First-Order Differential Equations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First-Order Differential Equations


CHAPTER 2 First-Order Differential Equations Contents 2.1 Solution Curves Without a Solution 2.2 Separable Variables 2.3 Linear Equations 2.4 Exact Equations 2.5 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: First-Order Differential Equations

First-Order Differential Equations

  • 2.1 Solution Curves Without a Solution
  • 2.2 Separable Variables
  • 2.3 Linear Equations
  • 2.4 Exact Equations
  • 2.5 Solutions by Substitutions
  • 2.6 A Numerical Methods
  • 2.7 Linear Models
  • 2.8 Nonlinear Model
  • 2.9 Modeling with Systems of First-Order DEs

2.1 Solution Curve Without a Solution
  • Introduction Begin our study of first-order DE
    with analyzing a DE qualitatively.
  • SlopeA derivative dy/dx of y y(x) gives slopes
    of tangent lines at points.
  • Lineal ElementAssume dy/dx f(x, y(x)). The
    value f(x, y) represents the slope of a line, or
    a line element is called a lineal element. See


Direction Field
  • If we evaluate f over a rectangular grid of
    points, and draw a lineal element at each point
    (x, y) of the grid with slope f(x, y), then the
    collection is called a direction field or a slope
    field of the following DE dy/dx f(x, y)

Example 1
  • The direction field of dy/dx 0.2xy is shown in
    Fig2.2(a) and for comparison with Fig2.2(a), some
    representative graphs of this family are shown in

Example 2
  • Use a direction field to draw an approximate
    solution curve for dy/dx sin y, y(0) -3/2.
  • SolutionRecall from the continuity of f(x, y)
    and ?f/?y cos y. Theorem 2.1 guarantees the
    existence of a unique solution curve passing any
    specified points in the plane. Now split the
    region containing (-3/2, 0) into grids. We
    calculate the lineal element of each grid to
    obtain Fig2.3.


  • Increasing/DecreasingIf dy/dx gt 0 for all x in
    I, then y(x) is increasing in I.If dy/dx lt 0
    for all x in I, then y(x) is decreasing in I.
  • DEs Free of the Independent variable
    dy/dx f(y) (1)is
    called autonomous. We shall assume f and f ? are
    continuous on some I.

Critical Points
  • The zeros of f in (1) are important. If f(c) 0,
    then c is a critical point, equilibrium point or
    stationary point.Substitute y(x) c into (1),
    then we have 0 f(c) 0.
  • If c is a critical point, then y(x) c, is a
    solution of (1).
  • A constant solution y(x) c of (1) is called an
    equilibrium solution.

Example 3
  • The following DE dP/dt P(a bP)
  • where a and b are positive constants, is
    autonomous.From f(P) P(a bP) 0, the
    equilibrium solutions are P(t) 0 and P(t)
  • Put the critical points on a vertical line. The
    arrows in Fig 2.4 indicate the algebraic sign of
    f(P) P(a bP). If the sign is positive or
    negative, then P is increasing or decreasing on
    that interval.

Solution Curves
  • If we guarantee the existence and uniqueness of
    (1), through any point (x0, y0) in R, there is
    only one solution curve. See Fig 2.5(a).
  • Suppose (1) possesses exactly two critical
    points, c1, and c2, where c1 lt c2. The graph of
    the equilibrium solution y(x) c1, y(x) c2 are
    horizontal lines and split R into three regions,
    say R1, R2 and R3 as in Fig 2.5(b).

Fig 2.5

  • Some discussions without proof
  • (1) If (x0, y0) in Ri, i 1, 2, 3, when y(x)
    passes through (x0, y0), will remain in the same
    subregion. See Fig 2.5(b).
  • (2) By continuity of f , f(y) can not change
    signs in a subregion.
  • (3) Since dy/dx f(y(x)) is either positive or
    negative in Ri, a solution y(x) is monotonic.

  • (4)If y(x) is bounded above by c1, (y(x) lt c1),
    the graph of y(x) will approach y(x) c1If c1
    lt y(x) lt c2, it will approach y(x) c1 and y(x)
    c2If c2 lt y(x) , it will approach y(x)

Example 4
  • Referring to example 3, P 0 and P a/b are two
    critical points, so we have three intervals for
    P R1 (-?, 0), R2 (0, a/b), R3 (a/b, ?)
    Let P(0) P0 and when a solution pass through
    P0, we have three kind of graph according to the
    interval where P0 lies on. See Fig 2.6.

