Title: XML Security
1XML Security
- September 13, 2006
- Robert Richards
- rrichards_at_php.net
2Digital Signatures and Encryption
- Canonicalization
- A standard form of data
- Digital Signatures
- Provides proof of identity and authenticity which
the sender cannot deny. - Encryption
- Protection of data from being accessed by
unauthorized parties.
3Existing Tools/Technologies
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
- GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
- OpenPGP
- x.509
4XML Security Standards
- Canonical XML
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n/
- Exclusive XML Canonicalization
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xml-exc-c14n/
- XML Signature
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/
- XML Encryption
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xmlenc-core/
- XML Key Management
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xkms2/
5Transmitting Data Over SSL/TLS
6XML Security in PHP
- A library based on the xmlsec library is
currently in the works - http//www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/
- Provides granular control for working with XML
Digital Signatures and XML Encryption - PHP based libraries are available
- Model libraries for designing xmlsec wrapper
- Not officially mainitained and may not be
backwards compatible with xmlsec based extension - Requires PHP 5.1 (5.2 is recommended)
- Requires DOM, OpenSSL and Mcrypt
- http//www.cdatazone.org/files/xmlseclibs.phps
- http//www.cdatazone.org/files/soap-wsse.phps
- http//www.cdatazone.org/files/ws-amazon.phps
- http//www.cdatazone.org/infocard/infocard-lib.php
s - http//www.cdatazone.org/infocard/infocard.phps
7Benefits of XML Security Standards
- XML is a structured format
- Allows for secure storage of documents
- Leverages existing technologies
- Provides granularity
8XML Canonicalization
- A standard serialization of an XML document or
XPath node set
ltdata a"1" b"2" c"3"/gt ltdata b"2" c"3"
a"1"/gt ltdata c"3" a"1" b"2"gtlt/datagt ltdata
c"3" a"1" b"2"gtlt/datagt ltdata
a"1" b"2" c"3"gtlt/datagt
9Canonical XML (C14N)
http//www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315 ht
- XML declaration and DTD are removed
- The document is encoded in UTF-8
- Line breaks normalized to xA (linefeed) on
input, before parsing - Empty elements are converted to start-end tag
pairs - Whitespace outside of the document element and
within start and end tags is normalized - Attribute value delimiters are set to double
quotes - Superfluous namespace declarations are removed
from each element - Lexicographic order is imposed on the namespace
declarations and attributes of each element
10Canonical XML Example 1
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt?xml-style
sheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl" ?gt lt!--
Comment --gt ltdocgt lte1 aattr'out'
battr'sorted' attr2'all' attr"I'm"
xmlnsb'http//www.ietf.org' xmlnsa"http//www.
w3.org" xmlns"http//example.org"/gt lte2
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt
lt/e2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Document (uncommented)
lt?xml-stylesheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl"
?gt ltdocgt lte1 xmlns"http//example.org"
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org" xmlnsb"http//www.ie
tf.org" attr"I'm" attr2"all" battr"sorted"
aattr"out"gtlt/e1gt lte2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.o
rg"gt lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/e2gt lt/docgt
11Canonical XML Example 1
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt?xml-style
sheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl" ?gt lt!--
Comment --gt ltdocgt lte1 aattr'out'
battr'sorted' attr2'all' attr"I'm"
xmlnsb'http//www.ietf.org' xmlnsa"http//www.
w3.org" xmlns"http//example.org"/gt lte2
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt
lt/e2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Document (uncommented)
lt?xml-stylesheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl"
?gt ltdocgt lte1 xmlns"http//example.org"
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org" xmlnsb"http//www.ie
tf.org" attr"I'm" attr2"all" battr"sorted"
aattr"out"gtlt/e1gt lte2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.o
rg"gt lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/e2gt lt/docgt
12Canonical XML Example 1
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt?xml-style
sheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl" ?gt lt!--
Comment --gt ltdocgt lte1 aattr'out'
battr'sorted' attr2'all' attr"I'm"
xmlnsb'http//www.ietf.org' xmlnsa"http//www.
