Constitutional Reforms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Constitutional Reforms


Constitutional Reforms Neo-Magna Carta The State Today the State is one of the vital sovereign institutions amongst several social institutions which organizes a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Constitutional Reforms

Constitutional Reforms
  • Neo-Magna Carta

The State
  • Today the State is one of the vital sovereign
    institutions amongst several social institutions
    which organizes a group of people in a certain
    area of land, governs them, and promotes their
    welfare and oversees their good.

  • Accumulation of power is dangerous if it is not
    guided by some rules and basic principles.
  • The guide book in which all such rules,
    regulations and principles for the proper conduct
    of a State are codified is called a constitution.
  • A constitution guides a State with high-level
    policies and principles to render all-round
    services to the people for their rapid progress.

Difference amongst constitutionsBritish
  • There is no British constitution - it is a
    collection of traditions and conventions and not
    a written document. The theoretical head is the
    Crown - Queen or King.
  • When there is no Ministry in Britain a lameduck
    Ministry is formed by the Crown and the Crown can
    see to the head of that Ministry until a new
    Parliament is elected.

Difference amongst constitutionsFrench
  • The French system is a Presidential form of
    government where the President appoints the Prime
    Minister and all other Ministers.

Difference amongst constitutionsU.S.A.
  • In the USA there is a written constitution. The
    President is directly elected by the electorate.
  • The President rules the country through
    secretaries appointed by him (or perhaps one day,
  • The presidential form of government of the USA is
    a better form of government but what is the
    shortcoming in the USA constitution?

Difference amongst constitutionsU.S.A.
  • In the USA constitution it is individual rights
    that are given maximum scope, this leads to an
    unrestrained capitalist order.
  • In the USA constitution purchasing power is not
    guaranteed to the people the collective will to
    see to the all-round welfare of all, is missing.

Difference amongst constitutionsIndia
  • In India the President has no power and is only a
    signatory authority or rubber stamp.
  • The Indian President cannot even head a caretaker
  • The Indian Prime Minister can remove the
    President, but the President cannot remove the
    Prime Minister.

Difference amongst constitutionsIndia
  • In India now there is also maximum scope of
    individual rights, this leads to an unrestrained
    capitalist order.
  • And this is also leading to regionalism.

Common constitutional defects (1-5)
  1. There is no check on unbarred capitalist
    exploitation. There needs to be economic
    sentiment and movement of the people. Capitalist
    political liberty is not economic freedom. As a
    result, unbarred economic exploitation continues
  2. There is no guarantee for increasing the
    purchasing capacity of every individual.
  3. There is no constitutional power to check
    financial or fiscal matters. The economy is
    controlled by business interests. There needs to
    be checks on price levels and the degree of
  4. There is no provision for inter-block planning
    for socio-economic development.
  5. There is no clear concept of balanced economy.

Psychological loopholes in constitutions (1)
  • Imposition of a regional language as the national
  • The selection of one regional language as the
    official language adversely affects the
    psychology of people who speak other languages -
    they are relegated to 'B class' citizens.
  • No regional languages should be selected as an
    official language in a multi-national,
    multi-lingual and multi-cultural country.

Psychological loopholes in constitutions (2)
  • Disparities in the law.
  • All are equal in the eye of the law, but in
    practice, this principle is not followed, and as
    a result disparity grows in the arena of law and
  • Such disparity adversely affects the different
    groups of people in a country. For example,
    disparities between Hindu Code and Muslim Code in
  • Let there be only one Code of Law which is based
    on cardinal human values, with a universal
    approach and neo-humanistic spirit.
  • Then only equality before the law can be
    established in practice, and equal protection of
    the law for all can be guaranteed.

Psychological loopholes in constitutions (3)
  • There is no law against the indiscriminate
    destruction of flora and fauna due to the absence
    of neo-humanistic sentiment.
  • In the Cosmic Family, humans, animals, plants,
    and inanimate objects exist together and maintain
    a harmonious balance.
  • However, human beings, because of their superior
    intellect, are indiscriminately destroying plants
    and animals for their own narrow, selfish ends.
  • A constitution needs to have provision for the
    safeguard of plants and animals.