Fig 2.6
Example 5
  • The DE dy/dx (y 1)2 possesses the single
    critical point 1. From Fig 2.7(a), we conclude a
    solution y(x) is increasing in -? lt y lt 1 and 1 lt
    y lt ?, where -? lt x lt ?. See Fig 2.7.


Attractors and Repellers
  • See Fig 2.8(a). When y0 lies on either side of c,
    it will approach c. This kind of critical point
    is said to be asymptotically stable, also called
    an attractor.
  • See Fig 2.8(b). When y0 lies on either side of c,
    it will move away from c. This kind of critical
    point is said to be unstable, also called a
  • See Fig 2.8(c) and (d). When y0 lies on one side
    of c, it will be attracted to c and repelled from
    the other side. This kind of critical point is
    said to be semi-stable.

Fig 2.8

Autonomous DEs and Direction Field
  • Fig 2.9 shows the direction field of dy/dx 2y
    2.It can be seen that lineal elements passing
    through points on any horizontal line must have
    the same slope. Since the DE has the form dy/dx
    f(y), the slope depends only on y.

Fig 2.9
2.2 Separable Variables
  • Introduction Consider dy/dx f(x, y) g(x).
    The DE dy/dx g(x) (1)can be solved by
    integration. Integrating both sides to get y ?
    g(x) dx G(x) dy/dx 1 e2x, then y
    ? (1 e2x) dx x ½ e2x c

  • Rewrite the above equation as
    (2)where p(y) 1/h(y). When h(y) 1,
    (2) reduces to (1).

  • If y ?(x) is a solution of (2), we must have
    and (3)But dy ? ?(x) dx, (3) is the
    same as (4)

Example 1
  • Solve (1 x) dy y dx 0.
  • SolutionSince dy/y dx/(1 x), we have
    Replacing by c, gives y c(1 x).

Example 2
  • Solve
  • Solution We also can rewrite the solution
    as x2 y2 c2, where c2 2c1Apply the
    initial condition, 16 9 25 c2See Fig2.18.

Losing a Solution
  • When r is a zero of h(y), then y r is also a
    solution of dy/dx g(x)h(y). However, this
    solution will not show up after integration. That
    is a singular solution.

Example 3
  • Solve dy/dx y2 4.
  • SolutionRewrite this DE as (5)then

Example 3 (2)
  • Replacing exp(c2) by c and solving for y, we
    have (6)If we rewrite the DE as dy/dx
    (y 2)(y 2), from the previous discussion,
    we have y ? 2 is a singular solution.

Example 4
  • Solve
  • SolutionRewrite this DE as using sin 2x 2
    sin x cos x, then ? (ey ye-y) dy 2 ? sin x
    dx from integration by parts, ey ye-y e-y
    -2 cos x c (7)From y(0) 0, we have c 4
    to get ey ye-y e-y 4 -2 cos x (8)

Use of Computers
  • Let G(x, y) ey ye-y e-y 2 cos x. Using
    some computer software, we plot the level curves
    of G(x, y) c. The resulting graphs are shown in
    Fig2.19 and Fig2.20.

Fig2.19 Fig2.20
  • If we solve dy/dx xy½ , y(0) 0 (9)The
    resulting graphs are shown in Fig2.21.

2.3 Linear Equations
  • Introduction Linear DEs are friendly to be
    solved. We can find some smooth methods to deal

  • Standard FormThe standard for of a first-order
    DE can be written as dy/dx P(x)y f(x) (2)
  • The PropertyDE (2) has the property that its
    solution is sum of two solutions, y yc yp,
    where yc is a solution of the homogeneous
    equation dy/dx P(x)y 0 (3)and yp is a
    particular solution of (2).

