Title: Technology Infusion Working Group
1Technology Infusion Working Group
- Karen Moe, NASA/ESTO
- Rob Raskin, NASA/JPL
- Earth Science Data Systems Working Group Meeting
- College Park, MD
- November 14 - 16, 2006
- Mission Scope
- Activities Accomplishments
- Process Strategies
- Web Services
- Semantic Web
- Capability Vision
- Breakout Session Agenda
- Technology Showcase
- Web Services and Semantic Web Demonstrations
3Tech Infusion Working Group
- Mission
- Enable NASAs Earth Science community to reach
its research, application, and education goals
more quickly and cost effectively through
widespread adoption of key emerging information
technologies - Scope
- Information technologies that...
- Provide capabilities critical to the ESD mission
vision - Have been substantially developed (TRL6-9) but
have not been widely deployed - Cannot be obtained simply through reuse of mature
subsystems or software - May be slow to be adopted because of the unique
characteristics of Earth science (e.g., high data
volumes) - Approach
- Improve community understanding of the technology
infusion process - Identify barriers and solutions to technology
adoption - Use case studies to evaluate effectiveness of
infusion processes - Identify and evaluate new and emerging
technologies - Develop roadmaps for adoption of key technologies
4TIWG 2006 Activities
- Maintained 3 active subgroups
- Infusion Process and Strategies
- Subgroup lead Steve Olding
- Web Services
- Subgroup lead Ken Keiser (UAH)
- Semantic Web
- Subgroup leads Rob Raskin (JPL) and Peter Fox
(NCAR) - Conducted weekly telecons
- 1st Thursday Full working group
- 2nd Thursday Process and Strategies
- 3rd Thursday Web Services
- 4th Thursday Semantic Web
- Presented posters at January and July ESIP
Federation meetings, Geoinformatics 2006, AGU
Joint Assembly, and ESTC 2006 - Held TIWG breakout session at July ESIP
Federation meeting
5Subgroup Activities
- Process and Strategies
- Completed infusion process document
- Conducted infusion readiness case study (REACT)
- Developed infusion readiness assessment
- Web Services
- Reviewed OGC Web Coverage Service
- Developed web services demonstrations in
collaboration with ESIP Federation Web Services
Cluster - Presented web services demos at the July ESIP
Federation meeting - Semantic Web
- Reviewed current maturity of semantic web
technologies - Developed semantic web roadmap
- Capability Vision
- Continued dissemination of the capability vision
- Presented the vision at Geoinformatics 2006, AGU
Joint Assembly, ESTC 2006, and July ESIP
Federation meetings
6Technology InfusionProcess and Strategies
7Technology Infusion Process Overview
- Summarizes 2005 findings
- 3 perspectives on technology infusion
- The innovation development process
- The innovation-decision process
- TIWG infusion process
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Infusion Education
- New Technology Awareness
- Technical Support
- Funding for Infusion
- Technology Assessment Process
8Innovation Decision Process Model
- the means by which a message gets from the
source to the receiver -different channels may
play different roles in creating awareness and
persuading individuals to change their attitude
towards the innovation
Previous practice Felt needs / problems Innovative
ness Norms of the social systems
Prior Conditions
Continued Adoption
Characteristics of the 'Decision-Making Unit'
Perceived Characteristics of the Innovation
Socioeconomic characteristics Personality
variables Communication behavior
Later Adoption
Relative advantage Compatibility Complexity Triala
bility Observability
Continued Rejection
Adapted from Rogers (1995),Diffusion of
9REACT Technology Infusion Case Study
- Rapid Environmental Assessment Composition Tools
(REACT) - Client application - part of the decision support
tools being implemented by ACT under a
cooperative agreement with NASA - Provides network centric services
(client-to-server and peer-to-peer) for reading,
reprojecting, and subsetting geo-spatial
satellite imagery
- Infusion case study
- Conducted infusion readiness case study using
REACT as an example of a new technology preparing
for infusion - Evaluated infusion readiness using the infusion
decision process model - Developed a self-assessment questionnaire
- Questions designed to elicit preparedness of the
technology for infusion - Based on infusion decision process model
REACT Schedule and Key Deliverables Year 1
Application Component a) Req. Gathering, b)
Install high end HW/SW to ingest/process/serve
data, c) enhance current Fusion server
Decision Support Tool Technology. Year 2
Application Component a) Demonstrate widely
available internet access to all data levels, b)
develop initial Hazardous Algal Bloom product
based on satellite/model data in GIS and other
compatible formats, c) add new data streams (e.g.
NPP VIIRS) Year 3-5 Application Component a)
Expand to other application areas, geographic
areas, and data sources, b) identify and
customize architecture to provide additional
decision support tools, assist in transition of
application to operation.
