Attribution II : Biases - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Attribution II : Biases


Attribution II : Biases Dr Elizabeth Sheppard C81IND Individual in Society Primary questions When do we make attributions? Do people s attributions show any ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Attribution II : Biases

Attribution II Biases
  • Dr Elizabeth Sheppard

C81IND Individual in Society
Primary questions
  • When do we make attributions?
  • Do peoples attributions show any systematic

When do we make attributions?
  • Weiner (1985) reviewed evidence for spontaneous
    causal thinking.
  • Two key factors which elicit attributions
  • 1.) Unexpected events
  • 2.) Non-attainment of a goal
  • Kanazawa (1992) found expectancy only an effect
    on causal thinking
  • Loss of control ( Liu Steele, 1986)
  • Emotions such as sadness and anger (Keltner,
    Ellsworth, Edwards, 1993)

Attributional biases
  • A number of studies have suggested that in
    comparison to scientists or statisticians,
    laypeople are inaccurate in their attributions
  • A bias occurs if the perceiver systematically
    distorts some otherwise correct procedure
  • 2 classes of explanation for attribution biases
  • 1.)   Motivational (need)
  • 2.) Cognitive (informational)

Why are biases in attribution interesting?
  • 1.) They tell us about how people really do make
    attributions, rather than how they should
  • 2.) Understanding bias can help us to promote
    social justice

Fundamental attribution error/ Correspondence bias
  • A tendency to underestimate the impact of
  • situational factors and to overestimate the role
  • personal dispositional factors in controlling
  • Ross, Amabile, Steinmetz (1977)
  • randomly assigned participants
  • in quiz game to roles of contestant
  • and quiz master
  • Quiz master was asked to set
  • difficult questions
  • Both contestant quiz master rated the
  • as much more knowledgeable, overlooking
  • advantages conferred by being questioner

  • Issues surrounding the fundamental attribution
  • Not universal to all cultures (Miller,1984).
  • No criteria for accuracy, thus referred to as
  • correspondence bias.

Explanations of correspondence bias
  • Motivational Dispositional attribution gives us
    a sense of control
  • - just world hypothesis
  • Cognitive emphasise knowledge base of
    attributions and social information processing.
  • Salience explanation (Rholes Prior, 1982)
  • Differential rates of forgetting (Peterson, 1980)
    (counter evidence Burger, 1991)

Actor-observer differences (divergence)
  • Actors (self) attribute their actions to
    situational factors whereas the observer (other)
    tends to attribute the same actions to stable
    personal dispositions.
  • e.g. Shyness in tutorial group

Explanations of Actor-observer differences
  • Cognitive explanations
  • 1.) A greater amount of information available to
    the actors or self-raters
  • 2.) Focus of attention (perceptual explanation)

Perceptual explanation of the actor- observer
  • Storms (1973) found actors became less
    situational, and observers more situational when
    shown new orientation of the situation.

Actor-Observer differences Motivational component
  • Buehler, Griffin Ross (1995)- extended the
    actor-observer differences to other kinds of
    judgement and found motivational component
  • Found individuals tend to underestimate how long
    it would take them to complete a task, whereas
    they would predict others would take longer to
    do the task

Self-serving bias
  • Tendency to attribute ones success to internal
    causes, but attribute failures to external causes
  • E.g. Kingdon (1967) interviewed successful
    unsuccessful American politicians about major
    factors in successes failures. Tended to
    attribute wins to internal factors (hard work,
    reputation) but failures to external (lack of
    money, national trends)
  • Actually involves 2 two biases
  • 1.)   self-enhancing bias (taking credit for
  • 2.) Self-protecting bias (denying
    responsibility for failure)
  • Self-handicapping bias more subtle form of
    self-serving bias

Explanations of self-serving bias
  • Cognitive explanation - Miller Ross (1975) If
    people intend to succeed, then behaviour can be
    seen to be due to their efforts, then it seems
    reasonable to accept more credit for success than
  • Motivational explanation Zuckerman (1979)
    argues the need to maintain self-esteem directly
    affects the attribution of task outcomes

The False Consensus Effect
  • Tendency for people to see own behaviour as
    typical assume that others would do same under
    similar circumstances
  • Ross et al. (1977) asked
  • students if they would agree to
  • walk around campus for 30 mins
  • wearing sandwich board saying
  • Eat at Joes
  • Those who agreed estimated
  • 62 of peers would agree
  • Those who refused estimated
  • 67 of peers would refuse

Explaining the false consensus effect
  • Cognitive
  • Our own opinions are more salient to us
    displace consideration of alternatives
  • We seek out company of similar others so
    encounter more people with similar beliefs,
    interests etc. experience inflated consensus
  • Motivational
  • We subjectively justify the correctness of our
    opinions by grounding them in exaggerated
    consensus may enable stable perception of

Group-serving biases (Ultimate attribution error)
  • Tendency to attribute bad outgroup good ingroup
    behaviour internally, to attribute good
    outgroup bad ingroup behaviour externally
  • Hewstone Ward (1985) study of majority malay
    minority chinese ethnic groups in Malaysia
  • Participants read stories that were either
    positive or negative involving either ingroup or
    outgroup actor
  • Malay group made internal attributions for
    positive ingroup behaviour external for
    negative ingroup behaviour, reverse for outgroup
  • However, chinese group made same pattern of
    responses i.e. favoured the outgroup
  • Hewstone Ward explain this in terms of the
    particular nature of intergroup relations at this

Explanations for group-serving bias
  • Cognitive -
  • Social categorisation generates
    category-congruent expectations (schemas,
  • Behaviour that is consistent with stereotypes is
    attributed to internal causes (e.g. Bell et al.,
  • If behaviour confirms expectation may rely on
    dispositions implied by stereotype without
    considering other factors
  • Motivational
  • Need to obtain self-esteem from group membership
    by comparing with other groups (social identity
  • Vested interest in maintaining ingroup profile
    that is more positive than relevant outgroups

Explaining bias motivation or cognition?
  • Early research apparently favoured ego-based
    explanations for bias
  • However, by manipulating info available, can
    modify biases implying information processing
  • But is social cognition really affect-free?
  • Cognitive motivational explanations are linked,
    making it difficult to choose between the two
  • Cognitive explanations actually contain
    motivational aspects (Zuckerman, 1979)
  • Motivational factors can have an effect on
    information processing (cognition)

Effects of biases
  • Controversy over effects of biases
  • Some argue our judgements are highly erroneous
    more errors in real life than the lab (Nisbett
    Ross, 1980)
  • Others say we are generally accurate in
    judgements but lab set up to generate error (e.g.
    Funder, 1987)
  • Cognitive misers people use least demanding
    cognitions to produce behaviour generally
    adaptive (Taylor, 1981)

  • Various biases affect social judgements/attributio
  • Fundamental attribution error
  • Actor-observer differences
  • Self-serving bias
  • False consensus
  • Biases are probably the result of an interplay
    between cognitive and motivational factors

  • Hewstone Stroebe (2001) Introduction to Social
    Psychology, Chapter 7.
  • Fraser Burchell (2001) Introducing Social
    Psychology, Chapter 11.
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