HIS 106 Chapter 24 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HIS 106 Chapter 24


HIS 106 Chapter 24 Revolutions in the Transatlantic World – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: HIS 106 Chapter 24

HIS 106Chapter 24
  • Revolutions in the Transatlantic World

  • The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
    led to a series of revolutions for independence
    and a new way of governing between 1776 and 1824
    on 3 different continents

The American Revolution
  • Britains American colonies rebelled initially in
    1775 after being taxed without representation in
    the British Parliament
  • American colonies had always been drawn in to
    British wars and these wars were costly
  • The British felt Americans should help pay for
    these wars and for their own protection

  • The British Parliament voted to tax the colonies
  • 1764, the Sugar Act was passed which lowered the
    tax on sugar, but the tax would be collected it
    had been ignored before
  • Any smugglers would be tried in admiralty courts
    without juries

  • 1765, the Stamp Act put a tax on legal documents,
    receipts, playing cards, newspapers, and
  • This tax affected more people, making them angry

  • 1773, the Tea Act allowed the British East India
    Company to import tea directly to the colonies
  • They even lowered the price of tea
  • Americans cried, No taxation without
  • As a result, Bostonians threw a shipload of tea
    into the Boston Harbor

  • In reprisal, the British
  • Closed the port of Boston
  • Reorganized the government of Massachusetts using
    a military governor
  • Quartered soldiers in private homes
  • Did away with trials by jury, no more juries

  • Colonies response
  • Formed the First Continental Congress to deal
    with Britain diplomatically didnt work
  • 1775, Battles at Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill,
    and Breeds Hill near Boston between Americans
    and the British
  • Second Continental Congress was called to
    organize the American war effort
  • 1776, Declaration of Independence

  • After several years of fighting and with aid from
    France and Spain, the United States won its
    independence in 1781
  • The new American government adopted many ideas
    advocated by the Enlightenment thinkers
  • 3 branches of government with checks and balances
  • Bill of Rights
  • Voting rights

The French Revolution
  • Inspired by the American Revolution, the French
    rebelled against their own absolute king who
    lived well while others couldnt afford bread
  • The French people wanted
  • Manorialism ended
  • The power of the Catholic Church limited
  • Rights and representation

  • Feeling pressured, King Louis XVI called the
    Estates General after 150 years of not meeting
  • Estates General had 3 groups
  • The Clergy with 1 vote
  • The Nobles with 1 vote
  • The Middle Class with 1 vote
  • The clergy and the nobles paid no taxes and
    always voted together against the middle class,

  • The people and the middle class rebelled in 1789
    and their revolution began
  • Wrote a Bill of Rights called Declaration of the
    Rights of Man and Citizen
  • Stormed the Bastille on 14 July to get weapons
    and to release political prisoners there were
    none there
  • Stormed manors and burned records of which
    peasants owed money to the lord

  • Aristocrats lost power and later, many lost their
  • Church property was seized
  • Voting rights were established
  • 1792, the revolution turned more radical during
    the Reign of Terror led by Maximilien Robespierre
    and his Committee of Public Safety

Reign of Terror
  • Few were safe
  • Anyone deemed an enemy was guillotined, including
    Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette
  • Leaders of the revolution and later Robespierre
    himself were guillotined

  • Reforms
  • Mass education
  • Votes for all men
  • Changes in fashion to reflect ancient Greece
  • Changes in the calendar
  • Military draft to fight for France against other
    European nations trying to stop the French

  • Reign of Terror ended in 1795
  • A moderate government ruled until 1799
  • 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte, a French general from
    Corsica, took control and established a thinly
    disguised dictatorship

  • Introduced reforms like a new law code, equality
    for men, and secondary schools, universities, and
  • He also tried to take over Europe
  • He got as far as Moscow
  • This French empire began to fall apart in 1812
    and was crushed by other European nations by 1815

  • Napoleon was exiled to Elba in 1815
  • He returned to lead an army against the British
    at Waterloo
  • He was again defeated
  • This time exiled to the island of St. Helena in
    June of 1815
  • Napoleon died there in 1821

  • France continued to search for a workable
    governmental system throughout the 19th century
  • On the whole, there were no wars among European
    nations after the demise of Napoleon for the rest
    of the century

Wars of Independence in Latin America
  • By the mid-1820s, Latin America had driven out
    their colonial rulers and had broken the colonial
    trade monopolies
  • Although rich in natural resources, the region
    did not achieve widespread prosperity and
    long-lasting political stability until the 20th

  • Their wars for independence were not grass-roots
    movements by the people
  • They were started by the Creole elites who didnt
    want to lose any of their power or influence to
    European leaders when they reorganized their
  • Creoles also wished to keep the social structure
    that had them at the top

