Title: XML Signature
1 XML Signature
- 95-733 Internet Technologies
2XML Signature
- An IETF/W3C Recommendation
3XML Signature
- XML Signatures are digital signatures used in XML
transactions - May be used to sign only a portion of an XML
document. The document might have - a long history with different parts holding
different signatures - The signature may apply to XML or non-XML data
4Referencing What is Signed
- The XML Signature may hold a URI
- The signature may be a sibling of what is signed.
- The signature may be a parent of what is signed.
- The signature may be a child of what is signed
5The Reference Element
- Each signed resource is specified with
- a ltReferencegt element
- A typical ltReferencegt element will contain
- - a pointer to what is signed
- - a digest method (for example SHA1)
- - and a digest value of the signed data in
base 64 notation
6The ltReferencegt Element
This is the location of the document being signed.
- ltReference URI http//.../po.xmlgt
- ltDigestMethodgt.lt/DigestMethodgt
- ltDigestValuegt calculated digest of
- po.xml
- lt/DigestValuegt
- lt/Referencegt
7We may have many references
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
8Place Within a SignedInfo Element
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on -
SignedInfo -
element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
9Compute Digest of SignedInfo
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on SignedInfo element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
Sign the digest and place value in a
SignatureValue element
10Enclose in a Signature Element
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on SignedInfo -
element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtBase 64 signature of the
SignedInfo Element - lt/SignatureValuegt
11We may include KeyInfo
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationgt
- ltSignatureMethodgt
- ltReferencegt
- ltReferencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtBase 64 signature of the
SignedInfo Element - lt/SignatureValuegt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt
- ltX509SubjectNamegtCNCristina
McCarthy, OCMU, - ltX509Certificategt base 64 public
key and identity signed by a CA - lt/X509Certificategt
- lt/X509Datagt
- lt/KeyInfogt
12What Can Mallory Do?
- Can she modify the CA signed certificate so that
someone else appears to have signed the document? - Can she modify what is being pointed by the
reference element? - Can she change the canonicalization method?
- Can she change the contents of the signature
method tag?
- 1. Canonicalize the SignedInfo element.
- 2. Compute the digest of the SignedInfo
- element using the method described within it
- 3. Compare the above value with that value
- got from applying the signers public key
- to the value in the SignatureValue element
- 4. Compute digests of referenced items and
- compare those digests found within each
- reference tag
14Using IBMs XML Security Suite
15Suppose we want to sign a gradebook
- Gradebook.xml
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltGradeBookgt
- ltStudentgt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- ltScoregt89lt/Scoregt
- lt/Studentgt
- lt/GradeBookgt
16We need keys
- D\..\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\SampleSign2gt
- keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore
test.keystore - -dname "CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz School,
- OCMU, LPgh, SPA, CUS" -alias mjm
- -storepass sesame -keypass sesame
Creates test.keystore holding keys and a
self-signed certificate
17Run XSS4Js SampleSign2
- D\...\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\
- SampleSign2gtjava SampleSign2 mjm
- sesame sesame
- -embxml gradebook.xml gt signature.xml
- Key store test.keystore
- Sign 851ms
18Examine Signature.xml
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//www.
zationMethodgt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2000/09/xmldsigrsa-sha1"gtlt/SignatureMethodgt -
19We are signing resource 0
- ltReference URI"Res0"gt
- ltTransformsgt
- ltTransform Algorithm"http//www.w3.
