Civil Rights Movement 1950s, 1960s, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Civil Rights Movement 1950s, 1960s,


Civil Rights Movement 1950s, 1960s, & 1970s SS5H8: The student will describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between 1950-1975 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Civil Rights Movement 1950s, 1960s,

Civil Rights Movement 1950s, 1960s, 1970s
  • SS5H8 The student will describe the importance
    of key people, events, and developments between
  • A. Discuss the importance of the Cuban Missile
    Crisis and the Vietnam War
  • B. Explain the key events and people of the Civil
    Rights Movement include Brown Vs. Board of
    Education (1954), Montgomery Bus Boycott, the
    March on Washington, Civil Rights Act, Voting
    Rights Act, and civil rights activities of
    Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther
    King Jr.
  • C. Describe the impact on American society of the
    assassinations of President John F. Kennedy,
    Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • D. Discuss the significance of the technologies
    of television and space exploration.

  • Civil Rights Movement It refers to the
    activities in the United States during the 1950s
    and 1960s. The goal of the movement was to
    outlaw, or do away with, racial discrimination
    against African Americans.
  • Other goals were to END segregation and restore
    voting rights to African Americans in Southern
    states. Those involved were trying to gain
    freedom and respect for African Americans in
    areas like the economy and in society.

Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama
Civil Rights Movement
Black protestors for integration, fair pay, and
equal housing.
College Students at Woolworth Lunch Counter
during a sit-in. They were later served lunch at
the same restaurant months later. (N.C.)
Peace Officer clubbing an African American for no
  • Brown v. Board of Education
  • Flashback In 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson ruled
    that public places could be separate but equal.
  • In 1951 a lawsuit was filed against the Topeka,
    Kansas School Board of Education. Thirteen
    African American parents filed the lawsuit
    against the school board because their children
    were made to go to separate schools from white
  • Brown's daughter Linda, had to walk six blocks
    to the bus stop, then ride a bus to Monroe
    Elementary, which was a segregated black school,
    over one mile away. Sumner Elementary School was
    only seven blocks from her house but, it was an
    all white school and she was NOT allowed to
  • At first, the District Court ruled in favor of
    the Board of Education. However, in 1954 the
    Supreme Court heard the case and ruled that
    separate educational facilities are inherently
    unequal. This means, that segregation was no
    longer legal!!!

Brown v. Board of Education
Little Rock Nine Students Protestors
  •   Thurgood Marshall He was the attorney for
    Brown and the other parents. Marshall was a
    member of the NAACP and later became the first
    African American to serve as a United States
    Supreme Court judge. Brown v. Board of Education
    was Thurgood Marshalls biggest victory in court.
  • In 1955, Montgomery, Alabama laws required
    blacks to sit in the back of public buses. The
    laws also said they had to give up their seat to
    white passengers if all of the white seats were

Thurgood Marshall
Marshall with students of Little Rock Nine
separate but equal water fountains
Sit-In photo from N.C. Civil Rights Protest
Rosa Parks The Mother of the Civil Rights
  • Rosa Parks On December 1, 1955 a seamstress
    named Rosa Parks was
  • sitting in the black section on a public bus
    in Montgomery after a long day of work. A white
    man got on the bus and the bus driver told Rosa
    Parks to move. She refused and she was arrested!
    Rosa Parks was found guilty of violating a local
    ordinance or law. Rosa Parks is known as the
    mother of the Civil Rights Movement.

Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks Being Fingerprinted
Rosa Parks arrest photo
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks bravery led
    to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. African Americans
    refused to ride public buses and they chose to
    walk or carpool instead. The boycott lasted for
    over one year. The city lost a LOT of money
    because most passengers were black. The Supreme
    Court ruled that segregated buses were not legal
    and the boycott ended.

Young woman catching ride to work during the bus
  • 1960
  • John F. Kennedy won the presidential election
    over the Vice President Richard Nixon. It was one
    of the closest elections ever! Both candidates
    used television to run election ads and for the
    first time, a presidential debate was televised
    (shown on T.V.). Most Americans who listened to
    the debate on the radio thought Nixon had won.
    But, most of those who watched the debate on
    television were certain that JFK who was younger,
    good looking, and more confident had won.
  • Historians feel that television helped Kennedy
    win the election and boosted his popularity. He
    was the youngest president elected!
  • John F. Kennedy supported the Civil Rights
  • Movement and eventually made the push for more
  • civil rights laws to be passed. In 1963, Lee
  • Harvey Oswald assassinated the beloved President
  • Kennedy in Texas. The American people mourned
  • the young presidents death.