w3.org" xmlns"http//example.org"/gt lte2
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt
lt/e2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Document (uncommented)
lt?xml-stylesheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl"
?gt ltdocgt lte1 xmlns"http//example.org"
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org" xmlnsb"http//www.ie
tf.org" attr"I'm" attr2"all" battr"sorted"
aattr"out"gtlt/e1gt lte2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.o
rg"gt lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/e2gt lt/docgt
13Canonical XML Example 1
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt?xml-style
sheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl" ?gt lt!--
Comment --gt ltdocgt lte1 aattr'out'
battr'sorted' attr2'all' attr"I'm"
xmlnsb'http//www.ietf.org' xmlnsa"http//www.
w3.org" xmlns"http//example.org"/gt lte2
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3
xmlns"" xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt
lt/e2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Document (uncommented)
lt?xml-stylesheet href"doc.xsl" type"text/xsl"
?gt ltdocgt lte1 xmlns"http//example.org"
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org" xmlnsb"http//www.ie
tf.org" attr"I'm" attr2"all" battr"sorted"
aattr"out"gtlt/e1gt lte2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.o
rg"gt lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/e2gt lt/docgt
14Canonical XML Example 2
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltdoc
xmlnsc"http//www.example.org/c"gt lte1
aattr"out" battr"sorted" attr2"all"
attr"I'm" xmlnsb"http//www.ietf.org"
xmlns"http//example.org"/gt ltde2 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt lt/de2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Nodeset (uncommented) (//.
//_at_ //namespace)ancestor-or-selfde2
ltde2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"
lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/de2gt
15Canonical XML Example 2
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltdoc
xmlnsc"http//www.example.org/c"gt lte1
aattr"out" battr"sorted" attr2"all"
attr"I'm" xmlnsb"http//www.ietf.org"
xmlns"http//example.org"/gt ltde2 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt lt/de2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Nodeset (uncommented) (//.
//_at_ //namespace)ancestor-or-selfde2
ltde2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"
lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/de2gt
16Canonical XML Example 2
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltdoc
xmlnsc"http//www.example.org/c"gt lte1
aattr"out" battr"sorted" attr2"all"
attr"I'm" xmlnsb"http//www.ietf.org"
xmlns"http//example.org"/gt ltde2 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt lt/de2gt lt/docgt
Canonical Form of Nodeset (uncommented) (//.
//_at_ //namespace)ancestor-or-selfde2
ltde2 xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"
lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/de2gt
17Problem with Re-Enveloping
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtcontentlt/
de2gt - lt!-- Document wrapped within ns0e1 element --gt
- ltns0e1 xmlnsns0"www.example.org/ns0"gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtconten
tlt/de2gt - lt/ns0e1gt
- lt!-- Canonical Form --gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"
- xmlnsns0"www.example.org/ns0"gtcontentlt
/de2gt - lt!-- Document wrapped within ns1e1 element --gt
- ltns1e1 xmlnsns0"www.example.org/ns1"gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtconten
tlt/de2gt - lt/ns1e1gt
- lt!-- Canonical Form --gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"
- xmlnsns1"www.example.org/ns1"gtcontentlt
18Exclusive XML Canonicalization
http//www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n http//www
- Follows the same rules as Canonical XML, except
- Attributes in the xml namespace are not imported
into orphan nodes - Namespaces not specially told to be added are
only added on the starting element for which they
are visible and not currently in scope within the
19Re-Enveloping using Exclusive
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtcontentlt/
de2gt - lt!-- Document wrapped within ns0e1 element --gt
- ltns0e1 xmlnsns0"www.example.org/ns0"gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtconten
tlt/de2gt - lt/ns0e1gt
- lt!-- Canonical Form --gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtcontentlt/
de2gt - lt!-- Document wrapped within ns1e1 element --gt
- ltns1e1 xmlnsns0"www.example.org/ns1"gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtconten
tlt/de2gt - lt/ns1e1gt
- lt!-- Canonical Form --gt
- ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gtcontentlt/
20Exclusive Canonical XML Example
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltdoc
xmlnsc"http//www.example.org/c"gt lte1
aattr"out" battr"sorted" attr2"all"
attr"I'm" xmlnsb"http//www.ietf.org"
xmlns"http//example.org"/gt ltde2 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"gt lte3 xmlns""
xmlnsa"http//www.w3.org"/gt lt/de2gt lt/docgt
Exclusive Canonical Form of Nodeset
(uncommented) (//. //_at_ //namespace)ancest
ltde2 xmlnsd"http//www.example.org/d"gt
lte3gtlt/e3gt lt/de2gt
21XML Digital Signature (XMLDSIG)
- Insure that a message has not been altered or
tampered with. (integrity) - Protection against attacks that alter a message
but maintain integrity. (message authentication) - Provide a means for message auditing so that
messages may not be repudiated. (signer
22XML Signature Structure
- ltSignaturegt
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod/gt
- ltSignatureMethod/gt
- (ltReference URI? gt
- (ltTransformsgt)?