org/TR/2001/REC-xml- -
c14n-20010315"gt - lt/Transformgt
- lt/Transformsgt
- ltDigestMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org
/2000/09/xmldsigsha1"gt - lt/DigestMethodgt
- ltDigestValuegtm6f9xhOc4iEXokD/29V9EsdY3yI
- lt/DigestValuegt
- lt/Referencegt
20- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegt
- Gll1H/uplOwfaX3j7ST6UqQlc92Hx2nsCdN2KWz32CW0
36nVN8GVfnFl1M86WQd19/RsAnA -
- lt/SignatureValuegt
21- ltKeyInfogt
- ltKeyValuegt
- ltRSAKeyValuegt
- ltModulusgt
- 7V5eyhVaw0clED11H6PTPoKQA1VxrLAugU3QxKA0
hbbUOiavFbqCdc6ZFe9JZFMkS - IqdlkhwWwdAIsRyrN4V2DWm1fxyYQf6bdZgCa
VVgkST1BpQxBTgNKRcS5VbLrXf - 4MXb5TbhAeo1Qbr2IjlV10aLbVhUk/gylagk
- lt/Modulusgt
- ltExponentgtAQABlt/Exponentgt
- lt/RSAKeyValuegt
- lt/KeyValuegt
22- ltX509Datagt
- ltX509IssuerSerialgt
- ltX509IssuerNamegtCNMike
McCarthy,OUHeinz - School,OCMU,LPgh,STPA,CUS
- lt/X509IssuerNamegt
- ltX509SerialNumbergt1049138061
- lt/X509SerialNumbergt
- lt/X509IssuerSerialgt
- ltX509SubjectNamegtCNMike
McCarthy,OUHeinz - School,OCMU,LPgh,STPA,CUS
- lt/X509SubjectNamegt
- ltX509Certificategt
DEoDSFttQ6Jq8VuoJ1zpn4V70l - kUyRIip2X6SHBbB34AixHKs3hXYNabV/7HJhB/pt1mAJpVWCRJ
b3DQEBBAUAA4GBAMpUaA8Cw8mK - Qn408KuV4xrTciEEcTLNniDGnf8d9W1fR4veqhKz8L88864b
NS5Wih1oEC5k/da23QicpTdXf - UyA1c29Zu3cGU4ulUfhFPWv0IgdpI63KQt9QwsuTxWck5dAta2
KWWTv85IhByHXgoaDlvJ65JjT - 87nAPAI3
24- lt/X509Certificategt
- lt/X509Datagt
- lt/KeyInfogt
- ltdsigObject xmlns""
- Id"Res0"gt
- ltGradeBookgt
- ltStudentgt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- ltScoregt89lt/Scoregt
- lt/Studentgt
- lt/GradeBookgt
- lt/dsigObjectgt
- lt/Signaturegt
The resource 0 object
25Verify the signature
- D\McCarthy\www\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\SampleS
ign2gt - java VerifyCUI lt signature.xml
- The signature has a KeyValue element.
- The signature has one or more X509Data elements.
- Checks an X509Data
- 1 certificate(s).
- Certificate Information
- Version 1
- Validity OK
- SubjectDN CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz
School, OCMU, LPgh, - STPA, CUS
- IssuerDN CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz
School, OCMU, LPgh, - STPA, CUS
- Serial 0x3e88938d
- Time to verify 490 msec
- Core Validity OK
- Signature Validity OK
26Lets change the low grade!
- ltdsigObject xmlns"" xmlnsdsig"http//www.w3.o
rg/2000/09/xmldsig" Id"Res0"gt - ltGradeBookgt
- ltStudentgt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- lt/Studentgt
- lt/GradeBookgtlt/dsigObjectgt
27And run verify
- D\McCarthy\www\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\SampleS
ign2gtjava VerifyCUI lt signature.xml - The signature has a KeyValue element.
- The signature has one or more X509Data elements.
- Checks an X509Data
- 1 certificate(s).
