Education and social order - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Education and social order


Title: Portrait of the Italian education system Author: Michael Hechter Last modified by: debraf Created Date: 9/2/2004 8:30:26 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Education and social order

Education and social order
  • September 2, 2004

Public education
  • Universal education is very recent. Education
    was the province of the elite and the clergy.
    Private good, not public good. Why did
    compulsory public education develop?
  • Demand of the working class and of employers (new
    industrial work discipline)
  • Education helped prepare people for factory
  • Education offered literacy

Education and social inequality
  • Education is one of the principal methods for
    ameliorating the effects of inequality
  • some level of education is compulsory
  • rising level of mass education expands the
    proportion of those who have a claim to decision
    making, citizenship responsibilities
  • most countries have a system based on merit for
    continuing education
  • educational attainment is closely tied to
    occupational status

Education and social inequality
  • Education also helps create new classes of
    knowledge and personnel which are then adopted
    into society. (Bioengineering, neurobiology
    these are constructions of modern higher
  • Expansion of the education system increases the
    number of specialized and elite positions in

Societal level data
  • The general education level of a society means a
  • Average years of schooling
  • Italy 7.2
  • US 12.0
  • France 7.9
  • Years of compulsory education
  • US 12
  • Italy 9

Evidence of change?
  • Students enrolled in upper secondary school
    represent 80 of the 15-19 age group. Higher
    proportion of female than male students (81 vs
    79), especially in north and central. Students
    completing upper secondary school with a diploma
    were 63 of 19 year olds (68 f v 59 m)

Comparative statistics
  • Total population having completed at least upper
    secondary education
  • Italy 45
  • EU 63
  • Spain 38
  • Comparative statistics for 18 year olds enrolled
    in any kind of education (incl vocational)
  • Italy 69
  • EU 75
  • France 80

Effects of education
  • Does level of education matter for labor force
    participation? For occupational attainment?

Italy as a special case
  • For students of social stratification, Italy is
    an interesting case
  • Simultaneously a major industrial country but
    quite traditional with respect to its educational
    system. One of the most unequal in Europe, with
    a fraction of the population as highly educated
    as anywhere in the world, and another fraction
    obtaining less education than in virtually any W
    European country.

A study
  • In a study by Ganzeboom and Treiman (1993), it
    was shown that the effect of social origins
    (measured by fathers occupational status) on
    educational attainment has significantly
    increased for women, but has remained constant
    for men. Very high in Italy, with no evidence
    that it is abating.

A study (cont)
  • Ganzeboom and Treiman, cont
  • With respect to occupational attainment, the
    trend for Italy is in line with other countries
    education has become more important (by a factor
    of 3 for men and 4 for women over the last 75
    years), and parental status has become less

Effect on income
  • Strong return on investment overall one year
    increase in education is 7.1. Return on
    investment is even higher for university study

Portrait of the Italian education system
  • Previous to 1945, Italian education was
    characterized by having an elite student body
    taught by an elite corps of teachers
  • This led to the perpetuation of a narrow ruling

1945 Defeat
  • Destroyed the physical infrastructure of the
    educational system, as well as
  • The software
  • Curricula
  • Syllabi
  • Teaching methods
  • Etc.

The state of education, 1951
  • 10 of the population is illiterate
  • Demands for the democratization of the education
  • Wholesale changes possible due to the extreme
    centralization of the education system

Education and direct rule
  • Ministry of Education controls
  • Curricula
  • Syllabi
  • Hiring and salaries of teachers
  • Financing of buildings

Educational reforms
  • 1962 secondary schooling made compulsory until
    age 14
  • 8 years of schooling made compulsory
  • However, curriculum remains traditional (e.g.
    Latin required) until late 1960s
  • Due to resistance of middle-school teachers
  • Massive increase in scope of basic education ?
    demands for greater access to higher education

Reforms in universities
  • 1961 students from technical institutes
    permitted access to science faculties
  • 1965 national entrance exam abolished ? open
  • 268,000 students in 1960
  • 450,000 students in 1968
  • Double the number of women in this 8 year period,
    but by 68 women are less than 1/3 of university

Early phase of university reform ? overcrowding
  • Even though the number of students increased
    rapidly, initially the number of universities
    remains constant

Persistence of feudal structure
  • Many professors hardly present
  • Professors obligation 52 hours of teaching/yr
  • Once this accomplished, free to attend to their
    main occupations doctors, lawyers, etc.
  • No seminars, tutorials or faculty-student contact
  • Result high rate of failure of oral exams
  • 81 of sec schl grads attend univ, but only 44
    graduate in 1966
  • System favors students from the upper social

Student revolt of 1967-68
  • Begins in strongly Catholic universities
  • Due to influence of liberation theology in Latin
  • Student revolt in Italy vs. USA

Consequences of university reform
  • Deterioration of quality
  • Political pressure to relax stringency of oral
    exam system
  • Grade inflation
  • Tenure granted to thousands of academics
    regardless of their qualifications

Consequences, contd
  • Creation of new universities
  • But students prefer old, distinguished ones ?
    more overcrowding
  • By mid 80s Rome has 160k students in a campus
    built for 33k
  • Med students cant get in the anatomy labs
  • Students have to line up early to get into the
  • Most students stay at home -- dont attend classes

Politicization of Italian universities
  • Politics at every level of the university
  • Students Many (up to 2/3) become professional
    students who are supported by political parties,
    and make their living by being political
  • Organize successfully to block educational
  • such as higher tuition,
  • standards

Faculty politicization
  • Faculty are often lined up with political parties
  • Hanker after the rewards including public
    offices that parties distribute to the faithful
  • The baroni autocratic senior professors who
    control the universities
  • Can choose the date to begin the academic year
  • Can delegate their work to their assistants
  • Until recently, could also take up another post
  • Often live far from their university posts
  • Do not have to submit to student evaluations

  • A great place to be a professor
  • Where can I sign up?
  • A terrible place to be a student
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