- ltDigestMethodgt
- ltDigestValuegt
- lt/Referencegt)
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegt
- (ltKeyInfogt)?
- (ltObject Id?gt)
- lt/Signaturegt
23XML Signature Types of Signatures
- Enveloping Signature
- Data lives within the XML Signature structure
- Good for signing data being packaged within an
XML payload - Enveloped Signature
- Data lives outside of and contains the XML
Signature structure - Good for signing portions or all of an XML
document - Detached Signature
- Data lives outside and DOES NOT contain the XML
Signature structure - Data may reside at a remote location addressable
by URI
24Enveloping Signature
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/TR/
2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/gt - ltSignatureMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000
/09/xmldsighmac-sha1"/gt - ltReference URI"myobj"gt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2
000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtC2g9BLcGyGPCVKuF2byR1Ym6pElt/D
igestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtR/XEOHDvR/jbmmpiuH4ZcRqC6clt/S
ignatureValuegt - ltObject Id"myobj"gtHello World!lt/Objectgt
- lt/Signaturegt
25Enveloped Signature
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltEnvelopegt
- ltDatagtcontentlt/Datagt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//www.
w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2000/09/xmldsighmac-sha1"/gt - ltReferencegt
- ltTransformsgt
- ltTransform
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/09
/xmldsigenveloped-signature"/gt - lt/Transformsgt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2
000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtMMMkB0ZPp82XrUvJMFqDIEuXy0olt/D
igestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtmVPvfcVSXi9elKLIcSCAzD4Jbklt/Si
gnatureValuegt - lt/Signaturegtlt/Envelopegt
26Detached Signature
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2001/10/xml-exc-c14n"/gt - ltSignatureMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2000/09/xmldsighmac-sha1"/gt - ltReference URI"http//www.ctindustries.net/te
xt.txt"gt - ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2
000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtoLZZOWcLwsAQ9NXWoLPk5FkPuSslt/D
igestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtO9ykpFMXmkddzJ3CySrpzHBUW/Qlt/Sign
atureValuegt - lt/Signaturegt
27XML Signature Generation
- Apply any transforms to the data
- Calculate the digest value
- Create the Reference Element
- Repeat steps 1 3 for each piece of data to be
included - Create SignedInfo element with SignatureMethod,
CanonicalizationMethod and Reference elements - Canonicalize the SignedInfo element
- Calculate the SignatureValue over the
canonicalized SignedInfo based the
SignatureMethod - Assemble the Signature element
28SOAP Request
- ltSOAP-ENVEnvelope
- xmlnsSOAP-ENV"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/s
oap/envelope/" - xmlnsns1"http//www.csapi.org/schema/parla
yx/terminal_location/v2_0/local" - xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
instance"gt - ltSOAP-ENVBodygt
- ltns1getLocationgt
- ltaddressgttel1234567890lt/addressgt
- ltrequestedAccuracy xsitype"xsdint"gtxxlt/
requestedAccuracygt - ltacceptableAccuracy xsitype"xsdint"gtyylt
/acceptableAccuracygt - lt/ns1getLocationgt
- lt/SOAP-ENVBodygt
- lt/SOAP-ENVEnvelopegt
29SOAP Request WS-Security (Signature)
- ltsoapenvEnvelope ...gt
- ltsoapenvHeadergt
- ltwsseSecurity xmlnswsse"http//docs.oasis
-open.org/. . ." soapenvmustunderstand"1"gt - ltwsseBinarySecurityToken . .
