Title: Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury
1Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury
- Joe Rosenthal, MD
- Clinical Assistant Professor
- TBI Fellow
- 11/1/10
- Definition
- Epidemiology
- Severity of injury
- Mechanisms/Types of Brain Injury
- Symptoms/Treatment
- Return to work and driving
- Nondegenerative, noncongenital insult to the
brain from an external mechanical force, possibly
leading to permanent or temporary impairments of
cognitive, physical, and psychosocial functions
with an associated diminished or altered state of
5National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
at the Center for Disease Control
6Survival in the USA
- Mild (80 of all TBIs)
- 100 (nearly) survive
- Moderate (10 of all TBIs)
- 93 survive
- Severe (10 of all TBIs)
- 42 survive
7Risk Factors
- Young (15-24 year olds Highest Risk)
- Low income
- Unmarried
- Minority
- Inner city
- Male (2x more likely)
- Substance abuse
- Previous TBI
8Common Causes in the United States
- 1 MVA
- 50
- 2.41 Male
- 2 Falls
- 20-30 (most common gt 75 yo)
- 3 Firearms
- 12 (age 25-34)
- 61 Male
9What is the Most Common INDIRECT Cause of TBI?
10Most Common INDIRECT Cause
11TBI Spectrum
12Determining Severity
- Loss of Consciousness Duration
- Post Traumatic Amnesia Confusion
- Wounds, Bruising, Swelling
- Tools
- Glascow Coma Scale (GCS)
- Radiographic Imaging
13Mild TBI
- Traumatically induced physiologic disruption of
brain function, as manifested by one of the
following - LOC up to 30 minutes
- Anterograde or retrograde amnesia not greater
than 24 hours - Altered mental status
- Focal neurologic deficits
- Headaches, nausea, wooziness, etc.
14Other Mild TBI Criteria
- GCS 13-15
- No Head CT abnormalities
- Hospital stay lt 48 hrs
- No operative lesions
15Complicated Mild TBI
- Mild TBI with small amount of bleed, bruising,
swelling, or skull fracture seen on imaging - Higher risk of more chronic symptoms
16Moderate TBI
- GCS 9-12
- PTAgt24hrs
- Coma duration 20 minutes to 6 hours
- Abnormalities on CT
- Operative intracranial lesion
- Hospital stay at least 48 hrs
17Severe TBI
- GCS 3-8
- Coma duration 6 hours
18Why is the Brain so Vulnerable?
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21Brain Injury Types
- Contusion
- Penetrating Injuries
- Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Secondary Injuries (including Hypoxia)
- Low velocity impact
- Often symmetric (coup-countercoup)
- Not responsible for coma
- Focal deficits
- Recovery dependent on size and location
- Occasionally require resection
23Injury Not Always Just atImpact Site
24Diffuse Axonal Impact
- High velocity impact
- Almost always has some time of unconsciousness
- Diffuse pattern of deficits
- Recovery gradual
25Diffuse Axonal Injury
- Widespread stretching of axons
- Rotation on axis
- Acceleration-deceleration
- Mild force - external
- Severe force - internal
- Often imaging is normal
27Penetrating Injuries
- Missile (Gun shot wound)
- Non-missile (ice pick)
- Only primary mechanism on the rise
28Penetrating Injuries
- Damage along track of bullet and embedded bone
fragments - Usually lead to focal deficits
- Energy ½ mass x velocity squared
- High velocity missiles cause most damage
29Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Epidural Hematoma
- Impact loading with laceration of dural arteries
- Often with fracture of temporal bone and tear of
middle meningeal artery. - RAPID neurologic deterioration
30Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Subdural Hematoma
- Injury to cortical bridging veins most common
- Slow collection of blood
- Lucid interval
- Actress Natasha Richardson
- High mortality rate
- Often need evacuation
31Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
- Cerebral parenchyma
- Injury to deeper, larger cerebral vessels
- Different mechanism and often more diffuse
deficits compared to CVA bleed
32Intraventricular Hemorrhage
- Occur with very severe TBI
- Unfavorable prognosis due to severity of injury
33Anoxic/Hypoxic Brain Injury
- Caused by lack of oxygen to brain
- Most common cause Cardiac Arrest
- Other causes near drowning, infection,
respiratory arrest, choking, Carbon Monoxide
poisoning, etc.
