Title: History of Teaching
1History of Teaching
- Back in the1800s, school was different from
2The Student Body
- Students of all ages were in the same class.
Some of the younger students were three or four
years old and other students were sometimes older
than the teacher!
3Class Size
- 80 or 90 pupils in one class from all grades
with one teacher.
4Letter from a student 1901
- Right now Miss Matheson is living at the
Durkson's house. But next month it will be our
turn to board her. I wonder if one day parents
will build the teacher her own house?
- Most teachers didn't get paid very much money.
They received 4 to 10 a month. A lot of
teachers had to " board round", meaning they had
to live with their students. - A teacher could not afford to support a family
solely on this salary.
6Discrimination in pay
- According to Pennsylvania annual school reports
published in local newspapers, men consistently
received a higher salary than women. -
7(No Transcript)
8Sound stressful?
- Maria Waterbury, a teacher who went to a "water
cure" resort in Elmira, New York, to recover her
health, reported that the physician who greeted
her said he was used to seeing members of her
"We have the most trouble with teachers of any
class of patients. They are worn out. They wear
out faster than any other class of people."
9The Right to Bargain Collectively
- In 1935 Congress passed the National Labor
Relations Act (Wagner Act), which guarantees the
right of private employees to form and join
unions to bargain collectively.
Note13 states still expressly prohibit
collective bargaining by public school teachers
or other public employees!
10It got better
Slowly labor unions around the country fought
against oppressive, and debilitating work
11But not much
- The Depression years accentuated the problems
facing teachers low salaries and economic
insecurity. Worse, female teachers found
themselves faced with contracts which still
stipulated that an employed teacher must wear
skirts of certain lengths, keep her galoshes
buckled, not receive gentleman callers more than
three times a week and teach a Sunday School
class. -The American Teacher
12Many teachers lost their jobs fighting for basic
rights we have today.
- In the early 1900s Loyalty oaths were being
required in some locales, and teachers were
dismissed for joining the union or for working on
school board election campaigns.
13Protecting Teachers
- In the 1950s, loyalty oaths cropped up again.
The union took leadership in opposing this blight
upon academic freedom during the McCarthy period,
defending those teachers wrongly accused of
14Fighting for civil rights
NEA was also in the forefront of the civil rights
movement, filing an amicus curiae brief in the
historic 1954 Supreme Court desegregation case
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, and
expelling locals that had not followed an earlier
mandate to desegregate.
15Public vs. Private
- Until the early 1960s, teachers had no due
process or collective bargaining rights. Many
teachers had only a two-year college degree.
School boards in some states fired teachers
simply because they had attained too much
education and had advanced too far on the salary
schedule. No legal recourse for teachers was
16The Right to Collectively Bargain
- In 1962 Wisconsin became the first state to pass
legislation governing public employee bargaining.
The Wisconsin statute required local governments
to bargain in good faith with employee groups and
also created administrative enforcement measures.
The law also marked the beginning of widespread
recognition of the rights of public employees to
bargain collectively. Within the next five years,
New York and Michigan passed similar laws, and by
1974 thirty-seven states had passed legislation
permitting public employee bargaining a number
that remains unchanged to this day.
17What rights did we achieve?
- The far-reaching rules established may
include working conditions, such as the length of
the school day, hours of instruction and
preparation time, and interaction time with
parents class size the number and
responsibility of supplemental classroom
personnel, such as aides employment protection
assignment to schools and grade levels criteria
for promotion reductions in force professional
services in-service and professional
development instructional policy committees
student grading and promotion teacher
evaluation performance indicators grievance
procedures student discipline and teacher
safety and the exclusion of pupils from the
The list goes on
- Suffice it to say that collective bargaining
agreements, through negotiated rules and
regulations, establish school policy and govern
how teachers, administrators, parents, and
students interact in the delivery of educational
As the Wall Street Journal noted nearly three
decades ago, Teachers unions have become
crucial forces in deciding how public education
should be run in the U.S.
19The following are some of the matters that are
often the subject of bargaining today
- Academic freedom
- Curriculum
- Wages and salaries
- Training
- Hours, workload, and teaching responsibilities
- Tenure and probationary period
- Promotion
- Reappointment
- Reclassification and reduction
- Evaluation procedures
- Grievance procedures
- Personnel files
- Student discipline
- Retirement benefits
- Sick leave
- Leaves and sabbaticals
20Some Important National Issues addressed by NEA
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB) /Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA) - Education funding
- Merit pay
- Minority Community Outreach
- Dropout prevention
- Achievement gap
- Social Security Offsets (GPO/WEP)
- School vouchers
- Charter schools
21Join Us!
- Youre one of the hardest-working people in the
United States, and youre doing our most
important workpreparing the next generation of
citizens. Youre not paid what youre worth,
though youll likely spend a good deal of your
own money for things your district wont supply
your students. Youre getting better every day,
though policymakers who havent been in a
classroom since they were students will tell you
how to do your job. - Hang tough! Keep the faith! And keep putting your
students firstyour Association has your back. -