John F. Kennedy
JFK and wife in car minutes before he was
  • Advancements in Technology
  • After the Cuban Missile Crisis, Americans gained
    a new respect for JFKs leadership abilities.
    Kennedy was also a big supporter of space
    exploration. JFK wanted the United States to stay
    ahead of the Soviet Union (Russia) in the Space
    Race. So, JFK challenged NASA to put a man on
    the moon before the end of the 60s. In 1969,
    Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the
    moon and people were able to watch his first
    steps on television!
  • Satellites are machines that orbit the Earth and
    send communication signals and pictures back to
    Earth. Satellites tell us the weather and provide
    directions to our navigational systems like
    Garmin. Russia launched satellites into space
    first. So the U.S. began competing for better

Advancements in Technology
1961 Satellite
The USA was the first country to put a man on the
NASA archive - Picture of Neil Armstrong, Michael
Collins, and Edwin Aldrin on July 15, 1969
Picture of astronaut during the Space Race
  • Advancements in Technology
  • In the late 1920s, only a few thousand
    televisions were in homes. The first television
    commercial was broadcast in 1930 and in 1937 CBS
    began developing their network. By 1948, over 1
    million homes had televisions and by 1967 over
    one half of broadcasts are in color.

1940s TV
1930s TV
1950s TV
1970s TV
1960s TV
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King,
    Jr. was a young Baptist minister who helped
    organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After this
    successful protest, Dr. King became very famous.
    He became the leader of the Civil Rights Movement
    and preached about nonviolent protests and how to
    peacefully disobey unfair laws. Many blacks
    chose Dr. Kings methods of peaceful sit-ins and
    legal rallies but were still arrested many times.

(No Transcript)
  •   March on Washington As Martin
  • Luther King, Jr. gained fame he also gained
    thousands of followers who believed in his
    peaceful ways to achieve change. On August 28,
    1963 approximately 200,000 people joined the
    March on Washington. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    gave his famous I have a dream, speech in front
    of the Lincoln Memorial. Kings speech included
    his dreams for a racially united country where
    people are judged by the content of their
    character and NOT the color of their skin.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. March
on Washington
I have a dream
  • 1964
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 made segregation and
    discrimination illegal in many public places such
    as hotels, restaurants, theatres.
  • 24th Amendment ended the poll tax and made it
    easier for African Americans to vote because it
    did not cost money.
  • 1965
  • Voting Rights Act gave the U.S. President power
    to outlaw literacy tests and send federal
    officials to make sure that blacks got a fair
    chance to vote in elections

  • Militant Movements This was the belief that it
    was okay to use violence to achieve change. Many
    young and more radical blacks wanted to become a
    part of the Militant Movements and they founded
    the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.
    Malcolm X became part of the Nation of Islam and
    he preached about distrusting ALL whites!
  • After Malcolm X went on a Muslim pilgrimage, or
    a religious journey, he changed his views and
    began to preach cooperation instead of hatred. In
    1965 he was assassinated by three black men who
    were mad that he changed his opinions and thought
    he was weak because of this change.

Malcolm X and the Militant Movement
Nation of Islam Members at Rally
Black Power was a common phrase used by militants
during the Civil Rights Movement.
Black Panther Group Members
  • 1968
  • Many blacks believed in Dr. Kings peaceful ways
    of creating change. However, some blacks felt he
    was too weak and white racists hated him for
    challenging their beliefs. On April 4, 1968 a
    white man named James Earl Ray shot and killed
    Dr. King. Many angry riots broke out after his
    assassination. However, Dr. Kings dream for
    equal rights lived on. The Civil Rights Movement
    continued to win rights for African Americans.
  • Tragedy struck the Kennedy family again
    when Robert Kennedy, JFKs brother, was
    assassinated during a campaign speech.
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