Cellular Respiration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cellular Respiration


Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration: The Big Picture We are energy beings cellular respiration is the process by which we gain energy. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration The Big Picture
  • We are energy beings cellular respiration is
    the process by which we gain energy.
  • We normally run aerobic cellular respiration in
    which we harvest energy from organic compounds
    using oxygen (O2).
  • The molecule of choice for fuel is glucose.
  • C6H12O6 6O2 ? 6CO2 6H2O
  • Glucose has an abundance of energy in its bonds.
    We must release it in a series of small REDOX
    reactions so the energy that is released does not
    increase cell temperature too much or the
    proteins may freak out!

Cellular Respiration The Big Picture
  • There are a variety of ways to carry out cellular
    respiration and not all of them require oxygen to
    assist in the breakdown of glucose.
  • Obligate Aerobes They require oxygen to oxidize
    organic molecules to make energy.
  • Obligate Anaerobes They oxidize inorganic
    molecules without oxygen to gain energy. (O2
  • Facultative Anaerobes They oxidize inorganic
    molecules with or without oxygen.
  • Note the type of molecule being oxidized
    organics give big energy boosts while inorganics
    do not yield much energy.

Cellular Respiration The Details
  • AKA The Hard Part!

Cellular Respiration The Details
  • Aerobic cellular respiration is as follows
  • C6H12O6 6O2 ? 6CO2 6H2O
  • From this, we can gather that
  • cellular respiration involves breaking the bonds
    in glucose to make six carbon dioxide molecules.
  • the hydrogens get torn off of glucose to make
  • the free energy released in the breakdown of
    glucose is harnessed to make ATP.
  • So how do we do these jobs?

The Reactions Well See
  • There are several types of reactions that we will
    encounter along the way.
  • REDOX Electrons being taken from one and added
    to another.
  • Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation The
    adding/removal of a phosphate group (PO4).
  • Carboxylation/Decarboxylation The
    adding/removal of a carbon.
  • Hydration/Dehydration - The adding/removal of a
    water molecule (H2O).
  • Isomerization Making a molecule into its isomer
    same parts, different arrangement.

Order of Operations
  • Here is what we have to doin order
  • Glycolysis Cytosol Glucose splitting.
  • Pyruvate Oxidation Matrix Connect to Krebs a
    la pyruvate ? Acetyl-CoA
  • Krebs Cycle Matrix Energy given off mainly
    as NADH and FADH2.
  • Electron Transport Chain (ETC) Mitochondrial
    inner membrane NADH FADH2 give their energy
    to the ETC to create a proton problem.
  • Chemiosmosis Mitochondrial inner membrane We
    solve the proton problem and get a big bunch of
    ATP while were at it.

  • Glycolysis means sugar splitting. It occurs in
    the cytoplasm.
  • Glucose goes through a series reactions that see
    it eventually turning into two pyruvate
    molecules. These will go on to the next stage.
  • We get a net gain of 2 ATP and 2 NADH. The ATP
    are ready to use and the NADH goes in our back
    pocket for later.
  • Overall
  • Glucose ??? 2 Pyruvate
  • (2 ATP 2 NADH)

(No Transcript)
2. Pyruvate Oxidation
  • The pyruvate goes into the mitochondrion and
    makes it way to the matrix.
  • Once in the matrix, the pyruvate is oxidized and
    turned into Acetyl-CoA (which will start the next
  • Along the way, a NAD becomes an NADH which we
    will put in our back pocket for later.
  • Glucose gave us 2 pyruvate so we will end up with
    2 Acetyl-CoA and 2 NADHs.
  • Overall
  • 2 Pyruvate ? 2 Acetyl-CoA (2 NADH)

Pyruvate Oxidation

3. Krebs Cycle
  • The two Acetyl-CoA molecules made by the previous
    stage now enters a cyclical series of reactions
    called the Krebs cycle.
  • For each glucose, the Krebs cycle turns twice
    and we will get
  • 2 ATP
  • 6 NADH
  • 2 FADH2
  • The ATP are used immediately and the NADH and
    FADH2 molecules will go in our back pocket for

The Krebs Cycle

4. The Electron Transport Chain
  • The ETC is basically a conga line of REDOX
    reactions pass the electrons to the right
    everybody! It all takes place on the
    mitochondrial inner membrane.
  • Electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed into the
    chain and are handed down the line hitting
    proton pumps along the way.
  • The proton pumps take protons (H) from the
    matrix and pump them across the membrane into the
    intermembrane space of the mitochondrion.
  • This is a problem as an electrostatic pH
    gradient is set up which is no good for the
  • NADH operates 3 proton pumps while FADH2 operates
    just 2 proton pumps.

5. Chemiosmosis
  • Most texts put this step and the ETC together as
    one for good reason.
  • The proton problem created by the ETC is relieved
    by an enzyme, found embedded in the mitochondrial
    inner membrane, called ATP Synthase.
  • ATP Synthase allows the protons (H) to come back
    into the mitochondrion were saved!
  • But wait!It gets betterATP synthase fixes the
    problem and in doing so, it makes ATP!
  • Its like a carpenter saying, Yeah, I can fix
    your roof but you have to let me pay you for it!.

The ETC ATP Synthase
The ATP Balance Sheet
  • Heres how we get the 36 ATP from one molecule of
  • 1 ATP 1 ATP (ATP is ATP already!)
  • 1 NADH 3 ATP (goes through 3 H pumps)
  • 1 FADH2 2 ATP (goes through 2 H pumps)
  • This gives us 38 ATP! What the?!?!?
  • The trick is the 2 NADHs made in glycolysis in
    the cytosol. They have to get into the
    mitochondrion first and when they enter it, they
    are converted into FADH2s.
  • So what is the bottom line?

The Bottom Line!
Stage of Cellular Respiration Molecule Produced of ATP Produced
Glycolysis 2 ATP 2 ATP
Glycolysis 2 NADH ? 2 FADH2 4 ATP
Pyruvate Oxidation 2 NADH 6 ATP
Krebs Cycle 2 ATP 2 ATP
Krebs Cycle 6 NADH 18 ATP
Krebs Cycle 2 FADH2 4 ATP

  • FIN
  • (You worked hard nice job!)
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