Year 7 Spanish - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Year 7 Spanish


... including present, past or future events. ... His teachers are boring. 3. He does not wear a uniform. 4. He likes sport. 5. He finds maths easy. A. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Year 7 Spanish

Year 7 Spanish
  • Summer Reading Assessment

Notes for teachers1) For sets 1-3 the text is
on a word document and the task is on PowerPoint
slide. They can complete the task on paper or in
their exercise books. The plan is to do the
listening and reading in one lesson, which is why
the task is short.2) For sets 1-3 the questions
could be projected and they can answer on paper
or exercise books. They will need the reading
text on paper but these can be re-used.3) For
see slide 8.4) For sets 4-5 the text is also
on a word document but the questions are also on
the document. A 1-5 True/False and B a-j
name of person so this can be easily done on
paper or in exercise books. Students will need
to see their own copy of the question paper. 5)
See slide 6 for sets 4-5 ANSWERS and CONVERSIONS
to LEVELS.6) Enter the raw score for the
reading test onto the year 7 marksheet
New NC Level Description reading levels
Level 2 Pupils show that they understand familiar written phrases. They match sound to print by reading aloud familiar words and phrases.
Level 3 Pupils show that they understand the main points and personal responses in short written texts in clear printed script made up of familiar language in simple sentences.
Level 4 Pupils show that they understand the main points and some of the detail in short written texts from familiar contexts. When reading on their own, they begin to use context to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Level 5 Pupils show that they understand the main points and opinions in written texts from various contexts, including present, past or future events. Their independent reading includes authentic materials. They are generally confident in reading aloud, and in using reference materials.
A. Read Davds text about school and decide if
the statements are true (T) or false (F)
David Hola, soy David. Tengo once años y soy muy
simpático. Voy a un instituto mixto, y tiene
seiscientos alumnos y cuarenta profesores. Los
profesores son muy divertidos, y me gustan mucho.
Hay uniforme es negro y rojo. Mi instituto es
bastante grande. Hay muchas aulas, cinco
laboratorios, una gimnasia y dos comedores.
Desafortunadamente, no tenemos una piscina. Mi
asignatura favorita es la educación física porque
me encanta jugar al tenis, pero no me gustan las
matemáticas porque son muy aburridas.
1. David is 11 years old.2. His teachers are
boring.3. He does not wear a uniform.
4. He likes sport.5. He finds maths easy.
B. Read Emilia and Felipes texts. Answer the
10 questions based on all 3 texts. Who is it?
David, Emilia or Felipe?
Emilia Odio mi colegio. Es muy muy pequeño y
antiguo, y es un colegio femenino. No tengo
muchos amigos aquí, y los profesores son muy
aburridos. Hay doscientos alumnos y once
profesores. No hay piscina ni cafetería.
Tenemos un patio muy pequeño - es demasiado
pequeño para jugar al fútbol o al netball. Me
gustaría ir a un colegio más grande. Mi
asignatura favorita son los deportes porque son
fáciles. No me gusta el inglés porque es difícil
pero pienso que es útil.
Felipe Hola! Me gusta mi instituto bastante.
Es un colegio masculino, y es muy moderno y
bastante grande. Hay ciento cincuenta aulas,
setecientas alumnas y cincuenta profesoras. Hay
un laboratorio de música, un laboratorio de
idiomas, una piscina, una pista polideportiva y
muchas oficinas. Mi asignatura favorita es la
música, porque me gusta la profesora. No me
gustan las ciencias porque son muy difíciles e
a. Who goes to a girls school? b. Who doesnt
like their school? c. Who loves music? d. Whose
school has 40 teachers? e. Who goes to an old
school? f. Who loves playing tennis? g. Whose
playground is too small to play football on? h.
Who is lucky enough to go to a school with a
pool? i. Who goes to the biggest school? j. Who
would like to go to a bigger school?
Year 7 Spanish Summer Reading Assessment Answers
Points to levels conversions
Sets 4 5 A 1-5 True/False statements. 1.
David is 11 years old. (True)2. His teachers
are boring. (False)3. He does not wear a
uniform. (False)4. He likes sport. (True)5.
He finds maths easy. (False)B a-j (Who says
this?)   Who goes to a girls school?
(Emilia) Who doesnt like their school?
(Emilia) Who loves music? (Felipe) Whose school
has 40 teachers? (David) Who goes to an old
school? (Emilia) Who loves playing tennis?
(David) Whose playground is too small to play
football on? (Emilia) Who is lucky enough to go
to a school with a pool? (Felipe) Who goes to the
biggest school? (Felipe) Who would like to go to
a bigger school? (Emilia)
Total 15 pointsLevel 2 3Level 2.5 6Level 3
8 Level 3.5 10Level 4 12NB As this is a
new assessment task, the conversions are
provisional at this stage share with learners
ONLY when confirmed
This is what the sets 1-3 reading looks like.
You will need to give copies to the students but
these can be re-used next year!
Year 7 Spanish Summer Reading Assessment Sets 1-3
Answers Points to levels conversions
Total 20 pointsLevel 3 8Level 3.5 10 Level
4 12Level 4.5 14 Level 5 17
A. Verdad o mentira? Escribe V o M. 1. Raquel
va a un instituto femenino. (M)2. Raquel tiene
un hermano mayor. (M) 3. Su profesora de inglés
es muy estricta. (M) 4. A Raquel le gusta el
inglés. (F) 5. Raquel está contenta porque
tiene buenos amigos en el instituto. (F) 6. El
director Señor Martínez es muy antipático. (M)
7. El instituto Alonso Martín es moderno. (F)
8. 8. A Raquel le gusta llevar uniforme
escolar. (M) 9. Raquel piensa que las
matemáticas son difíciles. (M) 10. En el futuro
Raquel tiene la intención de ser médico. (F)
(10 points )
B. Two points per answer 1 point for
individual words and 2 points for putting in a
whole phrase with correct verb. 1. Cómo es el
instituto de Raquel? Descríbelo. (dos detalles)
(Es mixto, se llama el Instituto Alonso Martín,
es bastante pequeño y moderno, hay 40 profesores
y 500 alumnos)2. Describe la mejor amiga de
Raquel. (se llama Anita, es muy cariñosa y
generosa, tiene el pelo largo, liso y moreno y
los ojos verdes.)3. A qué hora empieza y
termina el colegio de Raquel? (empieza a las ocho
menos diez y termina a las dos)4. Le gusta a
Raquel el arte? Por qué? (Sí le gusta el arte
porque es fácil e útil)5. Qué va a estudiar
Raquel en la universidad en el futuro? (Va a
estudiar la medicina) (10 points)
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