Funding Resources and Research Development at UCI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Funding Resources and Research Development at UCI


Title: Slide 1 Author: Jackie Carew Last modified by: Randy Black Created Date: 6/1/2006 12:34:43 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Funding Resources and Research Development at UCI

Funding Resources and Research Development at UCI
  • UCI Department of Education
  • January 8, 2010

Simple as Pie
Universities Grow Flat Budget Tougher
How can an institution get a bigger slice of the
funding pie?
  • More competitive proposals
  • Larger proposals
  • More collaborative proposals
  • Greater persistence resubmissions

Research Development at UCI
  • RD Offices are distributed around the campus and
  • Not all have Research Development in the name
  • Not all do the same things not all do RD full
  • The UCI RD Professionals Group shares information
    and collaborates on projects

What does Research Development in the Office of
Research do?
  • Writing and editing proposals

Before . . .
How much writing and editing?
Proposals Edited in 2009
  • 787,590/3 years (RB) Wrote and edited proposal
    for LifeChips GAANN, G.P. Li, PI (December 2009)
  • 787,590/3 years (BR, RB) Edited proposal for
    Physics GAANN, Asantha Cooray, PI (December 2009)
  • 50,000/1 year (BR) Edited proposal for CRCC,
    Novel Liposome Nanocarriers for Targeted Cancer
    Therapy, Young Kwon, PI (December 2009)
  • 536,052/3 years (BR) Edited proposal for NSF,
    Development of an Uncertainty Model for NMQ
    Rainfall Products in Regions with Poor or
    Nonexistent Coverage, Soroosh Sorooshian, PI
    (Amir AghaKouchak) (December 2009)
  • 2 million/5 years (RB) Wrote proposal for NIH
    Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center, Ed Nelson,
    Greg Weiss, Kumar Wickramasinghe, PIs (November
  • 800,000/4 years (BR) Edited proposal for NIH
    Eureka program, Targeted Delivery and Controlled
    In Vivo Differentiation of Stem Cells, Young Jik
    Kwon, PI (November 2009)
  • 136,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on proposal
    for DOE graduate fellowship, Multidentate
    Hydrazone Ligands Potential Redox-Active
    Ligands, for Janice Wong (November 2009)
  • 136,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on proposal
    for DOE graduate fellowship, Detailed Molecular
    Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol
    Generated from the Photochemical Aging of
    Anthropogenic Primary Emissions using Methods of
    High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, for Tran
    Nguyen (November 2009)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB) Commented on proposal for
    NSF GRFP, micelles, Andrew Maycock (October 2009)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB) Commented on proposal for
    NSF GRFP, solar energy, Jeremy Pearson (October
  • 121,500/3 years (RB) Commented on proposal for
    NSF GRFP, Web architecture, for Kyle Strasser
    (October 2009)

Proposals Edited 2009 (continued)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB) Commented on proposal for
    NSF GRFP, cell type-switching in Candida
    albicans, for Melissa Bilbao (October 2009)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on proposal
    for NSF GRFP, Formation and Time Evolution of
    Molecular Orbitals, for Alejandro Rodriguez Perez
    (October 2009)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on proposal
    for NSF GRFP, Machine Learning Techniques for
    Analyzing Data from Sky Surveys, for Darren Davis
    (October 2009)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on proposal
    for NSF GRFP, computational model of part of
    brain involved in spatial learning, for Marianne
    Case (October 2009)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on proposal
    for NSF GRFP, Everett, Quantum Mechanics, and
    Information Theory, for Sam Fletcher (October
  • 121,500/3 years (BR) Commented on proposal for
    NSF GRFP, Environmental Engineering, for Mani
    Firouzian (October 2009)
  • 60,000/2 years (BR) Commented on proposal for
    Soros Fellowships for New Americans, for Mani
    Firouzian (October 2009)
  • 25,000/1-2 years (BR) Commented on proposal for
    Spencer Dissertation Fellowship, The
    Transcendental Classroom Childhood Education and
    Literary Culture in Antebellum America, for
    Jessica Collier (October 2009)
  • 574,178/5 years (RB, BR) Edits, bio sketches,
    upload for NSF REU, IM-SURE, G.P. Li, PI (Said
    Shokair Manager) (October 2009)
  • 2,905,080/5 years (RB) Edited proposal for NIH
    CNPP, Dielectrophoretic Nanotweezer (DeNT)
    Nanotechnology Platform to Study Tumor Biology,
    Kumar Wickramasinghe, PI (October 2009)
  • 300,000/3 years (BR, RB) Edited proposal for
    NSF Bayesian Model for Multiple Hypothesis
    Testing in Gene Set Analysis, Babak Shahbaba, PI
    (October 2009)

