Title: The GOD Delusion
1The GOD Delusion
By Richard Dawkins
Danielle Ryder Courtney Cribb Chris Duggan
2The Anthropic Principle cosmological version
- We live not only on a friendly planet but also
in a friendly universe. - Dawkins - If chemistry and physics had occurred in just
slightly different ways then life would not have
been possible - The Goldilocks value 0.007
- Theist Explanation Anthropic Answer
3The Anthropic Principle cosmological version
- Multiverse Theory is extravagant but simple.
- God or any intelligent design would have to be
highly complex like the entities it is supposed
to explain. - Natural Selection
4An Interlude at Cambridge
- You are so nineteenth century
- Science Religion
- 6 Main Arguments
5Chapter 5 The Roots of Religion
6The Darwinian Imperative
- Natural Selection of Religion
- Benefits of Religion?
- Not restricted to genes of individual organism
- 3 alternative targets of benefits
- Group Selection
- Manipulative Influence of Genes in another
Individual (parasite) - Central Theorem
- Benefit of the Meme!
7The Darwinian Imperative
- how can we be so smart and dumb
simultaneously - Dawkins - Aboriginals of Papua New Guinea
- Religion Heterosexuals
8Direct Advantages of Religion
- Faith-healing
- Placebo Effects
- Why would a mind evolve to find comfort in
beliefs it can plainly see is false - A freezing person finds no comfort in believing
he is warm.
9Group Selection
- Proximate cause of religion hyperactivity in a
particular node of brain - Ultimate Explanation Group Selection Theories
- Tribe Wars
10Religion as a By-Product of Something Else
- Dawkins Belief
- Moths committing suicide ?!
- Children obeying parents/guardians without
question - Passing on Good Advice Bad
11Psychologically Primed for Religion
- Paul Bloom dualistic theory of mind
- Humans and especially children are natural born
Dualists - Freaky Friday Movie
- Children are also native Teleologists
- Dawkins is a Monist
12Psychologically Primed for Religion
- Darwinian Advantage?
- Physical Stance
- Design Stance
- Intentional Stance
- By-product of Falling in Love
- Only to supposed to love 1 person
- Polyamory
- The Bachelor
13Tread Softly, Because you Tread on my Memes
- Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the
opinion that has survived - oscar wilde
- Knitting, Carpentry, Pottery can all be reduced
to discrete elements that can be potentially
passed down an infinite number of generations
without alteration - Absolute Merit
- Memeplex
- Unconscious Evolution
14Cargo Cults
- Real life example
- The Cult of John Frum
- If you can wait two thousand
- years for Jesus Christ to come
- an e no come, then I can
- wait more than nineteen
- years for John. - Sam
15Chapter 6 The Roots of Morality Why are we Good?
16Does our Moral Sense have a Darwinian Origin?
- The unit of Natural Selection The Selfish Gene
- Genes influence organisms to behave
altruistically - Genetic Kinship
- Reciprocal Altruism
- Bees Flowers
- Reputation
- Buying Unfakeably Authentic Advertising
17Case Study in the Roots of Morality
- We do not need GOD in order to be good or evil
- Most people come to the same decisions when faced
with dilemmas and their agreement over the
decisions themselves is stronger than their
ability to articulate their reasons
18Chapter 7 The Good Book The Changing Moral
19The Old Testament
- The Bible is Weird
- Noahs Ark
- Asian Holy Men Tsunami caused by Human Sins
- We do not derive our morals from scripture or we
pick and choose among the scriptures for the nice
bits and reject the nasty - Dawkins
20Is the New Testament Any Better?
- Adds a new injustice infliction of pain
- and suffering
- Wearing a Cross
- Underlying unpalatable aspect of its ethical
21Love Thy Neighbor
- In-group loyalty and out-group hostility
- Religion amplifies and exacerbates tendencies
- Labelling of children
- More in chapter 9
- Segregated schools
- Northern Ireland
- Taboos against marrying out
- Perpetuates hereditary feuds
22Love Thy Neighbor
- Even if religion did no other harm in itself,
its wanton and carefully nurtured divisiveness
its delibrate and cultivated pandering to
humanitys natural tendency to favor in-groups
and shun out-groups - would be enough to make it
a significant force for evil in the world
23The moral Zeitgeist
- Changing Moral Zeitgeist
- Abrahams sacrifice
- Slavery and racism
- the manifest phenomenon of Zeitgeist
progression is more than enough to undermine the
claim that we need God in order to be good, or to
decide what is good
24What about Hitler and Stalin? Weren't they
- What matters is not whether Hitler and Stalin
were atheists, but whether atheism systematically
influences people to do bad things. - Individual atheists may do evil things but they
dont do evil things in the name of atheism.