.gtMIIE3zCCBEigAwIBAg . . .lt/wsseBinarySecurityTok
engt - ltdsSignature xmlnsds"http//www.w3.org
/2000/09/xmldsig"gt - ltdsSignedInfogt
- ltdsSignatureMethod
ha1"/gt - ltdsCanonicalizationMethod
"/gt - ltdsReference URI"9b6c55bc-558f-e
61a-e99a-ee2084f22000"gt. . .lt/dsReferencegt - ltdsReference URI"c359df59-9262-d
587-18af-add2c0dc1ddb"gt. . .lt/dsReferencegt - lt/dsSignedInfogt
- ltdsSignatureValuegtYd1TGIjOb3q4UcQkUBu
M3Q6Zs3G...lt/dsSignatureValuegt - ltdsKeyInfogt. . .lt/dsKeyInfogt
- lt/dsSignaturegt
- ltwsuTimestamp xmlnswsu"http// ."
wsuId"9b6c55bc-558f-e61a-e99a-ee2084f22000"gt - lt/wsseSecuritygt
- lt/soapenvHeadergt
- ltsoapenvBody xmlnswsu"http//. . ."
30SOAP Request WS-Security Generation
- require('soap-wsse.php')
- define('PRIVATE_KEY', 'private_key.pem')
- define('CERT_FILE', 'cert.pem')
- class mySoap extends SoapClient
- public function __doRequest(request,
location, saction, version) - doc new DOMDocument('1.0')
- doc-gtloadXML(request)
- / WS-Security Specific code here /
- return parent__doRequest(wsseRequest,
location, saction, version) -
31SOAP Request WS-Security Generation
- objWSSE new WSSESoap(doc-gtloadXML(request))
- / add Timestamp with default expiration
timestamp / - objWSSE-gtaddTimestamp()
- / objWSSE-gtaddUserToken('username',
'password', TRUE) / - / create new XMLSec Key using RSA SHA-1 and
type is private key / - objKey new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKeyRSA_
SHA1, array('type'gt'private')) - / load private key from file - last arg is bool
if key in file (TRUE) or is string (FALSE) / - objKey-gtloadKey(PRIVATE_KEY, TRUE)
- / Sign the message - also signs appropraite
WS-Security items / - objWSSE-gtsignSoapDoc(objKey)
- / Add certificate (BinarySecurityToken) to the
message and attach pointer to Signature / - token objWSSE-gtaddBinaryToken(file_get_conten
ts(CERT_FILE)) - objWSSE-gtattachTokentoSig(token)
32SOAP Request signSoapDoc()
- objDSig new XMLSecurityDSig()
- objDSig-gtsetCanonicalMethod(XMLSecurityDSigEXC_
C14N) - arNodes array()
- / this-gtsecNode refers to wsseSecurity node
within tree / - foreach (this-gtsecNode-gtchildNodes AS node)
- if (node-gtnodeType XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
- arNodes node
- foreach (this-gtenvelope-gtchildNodes AS node)
- if (node-gtnamespaceURI this-gtsoapNS
node-gtlocalName 'Body') - arNodes node
- break
- arOptions array('prefix'gtWSSESoapWSUPFX,
'prefix_ns'gtWSSESoapWSUNS) - objDSig-gtaddReferenceList(arNodes,
XMLSecurityDSigSHA1, NULL, arOptions)
33XML Signature Validation
- Obtain the verification keying information
- Apply the CanonicalizationMethod to the
SignedInfo element - Verify the SignatureValue using the canonical
form of the SignatureMethod - For each Reference element within SignedInfo
- Obtain the data to be digested
- Digest the data using the DigestMethod within its
Referece element - Compare the computed value to that of the
un-encoded value from the DigestValue element
34XML Encryption (XMLENC)
- Encrypted data is maintained.
- All information needed to decrypt a document is
contained within the document. - Session can be secured on the document level and
shared between multiple parties. - Sensitive data is easily interchanged between
35XML Encryption Structure
- ltencEncryptedData Id? Type? MimeType?gt
- ltencEncryptionMethod Algorithm /gt?
- ltdsigKeyInfogt?
- ltencCipherDatagt
- ltencCipherValuegt?
- ltencCipherReference URI?gt?
- lt/encCipherDatagt
- ltencEncryptionPropertiesgt?
