Title: XML Digital Signatures
1XML Digital Signatures
- Basics
- Enveloping Signature
- Enveloped Signature
- Detached Signature
- Signature Parts
- APIs Sample
- References
- XML Signatures can be applied to any type of
data. XML or binary - Resulting signature is in XML
- W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002
4Enveloped Signature - The signature is placed as
an element of the signed document
5Enveloping Signature - The document is placed
inside of the signature as a block element
6Detached Signature - The signature signs some
external document. This is what to use for binary
7Parts of a signature
8CanonicalizationMethod Defines the algorithm
used to canonicalize the SignedInfo element
These are the same lta foo'yes' boo"no"/gt lta
boo"no" foo"yes" gtlt/agt
9SignatureMethod Defines the signature algorithm
used to generate the signature
10Reference identifies the data to be
digested. indicates the root Any valid URI can
be used Can have more than 1 Reference
11Transforms Defines the preprocessing
transformations to use before digesting
12DigestMethod Defines the digest method to use
13DigestValue The actual digested value of the
14SignatureValue The actual BASE64 signature of
the SignedInfo
15KeyInfo Optional info about the key needed to
validate the signature
16Java API
17(No Transcript)
- Java WSDP
- http//java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.6/xmldsig/i
ndex.html - W3C XML-Signature Syntax
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/
- An Introduction to XML Digital Signatures
- http//www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/08/08/xmldsig.html
- MSDN Understanding XML Digital Signature
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url