Psychological loopholes in constitutions (4)
  • The relation between the centre and the states in
    a confederation should be clearly defined in the
  • Otherwise, there will be centre-state conflict
    (strain and pressure) and the whole country will
    be psychologically affected.
  • Among all other aspects of this relation two
    important aspects should be clearly defined
  • the right of self-determination and
  • the right of secession of a particular component
    of the confederation.

Psychological loopholes in constitutions (5)
  • There are no clear definitions of those
    disadvantaged communities for whom special
    measures need to be taken and given, e.g.
    Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in India.
  • A wrong basis of racial consideration and
    unscientific approach should be replaced with a
    basis on economic backwardness and educational

Common constitutional defects
  • Everyone has the right to physical, mental and
    spiritual development.
  • But all constitutions have been written in such a
    way that they do not ensure the all-round welfare
    of all citizens.
  • Bias towards any particular ethnic, linguistic or
    religious group undermines the unity and
    solidarity of a country and thus disturbs the
    peace and prosperity of the society as a whole.

Constitutional reforms
  • When thinking for the welfare of all, there comes
    a point when it can be considered that excessive
    individual freedom cannot be consistent with
    social harmony.
  • Those excesses, e.g. drugs, gambling, should be
    curtailed in an ideal form of government.
  • Social controls are required so that collective
    interests, e.g. safety of life and educational
    development, will be supreme.

Constitutional reforms- civil rights
  • Equal rights
  • All citizens must have equal rights before the
  • Physical requirements are to be equally
    considered for all citizens, so that all citizens
    will have equilibrium and equipoise in collective
  • A case against the President and/or Prime
  • A case may be filed in the Supreme Court against
    any person in the country including the President
    and/or Prime Minister, because every citizen in
    the country is equal before the constitution.

Constitutional reforms- civil rights
  • The law and the constitution should be the same
  • The law and the constitution should be the same
    for the entire country, as each and every
    individual is equal before the law and before the
  • According to the constitution, each and every
    person in each and every part of the country will
    enjoy the same powers
  • Special rights or facilities should not be
    allowed, e.g. a Kashmiri goes to West Bengal and
    purchase land, a house, etc, but a Bengali in
    Kashmir cannot enjoy that facility - this kind of
    discrimination must end.

Constitutional reforms- social
  • Education
  • Primary education for all must be guaranteed.
  • Education should be free from all political
  • Language
  • All living languages of a country must have equal
    status before the State or the government.

Constitutional reforms- political
  • The right of self-determination and plebiscite
  • The right of self-determination for a part of the
    country may be recognized only on the basis of a
    plebiscite held in that area with the permission
    of the Legislature/Parliament functioning as a
    constituent assembly (i.e. like a body for
    constitutional change).
  • If the plebiscite is to be held, it should be
    held under the strict control and supervision of
    the central government by the Chief Election
    Commissioner of the country.

Constitutional reforms- economic
  • Review board
  • To review economic progress and development of
    different parts of the country, a high-level
    Review Board should be constituted by the
  • If there is any difference between the
    Executive/Ministry and the Review Board, the
    President must act according to the advice of the
  • And if there is any difference between the
    Legislature/Parliament and the Review Board, the
    President should seek advice from the Supreme
    Court of the country and act according to their
    official advice, according to the provisions of
    the constitution.

Constitutional reforms government
  • Dissolution of the Ministry/Cabinet or
  • The President may discharge the Ministry/Cabinet
    or dissolve the Legislature/Parliament only under
    certain circumstances
  • in case of inimical action within the country
  • in case of disorder or the breakdown of law and
  • in case of external inimical activity
  • when the Ministry/Cabinet only represents a
    minority compared to that in the
    Legislature/Parliament, but
  • the President has to explain the reasons for his
    or her actions before the Legislature/Parliament
    within 1 month from the day of taking such
    action and
  • if the Legislature/Parliament is already
    dissolved, the President will have to arrange a
    general election within 6 months and explain the
    position before the newly elected
    Legislature/Parliament within 1 month of the
  • Period of emergency
  • The President may call a period of emergency with
    the approval of the Legislature/Parliament for a
    period of 6 months, and with further approval of
    the Legislature/Parliament may continue a period
    of emergency for not more that 2 years.

