Title: Chapter 6 Series Solutions of Linear Equations
1?????????????,????????????? ??????????
2Chapter 6 Series Solutions of Linear Equations
?? DE ? solutions ? polynomial ???
(? Cauchy-Euler Method ?? Taylor Series ?????)
???? power series centered at x0
Power series ????? (Sec. 6-1)
x0 is a non-singular point (Sec. 6-2)
regular singular point (Sec. 6-3)
x0 is a singular point
irregular singular point
Example (Sec. 6-4)
3Section 6-1 Reviews of Power Series
6-1-1 ??
1. Power series
2. Convergence
????Ratio test (test for convergence)
L lt 1 converge
L gt 1 diverge
L 1 ???
3. Radius of Convergence R
L lt 1 if x - x0 lt R
L gt 1 if x - x0 gt R
4Example 1 (text page 233)
For the Power series
for 1 lt x lt 5
Interval of convergence (1, 5)
However, since when x 1, the power series
which is also convergent, the interval of
convergence is modified as
Interval of convergence 1, 5)
56-1-2 Maclaurin Series (Taylor Series)
6Maclaurin Series (Taylor Series) Interval of Convergence
(-8, 8)
(-8, 8)
(-8, 8)
(-1, 1
(-1, 1)
7Example 2 (text page 235)
Find a power series representation of exsinx
8Section 6-2 Solutions about Ordinary Points
Suppose that the solution is
6-2-1 ??????
(1) Linear
(2) x0 is not a singular point
(3) It is better that a0(x), a1(x), ., an(x),
g(x) are all polynomials.
(or expressed as a Taylor series)
96-2-2 ????
Step 1 ? ?? (x0 ??? ordinary
?? singular point ??? ordinary point
Step 2 ?? (???? (x - x0)k )
Step 3 ??
Step 4 ????,? cn ????????
Step 5 Obtained independent solutions and
general solution
106-2-3 ??
Example 5 (text page 241)
since P(x) 0 and Q(x) x are analytic at 0
Step 1
set k n 1
set k n -2
Step 2 ??
11Step 3
2c2 0
Step 4
c2 0
recurrence relation
c0, c1 ????
k 1
k 2
k 3
12????,??? cn ???????? (? c0 ? c1 ??)
k 4
k 5
k 6
k 7
k 8
k 9
13Step 5
14Example 6 (text page 243)
(analytic at x 0)
Radius of convergence?
Step 1
k n
k n
k n - 2
Step 2
k n
15Step 3
k 0
k 1
Step 4
16c0, c1 ????
17Step 5
x lt 1 (Why?)
18Example 8 (text page 245)
196-2-4 ??
1. Analytic at x0 If a function can be
expressed as a power series and the radius of
convergence of the power series is nonzero ?????
f(x) ? x0 ???analytic ?? (1) f(x0) should be
neither ? nor -? (2) f(m)(x0) should be neither ?
nor -? m 1, 2, 3, .
202. Ordinary Point and Singular Point
? For the 2nd order linear DE
Definition 6.1
x0 is an ordinary point of the 2nd order linear
DE if both P(x) and Q(x) are analytic at x0
Otherwise, x0 is a singular point .
Theorem 6.1 If x0 is an ordinary point of
the 2nd order linear DE, then we can find two
linearly independent solutions in the form of a
power series centered at x0 , i.e.,
21? For the kth order linear DE
Extension of Definition 6.2.1
x0 is an ordinary point of the kth order linear
DE if P0(x), P1(x), P2(x), . , Pk-1 (x), are
analytic at x0
Otherwise, x0 is a singular point .
Extension of Theorem 6.2.1 If x0 is an
ordinary point of the nth order linear DE, then
we can find n linearly independent solutions in
the form of a power series centered at x0 ,
226-2-5 Interval of Convergence ?????
????? ??
????? (???,????? ????????????????????)
?? R ? x0 ???? singular point ??? Singular point
can be a complex number , see the example on page
?????????? convergence
236-2-6 ??
(1) ?? nonhomogeneous ???.. (2) ?????????????
246-2-7 ????????
(1) ????????? (a) convergence, (b) radius of
convergence, (c) analytic at x0, (d)
singular point, (e) ordinary point (2) ????
Taylor series (? page 346) (3) Index ????????
(a) ???? xk ???,(b) ?????????? (c) Index
??????? (4) nth order linear DE ?? n ? linearly
independent ? (5) ????? interval of convergence
25Section 6-3 Solutions about Singular Points
6-3-1 ??????