10Technology Infusion Readiness Assessment
- Questions
- Target users and target user characteristics
- Identifying the prospective users.
- Innovation characteristics
- Factors affecting prospective users perceptions
of the technology. - Financial
- What are the financial implications of adopting
the technology for the prospective user? - Productization
- How much effort is required to take a technology
that is proven in the lab and turn it into a
'product' - Communication channels
- How will we communicate with the different
prospective users? - Characteristics of the innovation decision
- How will the decision to adopt the innovation be
11Technology InfusionWeb Services Sub-Group
12Web Service Chaining Demo
- Goal
- Demonstrate collaborative service chains by
connecting together services from many ESIP
Federation members - Example Scenario
- Analyze an Air Quality event
- Demo Participants
- GENESIS SciFlo Workflows Brian Wilson
- DataFed Rudy Husar
- BPELPower Workflows Liping Di, Peisheng Zhao
- WIPE/REACT engine Eric Malaret
- OpenDAP / ECHO Peter Cornillion Michael
13Web Service Chaining Demo
- Success Story
- Developed as a collaboration between TIWG and
ESIP Federation Web Services Cluster - Activity organized using the Federation Wiki, WS
Cluster telecons, and TIWG telecons (participants
are geographically dispersed) - Nine groups published callable services on the
Wiki - Six groups participated in service choreography
demos - Demonstrated service chains for data query
access, visualization, image overlay, and simple
data fusion - Demonstrated interoperability between different
types of services OGC WMS/WCS, SOAP, OpenDAP - A service chain can combine all three
- Identical Air Quality analysis chains executed by
both BPELPower SciFlo workflow engines - Two different environments for authoring XML
workflow documents
Carbon Cycle
14Geographically DistributedParticipants Services
Join us at http//wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Avai
Carbon Cycle
GMU LAITS WMS/WCS, Reprojection, Reformatting
services BPELPower workflow
DataFed WCS, Render, Aggregate services
WIPE from ACT Query, coverage, mosaics MSHELL
analysis pipelines
GENESIS SciFlo GeoRegionQuery services SciFlo
workflow engine
UAH WMS, HDFEOS Subsetting ADaM Data Mining
SURA SCOOP SOAP Catalog Inventory services for
ocean data
15Air Quality Scenario
Executable by BPELPower or SciFlo workflow
Carbon Cycle
Render SOAP
Fused Image
Overlay Images SOAP
Render SOAP
MODIS Image via WMS
- Dataflow Combines
- 5 remote services
- OGC WCS calls (2)
- OGC WMS call
- SOAP services to
- render overlay
- images
16Lessons Learned
- Challenges / Lessons Learned
- Daunting semantic variation in service interfaces
- Many ways to describe a lat/lon bounding box,
etc. - We leveraged OGC WMS/WCS popularity by creating
SOAP services with similar semantics - Ultimately need standards, taxonomies, semantic
mediation - Simple, modular XML standards (Microformats) are
best - GML is too large complex for easy use
- Simple, flat service interfaces are more reusable
- Complex, deeply hierarchical XML input/output
docs. are difficult to generate correctly
extract information from - Should hide complexity whenever possible
- Demonstrated service chains were simple, but a
good start - More complex analysis data fusion scenarios
will be challenging
Carbon Cycle
17Web Service Chaining
- On-Going Work
- Add domain scenarios from all Federation
Application Clusters - Science Analysis
- Real-Time Decision Support
- Publish call more kinds of services
- Subsetting, Aggregation, Geo-Transformations,
Re-projection, Data Fusion, Custom Analysis, Data
Mining, Decision Support - Develop exploit standard XML Microformats
- De facto geo-location standards from Google
Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth, GIS world and
science domain standards - Simple microformats agreed upon on-the-fly during
collaborations - Join the growing Chain Gang, please . . .
