Agenda 1/5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Agenda 1/5


Focus: Welcoming you back; revisiting the past and looking ahead to the future My winter break and yours A glimpse of your future in A.P. Literature – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Agenda 1/5

Agenda 1/5
  • Focus Welcoming you back revisiting the past
    and looking ahead to the future
  • My winter break and yours
  • A glimpse of your future in A.P. Literature
  • Battling out the answers to the multiple choice
    questions on your final exam
  • HW Start reading Metamorphosis purchase books
    if youd like your own copies (especially
    Metamorphosis). ?

What will we read this semester?
  • MetamorphosisKafka
  • The StrangerCamus
  • BelovedMorrison
  • Slaughterhouse-FiveVonnegut
  • Waiting for GodotBeckett
  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are DeadStoppard
  • Modern book of your choice (must be a work of
    fiction, not a memoir, and it must have been
    published within last five yearsnothing older
    than 2005).

Good News!
  • You only have three big writings this semester,
    and only one of those is a formal literary essay
  • Critical Review
  • Creative Poetry Project
  • Culminating Essay (involves your big question)

Warming Back Up to the Multiple Choice Section
  • Skim back through the passages and identify the
    type of each passage as closely as you can.
  • Ex 17th century sonnet, or modern essay
  • Identify which one was the easiest for you, and
    which one was the hardest.

Agenda 1/6
  • Focus Figuring out how to pick the right answer
  • During announcements A Pop Quiz pop Quiz pop
    quiz Pop quiz (just give it your best effort and
    finish as much as you can by the end of
  • Augmenting your vocabularies through the fun and
    intellectual stimulation that ispictionary!
  • Finish strategizing how to answer multiple choice
  • Tomorrow Frost/Dickinson timed writings
  • HW Start reading Metamorphosis (finish by
    Monday) think about what book youd like to read
    for your critical review. ?

The Rules and Regulations of Pictionary
  • The class will be divided into two teams.
  • Each artist will get one minute at a time to
    get his or her team to guess the definitions of
    the words assigned.
  • Each correct definition guessed will earn that
    team one point.
  • Artists may use symbols, but they may not use
    words, make sounds, use the technique of sounds
  • The winning team will receive a warm plate full
    of homemade cookies at some point this week.

What have we figured out about multiple choice so
Agenda 1/7
  • Focus How to become an even better timed writer
  • During announcements An actual pop quiz, but you
    only need to half of them right in order to pass.
  • Dickinson vs. Frost Dont get left in the dark!
  • TIGHT points of comparison
  • Look over sample essays on Dickinson and Frost
    and get yours back
  • Norming your grading with sample essays on the
    prose passage fast circle assessments of your
  • HW Read Metamorphosis by Monday make a decision
    about your critical review book and email me the
    title, author, and year of publication. ?

Tight Points of Comparison
  • We vs. I (point of view)

Agenda 1/8
  • Focus Assessing your final two timed essays
  • During announcements Look back to yesterdays
    samples write one sentence of defense for each
    grade you assigned
  • Is it a 1? Is it a 6? Sharing your grading from
    yesterday on The Street and circle grading your
    essays on The Street
  • Quick norming with the open prompt and circle
    grading of your open prompt essays
  • Calculating your actual score, if time
  • HW Read Metamorphosis in all its glory and
    create a reading ticket that addresses the first
    third of the book email me the title, author,
    and year of publication of your critical review
    book if you have not yet done so. ?

Agenda 1/11
  • Focus Questioning Kafkas The Metamorphosis
  • During announcements Figure out your 2 timed
    writing grades by calculating the average score
    on each. Ex If your graders gave you a 4, 5,
    and 6 on your second timed writing, your grade
    would be a 5.
  • What did you get on your midterm? Calculating
    your A.P. score and setting goals for yourself
  • Unleashing the monster of Kafkas
    Metamorphosis Small group Q A
  • HW If you havent emailed me your reading
    proposal yet (author, title, and year of
    publication), please do so tonight look over
    your vocabulary before you go to bed see website
    calendar for discussion schedule of The
    Metamorphosis. ?

A.P. Scoring How To Decipher the Chart
  • If you get 20 of the MC questions right, you
    need to get 6s and 7s on the essays to get a 3,
    and 8s and 9s to get a 4. A 5 is not feasible.
  • If you get 30 of the MC questions right, you
    need 5s and 6s to get a 3, 7s and 8s to get a
    4, and all 9s to get a 5.

Kafka Groups
  • With your group, please discuss the first 3rd of
    Metamorphosis. Here are a few guidelines
  • Share and discuss your reading tickets.
  • As a group, create five good discussion questions
    and write each one on a separate card.
  • Try to include at least three passage-based
    questions, and include the passage on the card.
  • When you finish your questions, place them in the
    bin of knowledge and take out two new ones.
  • When you finish discussing your two questions,
    exchange them for two new ones.
  • The quantity of notes you take is up to you, but
    you should be jotting down ideas and questions to
    share with the class (and to keep for yourself).

