PTSD and TBI: What are the Treatment Options - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PTSD and TBI: What are the Treatment Options


PTSD and TBI: What are the Treatment Options Katherine Porter, Ph.D. VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System * * * Thank you to collaborators that helped me with this talk ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: PTSD and TBI: What are the Treatment Options

PTSD and TBI What are the Treatment Options
  • Katherine Porter, Ph.D.
  • VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

  • Thank you to collaborators that helped me with
    this talk (Sheila Rauch, PhD Erin Smith, PhD,
    and Melody Powers, LMSW along with others).
  • Some of the content and slides have been borrowed
    from previous talks they have given on this

  • What is PTSD
  • PTSD and the courts/criminal behavior
  • Data on TBI and comorbity
  • Treatment planning with court order patients
  • Evidence based care for PTSD

Response to Trauma and Stress
  • Following trauma many problems may occur and

Substance Abuse
Anxiety Panic
Physical Health Problems
Relationship Problems
  • Requires
  • Event that threatened or caused death, physical
    injury, threat to physical integrity.
  • Responded with fear, helplessness, or horror
  • Recently, this criteria has been removed, but is
    seen in most cases even if they dont use the
  • Symptoms
  • Reexperiencing of a specific event/s
  • Avoidance
  • Negative alterations in thoughts and mood
  • Alterations in arousal and reactivity
  • Must impair function for at least one month

Normal Reaction vs. Pathology
  • Most individuals exposed to traumatic situations,
    do not develop PTSD.
  • The manifestation of some symptoms during the
    first 30-90 days after a traumatic experience is
    not uncommon and is generally part of the normal
    stress response.
  • However, a pattern of symptoms that begin to
    interfere with work, home life or interpersonal
    relationships marks PTSD.
  • Persistent symptoms that either do not improve or
    worsen, even if considered normal initially,
    become problematic when they do not remit over

Criminal Behavior and PTSD
  • Symptoms of PTSD and comorbid disorders may
    increase chance that a person may experience some
    legal problems.
  • Anger and irritability
  • Hyperarousal/ perception of threat and danger
  • Startle
  • Feelings of disconnection/ isolation and lack of
  • Intrusions, including flashbacks
  • Majority of patients with PTSD do not have
    problems with the law and are not violent.

Criminal Behavior and PTSD
  • Data suggests that PTSD may be linked to violence
    and aggression (e.g., Kulka et al.,1988 Lasko et
    al., 1994 Orcutt et al., 2003).
  • Substance use can increase risk
  • Presence of PTSD does not suggest criminality and
    criminal behavior does not mean that symptoms are
    the cause of the behavior.

Anger PTSD
  • Elevated levels of anger often seen in trauma
    survivors and has been shown to be related to
    severity of PTSD (e.g., Riggs et al., 1992).
  • Anger is central feature in survival response
  • Relationship between anger and PTSD stronger in
    military samples, but not specific to it (e.g.,
    Orth Wieland, 2006)
  • Anger levels decrease with treatment of PTSD even
    if it is not directly targeted (Cahill et al.,
    2003 Stapleton et al., 2006)

Substance Use Disorders and PTSD
  • Why the link between PTSD and substance use?
  • High Risk Hypothesis
  • Susceptibility Hypothesis
  • Self-medication Hypothesis (most support)
  • Often conceptualized as avoidance in trauma
    focused therapy
  • Data on prevalence varies, but it is estimated
  • 20 seeking help for PTSD have a substance use
    disorder http//
  • 33 of veterans seeking help for SUD have PTSD.
  • 3059 of women with SUD have PTSD
    (Najavits,Weiss, Shaw, 1997)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • 1.7 million people sustain a TBI annually
  • Vast majority dont require hospitalization
  • CDC (2010). Traumatic Brain Injury in the United
    States Emergency Department Visits,
    Hospitalizations, and Deaths.
  • Symptoms and course can vary significantly
  • Can include irritability, changes in mood,
    behavioral changes
  • Many symptoms overlap with PTSD

