Title: Framework Regulasi Internet
1FrameworkRegulasi Internet
- Onno W. Purbo
- Bobby Nazief
- Sanjaya Setijadi
- CyberLaw Principles
- Visi
- Aspek Regulasi Internet
3CyberLaw Principles
- Communication Principle.
- Participation Principle.
- Universal Service Principle.
- Multiculturalism and Multilingualism Principle.
- Ethics Principle.
- Education Principle.
4CyberLaw Principles Cont
- Free Expression Principle.
- Privacy and Encryption Principle.
- Access to Information Principle.
- Training Principle.
- International Cooperation Principle.
5Key Principles
- Communication Principles
- The right of communication is a fundamental human
right. - Participation Principles
- Every citizen should have the right to meaningful
participation in information society.
6Universal Service Principle
- States should promote universal services where,
to the extent possible given the different
national and regional circumstances and
resources, the new media shall be accessible at
community level by all individuals, on a
non-discriminatory basis regardless of geographic
7Multiculturalism and Multilingualism Principle
- States and users should promote cultural and
linguistic diversity in cyberspace by the
promotion of regional and local participation in
Internet activities, information collections, and
new information services.
8Ethics Principle
- States and users should promote efforts, at the
local and international levels, to develop
ethical guidelines for participation in the new
cyberspace environment.
9Education Principle
- All persons should have a right to appropriate
education in order to read, write and work in
cyberspace. There should be specific initiatives
to educate parents, children, teachers and other
Internet users on the implications of their
participation in cyberspace and on how to
maximize the opportunities presented by the new
10Free Expression Principle
- States should promote the right to free
expression and the right to receive information
regardless of frontiers.
11Privacy and Encryption Principles
- The fundamental right of individual to privacy,
including secrecy of communication and protection
of personal data, should be respected in national
law and in the implementation and use of self
regulatory private legal remedies and technical
12Access to Information Principle
- Public bodies should have an affirmative
responsibility to make public information widely
available on the Internet and to ensure the
accuracy and timeliness of the information. This
information could include government information,
information concerning cultural heritage, and
archival and historical information.
13Access to Information Principle
- The traditional balance between the rights of
authors and limitations on these rights,
including the free use of ideas in published
works, should be maintained in cyberspace in the
interests of the public and of the authors. - States should preserve and expand the public
domain in cyberspace.
14Training Principle
- Job training in electronic media should be
encourage to enable people to communicate in the
new media and to create new opportunities in
15International Cooperation Principle
- States shall cooperate at an international level
and seek to harmonize national law to resolve
jurisdictional or conflict of law differences.
16Proposed Strategies
17Proposed Strategies
- Privatization, liberalization and competition
throughout the communication market place. - Deregulation as competition develops
- Universal Access To Communication Service
Technology. - Opportunity to underserved populations.
18Independent Regulatory Body
- Separation of Regulatory Operational Functions.
- Freedom from direct political pressure.
- Fair and transparent procedures.
- Delegation of board authority to an expert agency
to establish rules and adjudicate dispute, to
regulate in the public interest.
19Regulation and National Goals
- Encourage private investment, Innovation and
Infrastructure build-out. - Promote fair competition.
- Manage Scarce Resources Efficiently.
- Promote the Public Interest Where the Market May
20Essential Function of Regulator
- Licensing.
- Rulemaking.
- Enforcement and adjudication.
- Management of scarce resources.
- Equipment approval.
- Telecommunication Standards.
21Overcoming Resistance
- Permit access to market that it does not serve.
- Use greater pricing flexibility.
- Reduce and remove certain regulatory oversight.
- Create incentive for network development
- Slow the introduction of competition
22Competitor will want ..
- Clear terms and conditions and fair prices for
interconnection. - The ability to select network elements and locate
its own equipment in the incumbent carriers
switching facilities. - Viable resale opportunities
- access to spectrum
- access to rights of way
23Method in introducing competition
- Facilities-based competition
- unbundling the network elements
- resale
24Competition Success Key
25Protection from Market Power
- Outright Prohibition on Providing the Competitive
Product or Service - Price Caps for Regulated Monopoly Services.
- Separate Subsidiary Requirement.
- Tariffing Requirements.
- Accounting Separation.
- Imputation Requirements.
26Protection from Market Power
- Service Quality Reporting Requirements
- Resale Requirements
- Unbundling Requirements.
- Comparably Efficient Interconnection
Requirements. - Network Interface Disclosure Requirement
- Customer Proprietary Network Information
27Protection from Market Power
- Prompt and Sure Resolution of Dispute
28Internet Regl Strategy
- Hands Off Regulatory Approach
- Principles to Promote NII
- Competition
- Investment
- Technological Neutrality
29Policy for Internet Service
- Broadband Access
- Cost based transmission capacity
- Local Service Pricing
30Visi ..
- Empower bangsa Indonesia menuju knowledged based
society. - Pendidikan adalah kunci utama.
- Encourage SME Teleworker.