25Chapter 8 Whats wrong with religion? Why be so
26Fundamentalism and the subversion of science
- Truth in holy books
- Contradictory evidence must be thrown out
- I am no more fundamentalist when I say evolution
is true than when I say it is true that New
Zealand is in the southern hemisphere.
27The dark side of absolutism
- Muslim world and the American Theocracy
- Absolutism nearly always results from strong
religious faith - Reason to suggest that faith lends to evil
- Penalties for blasphemy
- For converting to Christianity (2006)
28Faith and homosexuality
- Under tailban the penalty for homosexuality was
execution - Private
- Harms no one else
- Alan Turing
- German enigma codes
- Offered a choice between 2 years in prison or
chemical castration (1954)
29Faith and the sanctity of human life
- The death penalty
- George Bush
- Euthanasia
- Abortion
- Does the embryo suffer?
- Violence of religious opposition
30The Great Beethoven Fallacy
- If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8
kids already, three of whom were deaf, two who
were blind, one mentally retarded (all because
she had syphilis), would you recommend that she
have an aborton? - The human potential argument
- Fail to seize the oportunity for sexual
31How 'moderation' in faith fosters fanaticism
- Only religious faith is a strong enough force to
motivate such utter madness in otherwise sane and
decent people. - War against terror
- No different than killing doctors who perform
abortions - If religious faith must be respected then we must
respect suicide-bombers
32Chapter 9 Childhood, abuse and the escape from
33Childhood, abuse and the escape from religion
- The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara
- Child was secretly baptized
- Abducted under papal law
- One true faith
- Faith vs good of the child
34Physical and mental abuse
- Being fondled by the priest simply left the
impression (from the mind of a 7 year old) as
yucky while the memory of my friend going to
hell was on of cold, immeasurable fear. - Hell Houses
35In defense of children
- Nicholas Humphrey
- Children, Ill argue, have a human right not to
have their minds crippled by exposure to other
peoples bad ideas no matter who these other
people are. - What to think, not how to think
- Worshiping the sun
- Female circumcision
- No adult woman who has somehow missed out on
circumcision as a child volunteers for the
operation later in life
36An educational scandal
- Funding for creationism
- Emmanuel College
- Stephen Layfield head of science
- the bible can provide us with a true acount of
earth history - An attempt to subvert evidence-based science
education and replace it with biblical
37Consciousness-raising again
- Labeling of children
- Feminism
- Origin of cosmos, life and morals
- Holy Cross Girls
38Religious education as a part of literary culture
- Biblical literacy is essential for the
appreciation of English literature - Greek and roman gods
- Weddings and funerals
39Chapter 10 A much needed gap?
40Chapter 10 A much needed gap?
- A god-shaped gap in the brain?
- Or could we fill the gap with something else?
- Four main roles of religion in human life
- Explanation (science)
- Exhortation (moral instruction)
- Consolation
- Inspiration
- A. A. Milne
- Imaginary friend phenomenon
- Binker for life
- Pedomorphosis
- Retention of childhood characteristics
- Gradual delay of binker termination
- Emotional need for God
- Direct physical consolation
- St. Bernard
- Consolation by discovery of a previously
unappreciated fact or a previously undiscovered
way of looking at existing facts - Death of a war hero
- Happy for those who are terminally ill
- Rhetoric rather than logic
- Lucky to be alive
- The atheist view is correspondingly
life-affirming and life enhancing, while at the
same time never being tainted with self-delusion,
wishful thinking, or the whingeing self-pity of
those who feel that life owes them something.
44The mother of all burkas
- Science widens the window
- Visible spectrum
- Middle world
- Environment of savannah programmed and debugged
software - where the very improbable could safely be
treated as impossible. - Queerer than we can suppose
- A model of the real world
- Assist survival
45The mother of all burkas