Rates of mTBI and PTSD among OIF/OEF Veterans
  • Reported rates of both PTSD and mTBI vary
    according to the study and may be underreported
  • TBI rates estimated at approaching 20 (Sayer et
    al., 2009)
  • The majority of these cases are in the mild range
    of severity
  • Evidence indicates that the majority of these
    cases resolve within weeks or months

  • Studies looking at rates of PTSD following TBI
    vary considerably
  • Depending on methods for diagnosing PTSD rates
    reported between 3-30 with interview and
    18-59 with self-report (Gill et al., 2014).
  • PTSD maybe less likely in cases with longer
    periods of unconsciousness (Glaesser et al.,

Assessment and Treatment with Court Ordered
  • Important to consider history of symptoms and
  • Helps to reduce impact of secondary gain
  • Provides information about potential function of
  • Treatment plans should be symptom/diagnosis based
  • Trauma focused therapies can be effective, but
    are only therapeutic when patients are willing
  • Education and rationale are provided to patient
    and they be strongly encouraged, but not forced.

Assessment and Treatment with Court Ordered
  • PTSD therapies are short-term and involve work
    outside of the therapy office
  • Goal is to help person reconnect and engage in
    their life
  • Important that they practice skills in their
  • Consistent messages from team (treatment team and
    courts) is important to help combat avoidance

PTSD TreatmentClinical practice guidelines
  • Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing
    Therapy have been supported as first line
    treatments for PTSD
  • VA/DOD PTSD Treatment guideline (VA/DOD, 2004,
  • National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE,
  • International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies
    (ISTSS, 2009)
  • Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2007)
  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs)
    are also supported first-line treatment- Zoloft
    and Paxil

Prolonged Exposure (PE)Treatment Procedures
  • Psychoeducation Education about treatment and
    common reactions to trauma breathing training
  • Repeated in vivo exposure
  • Imaginal exposure
  • Processing of the revisiting and in vivo exposure

PE Rationale
  • Exposure
  • Challenges belief that anxiety lasts forever
  • Challenges belief that memories, people, places,
    and situations are dangerous
  • Results in reduction of anxiety without engaging
    in habitual avoidance behaviors
  • Helps process traumatic experience(s)
  • Enhances sense of control

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Psychoeducation
  • Impact Statement
  • Trauma Account
  • Cognitive Challenge
  • Identify stuck points
  • Safety, trust, power/control, esteem, intimacy

CPT Rationale
  • Trauma events change ones perceptions about the
    world, themselves, and other people
  • The world is dangerous
  • Its all my fault
  • Trauma victims with PTSD have a distorted sense
  • Safety, Trust, Intimacy, Power/Control,
  • These distortions keep people stuck in their PTSD
    symptoms and therefore must be modified to
    accurately fit the context/reality of situations

Initial Data on Outcomes with PTSD/TBI
  • Sripada et al., 2013
  • Examined clinical sample from a VA clinic of PTSD
    patient who received PE and data from a pilot
  • Compared outcomes of participants with and w/out
    a history of mTBI
  • Showed that PE was effective in reducing PTSD
    symptoms and mTBI status did not impact efficacy.

The Good News
  • PTSD can be a chronic disorder, but with the
    right treatment patients can get significantly
    better, including no longer meeting criteria for
    the disorder post-treatment.
  • For example, Rauch et al. (2009) found that 80
    of veterans treated with Prolonged Exposure (PE)
    therapy achieved clinically significant
    reductions in their PTSD symptoms and 50 no
    longer met criteria for PTSD.
  • Data from VA roll out training of PE demonstrated
    that the percentage of veterans screening
    positive dropped from 87.6to 46.2 (Eftekhari et
    al., 2013).

The Good News
  • Monson et al. (2006) found that 40 of a veteran
    sample receiving Cognitive Processing Therapy
    (CPT) did not meet criteria for PTSD compared to
    3 for a wait-list control group.
  • 50 of the veterans receiving CPT had a
    significant reduction in their symptoms, compared
    to 10 of the wait-list control group.