- Berpihak pada orang banyak, khususnya pihak yang
produktif, menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan
mencegah disintegrasi bangsa. - Encourage kompetisi.
31Pola Regulatory Framework
32Framework Regulasi
33Framework Regulasi Internet
- Norm / Value
- Law
- Konsensus / Market Driven
- Platform
34Framework Regulasi Internet
- Norm / Value
- Nilai, Budaya, Agama.
- Law
- Konsensus / Market Driven
- Platform
35Framework Regulasi Internet
- Norm / Value
- Law
- Hukum Pidana
- Hukum Perdata
- dll hukum yang lain.
- Konsensus / Market Driven
- Platform
36Framework Regulasi Internet
- Norm / Value
- Law
- Konsensus / Market Driven
- konsensus open system.
- Konsensus International - RFC, IETF, dll.
- Konsensus player / aktor di Indonesia.
- Platform
37Framework Regulasi Internet
- Norm / Value
- Law
- Konsensus / Market Driven
- Platform
- Internet - cepat interaktif.
- Seminar - komunikasi satu arah.
- Workshop.
- MPR / DPR.
- Demonstrasi dll
38Proses Pembuatan Regulasi
- Closed - pemerintah mengatur
- Expert - expert yang mengatur
- Open System - masyarakat / pasar mengatur
(lebih banyak mengadopsi konsensus / kesepakatan).
39Proses Pembuatan Regulasi Internet
- Internet memungkinkan
- interaksi masyarakat
- adopsi konsensus player
- adopsi keinginan masyarakat
- Moderator / Fasilitator dipegang oleh Pemerintah.
- Approval dilakukan oleh MPR Society melalui
mailing list.
40Aspek Bahasan
- Aspek Infrastruktur
- AspekTeknologi
- Aspek Bisnis
- Aspek Content
41Aspek Bahasan
42Aspek Infrastruktur
- IP Address
- Domain Name
- Internet Exchange
- Operating System Physical Layer
- Hubungan Network Provider (Telkom, Indosat)
dengan ISP.
43Aspek Teknologi
- Pengembangan Jasa Baru di Internet, seperti
- Internet telephony
- Internet broadcasting
- Internet E-commerce
- Network Security
- Certificate Authority
44Aspek Bisnis
- Pengaturan penyelenggaraan ISP di Indonesia.
- Format Tarif Internet.
- ISP -gt user
- ISP -gt Telkom / Indosat
- ISP -gt IX
- ISP -gt web / content
45Aspek Content
- Pengembangan Internet Society
- Copy Right / Hak Cipta
- Keamanan Data via Internet.
46Aspek Infrastruktur
47Aspek Infrastruktur
- IP Address
- Domain Name
- Internet Exchange
- Operating System Physical Layer
- Hubungan Network Provider (Telkom, Indosat)
dengan ISP.
48Model Internet Governance
49deFacto Infrastrukur
- IP Address - apply to APNIC
- AS Number - apply to APNIC
- Domain Name - apply to IDNIC, InterNIC
AlterNIC. - InterNet Exchange - APJII IIX, Telkom Indosat
(anyone could run one).
50deFacto Infrastructure
- Hubungan Telkom / Indosat ISP.
- Kondisi sekarang ISP - sewa ke Telkom / Indosat.
- Tidak ada pola share revenue.
- Tidak ada pola tax break utk pendidikan.
- Tidak ada pola empowerment dari infrastructure
lokal dengan swadaya masyarakat.
51Aspek Teknologi
52Aspek Teknologi
- Pengembangan Jasa Baru di Internet, seperti
- Internet telephony
- Internet broadcasting
- Internet E-commerce
- Network Security
- Certificate Authority
53Model - Voice over IP
54Model - Internet Broadcast
55Model E-Com - B-C
56Model - E-Com - B-B
57Aspek Bisnis
58Aspek Bisnis
- Pengaturan penyelenggaraan ISP di Indonesia.
- Format Tarif Internet.
- ISP -gt user
- ISP -gt Telkom / Indosat
- ISP -gt IX
- ISP -gt web / content
59Pengaturan ISP
- Pola lisensi
- Pemerintah sebagai QC
- ISP hanya perlu terbuka ke pemerintah
- bisa diatur pola cross subsidi
- Pola registrasi (tanpa lisensi)
- Masyarakat / pasar sebagai QC
- ISP harus terbuka pada masyarakat / pasar
- kompetisi bebas
60Tarif Internet
- Komponen Tarif ke User
- telepon / ijin frekuensi
- akses ke internet internasional
- recovery operasional ISP
- recovery investasi ISP
- Komponen Tarif ke ISP
- komponen tarif user
- sewa regional line
- sewa transit IX
61Aspek Content
62Aspek Content
- Internet Content Rating Association.
- Internet Society.
- Copy Right / Hak Cipta.
- Keamanan Data via Internet.
63Aspek Contant
- Apakah POSTEL akan membahas sampai sejauh ini?
- Bagaimana dengan koordinasi inter-departemen?