- Certificate Information
- Version 1
- Validity OK
- SubjectDN CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz
School, OCMU, LPgh, STPA, CUS - IssuerDN CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz
School, OCMU, LPgh, STPA, CUS - Serial 0x3e88938d
- Time to verify 521 msec
- Core Validity NG
- Signature Validity OK
- 0 "Res0" NG Digest value mismatch
calculated tfVyHns8wRB6l/HDU2dXZkzf7Q - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeExcept
ion Core Validity NG - at dsig.VerifyCUI.main(VerifyCUI.java137)
28Another Example PO.XML
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltPurchaseOrder xmlns"urnpurchase-order"gt
- ltCustomergt
- ltNamegtRobert Smithlt/Namegt
- ltCustomerIdgt788335lt/CustomerIdgt
- lt/Customergt
- ltItem partNum"C763"gt
- ltProductIdgt6883-JF3lt/ProductIdgt
- ltQuantitygt3lt/Quantitygt
- ltShipDategt2002-09-03lt/ShipDategt
- ltNamegtThinkPad X20lt/Namegt
- lt/Itemgt
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
29PO After Signing
- lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'UTF-8'?gt
- ltSignedPurchaseOrdergt
- ltPurchaseOrder id"id0" xmlns"urnpurchase-o
rder"gt - ltCustomergt
- ltNamegtRobert Smithlt/Namegt
- ltCustomerIdgt788335lt/CustomerIdgt
- lt/Customergt
- ltItem partNum"C763"gt
- ltProductIdgt6883-JF3lt/ProductIdgt
- ltQuantitygt3lt/Quantitygt
- ltShipDategt2002-09-03lt/ShipDategt
- ltNamegtThinkPad X20lt/Namegt
- lt/Itemgt
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
30- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//www
.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2000/09/xmldsigrsa-sha1"/gt - ltReference URI"id0"gt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2
000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtUfeiscUCL7QkhZtRDLWDPWLpVlAlt/D
igestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
31- ltSignatureValuegt
- Ptysg8WdHI2mxwryOOt5I9r9qZm/2gNFNOJyH1Wak4nCUe
gRpe72tWnsigAKZyopmgUSH3TG - aGGQF1BTSvk3JUUY/ljrw5FpTpf3hgZBi7GSWf6WtXqZvM
YGUKIlvR/421MZg7P9XRUyy37 - ZUzQHtmCYkBorEkEx1J4CYB0G2c
- lt/SignatureValuegt
32- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt
- ltX509Certificategt
UAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCvnFQiPEJnUZnkmzoc - MjsseD8ms9HBgasZR0VOAvsby5aajsm9CtB18dDCem
DXZ2YjBdprXepfF4SLNP5ankfphhr9QXA - NJdCKpyF3jPoydckle7E7gI9w3Q4NDa4ryVOuIS2q
4EFgQUYapFv9MvQ9NNn1Q7zgzqka4XORsw - gYgGA1UdIwSBgDBgBR7FuT9bLBj3vVsgAzIeYa4hB
pEgxEqr1BNlgSVqA6nyvjHsVIvgBfwx37D - hJ5hz4azpWu1X22XqyU9fUqoQUtEAdM/MlLekBkprk
33.NET Example
34Hybrid Encryption
- The way its done today
- Bulk encryption using symmetric (session) keys
fast - Symmetric key exchange problem solved by
encrypting the session key with the receivers
public key
35.Net Crypto API Example
- The receiver builds an RSA key pair
- The public key of the receiver is used by the
sender to encrypt a symmetric session key - The encrypted session key along with the
encrypted elements are sent to the receiver - The receiver decrypts the session key using her
private RSA key - She then decrypts the encrypted element using the
symmetric session key
36The RSA Public key in XML
- ltRSAKeyValuegt
- ltModulusgtz9zv0HMRK44BrjYIQtmKlDkA6WnQCIVOYmOjy/eKh
VIiRoDbSRbn04x210tjYNMbePw0RQklt/Modulusgt - ltExponentgtAQABlt/Exponentgt
- lt/RSAKeyValuegt
37The RSA Public/Private Key data in XML
- ltRSAKeyValuegt
- ltModulusgt
- z9zv0HMRK44BrjYIQtmKlDkA6WnQCIVOYmOjy/eKhFqX
