves and aerial roots on the
28Ficus elastica Decora
29Ficus pumila
30Forsythia X intermedia
- Border Forsythia Large deciduous shrub with
many bright yellow flowers in early spring.
31Hedera helix
- English Ivy Climbing Vine
32Hemerocallis cv.Day Lily
- Full Sun trumpet type flowers, perrenial.
33Hosta sp.Hosta- Deciduous ground cover, 3 inch
wide by 7 inch long leaves. Leaves are dark green
to yellowish white mixed with green. verigated
34Ilex X attenuata FosteriFosteri Holly Red
- Often used as a corner planting to give height.
35Ilex cornuta Dwarf BurfordDwarf Burford Holly
36Ilex crenata Helleri Holly Helleri
- Often used as a border planting - evergreen
37Ilex vomitoria Nana
- Dwarf Yaupon- Dwarf evergreen shrub, 2ft. high X
2ft. wide with dark green mature leaves about ½
inch to 1 inch long. Stems are gray.
- Impatiens shade loving colorful annuals
39Iris X germanica var. florentine
40Juniperus conferta
- Shore Juniper-creeping habit
41Juniperus horizontalis Plumosa, Bar Harbor or
Wiltoniior Blue Rug
- Creeping Juniper Blue Rug- evergreen ground
cover with silvery-blue scale type leaves.
42Lagerstroemia indica cv.
- Crape Myrtle- Smooth tan bark, deciduous tree or
shrub, flowers all summer and into early fall.
Red, purple, white, pink
43Ligustrum japonicum cv.
- Japanese Privet- large evergreen shrub, dark
green leaves that are 3-inch long and 1 ½ inch
wide with raised veins underneath. ¼ inch dark
purple berries with a hard seed inside.
44Liquidambar styraciflua
- Sweetgum A deciduous with dark green star
shaped leaves and prickly balls. Leaves turn
yellow, orange, red and purple in autumn.
45Liriope muscari
- Liriope (Green or Varigated cv.)
46Magnolia grandiflora
- Southern Magnolia large shinny leaves, 6-9 inch
white flowers with cone like pods of bright red
47Malus sp. or cv.
- Flowering Crabapple A border tree, medium sized
deciduous tree with flowers and 1 2 inch
diameter fruit. Green, red, or purple leaves in
48Maranta leuconeura
49Myrica cerifera
- Wax Myrtle- large evergreen shrub, yellowish
green leaves about 2-3 inches long with serrated
margins near the leaf tips, clusters of small
waxy-gray berries.
50Nandina domestica
- Heavenly Bamboo Red foliage in Fall
51Nephrolepis exaltata cv
52Ophiopogon japonicus
53Pelargonium X hortorum
- Geranium An indoor/outdoor flowering plant,
used in baskets and pots, red, white, pink,
multiple colored. Flowers have a long petiole,
popular Mothers Day and easter flower. Number
1 bedding plant
54Pelargonium peltatum
55Philodendron scandens
- Parlor Ivy very low light
56Pinus mugo var. mugo
57Pinus strobus
- Eastern White Pine Clusters of needle like
leaves about 4-inches long. 5 needles per
cluster, 4 8 inch curving brown cones under the
58Plectranthus australis
59Prunus serrulata Kwanzan
- Japanese Flowering Cherry- Small deciduous tree
with pink double flowers. Used as an accent
60Pyrus calleryana Bradford
- Bradford Pear- Medium-sized deciduous tree, white
flowers in spring, reddish purple leaves in
autumn, grow in a symmetrical shape with little
or no pruning.
61Quercus palustris
- Pin Oak- Deciduous tree, about 50 ft. tall,
leaves have 5 to 7 lobes and 3 or 4 bristle tips
on each lobe, has acorns, brilliant red in
62Quercus phellow
- Willow Oak- Deciduous tree, has small acorns,
narrow green leaves, grows about 60 ft. tall.
63Rhododendron catawbiense
- Catawba Hybrid Rhododendron
64Rhododendron kiusianum or Rhododendron obtusum
- Azalea- Large evergreen, dark green 5-inch long
by 2-inch wide leaves, shade loving, grows wild
in the edge of the forest and by the roadside in
NC mountains, many flowers.
65Saintpaulia ionantha
66Salvia splendensSalvia
67Schefflera arboricolaDwarf Schefflera
- Dwarf Schefflera indoor, low light
68Spathiphyllum cvs.Peace Lily
69Tagetes erecta
70Tradescantia zebrina
71Viola X wittrockiana
- Pansy fall and spring flower cool season
multiple colors