  • Verification Now (3) is also separable.
    Rewrite (3) as
  • Solving for y gives

Variation of Parameters
  • Let yp u(x) y1(x), where y1(x) is defined as
    above.We want to find u(x) so that yp is also a
    solution. Substituting yp into (2) gives

  • Since dy1/dx P(x)y1 0, so that y1(du/dx)
    f(x) Rearrange the above equation, From the
    definition of y1(x), we have (4)

Solving Procedures
  • If (4) is multiplied by (5)then (
    6)is differentiated (7)we
    get (8)Dividing (8) by
    gives (2).

Integrating Factor
  • We call y1(x) is an integrating
    factor and we should only memorize this to solve

Example 1
  • Solve dy/dx 3y 6.
  • SolutionSince P(x) 3, we have the
    integrating factor is then is the same as
    So e-3xy -2e-3x c, a solution is y -2
    ce-3x, -? lt x lt ?.

  • The DE of example 1 can be written as so
    that y 2 is a critical point.

General Solutions
  • Equation (4) is called the general solution on
    some interval I. Suppose again P and f are
    continuous on I. Writing (2) as Suppose again P
    and f are continuous on I. Writing (2) as y?
    F(x, y) we identify F(x, y) P(x)y f(x),
    ?F/?y P(x)which are continuous on I.Then we
    can conclude that there exists one and only one
    solution of (9)

Example 2
  • Solve
  • SolutionDividing both sides by x, we
    have (10)So, P(x) 4/x, f(x) x5ex,
    P and f are continuous on (0, ?).Since x gt 0, we
    write the integrating factor as

Example 2
  • Multiply (10) by x-4, Using integration by
    parts, it follows that the general solution on
    (0, ?) is x-4y xex ex c or y x5ex
    x4ex cx4

Example 3
  • Find the general solution of
  • SolutionRewrite as (11)So, P(x)
    x/(x2 9). Though P(x) is continuous on (-?,
    -3), (-3, 3) and (3, ?), we shall solve this DE
    on the first and third intervals. The integrating
    factor is

Example 3 (2)
  • then multiply (11) by this factor to get and
    Thus, either for x gt 3 or x lt -3, the general
    solution is
  • Notes x 3 and x -3 are singular points of
    the DE and is discontinuous at these

Example 4
  • Solve
  • SolutionWe first have P(x) 1 and f(x) x,
    and are continuous on (-?, ?). The integrating
    factor is , so gives exy
    xex ex c and y x 1 ce-xSince y(0) 4,
    then c 5. The solution is y x 1 5e-x, ?
    lt x lt ? (12)

  • Notes From the above example, we find yc
    ce-x and yp x 1 we call yc is a transient
    term, since yc ? 0 as x? ?.Some solutions are
    shown in Fig2.24.

Example 5
  • Solve , where
  • SolutionFirst we see the graph of f(x) in

Example 5 (2)
  • We solve this problem on 0 ? x ? 1 and 1 lt x lt
    ?.For 0 ? x ? 1, then y 1 c1e-xSince
    y(0) 0, c1 -1, y 1 - e-xFor x gt 1,
    dy/dx y 0 then y c2e-x

Example 5
  • We haveFurthermore, we want y(x) is
    continuous at x 1, that is, when x ? 1, y(x)
    y(1) implies c2 e 1.As in Fig2.26, the
    function (13)are continuous on 0,

Functions Defined by Integrals
  • We are interested in the error function and
    complementary error function
    and (14)Since
    , we find erf(x) erfc(x) 1

Example 6
  • Solve dy/dx 2xy 2, y(0) 1.
  • SolutionWe find the integrating factor is
    exp-x2, we get (15)Applying y(0) 1,
    we have c 1. See Fig2.27

2.4 Exact Equations
  • Introduction Though ydx xdy 0 is separable,
    we can solve it in an alternative way to get the
    implicit solution xy c.

Differential of a Function of Two Variables
  • If z f(x, y), its differential or total
    differential is (1)Now if z f(x, y)
    c, (2)eg if x2 5xy y3 c, then
    (2) gives (2x 5y) dx (-5x 3y2) dy
    0 (3)

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Proof of Necessity for Theorem 2.1
  • If M(x, y) dx N(x, y) dy is exact, there
    exists some function f such that for all x in R
    M(x, y) dx N(x, y) dy (?f/?x) dx (?f/?y)
    dyTherefore M(x, y) , N(x, y)
    and The sufficient part consists of showing
    that there is a function f for which
    M(x, y) and N(x, y)

Method of Solution
  • Since ?f/?x M(x, y), we have
    (5)Differentiating (5) with respect to y and
    assume ?f/?y N(x, y)Then and

  • Integrate (6) with respect to y to get g(y), and
    substitute the result into (5) to obtain the
    implicit solution f(x, y) c.

