Title: 6. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues
16. Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues
- 6.1 Effects of Data Scaling on OLS Statistics
- 6.2 More on Functional Form
- 6.3 More on Goodness-of-Fit and Selection of
Regressors - 6.4 Prediction and Residual Analysis
26.1 Data Scaling and OLS
- -Scaling data will have NO effect on the
conclusions (tests and predictions) that we
obtain through OLS - If a dependent variable is scaled by dividing by
C - -estimated coefficients and standard errors will
also be divided by C (thus t stats and tests are
unaffected) - -R2 will be unaffected, but SSR will be divided
by C2 and SER by C as they are unbounded
36.1 Data Scaling and OLS
- 2) If an independent variable is scaled by
dividing by C - -the coefficient and standard error of that
variable are multiplied by C (thus t statistics
and tests are constant) - 3) If a dependent OR independent variable in log
form is scaled by C - -only the intercept is affected, due to the fact
that logs in regressions deal with PERCENTAGE
46.1 Beta Coefficients
- -Due to scaling, the sizes of estimated
coefficients cant reflect the relative
importance of a variable - -ie measuring in cents would create a smaller
coefficient while measuring in thousands would
create a larger coefficient - -To avoid this, all variables can be STANDARDIZED
(subtract mean and divide by standard deviation)
and beta coefficients found
56.1 Beta Coefficients
- -to obtain beta coefficients, begin with the
normal OLS regression and subtract means (note
that residuals have zero sample average)
-adding sample standard deviations, shat, gives
66.1 Beta Coefficients
- -Since standardizing a variable converts it to a
z-score, we now have
76.1 Beta Coefficients
- These new coefficients are called STANDARDIZED
confusing as the typical OLS regression uses
Betas). - -This regression estimates the change in ys
standard deviation when xks standard deviation
changes - -Magnitudes of coefficients can now be obtained
- -note that there is no intercept in this
normalized equation
86.2 Functional Form - Logs
- -In this course (and most economics in general)
log always refers to the NATURAL LOG (ln) - -a typical regression including logs is of the
-where B1 is the elasticity of y with respect to
x1 -where B2 is the change in log(y) when x2
changes by 1 -therefore 100B2 is the approximate
percentage change in y when x2 changes by
1 -this is often called the semi-elasticity of y
with respect to x2
96.2 Log Example
- -Consider the following regression following the
price of DVDs
-here our simple calculation claims that the
price of a DVD increases by 21 for every star
the movie obtains -this approximation is
inaccurate for large percentages
106.2 Log and Large Percentages
- -when dealing with a log-lin model, the EXACT
percentage change is given by
-when percentage changes are large, this is a
more accurate calculation -in our above example
-using the exact formula gives change of 23 as
opposed to change of 21
116.2 Logs
- Unfortunately, this percentage change estimation
is not an unbiased estimator - -it is however a consistent estimator
- -Since logs deal with percentage changes, they
are useful in that they are invariant to scaling - -If ygt0, using log(y) as the dependent variable
can often satisfy CLM better - -in particular, heteroskedasticity or skewing
can sometimes be mitigated using logs - -As using logs narrows the range of a variable,
it makes a study less sensitive to outliers
126.2 When to Use Logs
- -Although no rule for using logs is written in
stone, and economic theory should ALWAYS be the
basis of functional form, the following
guidelines are often used - Generally use logs for positive dollar amounts.
- Generally use logs for large interval values such
as population, employment, deaths, etc. - Variables measured in years (age, education, etc)
generally DONT use logs - Percentages can use logs, although their
interpretation becomes a percentage change of a
percentage (10 change of 606)
136.2 Log Limitations
- Logs cannot be taken of non-zero numbers
- -if y is sometimes zero, one can use log(1y),
although this skews interpretation of y0 and
technically is no longer normally distributed - It is more difficult to predict the original
variable using logs - -exponents and errors must now be accounted for
- R2 cannot be compared across log- and lin- models
146.2 Quadratic Functions
- -Quadratic functions are often used to capture
changing marginal effects - -The simplest estimated quadratic model is
-which changes the interpretation of the
coefficients such that
-as it makes no sense to analyze the effect of a
change in x while keeping x2 constant
156.2 Dynamic Quadratic Functions
- If it is the case that B1hat is positive and
B2hat is negative, - -x has a diminishing effect on y
- -the graph is an inverted u-shape
- -ie conflict resolution
- -talking through a problem can work to solve it
up to a certain point, where more talking is
extraneous and only creates more problems - -ie Pizza and utility
- -eating Pizza will increase utility up to a
point where additional pieces makes one sick
166.2 Dynamic Quadratic Functions
- -The maximum point on the graph (where y is
maximized) is always at the point
-after this point, the graph is decreasing, which
is of little concern if it only occurs for a
small portion of the sample (ie very few people
force themselves to eat too much pizza) -this
downward effect could also be found due to
omitting certain variables -a similar argument
goes for a u-shaped curve with a minimum point
176.2 More Quadratics and Logs
- -If a quadratic model has both slope coefficients
either positive or negative, the model increases
or decreases at an increasing rate - -combining quadratics and logs allows for dynamic
relationships including increasing or decreasing
percentage changes - -For example, if
186.2 Interaction Terms
- -Often a dependent variables impact (partial
effect, elasticity, semi-elasticity) depends on
the value of another explanatory variable - -In these cases variables are included
multiplicatively - -For example, if you get a better nights sleep
on a comfortable bed,
196.2 Interaction Terms
- -If there is an INTERACTION EFFECT between two
variables, the are often included
multiplicatively - -in order to summarize one variables effect on
y, one must examine interesting values of the
other variable (mean, lower and upper quartiles) - -this can be tedious
- -often the examination of only one coefficient is
meaningless if the interaction variable cannot be
zero (ie if comfort cant be zero)
206.2 Reparameterization
- -Since the coefficients are going to be examined
from at their means, it is often useful to
reparameterize the model to take means into
account initially
-In this new model, delta2 becomes the partial
effect of x2 on y at the mean value of x1
216.2 Reparameterization
-This is also useful in that the estimated
standard errors are all estimated for the partial
effects at mean values -That said, once a model
considers a variety of explanatory variables with
interaction terms, the typical estimation is
often done with extra calculations at means later
226.3 R2 and You
- -previously, R2 was not discussed in evaluating
regressions due to the initial temptation to put
too much importance on R2, which is a fallacious
judgement - -for example, time-series R2s can be
artificially high - -there are no aspects of the CLM that require a
certain R2 - -R2 simply estimates of much of ys variation is
estimated by x in the model
236.3 R2 and You
- -Assumption MLR.4 (Zero Conditional Mean)
determines unbiasedness and independent of the
value of R2 - -however, a small R2 implies that the error
variance is small relative to ys variance - -this can make precisely estimating BJ difficult
- -a large standard error can however be offset by
a large sample size
246.3 R2 and You
- -if R2 is small, ask
- Are there any variable that should be included?