- lt/encEncryptedDatagt
36XML Encryption Encrypting
- Select the algorithm (and parameters) to use in
encrypting the item. - Obtain the key and create dsKeyInfo if necessary
- Encrypt the data and prepend any appropriate
initialization vector (IV). - Build CipherData element
- If to be stored within CipherValue element, then
encrypted data is base64 encoded. - If encrypted data is external, then create
CipherReference with URI and any transforms. - Build EncryptedData or EncryptedKey structure
37XML Encryption Example
ltpaymentgt ltorder_numbergt1001lt/order_numbergt
ltcustomergtJoe Smithlt/customergt ltcreditcardgt
ltnumbergt4111 1111 1111 1111lt/numbergt
ltccv2gt123lt/ccv2gt lt/creditcardgt lt/paymentgt
38XML Encryption ExampleElement / Shared Secret Key
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltpaymentgt
ltcustomergtJoe Smithlt/customergt ltEncryptedData
Element"gt ltEncryptionMethod
pledes-cbc"/gt ltCipherDatagt
lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedDatagt lt/paymentgt
39XML Encryption Example Code
- require('xmlseclibs.php')
- / Using a shared secret key for encryption /
- key 'secret'
- doc new DOMDocument()
- xpath new DOMXPath(doc -gtload('payment.xml'))
- creditcard xpath-gtquery("//creditcard")-gtitem(
0) - enc new XMLSecEnc()
- enc-gtsetNode(creditcard)
- enc-gttype XMLSecEncElement
- / Use the libraries to encrypt the credit card
element within the document / - objKey new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKeyTRIPL
EDES_CBC) - objKey-gtloadKey(key)
- encNode enc-gtencryptNode(objKey)
- print encNode-gtownerDocument-gtsaveXML()
40XML Encryption ExampleElement Content / Shared
Secret Key
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltpaymentgt
ltcustomergtJoe Smithlt/customergt
des-cbc"/gt ltCipherDatagt
lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedDatagtlt/creditcardgt lt/p
41XML Encryption ExampleArbitrary Data with Shared
Secret Key
lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltEncryptedData
' MimeType'text/xml'gt
ltCipherDatagt ltCipherValuegt...C5X1I65RCX...lt/Ci
pherValuegt lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedDatagt
42XML Encryption Decrypting
- Determine encryption algorithm and parameters.
- Obtain the decryption key information.
- Obtain the data to decrypt.
- If CipherData has a CipherValue child then
base-64 decode its contents. - If CipherData has a CipherReference child,
retrieve the data and apply any Transforms. - Depending upon algorithm and parameters, strip
any IV from the data to use for decryption. - Decrypt the cipher data with the encryption
algorithm, parameters, and keying material.
43XML Encryption Decrypting Example (Infocard)
- ltEncryptedData xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lenc" - Type"http//www.w3.org/200
1/04/xmlencElement"gt - ltEncryptionMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2001/04/xmlencaes256-cbc"/gt - ltKeyInfo xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmlds
ig"gt - lteEncryptedKey xmlnse"http//www.w3.org/2
001/04/xmlenc"gt - lteEncryptionMethod Algorithm"http//www
.w3.org/2001/04/xmlencrsa-oaep-mgf1p"gt - ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3
.org/2000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - lt/eEncryptionMethodgt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltoSecurityTokenReference
xsd"gt - . . .lt/oSecurityTokenReferencegt
- lt/KeyInfogt
- lteCipherDatagt
- lteCipherValuegtkXja26CSDKssMeqJcsJttLg
lt/eCipherValuegt - lt/eCipherDatagt
- lt/eEncryptedKeygt
- lt/KeyInfogt
44XML Encryption Code (Infocard)
- require('xmlseclibs.php')
- define('PRIVATE_KEY', 'site_sslprivate.key')
- define('SAML_ASSERT_NS', 'urnoasisnamestcSAML
1.0assertion') - encdom new DOMDocument()
- encdom-gtloadXML(xmlToken)
- objenc new XMLSecEnc()
- encData objenc-gtlocateEncryptedData(encdom)
- if (! encData)
- throw new Exception("Cannot locate Encrypted
Data") -
- objenc-gtsetNode(encData)
- objenc-gttype encData-gtgetAttribute("Type")
45XML Encryption Code (Infocard)
- key NULL
- objKey objenc-gtlocateKey()
- if (objKey)
- if (objKeyInfo objenc-gtlocateKeyInfo(objKey)
) - if (objKeyInfo-gtisEncrypted)
- objencKey objKeyInfo-gtencryptedCtx
- objKeyInfo-gtloadKey(PRIVATE_KEY, TRUE)
- key objencKey-gtdecryptKey(objKeyInfo)
- if (empty(objKey) empty(key))
- throw new Exception("Error loading key to handle