Example 1
  • Solve 2xy dx (x2 1) dy 0.
  • SolutionWith M(x, y) 2xy, N(x, y) x2 1,
    we have ?M/?y 2x ?N/?xThus it is exact.
    There exists a function f such that ?f/?x
    2xy, ?f/?y x2 1Then f(x, y) x2y
    g(y) ?f/?y x2 g(y) x2 1 g(y) -1,
    g(y) -y

Example 1 (2)
  • Hence f(x, y) x2y y, and the solution
    is x2y y c, y c/(1 x2)The interval of
    definition is any interval not containing x 1
    or x -1.

Example 2
  • Solve (e2y y cos xy)dx(2xe2y x cos xy
    2y)dy 0.
  • SolutionThis DE is exact because ?M/?y 2e2y
    xy sin xy cos xy ?N/?xHence a function f
    exists, and ?f/?y 2xe2y x cos xy 2ythat

Example 2 (2)
  • Thus h(x) 0, h(x) c. The solution is xe2y
    sin xy y2 c 0

Example 3
  • Solve
  • SolutionRewrite the DE in the form (cos x sin
    x xy2) dx y(1 x2) dy 0 Since ?M/?y
    2xy ?N/?x (This DE is exact)Now ?f/?y y(1
    x2) f(x, y) ½y2(1 x2) h(x) ?f/?x
    xy2 h(x) cos x sin x xy2

Example 3 (2)
  • We have h?(x) cos x sin x h(x) -½ cos2
    xThus ½y2(1 x2) ½ cos2 x c1 or y2(1
    x2) cos2 x c (7)where c 2c1. Now
    y(0) 2, so c 3.The solution is y2(1 x2)
    cos2 x 3

Fig 2.28
  • Fig 2.28 shows the family curves of the above
    example and the curve of the specialized VIP is
    drawn in color.

Integrating Factors
  • It is sometimes possible to find an integrating
    factor?(x, y), such that ?(x, y)M(x, y)dx
    ?(x, y)N(x, y)dy 0 (8)is an exact
    differential.Equation (8) is exact if and only
    if (?M)y (?N)x Then ?My ?yM ?Nx
    ?xN, or ?xN ?yM (My Nx) ? (9)

  • Suppose ? is a function of one variable, say x,
    then ?x d? /dx(9) becomes (10)If
    we have (My Nx) / N depends only on x, then
    (10) is a first-order ODE and is separable.
    Similarly, if ? is a function of y only, then
    (11)In this case, if (Nx My) / M is
    a function of y only, then we can solve (11) for

  • We summarize the results for M(x, y) dx N(x,
    y) dy 0 (12)If (My Nx) / N depends only on
    x, then (13)If (Nx My) / M depends
    only on y, then (14)

Example 4
  • The nonlinear DE xy dx (2x2 3y2 20) dy 0
    is not exact. With M xy, N 2x2 3y2 20, we
    find My x, Nx 4x. Since depends on both x
    and y. depends only on y.The integrating
    factor is e ? 3dy/y e3lny y3 ?(y)

Example 4 (2)
  • then the resulting equation is xy4 dx (2x2y3
    3y5 20y3) dy 0It is left to you to verify
    the solution is ½ x2y4 ½ y6 5y4 c

2.5 Solutions by Substitutions
  • IntroductionIf we want to transform the
    first-order DE dx/dy f(x, y)by the
    substitution y g(x, u), where u is a function
    of x, then Since dy/dx f(x, y), y g(x,
    u), Solving for du/dx, we have the form du/dx
    F(x, u). If we can get u ?(x), a solution is
    y g(x, ?(x)).

