How bizarre is our universe? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How bizarre is our universe?


Title: 17.3 The Big Bang and Inflation Last modified by: phall Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Times New Roman Default Design How bizarre ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How bizarre is our universe?

How bizarre is our universe?
  • Start with the Big Bang

GUT Era lasts from Planck time (10-43 sec) to
end of GUT force (10-38 sec). At that point,
inflation occurs as the strong forces separates
from gravity releases energy (first kinetic,
then thermal)
Recall that forces unify at high temperatures
Four known forces in universe Strong Force
Electromagnetism Weak Force Gravity
Four separate forces today(t13.75 billion years
after Big Bang)
  • Particle with mass? Affected by gravity.
  • Particle with colour charge? Affected by
    strong force.
  • Particle with flavour charge? Affected by weak
  • Particle with electric charge? Affected by
    electromagnetic force.
  • (The above is a simplification, but useful.)

Three separate forcesat tlt10-30 seconds after
Big Bang
  • Particle with mass? Affected by gravity.
  • Particle with colour charge? Affected by
    strong force.
  • Particle with flavour or electric charge?
    Affected by electroweak force.

Two separate forcesat tlt10-38 seconds after Big
  • Particle with mass? Affected by gravity.
  • Particle with colour, flavour or electric charge?
    Affected by GUT force.

Only one force (we think)at tlt10-43 seconds
after Big Bang
  • Particle with mass, colour, flavour or electric
    charge? Affected by quantum gravity force.

Future of the UniverseLet 1 millisecond
represent 1 billion years
  • 1 msec runaway greenhouse effect on Earth
  • 0.1 second only 1 galaxy in observable universe
  • 1 second no more stars form
  • 10 seconds all stars have stopped fusion
  • 2 minutes all solar systems have been disrupted
  • 120 days all stars have been ejected from
  • 32,000 years all orbits decayed via gravity
  • 100 trillion years protons have all decayed

Future of the Universe
  • Now let 1 second represent 100 trillion years
  • 1 second protons have all decayed
  • 100 trillion years stellar-mass black holes
    start evaporating
  • Now let 1/100 trillionth of a second represent
    100 trillion years
  • 1 second stellar-mass black holes start
  • 100 trillion years all black holes have
  • thats how long 10100 years is.
  • Universe is cold, dark, nearly empty.

Hawking radiation black hole evaporation
  • If nothing escapes a black hole, how can it
  • By quantum fluctuations

Quantum fluctuations
  • On the smallest possible scales, the universe
    doesnt play by normal rules.
  • Particle/antiparticle pairs can appear
    disappear, if they last for a short enough time
  • electron-positron pairs can last for 10-22
  • proton-antiproton pairs have higher mass-energy
    and can last for only 10-25 seconds (at most)
  • So on extremely small scales, the amount of
    energy in existence at one time in one spot

Hawking radiation black hole evaporation
  • If nothing escapes a black hole, how can it
  • Quantum fluctuations are stronger when gravity is
    stronger, and the smallest black holes have the
    strongest gravity at their event horizons
  • So what happens if a particle and antiparticle
    both appear near the event horizon of a black
    hole, but one falls in and one flies away?

Hawking radiation black hole evaporation
  • If nothing escapes a black hole, how can it
  • Quantum fluctuations are stronger when gravity is
    stronger, and the smallest black holes have the
    strongest gravity at their event horizons
  • So what happens if a particle and antiparticle
    both appear near the event horizon of a black
    hole, but one falls in and one flies away?
  • Then from our point of view, the black hole has
    emitted a particle (or antiparticle) and has lost
  • So black holes should eventually evaporate, and
    the smallest ones (e.g., from LHC) will evaporate

Dark energy and the fate of our universe
  • 100 billion years acceleration of universe
    redshifts all light from beyond the FMW beyond

Dark energy and the fate of our universe
  • 100 billion years acceleration of universe
    redshifts all light from beyond the FMW beyond
  • Beyond that, we dont know enough about dark
    energy to know what it might do. Some ideas

Dark energy and the fate of our universe
  • 100 billion years acceleration of universe
    redshifts all light from beyond the FMW beyond
  • Beyond that, we dont know enough about dark
    energy to know what it might do. Some ideas
  • Big Rip happens if dark energy is a phantom
    energy which grows stronger with time and rips
    apart planets, molecules, nuclei, nucleons.