RoDbSRbn04x210tjYNMbePw0RQk - lt/Modulusgt
- ltExponentgtAQABlt/Exponentgt
38ltPgt 54xO9DFJ4Mydzqrq8/0mcWInv4pUbJHx1W1TYiybkRs7T
chIq56z1JSgedh SxYvGHfHKzDcdplK2PHC9Aik2w lt/Pgt
ltQgt 5dBTIHj9btkq9Nss0ZC04OyRGjssKJs8Y89MOhs9BB1YN
nk6Ci6PqV8F2P 8FwcSFLXb5II7nuvRTGS5enQ6w lt/Qgt
rhx2WPFdB3i11Q5ZSPxnK9ss8y wrVBNg0ZcbYYUCg6fYsfy
lKv1Lbpxr9h002syvR jmyywRcD9TfvrVhOe27QYJKlE/QX4S
HSgnTxq 4qkmHdTxZRtoRGGLdZ8XE lt/Dgt lt/RSAKeyValuegt
39The Encrypted Session Key
- ltEncryptedKey CarriedKeyName"My 3DES Session
Key"gt - ltEncryptionMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/200
1/04/xmlencrsa-1_5"/gt - ltdsKeyInfogt
- ltKeyNamegtMy Private Keylt/KeyNamegt
- lt/dsKeyInfogt
40ltCipherDatagt ltCipherValuegt
Sl4m6ZNm L0//gqs4/7eUyLY0rSFeCnW9hKU/hr0r4
lt/CipherValuegt lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedKeygt
41The Original Invoice
- ltinvoicegt
- ltitemsgt
- ltitemgt
- ltdescgtDeluxe corncob pipelt/descgt
- ltunitpricegt14.95lt/unitpricegt
- ltquantitygt1lt/quantitygt
- lt/itemgt
- lt/itemsgt
42ltcreditinfogt ltcardnumbergt0123456789lt/cardnumb
ergt ltexpirationgt01/06/2005lt/expirationgt
ltlastnamegtFinnlt/lastnamegt ltfirstnamegtHucklebe
rrylt/firstnamegt lt/creditinfogt lt/invoicegt
43The Encrypted Invoice
- ltinvoicegt
- ltitemsgt
- ltitemgt
- ltdescgtDeluxe corncob pipelt/descgt
- ltunitpricegt14.95lt/unitpricegt
- ltquantitygt1lt/quantitygt
- lt/itemgt
- lt/itemsgt
44ltEncryptedData Type"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xml
encElement"gt ltdsKeyInfogt ltKeyNamegtMy 3DES
Session Keylt/KeyNamegt lt/dsKeyInfogt ltCipherDatagt
ltCipherValuegt ZS0og/w6JtPj0BDtU4XiAS3ybUsqh4tvp4I
toNO8ZzWUSVl8290HH VG2MfbjPSr00dCftHpaBd8GBgHOUSqG
6wiia3EYy8Bgz7y6NeQ6 zFu9i3J34FyuWETjmkROE/mgRU0
kOT6KOOVwfq60TJxmmkxF onqwVAY2ARlm/yBqvbo2BHux5fvZ
FZBF5jCPZPkuOClYZVXpY3wVB lt/CipherValuegt lt/CipherD
atagt lt/EncryptedDatagt lt/invoicegt
45The C Code (from Thorsteinson and Ganesh)
- //XMLEncryption.cs
- //NOTE must add a project reference to
System.Security - using System
- using System.IO
- using System.Text
- using System.Xml
- using System.Security.Cryptography
- using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
46The receiver creates RSA keys and places them
in two files one for the receiver and one for
the sender.
class XMLEncryption static void Main(string
args) //create participants Sender sender
new Sender() Receiver receiver new
Receiver() //establish public and private RSA
key information receiver.EstablishXmlRsaParamete
rs( "RsaIncludePrivateParams.xml", "RsaExclu
47The sender creates an XML document.
//create original XML document to
be encrypted sender.CreateOriginalXmlDocument(
"OriginalInvoice.xml") //create session key
and encrypt via RSA public key byte IV
sender.CreateAndEncryptXmlSessionKey( "RsaExclu
dePrivateParams.xml", "SessionKeyExchange.xml")
And generates a symmetric encryption key that is
encrypted with the public key of the receiver.
48The sender encrypts sensitive parts of the
//encrypt original
XML document with session key sender.EncryptOrig
inalXmlDocument( "OriginalInvoice.xml", "Rsa
ExcludePrivateParams.xml", "SessionKeyExchange.
xml", // no need "EncryptedInvoice.xml") //
decrypt XML document with session
key receiver.DecryptXmlDocument( "EncryptedIn
voice.xml", "RsaIncludePrivateParams.xml", "
SessionKeyExchange.xml", "DecryptedCreditInfo.x
ml", IV)
The receiver decrypts the session key and is then
able to decrypt the document.
