Diapositiva 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositiva 1


Title: Diapositiva 1 Author: systems link International Last modified by: Soledad Bravo M. Created Date: 8/31/2006 11:30:34 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

SYNTHESIS es la siguiente generación en
productos electrónicos de información que va
mucho mas allá de los tradicionales journals y
libros. SYNTHESIS es un innovador servicio de
información para investigadores, profesionales y
estudiantes en áreas de computación.
Nuestros origenes
  • SYNTHESIS fue desarrollado por
    MorganClaypool, una nueva compañía fundada por
    editores profesionales con gran experiencia en el
    mundo de la investigación y producción editorial.
  • Nuestra misión en MC es crear la nueva
    generación productos de información digital que
    combina contenidos con el state of the art en
    áreas de computación, telecomunicaciones, e
    ingeniería eléctrica .

  • Que es y por que es diferente a
    las tradicionales bases datos de revistas?

  • es una biblioteca digital de
    documentos originales en investigación y
    desarrollo de la ingeniería y de la ciencia de la
  • es uno de los primeros ejemplos de la
    nueva generación de publicaciones que nacen
    digitalmente y que no son una conversión directa
    de los modelos impresos existentes.

Content, Structure, and Scope
  • The basic component of the library is a 50- to
    100-page electronic book that synthesizes an
    important research or development topic, authored
    by a prominent contributor to the field. We call
    these Lectures and believe that they offer unique
    value to the reader by providing more synthesis,
    analysis, and depth than typical research journal
    articles. They are also more modular and dynamic
    than traditional print or digital handbooks, such
    as collected volumes and monographs. We believe
    that they are ideal entry points to new areas for
    researchers, advanced developers, and students.

en detalle
  • SYNTHESIS is organized by series, each managed by
    a prominent consulting editor. The series editor
    oversees lecture topic and author selection as
    well as peer review to assure quality. SYNTHESIS
    launched in October 2005 with an initial
    selection of series in engineering and computer
    science. New titles in each series will be posted
    to the site as they become available.
  • Additional series and titles will be added and
    revised as necessary. This constant influx makes
    the library dynamic in a way that has never been
    achieved with existing print or electronic
    products. Over time, SYNTHESIS will grow to
    encompass the entire scope of its subject
    disciplines. Our goal is to create one of the
    largest and most complete compilations of
    knowledge in engineering and computer science.

  • SYNTHESIS is expected to be useful to a broad
    range of professionals, researchers, and
  • For the researcher, it provides an ideal
    introduction to new fields. This is an
    increasingly important benefit as science and
    engineering become more interdisciplinary.
  • For the practicing engineer, it provides a method
    of staying current on developments in research at
    university, corporate, and government labs.
  • For the professor and student, it provides a
    source of information on advanced topics that
    will be more accessible than the journal
    literature and that can be relied upon to be
    authoritative and complete.

Cobertura temática
Antennas and Propagation Series Editor
Constantine Balanis, Arizona State University
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Series Editors Ronald Brachman, Yahoo! Research
and Tom Dietterich, Oregon State University
Biomedical Engineering Series Editor John D.
Enderle, University of Connecticut Communication
Networks Series Editor Jean Walrand,
University of California, Berkeley
Communications Series Editor William
Tranter, Virginia Tech Computational
Electromagnetics Series Editor Constantine
Balanis, Arizona State University Computer
Architecture Series Editor Mark D. Hill,
University of Wisconsin Computer Graphics and
Animation Series Editor Brian Barsky,
University of California, Berkeley Control,
Robotics, and Automation Series Editor TBD
Digital Circuits and Systems Series Editor
Mitchell Thornton, Southern Methodist University
Engineers, Technology, and Society Series
Editor Caroline Baillie, Queens University,
Ontario Environmental Science and Engineering
Land Series Editor Kate Scow, University of
California, Davis Air Series Editor Deb
Niemeier, University of California, Davis
Water Series Editor George Tchobanoglous,
University of California, Davis
Image, Video and Multimedia Processing Series
Editor Al Bovik, University of Texas
Industrial Applications of Electrical
Engineering Series Editor Frede Blaabjerg,
Aalborg University Information Security,
Privacy, and Trust Series Editor Ravi Sandhu,
George Mason University Measurement and
Instrumentation Series Editor Ferdinanda
Ponci, University of South Carolina Mobile and
Pervasive Computing Series Editor Mahadev
Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University
Power Electronics Series Editor Jerry
Hudgins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Power
Systems and Energy Series Editor S. Mark
Halpin, Auburn University RF/Microwaves
Series Editors Linda Katehi, Purdue University
and Joy Laskar, Georgia Tech Signal Processing
Series Editor Jose Moura, Carnegie Mellon
University Solid State Materials and Devices
Series Editor Sanjay Banerjee, University of
Texas Speech and Audio Processing Series
Editor BH Juang, Georgia Tech
  • El alcance y extensión de las lectures, las
    convierten en una fuente eficiente para los
    profesionales de RD (Investigación y Desarrollo)
    o para estudiantes complete el cubrimiento
    sucinto de temas avanzados en campos de rápido
  • Acceso PERPETUO al año suscripto.
  • Licencia con acceso ilimitado validado por IP
  • Enlaces a través de CrossRef y de OpenURL, le
    permiten al lector acceder a referencias en línea
    para un estudio mas profundo
  • Fácil acceso por medio de historiales MARC,
    búsquedas en Google, e índices tradicionales
  • Interfase intuitiva acogedora con una licencia
    institucional flexible y con estadísticas de uso
  • Brinda búsquedas simples y avanzadas con la
    habilidad de personalizar y guardar los
  • El servicio de alertas vía e-mail notifica las
    nuevas lectures y nuevos resultados basados en
    los ya guardados
  • Muchas lectures incluirán mejoras como
    animaciones, códigos y audio.

Para mayor información y Ventas de SYNTHESIS en
Latino America y el Caribe
Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay alicia.miceli_at_sys
temsint.info Brazil licia.britto_at_systemsint.info
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and
Bolivia gloria.arias_at_systemsint.info Mexico ara
celi.galicia_at_systemsint.info Chile systems.chil
e_at_systemsint.info The Caribbean ruben.omar_at_syste
systems link International
Headquarters Tel.
(1) 305-826 6191 Fax (1) 305-826 6195 E-mail
biblioteca_at_systemsint.info Web
systemsint.info Regional Office Latin America
and the Caribbean Tel. (571) 617 84 52 Email
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