LGBs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LGBs & Alcohol/Drug Misuse Jan Bridget Lesbian Information Service Gay and Lesbian Youth in Calderdale U.S.A. All Ages (1) Early research higher levels of alcohol ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LGBs

LGBs Alcohol/Drug Misuse
  • Jan Bridget
  • Lesbian Information Service
  • Gay and Lesbian Youth in Calderdale

U.S.A. All Ages (1)
  • Early research higher levels of alcohol/drug use
    and abuse among the LGB population than het.
  • Early research reliant on contacting LGB people
    via gay bars which could account for high levels
    of use.
  • Difficult to make comparisons because of problems
    with definitions of use and abuse, sexual
  • Appears to be greater abuse of alcohol among
    lesbians than het. women gay men seem to have
    similar levels of consumption as het. men.
  • Some studies suggest little difference between
    lesbians and heterosexual women.

USA All Ages (2)
  • Many others found higher levels of use and abuse
    among lesbian and bisexual women.
  • Rate of drinking among lesbians not decline with
    age like the general population.
  • Even comparing lesbians and het. women who abused
    alcohol, lesbians had more difficulties relating
    to consumption and greater alcohol-related
  • There are higher levels of drug use among gay men
    than heterosexual men.

U.S.A. Youth
  • Many studies have found LGB young people to be
    significantly more likely to use alcohol and
    drugs, in particular hard drugs, than
    heterosexual young people.
  • Some studies have found little differences
    between young gay men and young heterosexual men
    but higher levels of consumption by bisexual
    young men and higher levels among young lesbian
    and bisexual women than heterosexual young women
    bisexual young women seem to be the most
  • Young LGB people who have been bullied at school
    are more likely to abuse substances.
  • Some studies have found higher levels of more
    serious drug use among young gay and bisexual men.

Elsewhere All Ages
  • Swedish study found higher levels of alcohol use
    among lesbians than heterosexual women but not
    among gay men.
  • Australian study found higher levels of alcohol
    and drug use among LGBQ population than
    heterosexual population.
  • Norwegian survey found higher levels of alcohol
    use among lesbian and gay population than
    heterosexual population

Australia, 2010
  • 33 smoked tobacco, much higher proportion than
    women in general community smoking most common
    in 16-24 year olds (43)
  •  86 used alcohol 55 consumed more than the
    recommended guidelines to reduce lifetime risk of
    alcohol related disease or injury 28 drank at
    levels likely to put them at risk of
    alcohol-related injury on a single drinking
    occasion. Risky drinking was higher than in the
    general community
  • In the preceding six months, 49 had used one or
    more illicit drugs including cannabis (36),
    ecstasy (18) and speed (16). Rates of drug use
    were much higher than in the general community

Elsewhere Youth
  • Australian study found young lesbians more likely
    than heterosexual young women to use alcohol
  • Norwegian study found young lesbian and gays
    twice as likely as heterosexual youth to use
    illegal drugs.
  • Another Australian survey found LGB young people
    more likely than heterosexual young people to use
    illegal drugs, this was particularly noticeable
    among young lesbians and bisexual women.
  • A further Australian study found higher levels of
    binge drinking and injected drug use among LGB
    young people than among heterosexual youth.

Britain All Ages
  • Whilst there have been several drug surveys which
    show significant use of illegal drugs among the
    LGB population, few compare consumption levels
    with heterosexuals.
  • Several surveys have found higher levels of
    alcohol use among lesbians than heterosexual
  • A study in north west England found higher levels
    of illegal drug use among gay men than among
    heterosexual population.

King McKeown (2003) 656 gay men, 505 het men
430 lesbians, 588 het women 85 bi men, 113 bi
women urban areas England /Wales
  • AUDIT scale, similar levels of alcohol misuse
    among gay men (9.17), heterosexual men (9.24) and
    bisexual men (9.41)
  • significantly higher levels of alcohol misuse
    among lesbians (8.09) and bisexual women (8.58)
    than among heterosexual women (6.46)
  • higher levels of recreational drug use among gay
    men (52) and bisexual men (64) than among
    heterosexual men (45) within the past month
  • higher levels of recreational drug use among gay
    men (77) and bisexual men (74) than among
    heterosexual men (72) ever
  • higher levels of recreational drug use among
    lesbians (44) and bisexual women (52) than
    among heterosexual women (33) within the past
  • higher levels of recreational drug use among
    lesbians (79) and bisexual women (84) than
    among heterosexual women (60) ever

Stonewall men, 2012
  • Two thirds of gay and bisexual men have smoked at
    some time in their life compared to half of men
    in general
  •  A quarter of gay and bisexual men currently
    smoke compared to 22 per cent of men in general
  •  More than two in five (42 per cent) gay and
    bisexual men drink alcohol on three or more days
    a week compared to 35 per cent of men in general
  •  Half of gay and bisexual men have taken drugs in
    the last year compared to just one in eight men
    in general

Stonewall women, 2011
  • Two thirds of lesbian and bisexual women have
    smoked compared to half of women in general just
    over a quarter currently smoke.
  • Nine in ten lesbian and bisexual women drink and
    40 per cent drink three times a week compared to
    a quarter of women in general.
  • Lesbian and bisexual women are five times more
    likely to have taken drugs over one in ten have
    taken cocaine, compared to three per cent of
    women in general.

Lesbian Gay Foundation 2012 4,000 LGBTs
  • over a fifth of respondents scored as dependent
    on a substance, and a quarter showed at least one
    indicator of dependency
  • 34 of gay and bisexual men and 29 of lesbian
    and bisexual women binge-drink at least one or
    twice a week, around twice as common than in the
    wider population
  • 35 of those surveyed had taken at least one
    illicit substance in the last month, which is
    around seven times more common than in the
    general population. 

Britain Youth
  • Bridget (1991) 20 young lesbian/bisexual women
    50 serious drink problems 50 used drugs
  • Mullen (1999) 169 young LGBs 22 more than
    recommended levels 15 thought problem 50 used
  • Bridget (2000) 22 young LGBs 21 used alcohol 6
    too much 16 get drunk 9 marijuana 4 hard drugs
  • Carolan Redmond (2003) 362 young LGBT (36
    female, 63 male)
  • 34 (n123) had experienced alcohol misuse 35
    (n81) male, 33 (n43) female increases
    significantly for transgender - 50 (n7)
  • 23 (n82) experienced drug misuse, 23 (n53)
    male, 22 (n29) female increases significantly
    for transgender 43 (n6)
  • Stonewall (2011) (2012) LGF (2012) all found
    problems greater amongst younger participants.
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