  • Creoles wished to control and reap the benefits
    of their trade
  • These Creole military leaders of the wars held
    much of the political power in the newly
    independent Latin American nations
  • These wars for independence hurt their economies
    because mines were flooded, livestock depleted,
    and the work force disrupted

  • Previously, colonial Latin America was dependent
    on Spain or Portugal for their exports and
  • The newly independent Latin America would become
    economically dependent on the United States and
  • They would export raw materials and import
    manufactured goods Neocolonialism politically
    independent, economically dependent

  • As a result, they were dependent on the world
    market to set prices they didnt set the prices
  • If there were a depression or a recession in the
    world, Latin America felt it
  • They did not develop their own manufacturing
    until the 1930s during the Great Depression

  • Latin America was also influenced by the
    Enlightenment and they wanted
  • Representative government
  • Freedom to trade with different countries
  • Freedom to choose their own careers
  • Right to private property
  • Right to be free and independent

  • First tried for independence under the guidance
    of Father Miguel de Hidalgo in 1810
  • United Indians and mestizos
  • Won some victories
  • Was captured by Creole elites and executed

  • After 1820, when Spain seemed weak, the Creoles
    worked for independence under Augustin de
  • United various forces
  • Occupied Mexico City in 1821
  • Proclaimed Emperor over the Mexican Empire that
    included Central America
  • Lasted until 1824 when Central American states
    pulled away from Mexico 1830, they formed
    independent states

Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador
  • Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), a Creole officer,
    became the leader of the revolt against Spain in
    northern South America
  • He mobilized those in Venezuela, Colombia, and
  • Won a series of victories there between 1817 and
  • These 3 areas initially formed Gran Colombia
    until 1830 when they broke into 3 states

Argentina or Rio de la Plata
  • 1806, citizens of Buenos Aires fought off a
    British invasion and did it without Spanish help
  • Learned they could look to themselves for
    effective military and political action
  • 1810, people in Buenos Aires threw off the
    Spanish authority there and sent liberation
    forces to Paraguay and Uruguay

  • Their armies were defeated there, but Spain still
    lost control of these 2 areas
  • Paraguay asserted its own independence
  • Uruguay was eventually absorbed by Brazil
  • Government was determined to liberate Peru, the
    greatest stronghold of royalist power and loyalty
    in South America

  • By 1814, Jose de San Martin (1778-1850), the
    leading general of the Rio de la Plata forces ,
    had organized and led an army over the Andes
    mountains into Chile
  • By 1817, he helped to establish Chilean
    independence leader, Bernardo OHiggens, as
    supreme dictator
  • Then San Martin constructed a naval force to
    carry his army to Peru in 1820

  • 1821, San Martin drove out the royalist forces
    and assumed the title of Protector of Peru
  • By 1825, all of Spanish South America had gained
    political independence
  • They all began as republics with representative
    governments, putting the ideas of the
    Enlightenment into action

  • Brazilian independence came rather peacefully and
    simply by comparison
  • The Portuguese royal family, several thousand
    government officials, and members of court took
    refuge in Brazil in 1807 when French troops under
    Napoleon invaded Portugal
  • Their arrival in Rio de Janeiro transformed the
    city into a court city and capital of the
    Portuguese Empire

  • Prince regent, Joao (r. 1816-1826), made Brazil a
    kingdom so that it could no longer be seen as a
    colony of Portugal
  • Brazil was more prosperous than Portugal
  • 1820, a revolution occurred in Portugal and Joao
    had to return home leaving his son Pedro (r.
    1822-1831) to rule in Brazil
  • Joao encouraged Pedro to be sympathetic to the
    political aspirations of the people

  • He was
  • Pedro embraced the idea of Brazilian independence
    and declared himself emperor of an independent
    Brazil at the end of 1822
  • Brazil remained a monarchy until 1889 with a
    centralized government whose political and social
    elite were determined to keep slavery
  • Wars of independence elsewhere led to the
    abolition of slavery or closer to the abolition
    of slavery

Consequences of Latin American Independence
  • Wars left them
  • Free from direct European control
  • Economically exhausted
  • Politically unstable
  • Weak and vulnerable

  • Overseas trade had been interrupted and changed
  • Trade among republics was difficult because of
    poor roads, no railroads there were mountains
    and rivers
  • There was no money for investment
  • Latin American governments looked to Britain for
    protection, markets, investment

  • Life didnt change much for the lower classes
  • There were caste and racial distinctions despite
    having been removed from the law
  • Indian population was not brought into political
  • Slave trade had been abolished in most areas
  • However, slavery, itself, did not disappear from
    former Spanish Empire until 1850s and not from
    Brazil until 1888

  • Landowners became the major governing group
  • Much of the population felt no loyalty to the new
  • These new regimes operated mostly in the
    interests of the Creole elites that had created
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