Homogeneous Equations
  • If a function f has the property f(tx, ty)
    t?f(x, y), then f is called a homogeneous
    function of degree ?.eg f(x, y) x3 y3 is
    homogeneous of degree 3, f(tx, ty) (tx)3
    (ty)3 t3f(x, y)
  • A first-order DE M(x, y) dx N(x, y) dy
    0 (1)is said to be homogeneous, if both M and
    N are homogeneous of the same degree, that is,
    if M(tx, ty) t?M(x, y), N(tx, ty) t?N(x, y)

  • Note Here the word homogeneous is not the same
    as in Sec 2.3.
  • If M and N are homogeneous of degree ?, M(x,
    y)x? M(1, u), N(x, y)x?N(1, u), uy/x (2)M(x,
    y)y? M(v, 1), N(x, y)y?N(v, 1), vx/y (3)Then
    (1) becomes x? M(1, u) dx x? N(1, u) dy 0,
    or M(1, u) dx N(1, u) dy 0where u y/x
    or y ux and dy udx xdu,

  • then M(1, u) dx N(1, u)(u dx x du) 0,
    and M(1, u) u N(1, u) dx xN(1, u) du

Example 1
  • Solve (x2 y2) dx (x2 xy) dy 0.
  • Solution We have M x2 y2, N x2 xy are
    homogeneous of degree 2. Let y ux, dy u dx
    x du, then (x2 u2x2) dx (x2 - ux2)(u dx x
    du) 0

Example 1 (2)
  • Then Simplify to get
  • Note We may also try x vy.

Bernoullis Equation
  • The DE dy/dx P(x)y f(x)yn (4)where n is
    any real number, is called Bernoullis Equation.
  • Note for n 0 and n 1, (4) is linear,
    otherwise, let u y1-n to reduce (4) to a
    linear equation.

Example 2
  • Solve x dy/dx y x2y2.
  • SolutionRewrite the DE as dy/dx (1/x)y
    xy2With n 2, then y u-1, and dy/dx
    -u-2(du/dx) From the substitution and
    simplification, du/dx (1/x)u -xThe
    integrating factor on (0, ?) is

Example 2 (2)
  • Integrating gives x-1u -x c, or u -x2
    cx. Since u y-1, we have y 1/u and a
    solution of the DE is y 1/(-x2 cx).

Reduction to Separation of Variables
  • A DE of the form dy/dx f(Ax By
    C) (5)can always be reduced to a separable
    equation by means of substitution u Ax By

Example 3
  • Solve dy/dx (-2x y)2 7, y(0) 0.
  • SolutionLet u -2x y, then du/dx -2
    dy/dx, du/dx 2 u2 7 or du/dx u2
    9This is separable. Using partial fractions,

Example 3 (2)
  • then we have or Solving the equation for u
    and the solution is or (6)Applying
    y(0) 0 gives c -1.

Example 3 (3)
  • The graph of the particular solution is shown
    in Fig 2.30 in solid color.

Fig 2.30

2.6 A Numerical Method
  • Using the Tangent LineLet us assume y f(x,
    y), y(x0) y0 (1)possess a solution. For
    the resulting graph is shown in Fig 2.31.

Fig 2.31
Eulers Method
  • Using the linearization of the unknown solution
    y(x) of (1) at x0, L(x) f(x0, y0)(x - x0)
    y0 (2)Replacing x by x1 x0 h, we
    have L(x1) f(x0, y0)(x0 h - x0) y0 or
    y1 y0 h f(x0, y0)and yn1 yn h f(xn,
    yn) (3)where xn x0 nh. See Fig 2.32

Fig 2.32
Example 1
  • Consider Use Eulers method to obtain
    y(2.5) using h 0.1 and then h 0.05.
  • SolutionLet
    the results step by step are shown in Table
    2.1 and table 2.2.

Table 2.1 Table 2.2
Table 2.1 h 0.1 Table 2.1 h 0.1
xn yn
2.00 4.0000
2.10 4.1800
2.20 4.3768
2.30 4.5914
2.40 4.8244
2.50 5.0768
Table 2.2 h 0.05 Table 2.2 h 0.05
xn yn
2.00 4.0000
2.05 4.0900
2.10 4.1842
2.15 4.2826
2.20 4.3854
2.25 4.4927
2.30 4.6045
2.35 4.7210
2.40 4.8423
2.45 4.9686
2.50 5.0997
Example 2
  • Consider y 0.2xy, y(1) 1. Use Eulers method
    to obtain y(1.5) using h 0.1 and then h 0.05.
  • SolutionWe have f(x, y) 0.2xy, the results
    step by step are shown in Table 2.3 and table