49class Sender public void CreateOriginalXmlDocum
ent(String originalFilename) //establish the
original XML document XmlDocument xmlDoc new
XmlDocument() xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace
true xmlDoc.LoadXml( "ltinvoicegt\n" "
ltitemsgt\n" " ltitemgt\n" "
ltdescgtDeluxe corncob pipelt/descgt\n" "
ltunitpricegt14.95lt/unitpricegt\n" "
ltquantitygt1lt/quantitygt\n" " lt/itemgt\n"
" lt/itemsgt\n" " ltcreditinfogt\n"
" ltcardnumbergt0123456789lt/cardnumbergt\n"
" ltexpirationgt01/06/2005lt/expirationgt\n
" " ltlastnamegtFinnlt/lastnamegt\n" "
ltfirstnamegtHuckleberrylt/firstnamegt\n" "
lt/creditinfogt\n" "lt/invoicegt\n")
The sender builds the document the hard way.
This part is sensitive.
50 //write original XML document to
file StreamWriter file new
StreamWriter(originalFilename) file.Write(xmlDo
c.OuterXml) file.Close() //let the user
know what happened Console.WriteLine( "Origin
al XML document written to\n\t"
Write the hand built XML to a file.
51The sender creates the session key.
public byte CreateAndEncryptXmlSessionKey( St
ring rsaExcludePrivateParamsFilename, String
keyFilename) //create the session key for
3DES bulk encryption TripleDESCryptoServiceProvi
der tripleDES new TripleDESCryptoServiceProv
ider() //access the IV and Key for sender
encryption IV tripleDES.IV Key
tripleDES.Key //fetch public only RSA
parameters from XML StreamReader fileRsaParams
new StreamReader( rsaExcludePrivateParamsFile
name) String rsaExcludePrivateParamsXML
fileRsaParams.ReadToEnd() fileRsaParams.Clo
Before encrypting the key it needs the public
key of the receiver.
52 //RSA encrypt session key
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa new
RSACryptoServiceProvider() rsa.FromXmlString(r
saExcludePrivateParamsXML) byte
keyEncryptedBytes rsa.Encrypt(tripleDES.Key,
false) //store encrypted 3DES session key
in Base64 string String keyEncryptedString
Convert.ToBase64String( keyEncryptedBytes)
//create XML document for 3DES session key
exchange XmlDocument xmlKeyDoc new
XmlDocument() xmlKeyDoc.PreserveWhitespace
The sender encrypts the DES session key.
And builds an XML document to hold it.
53 //add EncryptedKey element to key XML
XmlElement xmlEncryptedKey xmlKeyDoc.CreateEle
ment("EncryptedKey") xmlKeyDoc.AppendChild(x
mlEncryptedKey) XmlAttribute
xmlCarriedKeyName xmlKeyDoc.CreateAttribute("
CarriedKeyName") xmlCarriedKeyName.Value
"My 3DES Session Key" xmlEncryptedKey.Attrib
utes.Append( xmlCarriedKeyName)
So far we have ltEncryptedKey CarriedKeyName"My
3DES Session Key"gt
54//add the EncryptionMethod element to key XML
XmlElement xmlEncryptionMethod
d) XmlAttribute xmlAlgorithm
xmlAlgorithm.Value "http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lencrsa-1_5" xmlEncryptionMethod.Attributes
.Append( xmlAlgorithm)
ltEncryptedKey CarriedKeyName"My 3DES Session
Key"gt ltEncryptionMethod Algorithm
5" /gt
55 //add KeyInfo
element to key XML XmlElement xmlKeyInfo
xmlKeyDoc.CreateElement( "ds",
"KeyInfo", "http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmlds
ig") xmlEncryptedKey.AppendChild(xmlKeyInfo)
//add KeyName element to key XML XmlElement
xmlKeyName xmlKeyDoc.CreateElement("ds",
"KeyName", null) xmlKeyName.InnerText "My
Private Key" xmlKeyInfo.AppendChild(xmlKeyName)
ltdsKeyInfo xmlnsds"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xm
ldsig"gt ltKeyNamegtMy Private Keylt/KeyNamegt lt/dsKe
56 //add CipherData
element to key XML XmlElement xmlCipherData
xmlKeyDoc.CreateElement("CipherData") xmlEn
57 //add CipherValue
element to key XML XmlElement xmlCipherValue
keyEncryptedString xmlCipherData.AppendChild
ltCipherValuegtShy7Nzo/ctBPAhwubFiAYpNNB2CuM4TpC Uoz
P2oQZrEMT03OEzspgkBaItai8ImBUiSUT1KlPCbawG 2edz40I
SgJGSl4m6ZNmL0//gqs4/7eUyLY0rSFeCnW9h KU/hr0r4wD
JaKiIhS68OTHeBBcGLCyFEPSCQXeqbnvq QBo lt/CipherVa
luegt lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedKeygt
58 //save key XML
information xmlKeyDoc.Save(keyFilename) //le
t the user know what happened Console.WriteLine(
"Encrypted Session Key XML written to\n\t"
keyFilename) return IV //needed by
receiver too
The sender has placed an encrypted session key
on file.