Proposals Edited 2009 (continued)
  • 1.5 million/5 years (BR) Edited proposal for
    NIH New Innovators Award, Semi-artificial hybrid
    vector for multi-modal, targeted, and safe gene
    therapy, Young Jik Kwon, PI (October 2009)
  • 25,000/1 year (BR) Commented on proposal for
    ACLS/Luce Dissertation Fellowship in American
    Art, Crafted Abstraction Three Nisei Artists
    Ruth Asawa, Kay Sekimachi, and Toshiko Takaezu,
    1942-1972, for Krystal Hauseur (October 2009)
  • 3,000/1 summer (BR) Commented on Woodrow Wilson
    Womens Studies Fellowship, Changing Traditions
    The Role of Village Women in the Creation of
    Modern Japan, for Christina Ghanbarpour
    (September 2009)
  • 13 million/5 years (BR, RB) Edited proposal for
    NIH Conte Center resubmission, to study sleep
    deprivation and ketamines effects on major
    depressive disorder, William Bunney, PI
    (September 2009)
  • 33,000/1 year (BR) Commented on ACLS
    Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Woman in
    Revolution A Biography of Rosalie Ducrollay
    Jullien (1745-1823), for Lindsay Holowach
    (September 2009)
  • 24,793/1 year (BR, RB) Commented on proposal
    for NEH Digital Humanities Startup Grant,
    Critical Theory Digital Archive, Erin Obodiac
    (September 2009)
  • 24,000/1 year (BR) Commented on Fulbright
    graduate proposal, Designing Development in
    India, for Lilly Irani (August 2009)
  • 540,000/3 years (RB) Edited proposal for NOAA
    Climate Prediction program, A framework for
    improving land-surface hydrologic process
    representation in CLM over California, Soroosh
    Sorooshian, PI (JiaLun Li) (August 2009)
  • 450,000/3 years (RB) Edited proposal for NOAA
    CCDD, Reconstruction and Analysis of High
    Resolution Precipitation Dataset, Soroosh
    Sorooshian, PI (Kuolin Hsu) (August 2009)
  • 540,000/3 years (RB, BR) Edited proposal for
    NASA Precipitation Science, Effective Integration
    of Multi-Satellite Observations for Precipitation
    Retrieval, Soroosh Sorooshian, PI (Kuolin Hsu)
    (August 2009)
  • 24,000/1 year (BR) Commented on proposal for
    Fulbright English Teaching Fellowship to Taiwan,
    for Diana Yanez (August 2009)

Proposals Edited 2009 (continued)
  • 121,500/3 years (RB, BR) Commented on NSF GRFP,
    2-Dimensional Infrared Spectra of Chemical
    Systems, for Nick Preketes, (July 2009)
  • 500,000/5 years (RB, BR) Edited NSF CAREER
    proposal, Bayesian Methods for Probabilistic
    Graphical Models, Babak Shahbaba, PI (July 2009)
  • 522,288/5 years (BR) Edited NSF CAREER
    proposal, Acid-transforming Polypeptides as
    Stimuli-responsive, Efficient, Biocompatible, and
    Tunable Nonviral Gene Carriers, Young Jik Kwon,
    PI (July 2009)
  • XX/1 year (BR) Commented on proposal for
    Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship program,
    to Taiwan, for Diana Yanez (July 2009)
  • 457,278/5 years (BR, RB) Edited NSF CAREER
    proposal, Models of Fermion Masses, Flavor
    Mixing, and CP Violation at the Electroweak and
    Unification Scales, Mu-Chun Chen, PI (July 2009)
  • 2,385,000/5 years (BR, RB) Edited proposal for
    NIH R01 renewal, Mitochondrial RNA processing
    machinery in Trypanosomes, Ruslan Aphasizhev, PI
    (July 2009)
  • 15 million/1 year (RB, with Jacobs group) NIH
    C06 proposal, for stem cells, Sue Bryant, PI
    (July 2009)
  • 6 million/5 years (RB, BR) Wrote and edited
    NIST TIP proposal, Robotic Rehabilitation of
    Aging Water Pipeline, Heath (industry partner) as
    PI, for Maria Feng (June 2009) (The proposal is a
    total of 18 million for 5 years, with UCIs
    portion being 6 million, of which 3 million is
    from NIST and another 3 million is matching UCI
    overhead plus Fyfe's contribution).
  • 750,000 ?/2 years (RB) Wrote proposal for
    NCMHD ARRA Health Disparities Research,
    Community-Based Health Disparities Research, Al
    Manetta, PI (June 2009)
  • 14,999,079/1 year (RB, with Jacobs group)
    Wrote and edited proposal for NIH C06 ARRA
    construction grant, Gross Hall basement retrofit,
    Sue Bryant, PI (June 2009)
  • 2,596,937/5 years (BR, RB) Edited proposal for
    NIH R01, Pinpointed and Targeted Multimodal
    Theragnostics for Early-Stage Cancer, Young Jik
    Kwon, PI (June 2009)

