Title: Canoe Song
1Canoe Song
2My paddles keen and bright, flashing with
3Follow the wild goose flight. Dip, dip and
4Dip, dip and swing her back, flashing with
5Swift as the wild goose flies. Dip, dip and
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7My paddles keen and bright,
8flashing with silver. My paddles keen and
9Follow the wild goose flight.Flashing with
silver.My paddles keen and bright.
10Dip, dip and swing.Follow the wild goose
flight.Flashing with silver.My paddles keen
and bright.
11Dip, dip and swing her back, Dip, dip and
swing.Follow the wild goose flight.Flashing
with silver.
12flashing with silver, Dip, dip and swing her
back, Dip, dip and swing.Follow the wild goose
13Swift as the wild goose flies.Flashing with
silver. Dip, dip and swing her back, Dip, dip
and swing.
14 Dip, dip and swing.Swift as the wild goose
flies.Flashing with silver.Dip, dip and swing
her back.
15 Dip, dip and swing.Swift as the wild goose
flies.Flashing with silver.
16 Dip, dip and swing.Swift as the wild goose
17 Dip, dip and swing.
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