Daniel, Prophet to the Nations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Daniel, Prophet to the Nations


Title: Daniel, Prophet to the Nations Author: john oakes Last modified by: John Oakes Created Date: 3/26/2002 6:43:49 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: daniel | holy | nations | prophet


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Daniel, Prophet to the Nations

The Book of Luke
Robert Carrillo MDiv Dr. John Oakes May 3, 2014
San Diego State University
Theme of Luke/Acts
  • Gods salvation, as predicted by the prophets has
    arrived in the coming of the MessiahJesus of
    Nazareth. He is the savior of the world and
    this salvation is now spreading throughout the
    world (including that of the Gentiles, of course).

Outline of Luke
  • I Prologue 11-4
  • II Birth account of Jesus 15-252
  • III Preparation for Jesus ministry 31-413
  • IV The Galilean Ministry 414-950
  • V Journey to Jerusalem 951-1927
  • VI Conflict and Controversy in Jerusalem
  • VII Passion and Death of Jesus 221-2356
  • VIII The Resurrection and Ascension 241-53

Features Unique to Luke
  • Historical details
  • Universal appeal of the gospel
  • Jesus concern for outsiders, the poor,
    sinners, Samaritans
  • Reversal of fortune
  • Emphasis on role of women in Jesus ministry
  • Jesus described as Savior
  • Use of Isaiah and the promise of a Savior for all
  • Emphasis on the journey to Jerusalem

Features of Luke (cont.)
  • Jesus as a man of prayer
  • Use of the word today in reference to salvation
  • Emphasis on the coming of a new age
  • Emphasis on the Holy Spirit and its role in
    bringing in the Kingdom of God
  • Explanation of Continuity with the Old Testament
  • Emphasis on the training of the apostles

Luke As An Historian
  • 1. Only Luke mentions written sources for his
    gospel (Luke 11)
  • 2. Luke takes extraordinary care to give
    historical context to his account.
  • 3. Luke takes extraordinary care in his
    investigation of the facts, including interviews
    with multiple eye-witnesses (Luke 12-3) and a
    more orderly account.
  • 4. Luke gives a detailed genealogy, but he does
    so through Jesus father rather than through
    Jesus mother.

Historical Events Unique to Luke
  • 1. Vision of Zechariah and birth of John.
  • 2. Visit of Mary to Elizabeth
  • 3. Angels visit to Mary
  • 4. Census of Augustus.
  • 5. Shepherds visit.
  • 6. Jesus presentation at the temple.
  • 7. Jesus at the temple at the age of twelve.
  • 8. Resurrection appearance at Emmaus.

I. Prologue Luke 11-4
  • Sets out the purpose of the gospel, which is to
    confirm the truth of the gospel, particularly its
    historical reliability. Very formal Hellenistic
    style intended to impress the Greek reader with
    its historical value.

II. Birth Narrative Luke 15-252
  • Theme of this section The arrival of Gods
    promised Savior and the fulfillment of Gods
    prophets and promises.
  • The Messianic Expectation is being fulfilled!

Birth Narrative
  • Jesus fulfills the expectation of the pious
    Jewish messianic expectation.
  • Zechariah and Elizabeth (middle aged) have
    observed all the Lords commands. Luke 16
  • Mary and Joseph (young), humble servants of God,
    faithfully fulfill the command for purification
    and dedication.
  • Simeon (very old), extremely devout, waiting for
    the expected Messiah.
  • Anna, the female equivalent of Simeon, devoted to
    worship, fasting and prayer.

