Title: My European Vacation
1My European Vacation
Alta, Norway
Paris, France
Pamplona, Spain
Sofia, Bulgaria
Pisa, Italy
3Alta, Norway
Site Rock Carvings at Alta The Rock Carvings at
Alta are part of an archeological site near the
town of Alta.
Cuisine Krumkake A Norwegian waffle cookie made
of flour, butter, eggs, sugar, and cream.
Souvenir Lusekofte Hat The lusekofte is a
traditional Norwegian sweater (can be hats too),
dating from the 19th century.
4Sofia, Bulgaria
Cuisine Garash Cake Garash is a type of
chocolate cake very popular in Bulgarian cuisine.
Site/Landmark Sofia Zoological Garden Bulgarias
oldest and largest zoological garden.
Souvenir Martenitsa Martenitsa is a small piece
of adornment, made of white and red yarn and worn
on March 1st until around the end of March
5Paris, France
Cuisine Éclair (pastry) An éclair is a long thin
pastry made with choux dough filled with a cream
and topped with icing.
Site/Landmark Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower is
a 19th century iron lattice tower.
Souvenir French Wine French Wine is produced in
several regions throughout France in quantities
between 7-8 billion bottles per year.
6Pamplona, Spain
Cuisine Churro Churros, sometimes referred to a
Spanish doughnut, are fried-dough pastry-based
snacks, sometimes made from potato dough, that
originated in Spain.
Event Running of the Bulls Running of the Bulls
is a practice that involves running in front of
six bulls that have been let loose, on a course
of a sectioned-off subset of a towns streets.
Souvenir Flamenco Guitar A Flamenco guitar is a
variant of a classical guitar built for the
purpose of playing flamenco music.
7Pisa, Italy
Site/Landmark Leaning Tower of Pisa The Leaning
Tower of Pisa is the freestanding bell tower, of
the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa.
Cuisine Tiramisu Tiramisu is one of the most
popular Italian cakes.
Souvenir Capodimonte porcelain Capodimonte
porcelain is a porcelain created by the
Capodimonte porcelain manufactory, which was
established in Naples in 1743.