Title: Sample preparation - Stationary Sample Holders
1Sample preparation - Stationary Sample Holders
2Manually Prepared Powder Samples
General powders
3Non-standard sample sizes and shapes (1)
PW1812/00 Odd Shapes fixed with wax or plasticine
4Non-standard sample sizes and shapes (2)
- Coin fixed into sample holder with a small amount
of plasticine
5Automatically Prepared Powder Samples
PW1812/35 Steel Press Ring (cement etc.)
6Circularly Shaped Solid Samples (1)
Sample holder for Membrane filters, Metal plates,
Pressed pellets
PW1813/26, 26 mm Æ Steel Ring
PW1813/32, 32 mm Æ Steel Ring
PW1813/32, 40 mm Æ Steel Ring
7Circularly Shaped Solid Samples (2)
- Spring-loaded sample mounting
8Pressed Samples
- Powder sample pressed in
- PW1526/50 Aluminum cup
9Glass Capillary or Fiber Sample
- Glass capillary mounted with plasticine on a Si
support plate
10Small Amounts of Powder
- Small amount of powder sprinkled onto a PW1817/32
Si support plate
PW1817/32 for small amount of powder and low
background measurements.
11Clay Minerals and Paste-like Materials
- Sample holder with support plate and spring
PW1814/32 32 mm Æ Sample Holder for PW1817/32 and
12Clay Minerals
- PW1816/32 Ceramic plate for clay slurry
13Paste-like Materials
- PW1817/32 Si support plate used as
zero-background holder