- Are any relevant variables that havent been
included (data may be hard to obtain) highly
correlated with included variables? - -If no on both counts, Bj is likely reasonably
precise - -note that R2s INCREASE when a variable/
variables is/are added is important (and related
to the F test for variable significance)
256.3 Adjusted R-squared
- -Note that the typical equation for R2 can be
written as
-If we define s2y as the population variance of y
and s2u as the population variance in u, then R2
is supposed to estimate the POPULATION R2 of
266.2 Adjusted R-squared
- -However SSR/n is a biased estimate of s2u, and
can be replaced by the unbiased estimator
SSR/(n-k-1) - -Likewise SST/n is a biased estimate of s2y, and
can be replaced by the unbiased estimator
SST/(n-1) - -These substitutions give us our adjusted R2
276.3 Adjusted R-squared
- -Unfortunately, adjusted R2 is not proven to be a
better estimator - -the ratio of two unbiased estimators is not
necessarily itself unbiased - -adjusted R2 does add a penalty for including
additional independent variables - -SSR will fall, but so will n-k-1
- -therefore adjusted R2 cannot be artificially
inflated by added variables
286.3 Adjusted R-squared
- -When adding a variable, adjusted R2 will
increase only if that variables t-stat is
greater than one (in absolute value) - -Likewise, adding many variables only increase R2
if the F stat for adding those variables is
greater than unity - -adjusted R2 therefore gives a different answer
to including/excluding variables than typical
296.3 Adjusted R-squared
- -Adjusted R2 can also be written in terms of R2
-From this equation we see that adjusted R2 can
be negative -a negative adjusted R2 indicates a
very poor model fit relative to the number of
degrees of freedom -note that the NORMAL R2 must
be used in the F formula of (4.41)
306.3 Nonnested Models
- -Sometimes it is the case that we cannot decide
between two (generally highly correlated)
independent variables - -Perhaps they both test insignificant separately
yet significant together - -In deciding between the two variables (A and B),
we can examine two nested models
316.3 Nonnested Models
- -These are NONNESTED MODELS as neither is a
special case of the other (as compared to nested
restricted models in F tests) - -ADJUSTED R2s can be compared, with a large
difference in ADJUSTED R2s making a case for one
variable other the other - -a similar comparison can be done with functional
326.3 Nonnested Models
- -In this case, adjusted R2s are a better
comparison than typical R2s as the number of
parameters has changed - -Note that adjusted R2s CANNOT be used to choose
between different functional forms of the
dependent (y) variable - -R2 deals with variation in y, and by changing
the functional form of y the amount of variation
is also changed - -6.4 will deal with ways to compare y and log(y)
336.3 Over Controlling
- -in the attempt to avoid omitting important
variables from a model, or by overemphasizing
goodness-of-fit, it is often possible to control
for too many variables - -in general, if changing the variable A will
naturally change both the variables B and C,
including all three variables would amount to
OVER CONTROLLING for factors in the model
346.3 Over Controlling Examples
- -If one wanted to investigate the impact on
reduced TV on school grades, study time should
NOT be included, as
-And it may be nonsensical to expect less TV not
to result in more studying -If one wanted to
examine the impact of increased income on
recreational expenses, travel expenses should NOT
be included, as they are part of recreational
356.3 Reducing Error Variance
- In Ch. 3, we saw that adding a new x variable
- Increases multicollinearity (due to increased
correlation between more independent variables) - Decreases error variance (due to removing
variation from the error term) - From this, we should ALWAYS include variables
that affect y yet are uncorrelated with all of
the explanatory variables OF INTEREST - -This will not affect the biasness (of the
variables of interest) but will reduce sample
366.3 Example
- Assume we are examining the effects of random
Customs baggage searches on import of coral from
Hawaii - -since the baggage searches are random
(assumed), they are uncorrelated with any
descriptive variables (age, gender, income, etc.) - -However, these descriptive variables may have an
impact on y (coral import), they can be included
and reduce error variance without making the
estimation of baggage searches biased