59 public void EncryptOriginalXmlDocum
ent( String originalFilename, String
rsaExcludePrivateParamsFilename, String
keyFilename, String encryptedFilename)
Document partially encrypted with session key
Receivers public key
Encrypted symmetric key file name??
Original XML Document
60Load the document holding sensitive tag
//load XML document to be encrypted XmlDocument
xmlDoc new XmlDocument() xmlDoc.PreserveWhitesp
ace true xmlDoc.Load(originalFilename) //get
creditinfo node plaintext bytes to
encrypt XmlElement xmlCreditinfo
(XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode( "invoic
e/creditinfo") byte creditinfoPlainbytes
Find the tag
Get the bytes and include the tag name.
61 //create 3DES
algorithm object for bulk encryption TripleDESCr
yptoServiceProvider tripleDES new
Getting ready for symmetric encryption
62 //establish crypto stream using 3DES
algorithm MemoryStream ms new
MemoryStream() CryptoStream cs new
CryptoStream( ms, tripleDES.CreateEncryptor(
Key, IV), CryptoStreamMode.Write) //write
creditinfo plaintext to crypto stream cs.Write(
creditinfoPlainbytes, 0,
creditinfoPlainbytes.Length) cs.Close()
Use the same Key that we Encrypted before
Encrypt the sensitive tag with the session key.
63Get the encrypted bytes and convert them to base
//get creditinfo
ciphertext from crypto stream byte
creditinfoCipherbytes ms.ToArray() ms.Close()
String creditinfoCiphertext
Convert.ToBase64String( creditinfoCipherby
64 //create
EncryptedData in XML file XmlElement
xmlEncryptedData xmlDoc.CreateElement("Encry
ptedData") XmlAttribute xmlType
xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("Type") xmlType.Valu
e "http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlencElement"
//add KeyInfo element XmlElement xmlKeyInfo
xmlDoc.CreateElement( "ds",
"KeyInfo", "http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmlds
ig") xmlEncryptedData.AppendChild(xmlKeyInfo)
XML Encryption
65 //add KeyName
element XmlElement xmlKeyName
xmlDoc.CreateElement("ds", "KeyName",null)
xmlKeyName.InnerText "My 3DES Session
Key" xmlKeyInfo.AppendChild(xmlKeyName) //a
dd CipherData element XmlElement xmlCipherData
xmlDoc.CreateElement("CipherData") xmlEnc
ryptedData.AppendChild(xmlCipherData) //add
CipherValue element with encrypted
creditinfo XmlElement xmlCipherValue
xmlDoc.CreateElement("CipherValue") xmlCiph
erValue.InnerText creditinfoCiphertext xmlCip
66 //replace original
node with the encrypted node xmlCreditinfo.Paren
tNode.ReplaceChild( xmlEncryptedData,
xmlCreditinfo) //save XML to encrypted
file xmlDoc.Save(encryptedFilename) //let
the user know what happened Console.WriteLine(
"Encrypted XML document written to\n\t"
encryptedFilename) //information sender
needs across method calls static byte
IV static byte Key
The encrypted document is built. The receiver
needs to read it
67What does the receiver need ?