  • Cahill, S. P., Rauch, S. A.,Hembree, E. A.,Foa,
    E. B. (2003). Effect of cognitive behavioral
    treatments for PTSD on anger. Journal of
    Cognitive Psychotherapy, 17, 113131.
  • CDC (2010). Traumatic Brain Injury in the United
    States Emergency Department Visits,
    Hospitalizations, and Deaths. Retrieved from
  • Eftekhari, A., Ruzek, J. I., Crowley, J. J.,
    Rosen, C. S., Greenbaum, M. A., Karlin, B. E.
    (2013). Effectiveness of national implementation
    of prolonged exposure therapy in Veterans Affairs
    care. JAMA psychiatry, 70, 949-955.
  • Glaesser, J., Neuner, F., Lütgehetmann, R.,
    Schmidt, R., Elbert, T. (2004). Posttraumatic
    Stress Disorder in patients with traumatic brain
    injury. BMC psychiatry, 4, 5.
  • Gill, I. J., Mullin, S., Simpson, J. (2014).
    Psychosocial and psychological factors associated
    with post-traumatic stress disorder following
    traumatic brain injury in adult civilian
    populations A systematic review. Brain Injury,
    28, 1-14.
  • Kulka, R. et al. (1988). National Vietnam
    Veterans Readjustment Study Contractual Report
    of Findings from the National Vietnam Veterans
    Readjustment Study, Volumes III (Veterans
    Administration Contract No. V101(93)P-1040).
    Research Triangle Park, NCResearch Triangle
  • Lasko, N.B. et al. (1994). Aggression and its
    correlates in Vietnam veterans with and without
    chronic posttraumatic stress disorder.
    Comprehensive Psychiatry, 35, 373-381.
  • Monson, C. M., Schnurr, P. P., Resick, P. A.,
    Friedman, M. J., Young-Xu, Y., Stevens, S. P.
    (2006). Cognitive processing therapy for veterans
    with military-related posttraumatic stress
    disorder. Journal of Consulting and clinical
    Psychology, 74, 898.

  • Najavits, L.M., Weiss, R.D. Shaw, S.R. (1997).
    The link between substance abuse and
    posttraumatic stress disorder in women A
    research review. The American Journal on
    Addictions, 6, 273-283.
  • Orcutt, HK, et al., (2003). Male-perpetrated
    violence among Vietnam veteran couples
    Relationships with veterans early life
    characteristics, trauma history, and PTSD
    symptomatology. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 16,
    381 390.
  • Orth, U., Wieland, E. (2006). Anger, hostility,
    and posttraumatic stress disorder in
    trauma-exposed adults A meta-analysis. Journal
    of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74,
  • Rauch, S. A. M., Defever, E., Favorite, T.,
    Duroe, A., Garrity, C., Martis, B. and Liberzon,
    I. (2009), Prolonged exposure for PTSD in a
    Veterans Health Administration PTSD clinic.
    Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22 6064.
  • Riggs, D. S., Dancu, C. V., Gershuny, B. S.,
    Greenberg, D., Foa, E. B.(1992). Anger and
    post-traumatic stress disorder in female crime
    victims.Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5, 613625.
  • Sayer, N.A., Rettmann, N.A., Carlson, K. F.,
    Bernardy, N., Sigford, B. J., et al. (2009).
    Veterans with history of mild traumatic brain
    injury and posttraumatic stress disorder.
    Challenges from providers perspective. Journal of
    Rehabilitation Research Development, 46,
  • Sripada, R. K., Rauch, S. A., Tuerk, P. W.,
    Smith, E., Defever, A. M., Mayer, R. A, et al.,
    (2013). Mild traumatic brain injury and treatment
    response in prolonged exposure for PTSD. Journal
    of traumatic stress, 26(3), 369-375.
  • Stapleton JA, Taylor S, Asmundson GJ. (2006).
    Effects of three PTSD treatments on anger and
    guilt exposure therapy, eye movement
    desensitization and reprocessing, and relaxation
    training. Journal of Traumatic Stress 19,19-28.
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