Proposals Edited 2009 (continued)
  • 500,000/1 year (RB, CH, BR) Wrote and edited
    proposal for NCRR Challenge Grant, PIBS
    (Procedural, Imaging, and Behavioral Suites),
    Jeff Goodwin, PI (May 2009)
  • 5 million/5 years (BR) Edited proposal for NIH
    R24, brain tissue repository for psychiatric
    illnesses, William Bunney, PI (May 2009)
  • XX/XX years (RB, BR) Edited proposal for NIH
    Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Grant,
    Stephen Hanessian, PI (May 2009)
  • 9,893,395 /5 years (BR, RB) Edited Admin Core
    for NIH ADRC grant, Carl Cotman, PI (May 2009)
    (they didnt use it because we got the text too
    close to their deadline)
  • 1 million/2 years (RB) Edited NIH Challenge
    Grant, Isolation of Intact Protein Complexes for
    Structural and Functional Analysis, Young Jik
    Kwon, PI (April 2009)
  • Salary and benefits/one year (CH, BR) Edited
    proposal for Kauffman Foundation Postdoctoral
    Fellowship in entrepreneurship, for Shinjae Chung
    (April 2009)
  • 600,000/2 years (BR) Edited proposal for NIEHS
    Challenge Grant, Genome-wide strategies to study
    genetic interactions in complex diseases, Guia
    Guffanti, PI (April 2009)
  • 600,000/2 years (BR, RB) Edited proposal for
    DOE, Enhancing cloud microphysics modeling using
    the system theoretic optimization approach,
    Soroosh Sorooshian, PI (Xiaogang Gao) (April
  • 50,400/1 year (BR, CH) Edited proposal for NEH
    Fellowship, Empire and Nation Culture,
    Translation, and Colonialism in Korea and Japan
    from the 1920s through the 1960s, Serk Bae Suh,
    PI (April 2009)
  • XX/XX years (RB) Wrote proposal for ED GAANN,
    LifeChips, G.P. Li, PI (March 2009) (not funded)
  • 387,742/2 years (BR) Edited NIH R21
    resubmission, Nanoparticle carries for targeted
    cancer gene therapy, Young Jik Kwon, PI (March
  • XX/5 years (RB, BR, CH) Commented on
    pre-proposal for NSF IGERT, EARTH Idea, Diane
    Pataki, PI (March 2009)

Proposals Edited 2009 (continued)
  • 600,000/3 years (BR, CH) Edited proposal for
    NIH RO1, Combined Optical Imaging and Gene
    Therapy for Early-Stage Cancer by
    Stimuli-Triggered Transformation of
    Nanoparticles, Young Jik Kwon, PI (February 2009)
  • XX/XX years (RB) Formatted graphics for NIH
    RO1, Genetic and Neuroanatomical Abnormalities in
    Suicide, William Bunney, PI (Marquis Vawter)
    (February 2009)
  • 1.5 million/5 years (BR) Edited proposal for
    NIH RO1 renewal, How trypanosomes molecular
    machineries function together in defining a
    mitochondrial transcriptome at discrete
    developmental stages, Ruslan Aphasizhev, PI
    (February 2009)
  • 7,500/1-2 years (BR, CH) Commented on proposal
    and formatted bio sketches for UC HRI California
    Studies Consortium, Place-Making Mapping
    Kumeyaay Placenames, Tanis Thorne, PI (February
  • 440,000/2 years (BR) Edited proposal for
    NOAA/NWS, Understanding and improving
    Californias river and water resource predictions
    using in situ and remote sensing data, Soroosh
    Sorooshian, PI (Xiaogang Gao) (February 2009)
  • 408,000/4 years (BR, RB) Edited and commented
    on proposal for FIPSE Atlantis EU-U.S. Academic
    Cooperation, DUDECRONO, Dimitris Pavlidis, PI
    (from Germany), Jean-Luc Gaudiot, UCI Co-PI
    (February 2009) (awarded)
  • 17,494,573/5 years (BR, RB, CH) Edited proposal
    for NIH Cancer Center Comprehensive Center
    designation, Frank Meyskens, PI (February 2009)
    Jacquie said these numbers are for Stage 1, while
    this application is for Stage 2
  • 1,240,000/2 years (RB) Edited proposal for NSF,
    Prochlorococcus and its contribution to new
    production in the Sargasso Sea, Adam Martiny, PI
    (February 2009)

