Title: TTCs Standardization Work
1TTCs Standardization Work
A Method for Speech Quality Assessment of IP
- Network Management Committee
2Establishment of WG on Speech Quality of IP
- ?Work Group on IP Network Technology" of the
Ministry of MPHTP pointed out the need for
standardization of IP telephony speech quality. - ?The TTC formed Special Working Group 7 under
Working Group 4 (WG4-7)to study a method for
speech quality assessment of IP telephony.
3Mission of SWG2
?Standardize speech quality assessment method of
IP telephony ?Downstream ITU-T Recommendations
G series (Transmission systems) P
series(Telephone transmission quality) ?Contribute
to ITU-T Recommendations P series(Telephone
transmission quality)
4Relations with Other Organizations
ITU-T Recommendation
ETSI TIPHON Implementation Rules
TTC Domestic Standardization
Opinions and suggestions
CIAJ Terminal Standards
VoIP Promotion Conference Application-Filing
- ?Approval in Sep. 2002
- TS-1001A Method for Speech Quality Assessment
of IP Telephony - ?Approval in Apr. 2003
- JJ-201.01A Method for Speech Quality
Assessment of IP Telephony - (presently TS-1001 ,
extension of a scope ) - JT-G107The E-model, a computational model for
use in - transmission planning
- JT-G113Transmission impairments due to speech
processing -
6Purpose and Basic Policies of JJ-201.01
- ?The purpose of this standard is, taking account
of the standardization trends of ITU-T and other
organizations, to define a method of assessment
with the total quality index, the R value,
specified in the ITU Recommendation G.107 as the
total quality index for IP telephony services and
a method of assessment of parameters to
complement the R value. - ?For the purpose stated above, we made a study in
keeping with the following policies - (1) In principle, make sure that the standard
conforms to related international standards
(ITU-T, ETSI, - and TIA standards), and ensure that it
is consistent with international standards as a
TTC standard. -
- (2) Use the total quality index, the R value,
for IP telephony services. - (3) Specify evaluation conditions and method
of assessment for the calculation of the R value. - (4) In defining conditions and method of
assessment, ensure the ease of assessment and
fairness (strictness). - The R value is the index calculated based on
the E-Model, which has been developed as a
network planning tool. Because of the facts that
there are quality factors that cannot be assessed
with the R value and that the verification of the
correspondence between the R value and subjective
qualities is not satisfactory, parameters to
complement the evaluation based on the R value
are necessary, so is a method of their assessment.
7Scope of JJ-201.01
- ? The following scope has been defined to
maintain consistency with international
standards - Target services IP telephony services
(including interconnection with existing
telephone services) - Quality type Speech quality. (Reliability,
grade of service such as probability of loss and
dial tone delay are not in the scope.) - Time of application to a service Before a
service is offered and while the service is
operation. - Terminal type "Handset" (voice signal
frequency band 300 to 3400 Hz) - Methods of assessment for
terminals other than handsets are under
consideration - by ITU-T.
- The scope
includes services using IP telephony software in
terminals such as PCs. - The fairness in
measurement conditions will, however, be
maintained by conducting - measurement with
handsets. -
- Methods of assessment Method of assessment of
the R value in conformance with the ITU
Recommendation -
G.107 and a method of assessment of parameters to
complement the R value - Mapping between the R value and MOSs Mapping
among the R value, the Western MOS, -
and the
Japanese MOS
8Characteristics of JJ-20.01
- ?Specifications to which revisions and additions
have been made uniquely by the TTC - Extensions of the packet size conditions
assumed in G.113 Appendix I - (extensions of the packet size conditions in
G.729) - The relationship between the Western MOS and
the Japanese MOS necessary for conversion from
the R value to conversational MOS -
- ?Provision of guidelines for a method of speech
quality assessment - Definition of reference configurations
- Identification of applicable network
configurations - Delay, echo, and listening MOS or PESQ as
indexes to complement the R value
9Elements Making up the R Value
Concept The law of additivity of psychological
factors on psychological scale
No. of input parameters 20. The R value is
calculated from these input parameters.
R Ro Is Id Ie,eff A
Advantage factor Complements the effect of the
convenience of mobile or other communication on a
subjective quality (satisfaction).
Distortion/ discontinuity
Equipment impairment factor Represents subjective
quality impairments due to low bit rate CODEC,
packet/cell loss, etc.
Echo and delay
Ie,eff f4(Ie, Bpl, Ppl)
Delay impairment factor Represents subjective
quality impairments due to talker echo, listener
echo, and absolute delay
Simultaneous impairment factor Represents
subjective quality impairments due to OLR
(loudness), sidetone, and quantization
Basic signal-to-noise ratio Represents subjective
quality impairment due to circuit noise, room
noise at sending and receiving sides, and
subscriber line noise.
10Classification of R Value Parameters and Items
That Require Assessment
- ? The 20 R value parameters are classified into
those whose defaults are used and those that
require assessment to ensure the ease of
assessment and fairness (strictness).
?JJ-201.01 clarifies the relationship between the
packet size and le,eff, that are not mentioned
in G.113 Appendix I, and expands the scope of
that Appendix.
11Parameters to Complement the R Value and a
Method of Their Assessment
- ? Problems with the R value
- (1) There are quality factors that cannot be
assessed with the R value (such as burst packet
loss) - (2) The E-Model has been developed as a
planning tool, so that it cannot satisfactorily - reflect the implementation
characteristics of devices. - (3) The validity of the law of additivity of
speech quality impairment factors such as delay,
echo, and listening - quality has not been sufficiently
verified. - ? To complement the total quality index with the
E-model, the R value, a method of assessment of
individual quality factors (parameters) is
provided. - Delay
- Echo
- Listening quality Subjective assessment
(listening MOS value) or objective assessment
(PESQ value)Note - Note A method has been provided to suppress
the measurement noise that affects the assessment
value in PESQ - measurement via an electric I/F with
an terminal. The requirements on the noise level
are also determined.