- Publish your services on the Wiki (we will call
them) - Develop or participate collaboration scenarios
Carbon Cycle
18Web Services Roadmap
- On-Going Work
- Update Web Services Roadmap to reflect experience
with the demonstrations
? Accelerated Research System Cost Savings
? Increased Collaboration Interdisciplinary
? Increased PI Participation in Information
? Increased Data Utilization
? Improved Information Sharing
? Open geospatial services proliferate
? Production quality geospatial services
? Intelligent Services
? Geospatial services established
? Parameter-based product searches and access
? Automatic service mediation
? Semantic geospatial search access
? Full geospatial logical searches and access
Assisted Discovery Mediation
? Local processing data exchange
? Basic data tailoring services (data as service)
- Interoperable geospatial services(analysis as
? Metadata-driven data fusion (semantic service
Interoperable Information Infrastructure
? Geospatial service catalog established (WSDL,
? Common geospatial schema adopted (GML, ESML)
? Open geospatial ontology converges (OWL)
? Open data access established (OpenDAP, OGC)
? Standard workflow language infused (BPEL)
? Common service protocol, description adopted
? Open service protocols established (HTTP, REST)
? Unified security identity management
(WS-Security, SAML)
Current Near Term
Mid Term Long Term
19Technology InfusionSemantic Web Sub-Group
20Semantic Web Activities
- Reviewed current maturity of tools for the
Semantic Web - Ontology languages RDF, OWL (OWL-Lite, OWL-DL,
OWL-Full) - Ontology editing and visualization Protege,
SWOOP, Medius, Cerebra Construct, SweDE - Reasoners Pellet, Racer, Cerebra Server, Medius
Knowledge Brokering Suite. - Knowledge Inference Thetus
- Web Services OWL-S
- Ontology storage KOWARI, Sesame
- Search Tools SWOOGLE
- Ontologies SWEET. Upper level ontology for Earth
system science.
- Updated Capability Vision to reflect semantic
technologies - Developed Semantic Web Roadmap
- Technologies
- Capabilities
- Results
21Semantic Web Roadmap
? Improved Information Sharing
? Increased Collaboration Interdisciplinary
? Acceleration of Knowledge Production
? Revolutionizing how science is done
? Geospatial semantic services established
? Geospatial semantic services proliferate
? Scientific semantic assisted services
? Autonomous scientific inference
? Common vocabulary based product search and
? Semantic agent-based integration
? Semantic agent-based searches
? Semantic geospatial search inference, access
Assisted Discovery Mediation
? Local processing data exchange
? Basic data tailoring services (data as
service), verification/ validation
- Interoperable geospatial services(analysis as
service), explanation
? Metadata-driven data fusion (semantic service
chaining), trust
Interoperable Information Infrastructure
? SWEET 3.0 with semantic callable interfaces via
standard programming languages
? SWEET core 2.0 based on best practices decided
from community
? Reasoners able to utilize SWEET 4.0
? SWEET core 1.0 based on GCMD/CF
? Scientific reasoning
? Geospatial reasoning, OWL-Time
? Numerical reasoning
Languages/ Reasoning
Current Near
Term Mid Term Long Term
22Semantic Web Roadmap Details
Competing catalog schemas
Common semantic service catalog established
Enhanced semantic search into search engines
Automatic knowledge discovery and mining
Semantic service chaining, SWSL
Intelligent algorithm programming chaining
Semantic framework for Web Services, WSMO
Standard workflow language (BPEL)
Built into code logic and in the head of the user
Basic semantics (DL, FOL)
High degree of semantic understanding
Intelligent message routing (SOL)
SWEET Core 1.0 VSTO, MMI, others
SWEET core 2.0 domain and math plug-in
SWEET 3.0 science applications plug-in
Earth Science Standards
Current Near Term Mid
Term Long Term
23Technology InfusionCapability Vision
24Capability Vision Outreach
- Continue to raise awareness of the Capability
Vision - Improve online availability
- PowerPoint and PDF versions
- New Flash version created
- Rudy Husar and Erin Robinson
- NASA web sites
- DSWG, ESTO, Tech Infusion
Capability Vision Posters Geoinformatics 2006 AGU
Joint Assembly ESTC 2006 ESIP Federation summer
26Extending the Vision
- Leverage the Capability Vision to stimulate
interest within the Earth science community in
new and emerging technologies - Provide assessment of current state of
technologies to support the top 10 capabilities - Identify current research and available
technologies - Assess technology maturity
- Identify gaps and opportunities
- Verify alignment with similar technology vision
activities (e.g. EOSDIS Evolution)
TIWG Capability Vision
EOSDIS Evolution
27Technology Infusion Breakout Sessions
28Breakout Session Agenda
Review web services demo lesson learned,
recommendations etc. Updating the roadmap
Extending the capability vision. Assessment of
technology maturity.
What are the hot new and emerging technologies?
How do we identify and monitor them?
Review of the Semantic Web roadmap.
29Technology Showcase
- Technology demonstrations on Wednesday afternoon
- 230 330 Web services chaining choreography
update - Brian Wilson, Rudy Husar, Liping Di, Eric Malaret
- 330 315 Web service based data mining
- Deployment orchestration of automated workflows
at DAAC. Ken Keiser Chris Lynnes - 400 500 Semantic Web
- Ontology-supported knowledge discovery in
geospatial semantic web. Liping Di. - NOESIS an ontology-based semantic search tool
resource aggregator. Rahul Ramachandran Ken
Keiser. - Ontology collaboration web site. Peter Fox Rob