Proposals Edited 2009 (continued)
  • 752,738 /3 years (RB) Edited proposal for NSF,
    Collaborative Research Evolutionary Ecology of
    Marine Synechococcus-Cyanophage Interactions,
    Jennifer Martiny, PI (February 2009)
  • XX/2 years (CH, RB, BR) Wrote and edited LOI
    for University of Chicago Arete, New Science of
    Virtues, The Etiology of Altruism, Its Causes
    and Consequences, Kristen Monroe, PI (February
  • XX/3 years (CH, BR) Wrote and edited LOI and
    proposal for NSF Gender in Science and
    Engineering, Gender Equality What Works and
    What Does Not, Kristen Monroe, PI (February
    2009) (LOI turned down)
  • 60,000-90,000/2-3 years (BR) Edited proposal
    for NASA fellowship, A statistical
    model-selection approach for daily snow water
    equivalent estimation using in-site, satellite
    remote sensing and other data in California,
    Soroosh Sorooshian, PI (Xiaogang Gao) (January
  • 1.25 million/5 years (RB) Edited proposal for
    NIH RO1, M current regulatory mechanisms
    contributions to neuronal plasticity, Naoto
    Hoshi, PI (January 2009)

Total 69 proposals requesting 108,505,810
Funded Proposals 2009
  • 6.2 million/5 years Maria Feng (Heath industry
    partner as PI), NIST TIP proposal, Robotic
    Rehabilitation of Aging Water Pipeline (The
    proposal is a total of 18 million for 5 years,
    with UCIs portion being 6 million, of which 3
    million is from NIST and another 3 million is
    matching UCI overhead plus Fyfe's
    contribution.) (December 2009)
  • 7,500/1-2 years Tanis Thorne, PI, UC HRI
    California Studies Consortium, Place-Making
    Mapping Kumeyaay Placenames (November 2009)
  • 1,240,000/2 years Adam Martiny, PI, NSF,
    Prochlorococcus and its contribution to new
    production in the Sargasso Sea (October 2009)
  • 408,000/4 years Jean-Luc Gaudiot (UCI Co-PI),
    Dimitris Pavlidis, PI (from Germany), FIPSE
    Atlantis EU-U.S. Academic Cooperation, DUDECRONO
    (August 2009)
  • 500,000/1 year Jeff Goodwin, PI, NCRR
    Rederivation and Quarantine Suite (RIQS)
  • 191,198/1 year Ruslan Aphasizhev, NIH R21,
    Functions of Nuclear Non-Canonical Poly(A)
    Polymerases in Trypanosomes
  • 350,000/5 years Candice Odgers, W.T. Grant
    Foundation Scholars proposal, Macro-to-micro
    contextual triggers of early adolescent substance
    exposure, (February 2009)
  • 144,590/1 year Dara Sorkin, NIDDK K01 Award,
    Using Social Ties to Reduce Disparities The
    Coached Care for Diabetes Program (April 2009)

What else does Research Development do?
  • Writing and Editing Proposals
  • Disseminates Info on Funding Opportunities

UCI Fundopp
  • Began as listserv in Contracts and Grants focus
    on NSF opps
  • Research Development launches 1994 Fundopp
    expands agency coverage adopts summary format
  • Fundopp edited by grad interns 1995-97
  • Quantitative Increase 1996 (Beth Riley 600 -gt
  • Quantitative Explosion (Beth full time)
  • Now more than 1,200/year

Does Research Development do anything else?
  • Writing and Editing Proposals
  • Disseminates Info on Funding Opportunities
  • Publishes GrAnteater Newsletter

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Is there anything else that Research Development
  • Writing and Editing Proposals
  • Disseminates Info on Funding Opportunities
  • Publishes GrAnteater Newsletter
  • Hosts Funding Search Engines

Funding Opportunity Search Engines
Those search engines seem confusing. Any help for
  • Writing and Editing Proposals
  • Disseminates Info on Funding Opportunities
  • Publishes GrAnteater Newsletter
  • Hosts Funding Search Engines
  • (with custom searches available by request)

(No Transcript)
But does Research Development help Graduate
Students with Proposals?
  • Writing and Editing Proposals
  • Disseminates Info on Funding Opportunities
  • Publishes GrAnteater Newsletter
  • Hosts Funding Search Engines
  • Comments on Graduate Student Proposals

What about faculty collaboration? Are there any
resources for that?
  • Writing and Editing Proposals
  • Disseminates Info on Funding Opportunities
  • Publishes GrAnteater Newsletter
  • Hosts Funding Search Engines
  • Comments on Graduate Student proposals
  • Support for Faculty Profiles

(No Transcript)
Research Development in the Office of Research
  • Operating since 1994
  • Active Campuswide
  • Staff of 2.5 Director, Editor and .5-time
    Undergraduate Intern
  • Looking for opportunities to increase UCIs
    competitiveness for funding

  • Thank you for listening.

(No Transcript)
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