Dark energy and the fate of our universe
  • 100 billion years acceleration of universe
    redshifts all light from beyond the FMW beyond
  • Beyond that, we dont know enough about dark
    energy to know what it might do. Some ideas
  • Big Rip phantom energy grows stronger with
    time and rips apart planets, molecules, nuclei,
  • Standard dark energy yields accelerating
    universe but no big rip vacuum energy is
    constant with time

Dark energy and the fate of our universe
  • 100 billion years acceleration of universe
    redshifts all light from beyond the FMW beyond
  • Beyond that, we dont know enough about dark
    energy to know what it might do. Some ideas
  • Big Rip phantom energy grows stronger with
    time and rips apart planets, molecules, nuclei,
  • Standard dark energy yields accelerating
    universe but no big rip vacuum energy is
    constant with time
  • Decaying dark energy acceleration stops,

Dark energy and the fate of our universe
  • 100 billion years acceleration of universe
    redshifts all light from beyond the FMW beyond
  • Beyond that, we dont know enough about dark
    energy to know what it might do. Some ideas
  • Big Rip phantom energy grows stronger with
    time and rips apart planets, molecules, nuclei,
  • Standard dark energy yields accelerating
    universe but no big rip vacuum energy is
    constant with time
  • Decaying dark energy acceleration stops,
  • Wont know fate of universe for sure until we
    understand dark energy. (If then!)

So much for the end of the universethe universe
seems to go fromBig Bang to Big Whimper.But
what about the beginning?What caused the Big
What caused the Big Bang?
  • Currently (always?), science runs out of answers
    to why? questions at this point.
  • But cosmologists have lots of ideas!

What caused the Big Bang?
  • Currently (always?), science runs out of answers
    to why? questions at this point.
  • But cosmologists have lots of ideas!
  • Conservation of energy The universes positive
    kinetic mass-energy plus its negative potential
    energy (gravitational, electroweak, and
    strong-force) can sum to zero.

What caused the Big Bang?
  • Currently (always?), science runs out of answers
    to why? questions at this point.
  • But cosmologists have lots of ideas!
  • Conservation of energy The universes positive
    kinetic mass-energy plus its negative potential
    energy (gravitational, electroweak, and
    strong-force) can sum to zero.
  • Superstrings the current leading contender to
    deepen our understanding of the Big Bang, etc.
  • Superstring theory predicts there are 10
    dimensions, not four (1 time, 3 space, and 6 very
    tiny, rolled up space dimensions)

A two-dimensional cylinder looks like
a1-dimensional line if the width of the cylinder
is much smaller than its length
With 6 or 7 dimensions, you get weirder geometric
shapes, but the idea is the same
A point in spacetime would not be t,x,y,zbut
t,x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f maybe g
What caused the Big Bang?
  • Superstring theory predicts there are 10
    dimensions, not four (1 time, 3 space, and 6 very
    tiny compactified space dimensions)

What caused the Big Bang?
  • Superstring theory predicts there are 10
    dimensions, not four (1 time, 3 space, and 6 very
    tiny compactified space dimensions)
  • Superstring theory might unify gravity and
    quantum mechanics. In this theory, all particles
    are actually vibrating 1-dimensional strings of
    the minimum possible size the Planck length
    (10-33 cm)

What caused the Big Bang?
  • Superstring theory might unify gravity and
    quantum mechanics. In this theory, all particles
    are actually vibrating 1-dimensional strings of
    the minimum possible size the Planck length
    (10-33 cm)
  • Superstring theory predicts there are 10
    dimensions, not four (1 time, 3 space, and 6 very
    tiny compactified space dimensions)
  • M-theory (M for membrane, a 2-D string) predicts
    11 dimensions, with the 11th spanned only by

What caused the Big Bang?
  • Superstring theory might unify gravity and
    quantum mechanics. In this theory, all particles
    are actually vibrating 1-dimensional strings of
    the minimum possible size the Planck length
    (10-33 cm)
  • Superstring theory predicts there are 10
    dimensions, not four (1 time, 3 space, and 6 very
    tiny compactified space dimensions)
  • M-theory (M for membrane, a 2-D string) predicts
    11 dimensions, with the 11th spanned only by
  • Big Bang caused by (mem)branes colliding in that
    11th dimension? Cyclic Big Bangs?