Zechariah, Elizabeth and John
  • Luke 16 They are upright and observant.
  • But 17 Elizabeth was barren.
  • 118 She is well along in years.
  • A patterna connection to the OT
  • Sarah/Abraham
  • Rachel/Joseph (Genesis 3022-23)
  • Hannah/Samuel
  • Elizabeth/John

Zechariah, Elizabeth and John
  • Luke 119, 13 Good news!
  • If we will be upright and observant,
  • The old will be productive
  • The barren will be fruitful
  • Our disgrace will be taken away (Luke 125)
  • Q How has/will God done these things in your

Luke and John the Baptist
  • Luke 113-17 John is the one preparing the way
    for the Messiah.
  • His birth and ministry fulfills the final
    prophecy in the OT (Malachi 45). JTB is a
    bridge between OT and NT.
  • 115 He will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • The period of silence has ended. The Kingdom of
    God is at hand!
  • 117 in the spirit and power of Elijah.
  • John the Baptist is the antitype to Elijah
  • (which explains Mat 1114 and Mat 1712)

Luke and John the Baptist
  • Luke 176-79 A prophet and the one to fulfill
    Malachi 31 and Isaiah 403-5
  • Malachi 31 See, I will send my messenger, who
    will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly
    the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple
    the message of the covenant, whom you desire,
    will come.
  • Isaiah 403-5 A voice of one calling in the
    desert, Prepare the way for the Lord.

Mary The Favored of the Lord
  • Facts about Mary
  • 1. She was very young.
  • 2. She was female.
  • 3. She was poor.
  • 4. She was defenseless
  • and vulnerable

Mary The Favored of the Lord
  • What does God say about Mary? Luke 126-28
  • 1. You are highly favored.
  • 2. God is with you.
  • Why Mary? Luke 138 Luke 145 (a great memory
  • Good News
  • The old will be productive
  • The barren will be fruitful
  • Our disgrace will be removed
  • We will be greatly favored and God will be with
  • If we will Be righteous and observant
  • Believe that what the Lord has said will be

Luke and Salvation
  • Q What does it mean to be saved?
  • Luke 167-79 Zechariahs Song
  • v. 71 rescue from those who hate us.
  • v. 79 knowledge, light in darkness
  • Luke 28-12 A Savior is born
  • Luke 228-32 Simeon
  • revelation for the Gentiles
  • glory for Gods people
  • Luke 31-6 John the Baptist
  • one who will make what is crooked straight

Luke and Salvation
  • Luke 736-50
  • A sinful woman is saved, but a Pharisee is lost
  • Luke 1818-30
  • A righteous rich ruler is lost, but those who
    give up everything will be saved (even though
    they dont have very much)
  • Luke 195-9
  • The lowest of the low is saved.
  • Acts 48-12
  • Salvation in the name of Jesus.

Luke and Salvation
  • Acts 238-40 Save yourselves from this corrupt
  • We can save ourselves? We are saved from the
    corruption of this world.
  • Joel Green
  • Salvation embraces the totality of embodied life,
    including its social, economic and political
    concerns. For Luke, the God of Israel is the
    Great Benefactor whose redemptive purpose is
    manifest in the career of Jesus, whose message is
    that this benefaction enables and inspires new
    ways of living in the world.

The Birth of Jesus
  • Jesus birth turns everything upside down. He
    breaks all human expectations.
  • Luke 151-53
  • He has performed mighty deeds with his arm
  • He has scattered those who are proud in their
    inmost thoughts
  • He has brought down the rulers from their
    thrones but has lifted up the humble
  • He has filled the hungry with good things
  • but has sent the rich away empty.

The Birth of Jesus
  • Announced to lowly
  • shepherds (Luke 217)
  • A ministry of salvation
  • (Luke 211, 30)
  • A light to the Gentiles
  • (Luke 232)
  • A sign spoken against
  • (Luke 234)

Jesus at the Temple Luke 241-52
  • A transition from his birth to his ministrypart
    of Lukes orderly account.
  • Isaiah 111-2 begins to be fulfilled
  • Jesus begins to sense his unique role
  • Jesus submits to his parents
  • Jesus submission to God begins to overtake his
    submission to his parents.