(1) Linear
(2) (x -x0)Pn-1 (x), (x -x0)2Pn-2 (x), . , (x
-x0)n-1P1(x), (x -x0)nP0(x) are analytic at
(?? Section 6-2 ?? Pn-1 (x), Pn-2 (x), . ,
P1(x), P0(x) are analytic at x0)
(3) It is better that P0(x), P1(x), ., Pn-1(x)
are all polynomials.
266-3-2 ??
Singular Points ????
? If x0 is a singular point but (x -x0)Pn-1 (x),
(x -x0)2Pn-2 (x), . , (x -x0)n-1P1(x), (x
-x0)nP0(x) are analytic at x0
x0 regular singular point
? If (x -x0)Pn-1 (x), (x -x0)2Pn-2 (x), . ,
(x -x0)n-1P1(x), (x -x0)nP0(x) are not analytic
at x0
x0 irregular singular point
27Example 1 (text page 248)
x 2 is a
x -2 is a
286-3-3 ??
Theorem 6.3.1 Frobenius Theorem
? x0 ? linear DE ????? regular singular point ???
linear DE ???????
Step 1 ? ??
Step 2 Power ??
Step 3 ??
Step 4 ?? r
Step 5 ????,? cn ????????
Step 6 ? Step 4 ??? r ?? Step 5 ?????
independent solutions ? general solution
Step 7 (???)
30(Step 7)
? (1) r ??? ? (2) r ?????????,?? Step 6 ???????
independent ?
?????? y2(x)
(?? Section 6-3 ? Examples 4, 5)
? r ?????????,?? Step 6 ?????? independent
?, ????????
316-3-4 ??
Example 2 (text page 250)
Step 1 ? ??
Step 2 Power ??
n k - 1
n k
n k
k n 1
32Step 3 ??
Step 4 ?? r
Step 5
33Step 6
? r 0
? r 2/3
34Solution of Example 2 (??????????)
(????? x ???)
35Examples 4, 5 (text pages 253, 254)
Step 1 ? ??
Step 2 ??
n k -1
n k
Step 3 ??
36Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
? r 1
37Step 6
? r 0
k 1 ????
??,???? Step 3,?
(k 1, r 0 ??)
c0 ???? 0, c1 ?????
m n - 1
38???????? y2(x) ?? y1(x), ????? Sec. 4-2reduction
of order ?????
39long division ???
?????? lnx ?
406-3-5 ???????
(x -2)
(x -1)
416-3-6 Indicial Equation
2nd order case
If x0 is a regular singular point
?? p(x) ? q(x) ?? analytic
42? y(x), y'(x), y''(x), p(x), q(x) ??
?? (x ?x0) r ? coefficient ?
indicial equation
43? linear DE ? 2nd order ?,r ???
a0 p(x0)
b0 q(x0)
44For the 2nd order case
two roots r1, r2
(Case 1) r1 ? r2 and r1, r2 are real, r2 - r1
? integer
?????? ??
(Case 2) r1 ? r2 and r1, r2 are real, r2 - r1
C ???? 0 (? case 1 ??) ???? 0
45(Case 3) r1 r2 ?
C ???? 0
(Case 4) r1 ? r2 and r1, r2 are complex
466-3-7 Indicial Equation for Higher Order Case
? linear DE ? nth order ?
??? r ???
k 0, 1, 2, ., n -1
476-3-8 ?????????
(1) Index ?????????? (????? power
?????,??????? k) ??? page 371 ? Step 2,?????
xkr 1 ?? xkr (2) ? x 0 ? regular singular
point, ? x0 0 ?? (3) ??? ck ? ck-1 (? ck-1 ?
ck) ? recursive relation ????????? cn
??????? (???????? 0) (4) ????? 0 ??? (?
page 377) (5) ?????? y2(x) ? y1(x) ????? (? pages
377, 378)
48(6)?????????? ?????????? ????? xr (7)
Interval of solution ?????, ? interval
?????singular point, ??? regular singular
point (8) ?????
49Section 6-4 Special Functions
Special cases of Sections 6-2 and 6-3
? Bessels equation of order v
1st kind Bessel function
2nd kind Bessel function
? Legendres equation of order n
One of the solution Legendre polynomials
(See page 406)
? Gamma function
- ? modified Bessel equation of order v
- modified Bessel equation of the 1st kind
- modified Bessel equation of the 2nd kind
- Bessel ??????
