Fascism Rises in Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fascism Rises in Europe


Fascism Rises in Europe Fascism political movement that is extremely nationalistic, gives power to a dictator, and takes away individual rights – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fascism Rises in Europe

Fascism Rises in Europe
  • Fascismpolitical movement that is extremely
    nationalistic, gives power to a dictator, and
    takes away individual rights

  • The economic crisis of the Great Depression led
    to the loss of democracy in some European
    countries. In these countries, millions of
    people turned to a strong ruler to try to solve
    some of their economic problems. These leaders
    followed a set of beliefs called fascismwhich is
    very nationalistic. They believed in authority
    and built powerful militaries. The countrys
    governments were controlled by one party which
    was controlled by one leaderthe nations

Rise of Fascism in Italy
  • Bitter disappointment over not getting land in
    WWI Treaty of Versailles
  • Rising inflation and high unemployment led to
    social unrest
  • Many Italians felt the new democracy could not
    handle economic problems
  • Many Italians wanted a strong leader

Benito Mussolini
  • Newspaper editor and politician
  • Made bold promises to fix economy and rebuild
    armed forces (military)
  • Promised to provide strong leadership
  • Created Fascist Party in 1919
  • Popularity rose as economy improved
  • Stirred up fears of workers revolt
  • Won support of middle class, aristocracy,
    industrial leaders
  • Fascist mob marches on Rome and puts Mussolini in
    power in 1922

Benito Mussolini
  • Il Duce (the leader)
  • Abolished democracy
  • Outlawed all other political parties
  • Created secret police (terrorized opposition)
  • Censored news media (radio, newspapers,
    magazines) to spread fascist doctrine
  • Outlawed worker strikes
  • Allied fascists with industrial leaders
  • Never achieved total control like Stalin in

Review Questions
  • Define fascism
  • What factors led to the rise of fascism in Italy
    after World War I?

Hitler Rises to Power in Germany
  • 1919 Hitler joined a right-wing political group
    that wanted Germany to overturn the Versailles
  • Group names itselfNational Socialist German
    Workers Party (NAZI)
  • Nazis form basis of fascism in Germany

Nazi Germany
  • Adopt swastika as symbol
  • Form militia (brown shirts) who act as storm
  • Elect Hitler as Fuhrer
  • Attempt to seize power in Munich failed, Hitler
    imprisoned Nazi weak
  • Hitler writes Mein Kamf where he outlines his
    beliefs and goals for Germany
  • After release, Hitler revives Nazi Party
  • Hitler gains national attention when US loans
    stop during Great Depression

Mein Kampf
  • Hitlers Declaration
  • Aryans (blond blue eyed Germans) to be the
    Master Race
  • Non-aryans are inferior (Jews, Gypsies, Slavs
  • Versailles Treaty is an outrage
  • Vows to regain lost land
  • Germany needs more lebensraun or living room
    due to overcrowding
  • Promised to get more land by conquering Europe
    and Russia

Hitler Becomes Chancellor
  • Nazis became largest political party in Germany
    by 1932
  • Conservative leaders thought they could control
  • Hitler named Chancellor in 1933
  • Hitler called for elections, parliament building
    burns down
  • Nazis blamed communists and win elections
  • Hitler turned Germany into a totalitarian state

Hitler takes control of Germany
  • After election, Nazis take control of economy
  • Strikes banned
  • Labor unions dissolved
  • Govt controls biz, labor
  • Hitler puts nation to work building factories,
    roads, weapons, serving in army
  • Unemployment drops sharply

The Fuhrer is Supreme
  • Hitler
  • wanted total control of every aspect of peoples
  • Turns media into propaganda machines
  • Non-conforming books are burned
  • Churches forbidden to criticize the govt
  • Hitler Youth Groups
  • Emphasized continuous struggle for victory
  • Anti-Semitism gains govt support and violence
    against Jews erupts (Kristallnaght) signifying
    process to completely eliminate the Jewish people

Review Questions
  • Define Nazism
  • Why is Mein Kampf important?
  • How did Hitler maintain power once he became
    chancellor of Germany in 1933?

Other Countries Fall to Dictators
  • Nations formed after WWI also turn to dictators
    to solve economic problems
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Yugoslavia
  • Albania
  • Bulgaria
  • Romania

Democratic Nations in Europe
  • Only nations with strong traditions of democracy
    able to hold onto democracy
  • Britain
  • France
  • Scandinavia
  • By mid 1930s, two opposing groups dominate
    Europedemocratic and totalitarian states.
    Totalitarian states are willing to use violence
    and military aggression to achieve their
    goalsincluding eliminating civil rights.

Review Questions
  • Why did leadership of many eastern European
    countries fall to dictators ?
  • Why did the movements of fascism and Nazism and
    leaders like Mussolini and Hitler come to power
    during the crisis in Europe?
  • What emotions did Mussolini and Hitler stir up in
    their followers?
  • Why did Hitler make children join Nazi youth
  • What is lebensraum?

Complete the following ChartTotalitarian Regimes
Country Russia Italy Germany
Ruling Party
Methods of Control
Segment of Society under control
Totalitarian Regimes
Country Russia Italy Germany
Leader Stalin Mussolini Hitler
Ruling Party Communist Party Fascist Party NAZI Party
Methods of Control Secret police, police terror, spy, propaganda, indoctrination, Censorship Outlawed other political parties, strikes and unions Secret police, Censorship, propaganda, Outlawed other political parties, strikes and unions Secret police, Brown shirts, censorship, Youth groups, indoctrination. Outlawed other political parties, strikes and unions
Segment of Society under control Total private and public control by govt Not total control Total control
Scapegoats Russian Orthodox Church, Jews Versailles Treaty, workers non-aryans, jews, slavs, gypsies, Treaty of Versailles
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