Wijdicks EFM, Campeau NG, Miller GM (2001)
34Secondary Injuries
- Brain swelling (Inc ICP)
- Hemorrhage/Hematoma
- Brain herniation
- Seizures
- Hydrocephalus
- Ischemia
- Infection
- Systemic
- Hypoxia/Anoxia
- Hypotension
- Anemia
- Hyperthermia
- Hyper/hypocarbia
- Fluid imbalance
- Sepsis
35Journey to Recovery
36Immediate Treatment
- Observation alertness, confusion, Headache,
nausea, etc. - Blood Pressure other vitals monitoring
- Imaging
- Surgery
- Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
37Traumatic Brain Injury Sequela
- Agitation
- Mood Disorder
- Sleep Disturbance
- Motor Dysfunction
- Cognitive Deficits
- Headaches
- Decreased Arousal
- Bowel Bladder Dysfunction
- Pain Syndromes
- Seizures
- Denial of Disability
39Posttraumatic AmnesiaDefinitions
- period of impaired consciousness after brain
injury - ending at the time the patient can give a
clear, consecutive account of what is happening
around them - absence of continuous memory or inability to
retain new information - broader syndrome of disorientation, confusion,
diminished memory, reduced capabilities to attend
to and respond to environmental issues
40Post- Traumatic Headaches
- Very common, especially after Mild-Mod TBI
- Different Types
- Migraine
- Tension
- Related to Neck injury/pain
- Treatment
- Time
- Medications
41Sleep Disorders
- Trouble Falling Asleep
- Common after TBI
- Often treated with good sleep hygiene and/or meds
- Trouble Staying Awake
- Decreased arousal during the day
- Tx good sleep hygiene, medications
- Nightmares
- Associated with PTSD
42Cognitive Changes
43Other Cognitive Deficits
- Short Term and Working Memory Problems
- Decreased Attention
- Cognitive Fatigue
- Problem Solving difficulties
44Emotional/Personality Changes
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Anger/Aggression
- Obsessive/Compulsive
- Often pre-injury psychiatric conditions are
exacerbated after injury
45Incidence of Anxiety and Depression
afterTraumatic Brain injury
- Depression 61
- Anxiety 17
- Anxiety and depression 60
46Frequent Complaints with TBI related Depression
- Frustration 81
- Restlessness 73
- Boredom 66
- Sadness 66
- For the most part, same as non-injured pts
- Counseling
- Anti-depressants
- Other medications
- Monitor for other conditions that can cause
Depression (i.e. low thyroid)
48Movement Disorders
- Weakness
- Spasticity
- Abnormal movements
- Difficulty coordinating movements
49Visual Deficits
- Blurry Vision
- Double Vision
- Trouble opening and closing eyelids
- Blindness
50Dizziness Vertigo
- Inner ear damage -- ringing in ears
- Lightheadedness from blood pressure problems
- Injury directly to brain resulting in these
symptoms - Tx
51Other Senses
- Taste change
- Loss of smell
- Numbness/tingling
52Post Concussive Syndrome
- Persistent, chronic symptoms after the expected
time of recovery - -Headache, dizziness, fatigue, irritability,
sleep disturbance, mood changes, etc. - Controversial
- -Definition
- -Timing (1 month vs 3 months)
- - of symptoms
53RehabilitationMulti-Disciplinary Approach
- Physicians
- Medication
- Monitoring labs
- Managing therapies
- Clearance for return to work/drive
- Nursing (in-patient)
- Bowel and bladder
- Wound Care
- Family education
- Therapists
- PT/OT/ST/Rec Therapy
- Community re-entry, assist with return to
work/driving - Neuropsychologist
- Testing
- Counseling
54Return To Work
- Dependent on multiple factors
- Severity of injury
- Cognitive functioning
- Type of job
- Symptoms
- Physical limitations
55Return to Work
- Tools to assess readiness
- Physician visits
- Therapy reports
- Neuropsychological testing
56Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injuryin the
United StatesReturn to Work
- mild 90-100
- moderate poor data
- severe 10-25
57Return to WorkPossible Accommodations
- New position (less demanding, safer)
- Frequent rest breaks
- Return Part Time
- Work Conditioning/Hardening with therapy
- Vocational Training (BVR)
- Memory Aids
58Return to Driving
- Again, dependent on multiple factors
- Severity of injury
- Cognitive functioning
- Symptoms
- Physical limitations
- Seizures
- Tools to assess readiness
- Therapy results
- Vision evaluation
- Drivers Evaluation
- Brain injury medicine. Principles and Practice.
2007. - Physical medicine and rehabilitation Principles
and practice. Fourth edition.2005. - Physical medicine and rehabilitation board
review. 2004. - Pharmacologic enhancement of cognitive and
behavioral deficits after traumatic brain injury.
Olli Tenovuo. Current Opinion in Neurology
2006, 19528-533. - High-Yield Neuroanatomy. Second Edition. 2000
- Traumatic brain injury diagnosis and outcome. W.
Jerry Mysiw, M.D. - eMedicine Traumatic brain injury Definition,
epidemiology, pathophysiology. http//www.emedicin
e.com/pmr/topic212.htm - Sleep disturbances following Traumatic Brain
Injury. Rao V Rollings P. Current Treatment
Options in Neurology. 2002, 477-87.
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