III. Preparation for Jesus Ministry
  • Johns role? Luke 34-6 To prepare the way.
    Isaiah 403-5 (note all mankind will see Gods
  • Johns message? Luke 37-14 Repent. Parallels
    with the Sermon on the Mount.
  • Johns sign? Jesus will baptize with the Holy

Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus
  • Luke emphasizes the descent of the Holy Spirit.
    (Luke 322)
  • To Luke, the baptism (when he received the Holy
    Spirit) is the beginning of Jesus ministry (Luke
  • Lukes genealogy (unlike Matthews)
  • 1. Begins with Adam, not Abraham (to emphasize
    the universal nature of his ministry)
  • 2. Goes through Joseph, not Mary

Temptation of Jesus
  • Final preparation for Jesus public ministry.
  • An essential part of his preparation (Hebrews
    415, Hebrews 217-18)
  • Where the first Adam failed, the second Adam
    overcame temptation, thus qualifying himself to
    be the Savior of all.

IV. Jesus Galilean Ministry
  • Luke 414 Jesus returns to Galilee in the power
    of the Spirit.
  • Luke 416-30 Jesus first sermon (in Luke,
  • Q What will the message of his first sermon be?

Jesus Brings Good NewsLuke 418-19 Isaiah 611-2
  • 1. Good news for the poor
  • 2. Freedom for prisoners
  • 3. Healing for the sick.
  • 4. Release the oppressed.
  • 5. The favor of the Lord.
  • Jesus Today this Scripture is
  • fulfilled in your hearing

The Peoples Response
  • Luke 422 Amazed What happened to the kid we
    knew growing up?
  • Jesus (not impressed) The Gentiles will be saved
    before you!
  • Luke 428 Furious...
  • This incident is a foreshadow of his entire
    ministry and death of Jesus of Nazareth.

Luke 431-44 Jesus fulfills Isaiah 611-2
  • Jesus frees the prisoners (Luke 431-37)
  • Jesus heals the sick (Luke 438-44, 512-14,
  • Jesus releases the oppressed (Luke 441)
  • Jesus proclaims the Lords favor (Luke 443)
  • All this is used to point to the breaking out of
    the Kingdom of God (Luke 443)

Prayer and Power
  • Luke 321-22 Jesus was praying and the Holy
    Spirit descended on him.
  • Luke 41 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit
  • Luke 414 in the power of the Spirit
  • Luke 442 At daybreak Jesus went out to a
    solitary place. (after healing a lot of people)
  • Luke 515 Many healings, lots of prayer.
  • Luke 517 And the power of the Lord was present
    for him to heal the sick.
  • Luke 619 Power was coming from him and he was
    healing them all.

Luke 51-11, 27-31 Jesus Calls the Disciples
  • Luke records the miraculous catch of fish (unlike
    Mark and Matthew)
  • Jesus chooses ordinary
  • men.
  • What does a disciple do?
  • They leave everything.
  • (Luke 511)
  • They catch men.
  • (Luke 510)

Luke 527-32 Jesus Calls Sinners to be His
  • Jesus calls Levi (Matthew)
  • Who is Jesus hanging out with? The Pharisees?
  • A crowd of tax-collectors
  • Luke 531 Good news for (those who admit that
    they are) sinners.

Opposition to the Son of God
  • Luke 428-30 (after telling them that God will
    show favor to Gentiles) Tried to kill him
  • Luke 521 (after healing a paralytic man and
    claiming to be able to forgive sins) Accused of
  • Luke 530-32 (after a banquet at Levis house)
    A friend of sinners.
  • Luke 611 (after healing on the Sabbath). They
    were furious with rage and began to discuss what
    they might do to Jesus (ie. how to kill him).