- ?
- spherical Bessel functions Jv(x),
?c1Iv( x) c2Kv(x)
516.4.1 Bessels Equation Solving for Bessels equation of order v
Steps 13 ?
?????? (??text page 257) ??
two roots v and -v
Step 4
Step 5
52Step 6
? r v
? r -v
?? c1 0, c3 c5 c7 c9 .. 0
when r v
when r -v
536.4.1.2 Gamma function a generalization of n!
properties of Gamma function
when n is a positive integer
???? Appendix 1
when n is a negative integer or n 0
556.4.1.1 ?? Solving for Bessel function
when r v
56??,? r -v
Two independent solutions of the Bessels equation
When r v
When r -v
?? Bessel functions of the first kind of order v
and -v
576.4.1.3 Bessel function of the second kind
??,?? roots ??? 2v
(1) ? 2v ?????,Bessels equation ????
c1Jv(x) c2J-v(x) (????? c1Jv(x)
(2) ? 2v ???,? v m 1/2 (m ?????) ?,Bessels
equation ???? c1Jv(x) c2J-v(x) (????? c1Jv(x)
c2Yv(x)) (3) ? 2v ???,? v ??????, Bessels
equation ??? c1Jv(x) c2Yv(x)
Yv(x) Bessel function of the second kind of
order v (???)
58Yv(x) Bessel function of the second kind of
order v
? m ????, Ym(x) ???
? LHopitals rule ??
596.4.1.4 Bessel function of the 1st kind (order m
(1) J0(0) 1, Jm(0) 0 for m ? 0
(2) Zero crossing ???,?? m ??????? (? Table 6.4.1)
(4) (5) (6)
when m is an integer
when m is an integer
? Example 5, text page 263
616.4.1.5 Bessel function of the 2nd kind (order m
(2) Zero crossing ???,?? m ???????
626.4.1.6 Bessels equation ???
?c1Jv(x) c2Yv(x)
?c1Jv(? x) c2Yv(? x)
Proof Set t ?x
? t ??? Bessel equation
y c1Jv(t) c2Yv(t) c1Jv(? x) c2Yv(? x)
63(B) modified Bessel equation of order v
?c1Iv( x) c2Kv(x)
??? modified Bessel function of the first kind of
order v
??? modified Bessel function of the second kind
of order v
? v ????,??? limit
Example 3 (text page 261)
656.4.1.7 Spherical Bessel Functions
Jv(x) ?
?,??? spherical Bessel functions
666.4.2 Legendres Equation Legendres Equation
??,?? (???text pages 265, 266)
?? linearly independent ?????
67(a) When n is not an integer, both the two
solutions have infinite number of terms. (b)
When n is an even integer, y1(x) has finite
number of terms. In y1(x), the coefficient
of xk is zero when k gt n. (c) When n is an odd
integer, y2(x) has finite number of terms.
In y2(x), the coefficient of xk is zero when k gt
y1(x) when n is an even integer and y2(x) when n
is an odd integer are called the Legendre
(denoted by Pn(x)).
(? Pn(1) ???? 1)
? y1(x)
? y2(x)
69Legendre polynomials
Interval x ? -1, 1
706.4.2.2 Properties of Legendre Polynomials
even / odd symmetry
when n is odd
when n is even
recursive relation
Rodrigues formula
If m ? n
orthogonality property
(8) ???? x ? -1, 1 ??? continuous ??? f(x)
?? orthogonality property
Orthogonality property ?? Legendre polynomials
726.4.2.3 ??????? orthogonal polynomial
? Chebychev polynomials
???? filter design ??
They are the solutions of
? Hermite polynomials
They are the solutions of
736.4.3 Section 6-4 ???????
(1) ????,????,??,?????? ?????? (2) ???
Gamma function
74Review of Chapter 6
?????? Linear DE,? coefficients ??? polynomials
? ? Pm(x) ? x x0 ?? analytic x0 ? ordinary
? ? Pm(x) ? x x0 ??? analytic ?? (x - x0 )n
-mPm(x) ? x x0 ?? analytic x0 ? regular
singular point
75Exercise for practice
Sec. 6-1 2, 9, 14, 24, 28, 32, 34
Sec. 6-2 2, 12, 13, 16, 20, 23, 26,
27 Sec. 6-3 6, 9, 13, 18, 22, 24, 26,
29, 30, 31, 33, 36 Review 6 7, 10, 14,
19, 20