8 Standard poors Credit Ratings AAA Best credit quality-Extremely reliable with regard to financial obligations. AA Very good credit quality very reliable. A More susceptible to economic conditions - still good credit quality. BBB Lowest rating in investment grade. BB Caution is necessary Best sub- investment credit quality. B Vulnerable to changes in economic conditions- Currently showing the ability to meet its financial obligations CCC Currently vulnerable to nonpayment- Dependent on favorable economic conditions. CC Highly vulnerable to a payment default. C Close to or already bankrupt- payment on the obligation currently continued D Payment default on some financial obligation has actually occurred. 9
27 ????? ???????? ???? ??????? Margin requirement (percentage) Exposure against collateral (percentage) Sub nature of collateral Nature of collateral Nil 100 a. Same currency Cash deposits 10 to 5 90 to 95 b. Different currency 25 to 20 75 to 80 a. Plant machinery Fixed Assets 30 to 20 75 to 80 b. Land and building (for commercial as well as residential purpose 30 to 25 70 to 75 c. Vehicle 20 to 15 80 to 85 a. With banks Fixed deposits 25 to 15 75 to 85 b. National saving certificates 20 85 c. Government bonds 50 50 Marketable 28
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PowerShow.com is brought to you by CrystalGraphics, the award-winning developer and market-leading publisher of rich-media enhancement products for presentations. Our product offerings include millions of PowerPoint templates, diagrams, animated 3D characters and more.