Constitutional reforms government
  • Advice of a lame duck Ministry/Cabinet
  • The President may or may not act on the advice of
    a lame duck Ministry/Cabinet.
  • If the advice of a lame duck Ministry/Cabinet is
    not honoured by the President, then the
    Legislature/Parliament will be dissolved.
  • A new Legislature/Parliament will have to be
    formed through a general election, and the
    President will have to explain his or her
    position before the new Legislature/Parliament
    within 1 month of its formation.
  • The power of the President to issue any
  • The President must not issue any statement under
    normal conditions without consulting the
    Legislature/Parliament or the Prime
    Minister/Leader of the House.
  • In normal conditions when there is a
    Ministry/Cabinet, the President will have to act
    according to the advice of the Ministry/Cabinet.
  • In case the Ministry/Cabinet is dissolved, the
    President will have to act according to the
    advice of the Legislature/Parliament.

Constitutional reforms government
  • Parliament in the role of constituent assembly
  • The Parliament will play the role of constituent
    assembly (i.e. a body elected with the purpose of
    drafting, and in some cases, adopting a
    constitution) only with a majority of 7/8 of the
    members, because changing the constitution at
    regular intervals reduces the status of the
  • Moral standard and character of the President and
    Prime Minister
  • The President or Prime Minister must be of high
    moral character.
  • E.g., in office, the President or Prime Minister
    must not divorce his or her spouse, marry a
    divorcee (as a result of an affair), or have more
    than one spouse.

Magna Carta
  • Magna Carta was the charter drawn up by English
    barons and presented to the King in 1215. The
    great mass of the people, the villains, had
    little interests in it.
  • It contained nothing revolutionary except the
    provisions to create a controlling council of 25

Magna Carta
  • It did not guarantee liberty to all English
    people, but in a latter period of the Stuart
    kings the English people became free men
    because some of the clauses of the Magna Carta
    were given a newer and wider meaning and were
    invoked against the Crown.

Neo-Magna Carta
  • Neo-Magna Carta is based on Cosmic sentiment
    that which binds us to the entire creation and
    all its myriad diversities.
  • Unity In Diversity

Charter of Rights 1, 2, 3 (i, ii, iii, iv)
  • Complete security should be guaranteed to all the
    plants and animals on the planet.
  • Each country must guarantee purchasing power to
    all its citizens.
  • The constitution should guarantee four
    fundamental rights
  • spiritual practice or dharma
  • cultural legacy
  • education
  • indigenous linguistic expression.

Neo-Magna Carta
  • If the practice of any of these rights conflicts
    with cardinal human values, then the practice has
    to be immediately curtailed, e.g. female
    circumcision is to be banned.
  • That is, cardinal human values must take
    precedence over all other rights.

Cardinal human values
  • Cardinal human values include liberty, equality,
    fraternity and treating each human being as a
    divine expression.
  • Their resulting expressions are sympathy,
    compassion, love for the lives of others,
    fundamental respect for the inherent divinity of
    all created beings, and universal outlook.
  • These are more important than social values such
    as efficiency and productivity.

Neo-Magna Carta
  • Neo-Magna Carta is far more developed,
    neo-humanistic, universal and progressive than
    the old one.
  • This adds new dimension to the history of
    humankind and paves the way to peace, prosperity
    and perfection for the human race.

Neo-Magna Carta
  • In the near future a world Government will be
  • We will have World-Constitution.
  • The points in the Neo-Magna Carta can be one of
    the major contributors and corner-stones of the

Neo-Magna Carta
  • Before that, the more it is accepted, introduced
    and practiced by larger number of so-called
    Nation-States the better will be the future
    prospect of the human race.
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