Title: Dawn Bennett - An Investment Professional
1Dawn BennettAn Investment Professional
Dawn Bennett is a dedicated investment
professional in Washington, D.C. Throughout her
career, she has given interviews for a number of
publications, and has been a contributor on radio
programs and television shows. She is the
president and chief executive officer of Bennett
Group Financial Services, LLC, and is a Certified
Management Investment Analyst. Bennett provides
each of her customers with financial and
investment information.
2Dawn Bennett Bennett Group Financial Services
Dawn Bennett is the president and chief executive
officer of the Bennett Group Financial Services.
She graduated from the Wharton School Securities
Industry Institute and became a Certified
Management Investment Analyst. She is a renowned
financial professional, who strives to provide
her clients with an array of valuable services.
The professionals at Bennett Group Financial
Services, LLC help their clients obtain financial
security.Dawn Bennett is involved with a
non-profit organizations called Theyre Just
Kids. She is the president and chief executive
officer of Bennett Group Financial Services, LLC
and DJ Bennett Sporting Luxury. She created
Theyre Just Kids through these two companies.
3Dawn Bennett DJ Bennett Sporting Luxury
Dawn Bennett is the president and chief executive
officer of DJ Bennett Sporting Luxury. She is a
leading financial professional, who has
experience in business and financial management.
She used her education and her experience to
create a company that provides high end sporting
goods. Through DJ Bennett Sporting, she supports
a non-profit organization called Theyre Just
Kids as well.
4Dawn Bennett Financial Myth Busting
Dawn Bennett is an experienced financial
professional, who has been interviewed for print
publications as well as radio shows. She is the
host of Financial Myth Busting as well. The
radio show airs every Sunday in Washington D.C on
WMAL AM 630. She provides information about the
current economic climate. Bennett offers
information on investment choices as well as
financial management techniques.
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