Title: Standardization of the Speech Transmission Index
1Standardization of theSpeech Transmission Index
- Herman J.M. Steeneken
- Former convenor ISO TC159/SC5/WG3, CEN TC 122/WG8
- Workgroup Activities
- Scope and Field of Application of ISO-9921
- Criteria for Speech Communication Quality
- Assessment Methods
- Prediction methods
- Conclusions
3Workgroup activities (ISO, IEC)
- Standardisation of acoustical warning signals,
- (review ISO-7731, FDIS 2002, CEN standard next)
- Standardisation of Speech Transmission Quality,
- (review ISO-9921, FDIS 2002, CEN standard next)
- Standardisation of Speech Transmission Index,
- (review IEC-60268-16, CDV 2002)
- Standardisation of Sound systems for emergency
- purposes (review IEC 60849, CDV 2002)
4Scope and Field of Applications of ISO-9921
Criteria for speech communication quality - to
be understood by designers and responsible
people - sub-divided into representative
groups of applications Assessment methods
(simple and advanced) Prediction methods
(related to assessment)
5Criteria for Speech Communication Quality
Measures Speech Intelligibility Vocal effort
of speaker Applications Alert and warning
poor loud Person-to-person (critical) fair loud
Person-to-person (relaxed) good normal
Public address in public areas fair normal
Personal comm. systems fair normal
6Assessment Methods
- Subjective Assessment
- Mean Opinion Scores simple
- Sentence Intelligibility simple
- (embedded) Word lists advanced
- Objective Assessment
- Speech Interference Level (SIL) simple
- Speech Transmission Index (STI) advanced
- Speech Intelligibility Index (SII)
7Relation between subj. and obj. intelligibility
Qualif. Sent. CVC PB
nonsense meaning dB Excellent 100
gt81 gt 98 gt0.75 gt21 gt0.75 Goo
d 100 70-81 93-98
0.60-0.75 15 - 21 Fair 100
53-70 80-93 0.45-0.60 10 - 15 Poor
70-100 31-53 60-80
0.30-0.45 3 - 10 lt0.45 Bad lt70 lt31
lt60 lt 0.30 lt 3
8Qualification and relation between subjective
measures and STI
9Common Intelligibility Scale, CIS
Barnett and Knight, IOA 1994
CIS not linear with SNR ? STI ? 100 -
ALcons x AI ? PB words (256 words) ? Short
Sentences ? PB words (1000 words) ? 1000
10Relation STI versus SII
r 0.93
11Relation SIL versus STI/SII
r 0.97 (STI) r 0.95 (SII)
12Criteria in ISO-9921and IEC 60849
Application Intell. SIL STI
(CIS) Vocal dB
effort Alert and warning (simple) poor
8 0.40 0.6 Loud Alert and
warning (critical) fair 11
0.50 0.7 Loud Person-to-person (critical)
fair 11 0.50 0.7
Loud Person-to-person (relaxed) good 15
0.60 0.8 Normal Public address in public
areas fair 11 0.50 0.7
Normal Personal communication fair
11 0.50 0.7 Normal
13Prediction Methods
SIL, vocal effort, noise (ISO-9921) STI, vocal
effort, gender speaker,noise, band-pass
limiting, masking, reverberation,
echoes, non-linearity, (IEC 60268-16) SII,
vocal effort, noise, band-pass limiting,
masking, (ANSI 3 5.2)
14Calibration (Proposed)
- Reference speech signals at well defined
- conditions (through internet)
- Standardized spread sheets to calculate
- objective measures
- Specific software to process digital speech
- samples for listening tests
- Increasing interest in verbal warning systems
- Revised standards on ergonomic assessment
- of speech communication, alarm and warning
- systems, all STI methods
- To be used by decision makers and designers
- Criteria, Assessment methods, and Prediction
- methods included