Agenda 1/12
  • Focus A more structured look at Metamorphosis
    overview of the critical review
  • During announcements Vocab. fun!
  • Reading ticket quickwrites and give-aways!
  • Whats a critical review? Samples of style,
    structure, and substance
  • HW Create reading ticket for second half of
    Metamorphosis based on one of todays statements.

Agenda 1/13
  • Focus Turning your Kafka questions into Kafka
  • During announcements Vocab. pop quiz 3
  • Warm-up Gallery walk of reading tickets
  • Whats bugging you about The Metamorphosis?
    Exterminating your Kafka issues, fishbowl-style
  • HW Read your critical review book start your
    final reading ticket for Friday. For that final
    reading ticket, use Galenet to find an article on
    The Metamorphosis print it and read it, then
    type a half-page to a page summary and opinion of
    it. ?

Best Metamorphosis Questions
  • Why doesnt anyone question his transformation?
  • What is the metamorphosis other than physical?
  • Is the metamorphosis exemplifying Gregor or his
  • What is the significance of Grete in the story?
    Why does she leave?
  • What is the central conflict?

Agenda 1/15
  • Focus Analyzing The Metamorphosis
  • During announcements What happened to Ms.
  • Character dance-off
  • Socratic seminar The Metamorphosis
  • Goal 1 100 participation
  • Goal 2 Share ideas from your articles
  • HW Incorporate The Metamorphosis into your big
    question blog/wiki read your critical review
    book poetry response due next week. ?

Character Dance-Off
  • 1st step Get into character by brainstorming
    everything you know about the character on your
  • 2nd step Think about how this character would
    act, say, move, etc.
  • 3rd step As the music plays, wander/dance around
    the room. When it stops, grab a partner.
  • 4th step I will post a question on the overhead,
    and you must discuss it with your dance partner
    for 2 minutes IN CHARACTER.

What do you do for fun?
What has been your greatest struggle?
What is the greatest tragedy that can befall a
What has been your greatest accomplishment?
What is the most significant change you have
What should we value above all else?
Agenda 1/19
  • Focus Seeing Kafkas bigger picture
  • During announcements Hows your memory? Vocab.
    list 1, revisited
  • Snack time!
  • Remember your initial Metamorphosis questions?
    How well can you answer them now?
  • Tuesday Writing 1 Open prompt
  • HW Bring Metamorphosis to turn in tomorrow read
    your critical review book. ?

Agenda 1/20
  • Focus Sharing final thoughts on The
    Metamorphosis and exploring background to The
  • During announcements Quietly enjoy a cookie bar
    from Ms. Leclaire
  • What killed Gregor? An MMM approach
  • Pre-reading questions for The Stranger
  • Distribute copies of The Stranger
  • HW Read through Ch. 4 of The Stranger for
    Friday, using one of todays questions as the
    basis for your reading ticket poetry response. ?

Agenda 1/21
  • Focus Addressing our social cravings
  • During announcements Quietly respond to the
    quick survey on the overhead.
  • Is a cockroach sometimes just a cockroach?
    Discussing The Meaning of No Meaning
  • Prereading questions for The Stranger
    Brainstorming and discussion
  • HW Read through Ch. 3 of The Stranger for
    tomorrow, using one of todays questions as the
    basis for your reading ticket poetry response. ?

Please have this finished in your notebook by the
end of announcements.
  • Do you think that analyzing a text detracts from
    the texts beauty and/or power?
  • Absolutely Kind of Not at all
  • Do you think that a piece of literature must have
    a deeper significance in order to be worthy of
  • Absolutely Kind of Not at all
  • Please explain your two responses.

  • How is conformity encouraged, even mandated, in
    our society?
  • What are the consequences of being non-conformist?

The Lie
  • How is lying a part of being social?
  • What are socially acceptable lies?
  • Which is more expensivethe truth or the lie?

  • What matters?
  • According to whom?
  • Why?

Action vs. Non-Action
  • Which is an ethically-correct choice given a life
    and death situation? Explain.

The Excluded
  • When does the socially marginal become
    criminal? Explain.
  • Is this right?

Agenda 1/22 (Shortened Class)
  • Focus Addressing literary distortion and reality
  • Any last poetry responses out there?
  • Discussion of The Stranger, Chs. 1-3
  • Writing Workshop Tuesday writing on The
  • Sample essay and rubric
  • Peer editing
  • HW Read chapters 4 through 6 for Monday
    critical review book. ?
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