Table 2.3
Table 2.3 h 0.1 Table 2.3 h 0.1 Table 2.3 h 0.1 Table 2.3 h 0.1 Table 2.3 h 0.1
xn yn ActualValue AbsoluteError Rel.Error
1.00 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00
1.10 1.0200 1.0212 0.0012 0.12
1.20 1.0424 1.0450 0.0025 0.24
1.30 1.0675 1.0714 0.0040 0.37
1.40 1.0952 1.1008 0.0055 0.50
1.50 1.1259 1.1331 0.0073 0.64
Table 2.4
Table 2.4 h 0.05 Table 2.4 h 0.05 Table 2.4 h 0.05 Table 2.4 h 0.05 Table 2.4 h 0.05
xn yn ActualValue AbsoluteError Rel.Error
1.00 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00
1.05 1.0100 1.0103 0.0003 0.03
1.10 1.0206 1.0212 0.0006 0.06
1.15 1.0318 1.0328 0.0009 0.09
1.20 1.0437 1.0450 0.0013 0.12
1.25 1.0562 1.0579 0.0016 0.16
1.30 1.0694 1.0714 0.0020 0.19
1.35 1.0833 1.0857 0.0024 0.22
1.40 1.0980 1.1008 0.0028 0.25
1.45 1.1133 1.1166 0.0032 0.29
1.50 1.1295 1.1331 0.0037 0.32
Numerical Solver
  • See Fig 2.33 to know the comparisons of numerical

Fig 2.33
Using a Numerical Solver
  • When the result is not helpful by numerical
    solvers, as in Fig 2.34, we may decrease the step
    size, use another method, or use another

Fig 2.34
2.7 Linear Models
  • Growth and Decay (1)

Example 1 Bacterial Growth
  • P0 initial number of bacterial P(0)P(1)
    3/2 P(0)Find the time necessary for triple
  • SolutionSince dP/dt kt, dP/dt kt 0, we
    have P(t) cekt, using P(0) P0then c P0
    and P(t) P0ekt Since P(1) 3/2 P(0), then
    P(1) P0ek 3/2 P(0)So, k ln(3/2)
    0.4055.Now P(t) P0e0.4055t 3P0 , t
    ln3/0.4055 2.71.See Fig 2.35.

Fig 2.35

Fig 2.36
  • k gt 0 is called a growth constant, and k gt 0 is
    called a decay constant. See Fig 2.36.

Example 2 Half-Life of Plutonium
  • A reactor converts U-238 into the isotope
    plutonium-239. After 15 years, there is 0.043 of
    the initial amount A0 of the plutonium has
    disintegrated. Find the half-life of this
  • SolutionLet A(t) denote the amount of plutonium
    remaining at time t. The DE is as (2)The
    solution is A(t) A0ekt. If 0.043 of A0 has
    disintegrated, then 99.957 remains.

Example 2 (2)
  • Then, 0.99957A0 A(15) A0e15k, then k (ln
    0.99957) / 15 -0.00002867 Let A(t)
    A0e-0.00002867t ½ A0Then

Example 3 Carbon Dating
  • A fossilized bone contains 1/1000 the original
    amount C-14. Determine the age of the fossil.
  • SolutionWe know the half-life of C-14 is 5600
    years.Then A0 /2 A0e5600k, k -(ln 2)/5600
    -0.00012378.And A(t) A0 /1000 A0e

Newtons Law of Cooling
  • (3)where Tm is the temperature of the
    medium around the object.

Example 4
  • A cakes temperature is 300?F. Three minutes
    later its temperature is 200?F. How long will it
    for this cake to cool off to a room temperature
    of 70?F?
  • SolutionWe identify Tm 70, then (4)a
    nd T(3) 200. From (4), we have

Example 4 (2)
  • Using T(0) 300 then c2 230Using T(3) 200
    then e3k 13/23, k -0.19018Thus T(t) 70
    230e-0.19018t (5)From (5), only t ?, T(t)
    70. It means we need a reasonably long time to
    get T 70. See Fig 2.37.

