Title: iSkylab 4
1iSkylab 4
- Two rungs of cosmic distance ladder
- First measure distance to Cepheids with parallax,
also note their periods - Establish period-luminosity relationship as slope
of luminosity vs period graph (L comes from
BL/(4p d2) - Then observe two other Cepheids in two galaxies,
determine luminosity from period, distance from
BL/(4p d2) - Redshift gives recessional velocity ? Hubbles
constant as slope in velocity vs distance plot
2General Relativity ?! Thats easy!
Rµ? -1/2 gµ? R 8pG/c4 Tµ?
OK, fine, but what does that mean?
- (Actually, it took Prof. Einstein 10 years to
come up with that!)
3Planetary Orbits
4More General than Special Relativity
- General Relativity is more general in the sense
that we drop the restriction that an observer not
be accelerated - The claim is that you cannot decide whether you
are in a gravitational field, or just an
accelerated observer - The Einstein field equations describe the
geometric properties of spacetime
5The Idea behind General Relativity
- We view space and time as a whole, we call it
four-dimensional space-time. - It has an unusual geometry, as we have seen
- Space-time is warped by the presence of masses
like the sun, so Mass tells space how to bend - Objects (like planets) travel in straight lines
through this curved space (we see this as
orbits), so - Space tells matter how to move
6Effects of General Relativity
- Bending of starlight by the Sun's gravitational
field (and other gravitational lensing effects)
7Assumption Cosmological Principle
- The Cosmological Principle on very large scales
(1000 Mpc and up) the universe is homogeneous and
isotropic - Reasonably well-supported by observation
- Means the universe has no edge and no center
the ultimate Copernican principle!
8What General Relativity tells us
- The more mass there is in the universe, the more
braking of expansion there is - So the game is
- Mass vs. Expansion
- And we can even calculate who wins!
9The Fate of the Universe determined by a single
- Critical density is the density required to just
barely stop the expansion - Well use ?0 actual density/critical density
- ?0 1 means its a tie
- ?0 gt 1 means the universe will recollapse (Big
Crunch) ? Mass wins! - ?0 lt 1 means gravity not strong enough to halt
the expansion ? Expansion wins! - And the number is ?0 lt 1 (probably)
10The size of the Universe depends on time!
Expansion wins!
Its a tie!
Mass wins!
11The Shape of the Universe
- In the basic scenario there is a simple relation
between the density and the shape of space-time - Density Curvature 2-D example Universe
Time Space - ?0gt1 positive sphere closed,
bound finite - ?01 zero (flat) plane open, marginal
infinite - ?0lt1 negative saddle open, unbound
12Back to Expansion of the Universe
- Either it grows forever
- Or it comes to a standstill
- Or it falls back and collapses (Big crunch)
- In any case Expansion slows down!
Surprise of the year 1998 (Birthday of Dark
Energy) All wrong! It accelerates!
13Enter The Cosmological Constant
- Usually denoted ?0, it represents a uniform
pressure which either helps or retards the
expansion (depending on its sign)
- Physical origin of ?0 is unclear
- Einsteins biggest blunder or not !
- Appears to be small but not quite zero!
- Particle Physics biggest failure
14Triple evidence for Dark Energy
- Supernova data
- Large scale structure of the cosmos
- Microwave background
15Microwave Background Signal from the Big Bang
- Heat from the Big Bang should still be around,
although red-shifted by the subsequent expansion - Predicted to be a blackbody spectrum with a
characteristic temperature of 2.725 Kelvin by
George Gamow (1948) - ? Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB)
16Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation (CMB)
- Penzias and Wilson (1964)
- Tried to debug their horn antenna
- Couldnt get rid of background noise
- ? Signal from Big Bang
- Very, very isotropic (1 part in 100,000)
17CMB Heres how it looks like!
Peak as expected from 3 Kelvin warm object
Shape as expected from black body
18Latest Results PLANCK
- Measure fluctuations in microwave background
- Expect typical size of fluctuation of ½ degree
if universe is flat - Result
- Universe is flat !
19Experiment and Theory
Expect accoustic peak at l200 ? There it is!
20Supernova Data
- Type Ia Supernovae are
- standard candles
- Can calculate distance
- from brightness
- Can measure redshift
- General relativity gives us distance as a
- function of redshift for a given universe
- Supernovae are further away than
- expected for any decelerating (standard)
- universe
21Pie in the Sky Content of the Universe
Dark Energy Dark Matter SM Matter
- ?We know almost everything about almost nothing!
22Properties of Dark Energy
- Should be able to explain acceleration of cosmic
expansion ? acts like a negative pressure - Must not mess up structure formation or
nucleosynthesis - Does not dilute as the universe expands ? will be
different of content of universe as time goes
23Threefold Evidence
- Three independent measurements agree
- Universe is flat
- 28 Matter
- 72 dark energy
24Cosmic Inflation
- Size of the universe suddenly increased
- Fluctuations at a tiny
- fraction of a second when all parts of the
universe talked to each other (to make sure
everyone was at the same temperature) - Suddenly fluctuations are enlarged
- Fluctuations become imprinted on CMB, provide
seeds for large scale structure of universe
(clups that grow into galaxies)
26Inflation solves the Horizon Problem
- How does one side of the universe know what
temperature the other side is at? - It has no way, because light (signal velocity) is
too slow - Need inflation at larger than light speed
27History of the Universe Hot small ? cold big
- before 10-43 s ?????? (Planck Era)
- 10-43 s T1032 K gravity splits from other
forces - 10-43 to 10-35 s Grand Unification era
- 10-35 s T1028 K Strong force splits from
others. Epoch of inflation? - 10-35 s to 10-10 s Electroweak era
- 10-10 s T1015 K Electromagnetic force splits
from others - 10-10 to 10-4 s Quark era
- 10-4 s T1013 K Quarks combine to form protons
and neutrons - 10-4 to 500,000 years Radiation era
- 180 s (3 minutes) T109 K Protons and neutrons
combine to form nuclei (mainly Helium,
deuterium) - 500,000 years T3,000 K Nuclei and electrons
combine to form atoms Decoupling - 500,000 years to present Matter era