Who Will Be in the Kingdom?The Poor, the
Despised and the Outcast
  • An outsidera Centurionhas more faith than
    anyone in Israel (Luke 71-10)
  • A poor widows son is raised from the dead
  • A prostitute is praised (Luke 736-50)
  • Luke 189-14 Parable of the Pharisee and the tax
  • Luke 1511-32 the Prodigal Son
  • Luke 191-10 Zacchaeus
  • Luke 2339-43 Repentant thief on the cross
  • Those who have been forgiven much love much and
    those who think they need little forgiveness love
    little (Luke 747)

The Poor are Saved Before the Rich
  • The rich fool Luke 1213-21
  • Invite the poor, the lame and the blind to your
    banquets. Luke 1412-13
  • The Pharisees sin? They are lovers of money Luke
  • The Parable of the rich man and Lazarus Luke

The Samaritans are Preferred to the Jews
  • James and John rebuked for calling fire down on a
    Samaritan village Luke 951-16
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 1029-37
  • The only leper who returns to thank Jesus is a
    Samaritan Luke 1711-19

Women Come Into the Kingdom Before Men
  • Luke lists 13 women not mentioned in the other
  • Women with great faith
  • Elizabeth
  • Mary
  • Ana
  • Widow of Nain Luke 712-15
  • Woman who anoints Jesus feet Luke 736-50

Jesus and Women
  • Women supported Jesus financially Luke 81-3
  • Woman healed of bleeding Luke 843-48
  • Mary and Martha Luke 1038-42
  • Crippled woman healed on the Sabbath Luke
  • The poor widow Luke 211-4
  • Women were the chief witnesses and comforters of
    Jesus at the crucifixion Luke 2349
  • Women were the first to witness the resurrection
    Luke 2355-2411

Jesus Announces the Coming of the Kingdom
  • Luke 533-39 New wineskin. Luke 539 And no
    one after drinking the old wine wants the new,
    for he says, The old is better.
  • Luke 61-10 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. The
    coming of the Kingdom is much more important than
    the Sabbath.

Luke 617-49The Sermon on the Level Place
  • Luke 6 17-49 Radical Kingdom Ethics.
  • Theme In the Kingdom of God there will be a
    radical kind of love and righteousness which will
    greatly exceed that required by the Law of Moses.
  • Who is blessed in the Kingdom of God?
  • The poor.
  • The hungry.
  • The sorrowful.
  • The persecuted.
  • This matches Lukes theme perfectly!
  • What is valuable in the Kingdom
  • is despised in the world

The Upside-down Kingdom of God
  • 624 the rich already have their
  • 625a the well fed will go spiritually
  • 625b those who laugh will mourn
  • 626 those well thought of will be at the
  • 627-36 Jesus spells out the upside-down
    kingdom ethic.
  • Love your enemies 627-36
  • Praise those who curse you
  • Give to those who take from you
  • Luke 636 In doing these things you will simply
    be acting like God.

Luke 7 Jesus Practices What He Just Preached
  • Luke 71-9 Jesus praises an outsidera
  • Luke 711-17 Jesus raises the son of a poor
  • Luke 736-50 Jesus praises and forgives a sinful

Luke 7 (and elsewhere) Who is Jesus?
  • Luke 421 He is the prophesied Messiah.
  • Luke 716-17 A great prophet (because of his
  • Luke 718-35 The prophesied Messiah
  • Luke 828 Who is it who commands even the winds
    and the water?
  • Luke 99 Herod Antipas Who is this?
  • At the end of the Galilean ministry, we find out
    who Jesus is. Luke 918-27.
  • This announcement is the culmination of his
    ministry and the thing which launches his journey
    to Jerusalem.

Oops! We got ahead of ourselvesLuke 8
Harbingers of the Kingdom
  • 1. Parable of the Sower Luke 81-15
  • 2. Jesus spiritual family Luke 819-21
  • 3. Jesus calms the storm Jesus Lord of nature
    Luke 822-25
  • 4. Healing of Legion Jesus Lord over spiritual
    relams Luke 826-39
  • 5. Healing of the woman with bleeding
    Healing as compassion Luke 840-56

Luke 928-51Transition to the Journey to
  • Luke 930 They spoke about his departure, which
    he was about to bring to fulfillment at
  • Luke 944 Listen carefully to what I am about
    to tell you The Son of Man is going to be
    betrayed into the hands of men.
  • Luke 951 Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.
  • The die is cast. The end is near. The Savior
    must due in Jerusalem.
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