Fig 2.37
  • (6)

Example 5
  • Recall from example 5 of Sec 1.3, we have
    How much salt is in the tank after along
  • SolutionSince Using x(0) 50, we have
    x(t) 600 - 550e-t/100 (7)When t is large
    enough, x(t) 600.

Fig 2.38

Series Circuits
  • See Fig 2.39. (8)See Fig
    2.40. (9) (10)

Fig 2.39
Example 6
  • Refer to Fig 2.39, where E(t) 12 Volt, L ½
    HenryR 10 Ohms. Determine i(t) where i(0) 0.
  • SolutionFrom (8), Then Using i(0) 0,
    c -6/5, then i(t) (6/5) (6/5)e-20t.

Example 6 (2)
  • A general solution of (8) is (11)When
    E(t) E0 is a constant, (11) becomes
    (12)where the first term is called a
    steady-state part, and the second term is a
    transient term.

  • Referring to example 1, P(t) is a continuous
    function. However, it should be discrete. Keeping
    in mind, a mathematical model is not reality.
    See Fig 2.41.

Fig 2.41

2.8 Nonlinear Models
  • Population DynamicsIf P(t) denotes the size of
    population at t, the relative (or specific),
    growth rate is defined by (1)When a
    population growth rate depends on the present
    number , the DE is (2)which is called
    density-dependent hypothesis.

Logistic Equation
  • If K is the carrying capacity, from (2) we have
    f(K) 0, and simply set f(0) r. Fig 2.46
    shows three functions that satisfy these two

Fig 2.46
  • Suppose f (P) c1P c2. Using the conditions,
    we have c2 r, c1 -r/K. Then (2) becomes
    (3)Relabel (3), then (4)whi
    ch is known as a logistic equation, its solution
    is called the logistic function and its graph is
    called a logistic curve.

Solution of the Logistic Equation
  • From After simplification, we have

  • If P(0) P0 ? a/b, then c1 P0/(a
    bP0) (5)

Graph of P(t)
  • Form (5), we have the graph as in Fig 2.47. When
    0 lt P0 lt a/2b, see Fig 2.47(a).When a/2b lt P0 lt
    a/b, see Fig 2.47(b).

Fig 2.47
Example 1
  • Form the previous discussion, assume an isolated
    campus of 1000 students, then we have the
    DE Determine x(6).
  • SolutionIdentify a 1000k, b k, from (5)

Example 1 (2)
  • Since x(4) 50, then -1000k -0.9906,
    Thus x(t) 1000/(1 999e-0.9906t)
  • See Fig 2.48.

Fig 2.48

Modification of the Logistic Equation
  • or (6)or (7)which is
    known as the Gompertz DE.

Chemical Reactions
  • (8)or (9)

Example 2
  • The chemical reaction is described as
    Then By separation of variables and partial
    fractions, (10)Using X(10) 30, 210k
    0.1258, finally (11)See Fig 2.49.

Fig 2.49

2.9 Modeling with Systems of First-Order DEs
  • Systems (1)where g1 and g2 are linear
    in x and y.
  • Radioactive Decay Series (2)

  • From Fig 2.52, we have (3)

Fig 2.52
A Predator-Prey Model
  • Let x, y denote the fox and rabbit populations at
    t.When lacking of food, dx/dt ax, a gt
    0 (4)When rabbits are present, dx/dt
    ax bxy (5)When lacking of foxes, dy/dt
    dy, d gt 0 (6) When foxes are present,
    dy/dt dy cxy (7)

  • Then (8)which is known as the
    Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model.

Example 1
  • Suppose Figure 2.53 shows the graph of the

Fig 2.53

Competition Models
  • dx/dt ax, dy/dt cy (9)Two species
    compete, then dx/dt ax by dy/dt cy
    dx (10)or dx/dt ax bxy dy/dt cy
    dxy (11)or dx/dt a1x b1x2 dy/dt
    a2y b2y2 (12)

  • or dx/dt a1x b1x2 c1xy dy/dt a2y
    b2y2 c2xy (13)

  • Referring to Fig 2.54, we have i1(t) i2(t)
    i3(t) (14) (15) (16)

  • Using (14) to eliminate i1, then (17)
    Referring to Fig 2.55, please verify

Fig 2.54

Fig 2.55
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