Decryption") - objKey-gtloadKey(key)
- token NULL
- if (decrypt objenc-gtdecryptNode(objKey,
FALSE)) - token new DOMDocument()
- token-gtloadXML(decrypt)
46XML Encryption Code (Infocard)
- ltsamlAssertion ... AssertionID"uuid17818733-c53
4-42d9-a6f6-4bb1c32d0de7"gt - lt!-- SAML related information --gt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmld
sig"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//ww
w.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.or
g/2000/09/xmldsigrsa-sha1"/gt - ltReference URI"uuid17818733-c534-42d9-a6f
6-4bb1c32d0de7"gt - ltTransformsgt . . . lt/Transformsgt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org
/2000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegteHLrK4QSEkrDhHXZYHgGJMkPAU4lt
/DigestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegt0uDR9pr/TusV...lt/SignatureValu
egt - ltKeyInfogtltKeyValuegt
- ltRSAKeyValuegt
- ltModulusgt8llAGAvlPuG...lt/Modulusgt
- ltExponentgtAQABlt/Exponentgt
- lt/RSAKeyValuegt
- lt/KeyValuegtlt/KeyInfogt
47XML Encryption Code (Infocard)
- / Validate the SAML token /
- objXMLSecDSig new XMLSecurityDSig()
- objXMLSecDSig-gtidKeys 'AssertionID'
- objDSig objXMLSecDSig-gtlocateSignature(token)
- / Canonicalize the signed info /
- objXMLSecDSig-gtcanonicalizeSignedInfo()
- retVal NULL
- if (objDSig) retVal objXMLSecDSig-gtvalidate
Reference() - if (! retVal) throw new Exception("SAML
Validation Failed") - objKey objXMLSecDSig-gtlocateKey()
- / Additional Key handling here /
- if (empty(objKey)) throw new Exception("Error
loading key to handle Signature") - if (! objXMLSecDSig-gtverify(objKey))
48Signing and Encrypting
- Sign and then Encrypt
- Provides signature protection
- Allows for encryption algorithm to be changed
without affecting signature - Incurs additional overhead as you must decrypt
before you can verify - Encrypt and then Sign
- Immediately know if data has been tampered with
- Document can no longer be shared with other
parties without revealing decryption key - Sender identity is revealed
50XML Encryption in WS-Security
- ltenvEnvelope
- xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-en
velope" - xmlnsxenc"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc
"gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltwsseSecurity
- xmlnswsse"http//schemas.xmls
oap.org/ws/2002/04/secext"gt - ltxencReferenceListgt
- ltxencDataReference
URI"encryptedID"/gt - lt/xencReferenceListgt
- lt/wsseSecuritygt
- lt/envHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltxencEncryptedData Id"encryptedID"gt
- ltxencCipherDatagt
- ltxencCipherValuegt...lt/xencCipherValu
egt - lt/xencCipherDatagt
- lt/xencEncryptedDatagt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
51XML Signature using Digital Certificate
- ltEnvelope xmlns"urnenvelope"gt
- ltDatagt
- Hello, World!
- lt/Datagt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.o
rg/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000
/09/xmldsigrsa-sha1"/gt - ltReferencegt
- ltTransformsgt
- ltTransform Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xm
ldsigenveloped-signature"/gt - lt/Transformsgt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/09
/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtHjY8ilZAIEM2tBbPn5mYO1ieIX4lt/DigestV
aluegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtSIaj/6KY3C . . .lt/SignatureValuegt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt
52XML Encryption w/ Digital Certificate
- ltEncryptedData xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lenc" - Type"http//www.w3.org
/2001/04/xmlencElement"gt - ltEncryptionMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xml
enctripledes-cbc"/gt - ltKeyInfo xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig
"gt - ltEncryptedKey xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lenc"gt - ltEncryptionMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2001/04/xmlencrsa-oaep-mgf1p"/gt - ltKeyInfo xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmlds
ig"gt - ltKeyNamegtrsakey.pemlt/KeyNamegt
- lt/KeyInfogt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtIPiEu9NvEsGyvV . .
.lt/CipherValuegt - lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedKeygt
- lt/KeyInfogt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtxrfPSABEI8 . . .lt/CipherValuegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt