Imperial Russia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Imperial Russia


Imperial Russia Pre-Revolutionary Society Tsarist Russia 1881 Imperial Russia covered area two and half times size of USA. European Russia: Poland to the Urals ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Imperial Russia

Imperial Russia
  • Pre-Revolutionary Society

Tsarist Russia
  • 1881 Imperial Russia covered area two and half
    times size of USA.
  • European Russia Poland to the Urals
  •         Asiatic Russia Urals to the Pacific
  •  Population rose from 40million in 1815 to 165
    million by 1914.
  • Vast ethnic diversity Census of 1897. Sixty
    different nationalities, five general social
  • Slavs all Russians, Serbs, Croats, Poles,
    Slovenes, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks,
    Bulgarians, Belorussians

The Tsar
  • The Tsar An absolute and autocratic monarch
  • Since 1613, members of the Romanov dynasty
  • By law and tradition the Tsar was the absolute
  • The Emperor of all the Russias is an autocratic
    and unlimited monarch. God himself ordains that
    all must bow to his supreme power, not only out
    of fear but also out of conscience Tsar Nicholas
    1, declaration of 1832.

Catherine the Great
Peter the Great
Alexander the 2nd
Nicholas the 1st
Nicholas the 2nd
The Tsarist government
  • Three official bodies through which the Tsar
    exercised his authority.
  • The Imperial council
  • The Cabinet of ministers
  • The Senate
  •  Appointed not elected. Advisory or
    Administrative roles only
  • By beginning of the 20th century all of the major
    European powers had some form of democratic or
    representative government not so Russia.

The Church
  • Russian Orthodox Church Independent of the pope.
  • Fully supported the Tsar.
  • An essentially conservative organisation wholly
    committed to preservation of the Tsarist system
  • Used its spiritual authority to teach Russian
    people it was their duty to be totally obedient
    to the Tsar as Gods anointed.
  • Church used to stifle receptiveness to
    revolutionary ideas and movements

Tsarist Russia Social and Economic Structure
  • Ruling Class
  •         Tsar and his Royal Family, together with
    members of government. 0.5 of population. (825
    000 people)
  • Upper Class
  •         Gentry or nobility hereditary
    landowners, wealthy merchants, church leaders,
    bureaucrats, high ranking army. Isolated and
    protected from harsh realty of Russian life. 12
    19 million people.
  • Commercial class
  •         Middle class. Began developing in the
    late 1880s. small scale manufacturers, factory
    owners, financiers, clerks, white collar workers.
    Also included writers, scholars etc the
    intelligensia. 1.5
  • Industrial working class
  •         Ever expanding class. The proletariat
    Marxist term for the working class. 4

Tsarist Russia Social and Economic Structure
  • The Peasants 82 of population
  • Attempted reforms by Tsar Alexander 11, the
    emancipation of the Serfs 1861 had failed to
    modernise agriculture or make life for the
    peasants any easier. It has also disrupted a
    centuries old social and administrative
    structure. Government had to compensate
    landowners and feudal lords for the loss of their
  • Agriculture was inefficient
  • Much of Russia was unsuitable for agriculture
  • Not enough productive land to go around
  • Peasants were entitled to buy land but prices
    were too high
  • High taxes to pay landowners back for losing
    their serfs after 1861
  • Crippling mortgage payments
  • Antiquated farming techniques and equipment
  • Largely illiterate, deeply conservative and
    religious, resistant to change
  • Feared by the ruling classes as the dark
    masses. To be kept ignorant and in check.
    Tsarina Alexandra Russia always needed to be
    under the whip. Lynch p6

The Peasants
The Army
 The Army Masses of peasants conscripted into the
army Punishment for criminals Severe discipline
and harsh existence. 1m soldiers died in
peacetime under Nicholas 1 (1825-1855)
Maintaining armed forces accounted for 45 of
annual government expenditure High ranks were
preserve of Aristocracy
Secret Police
  • The Okhrana
  • Infiltrated political organizations and trade
  • Dealt with internal security, communists and
  • Responsible for 26 000 deaths without trial

The Cossacks
  • Were a fiercely independent group from the
  • Used by the Tsar to keep the masses under control
  • Use violence and terror to deal with troublemakers

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