What caused the Big Bang?
  • Did the Big Bang occur as a quantum fluctuation
    in another universe?

Quantum energy fluctuations quantum mass
fluctuations quantum spacetime fluctuations
What caused the Big Bang?
  • Did the Big Bang occur as a quantum fluctuation
    in another universe?
  • or did the universe create itself? (Quantum
    fluctuations at the Planck length might be able
    to create a wormhole through which energy travels
    back in time 10-43 seconds to create the

Wormhole in spacetime
What caused the Big Bang?
  • We dont know! (Yet)

Just how bizarre is our universe?
  • The Multiverse if our universe is finite, there
    might be other universes beyond it (separated by
    regions of eternal inflation)

Duplicate universes?
  • If our universe (or the multiverse) is infinite,
    then any part of it must eventually repeat
  • The consequences may argue against
    universe/multiverse being infinite!
  • No communication between island universes,

Just how bizarre is our universe?
  • Regardless of whether our universe is finite or
    infinite, quantum mechanics might allow parallel
    universes to exist.
  • Such universe might overlap with ours yet be
    impossible for us to perceive!

Is any of this testable?
Is any of this testable? Yes!
  • (Though not all of it, and not easily)
  • Analogs to Hawking radiation exist (e.g., high
    acceleration substitutes for strong gravity)
  • Patterns in CMBR constrain amount of inflation,
    cyclical Big Bang theories, etc.
  • Quantum gravity theory would aid in understanding
    both general relativity (wormholes) and quantum
    mechanics (parallel universes) better
  • Measuring history of universes expansion will
    tell us more about dark energy (e.g., Big Rip or

Just how bizarre is our universe?
  • The Multiverse regions of eternal inflation
    separating island universes where inflation

Just how bizarre is our universe?
  • The Multiverse regions of eternal inflation
    separating island universes where inflation
  • Weak Anthropic Principle why are the physical
    constants of our universe just right to allow
    stars and planets to form and thus give life a
    chance to develop?

Just how bizarre is our universe?
  • The Multiverse regions of eternal inflation
    separating island universes where inflation
  • Weak Anthropic Principle why are the physical
    constants of our universe just right to allow
    stars and planets to form and thus give life a
    chance to develop? Because by definition, life
    will develop only in universes that allow life to
    develop (e.g., that dont have too much dark
    energy or dark matter).

Just how bizarre is our universe?
  • The Multiverse if our universe is finite, there
    might be other universes beyond it (eternal
  • Weak Anthropic Principle why are the physical
    constants of our universe just right to allow
    stars and planets to form and thus give life a
    chance to develop? Because by definition, life
    will develop only in universes that allow life to
    develop (e.g., that dont have too much dark
    energy or dark matter).
  • Only universes that can support life will have
    life in them wondering why the universe supports

What have we learned?
  • What aspects of the universe were originally
    unexplained by the Big Bang model?
  • (1)     The origin of the density enhancements
    that turned into galaxies and larger structures.
  • (2)     The overall smoothness of the universe on
    large scales.
  • (3) The fact that the actual density of
    matter is close to the critical density.

What have we learned?
  • How does inflation explain these features of the
  • (1)     The episode of inflation stretched tiny,
    random quantum fluctuations to sizes large enough
    for them to become the density enhancements
    around which structure later formed.
  • (2)     The universe is smooth on large scales
    because, prior to inflation, everything we can
    observe today was close enough together for
    temperatures and densities to equalize.
  • (3) Inflation caused the universe to expand
    so much that the observable universe appears
    geometrically flat, implying that its overall
    density of mass plus energy equals the critical

What have we learned?
  • How can we test the idea of inflation?
  • Models of inflation make specific predictions
    about the temperature patterns we should observe
    in the cosmic microwave background. The observed
    patterns seen in recent observations by microwave
    telescopes match those predicted by inflation.

What have we learned?
Why is the darkness of the night sky evidence
for the Big Bang? Olbers paradox tells us that
if the universe were infinite, unchanging, and
filled with stars, the sky would be everywhere as
bright as the surface of the Sun, and it would
not be dark at night. The Big Bang theory solves
this paradox by telling us that the night sky is
dark because the universe has a finite age, which
means we can see only a finite number of stars in
the sky.
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