- The encrypted document
- The encrypted session key
68class Receiver public void EstablishXmlRsaPara
meters( String rsaIncludePrivateParamsFilename,
String rsaExcludePrivateParamsFilename) //
create RSA object with new key pair RSACryptoSer
viceProvider rsa new RSACryptoServiceProvide
r() //store public and private RSA key params
in XML StreamWriter fileRsaIncludePrivateParams
new StreamWriter( rsaIncludePrivateParams
Filename) fileRsaIncludePrivateParams.Write(
rsa.ToXmlString(true)) fileRsaIncludePrivatePa
Executed before anything else
The receiver needs the public and private keys.
69 //store public only
RSA key params in XML StreamWriter
fileRsaExcludePrivateParams new
StreamWriter( rsaExcludePrivateParamsFilename)
fileRsaExcludePrivateParams.Write( rsa.ToXml
String(false)) fileRsaExcludePrivateParams.Clos
e() //let the user know what
happened Console.WriteLine( "RSA parameters
written to\n\t" rsaIncludePrivateParamsFile
name "\n\t" rsaExcludePrivateParamsFilename
The sender needs the public keys. Two files
70 public void DecryptXmlDocument( St
ring encryptedFilename, String
rsaIncludePrivateParamsFilename, String
keyFilename, String decryptedFilename, byte
IV) //load encrypted XML
document XmlDocument xmlDoc new
XmlDocument() xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace
true xmlDoc.Load(encryptedFilename) //get
creditinfo node ciphertext bytes to
decrypt XmlElement xmlEncryptedData
(XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode( "invoi
Decrypt get the document and find the encrypted
71 XmlElement xmlCipherValue
"CipherData/CipherValue") byte
creditinfoCipherbytes Convert.FromBase64Stri
ng( xmlCipherValue.InnerText) //load
XML key document XmlDocument xmlKeyDoc new
XmlDocument() xmlKeyDoc.PreserveWhitespace
true xmlKeyDoc.Load(keyFilename) //get
encrypted session key bytes XmlElement
xmlKeyCipherValue (XmlElement)xmlKeyDoc.Sele
ctSingleNode( "EncryptedKey/CipherData/CipherVa
lue") byte xmlKeyCipherbytes
Get encrypted bytes
Get the encrypted symmetric key..
..as an array of bytes
72 //Get RSA private key
to decrypt the session key StreamReader
fileRsaParams new StreamReader( rsaIncludePri
vateParamsFilename) String rsaIncludePrivatePa
ramsXML fileRsaParams.ReadToEnd() fileRsa
Params.Close() //RSA decrypt 3DES session
key RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa new
RSACryptoServiceProvider() rsa.FromXmlString(rs
aIncludePrivateParamsXML) byte
keyPlainBytes rsa.Decrypt(xmlKeyCipherbytes,
false) //create 3DES algorithm object for
bulk encryption TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
tripleDES new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(
Get the RSA Private key
Decrypt the session key
Prepare to use DES decryption
73 //establish crypto
stream using 3DES algorithm MemoryStream ms
new MemoryStream( creditinfoCipherbytes) Cry
ptoStream cs new CryptoStream( ms, tripleD
IV), CryptoStreamMode.Read) //read
creditinfo plaintext from crypto stream byte
creditinfoPlainbytes new BytecreditinfoCiph
erbytes.Length cs.Read( creditinfoPlainbyte
s, 0, creditinfoPlainbytes.Length) cs.C
lose() ms.Close() String
creditinfoPlaintext Encoding.UTF8.GetString(
Operate on the Sensitive data
Now its in the clear
74 //Create a document fragment.
XmlDocumentFragment docFrag
//Set the contents of the document fragment.
docFrag.InnerXml creditinfoPlaintext
//Add the children of the
document fragment to the
//original document.
Console.WriteLine("Display the
modified XML...")
XmlElement invoiceTag (XmlElement)xmlDoc.
SelectSingleNode( "invoice")
Rebuild the encrypted document
75 //write decrypted
XML node to file StreamWriter fileplaintext
new StreamWriter(decryptedFilename) filepla
intext.Write(xmlDoc.OuterXml) fileplaintext.Cl
ose() //let the user know what
happened Console.WriteLine( "Decrypted XML
credit info written to\n\t" decryptedFilena